BlackRock Simplifies Investor Access to Liquid Alternatives with Managed Futures ETF
BlackRock has launched the iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (CBOE: ISMF), expanding its active ETF platform. The new ETF leverages BlackRock's $306 billion Systematic investment platform to provide a liquid alternative strategy focused on trend-following signals across asset classes.
Managed by Jeffrey Rosenberg, Richard Mathieson, and Stephanie Lee, ISMF aims to serve as both a portfolio hedge against market weakness and a diversifier through investments in non-traditional assets, including futures and derivatives. The strategy employs dynamic risk-management systems and trend-following quantitative models to adapt to market conditions.
The launch comes as the Managed Futures ETF category has seen significant growth, with assets more than tripling to over $3.3 billion since 2021. The new ETF adds to BlackRock's $41 billion active ETF platform, offering investors access to differentiated, counter-cyclical returns through the ETF wrapper.
BlackRock ha lanciato l'iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (CBOE: ISMF), espandendo la sua piattaforma di ETF attivi. Il nuovo ETF sfrutta la piattaforma d'investimento sistematica da 306 miliardi di dollari di BlackRock per fornire una strategia alternativa liquida focalizzata sui segnali di trend-following attraverso le classi di attivi.
Gestito da Jeffrey Rosenberg, Richard Mathieson e Stephanie Lee, l'ISMF mira a fungere sia da copertura del portafoglio contro la debolezza del mercato sia da diversificatore attraverso investimenti in attivi non tradizionali, inclusi futures e derivati. La strategia impiega sistemi di gestione del rischio dinamici e modelli quantitativi di trend-following per adattarsi alle condizioni di mercato.
Il lancio avviene in un momento in cui la categoria degli ETF Managed Futures ha visto una crescita significativa, con attivi che sono più che triplicati a oltre 3,3 miliardi di dollari dal 2021. Il nuovo ETF si aggiunge alla piattaforma di ETF attivi da 41 miliardi di dollari di BlackRock, offrendo agli investitori accesso a rendimenti differenziati e contro-ciclici attraverso il wrapper ETF.
BlackRock ha lanzado el iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (CBOE: ISMF), ampliando su plataforma de ETF activos. El nuevo ETF aprovecha la plataforma de inversión sistemática de BlackRock, que cuenta con 306 mil millones de dólares, para proporcionar una estrategia alternativa líquida centrada en señales de seguimiento de tendencias a través de clases de activos.
Gestionado por Jeffrey Rosenberg, Richard Mathieson y Stephanie Lee, el ISMF tiene como objetivo servir tanto como cobertura de cartera contra la debilidad del mercado como diversificador a través de inversiones en activos no tradicionales, incluyendo futuros y derivados. La estrategia emplea sistemas de gestión de riesgos dinámicos y modelos cuantitativos de seguimiento de tendencias para adaptarse a las condiciones del mercado.
El lanzamiento se produce en un momento en que la categoría de ETF de Futuros Gestionados ha visto un crecimiento significativo, con activos que se han más que triplicado a más de 3.3 mil millones de dólares desde 2021. El nuevo ETF se suma a la plataforma de ETF activos de 41 mil millones de dólares de BlackRock, ofreciendo a los inversores acceso a rendimientos diferenciados y contracíclicos a través del envoltorio ETF.
블랙록이 iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (CBOE: ISMF)를 출시하며 액티브 ETF 플랫폼을 확장했습니다. 새로운 ETF는 블랙록의 3,060억 달러 규모의 시스템 투자 플랫폼을 활용하여 자산 클래스 전반의 트렌드 추적 신호에 초점을 맞춘 유동적인 대안 전략을 제공합니다.
제프리 로젠버그, 리차드 매시슨, 스테파니 리가 관리하는 ISMF는 시장 약세에 대한 포트폴리오 헤지 역할과 비전통 자산에 대한 투자를 통한 다각화 역할을 동시에 수행하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 전략은 시장 조건에 적응하기 위해 동적 리스크 관리 시스템과 트렌드 추적 정량 모델을 사용합니다.
이번 출시는 2021년 이후 Managed Futures ETF 카테고리가 33억 달러 이상으로 3배 이상 성장한 가운데 이루어졌습니다. 새로운 ETF는 블랙록의 410억 달러 규모의 액티브 ETF 플랫폼에 추가되어 투자자들에게 ETF 포장지를 통해 차별화된 역주행 수익에 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
BlackRock a lancé l'iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (CBOE: ISMF), élargissant ainsi sa plateforme d'ETF actifs. Le nouvel ETF exploite la plateforme d'investissement systématique de BlackRock, qui s'élève à 306 milliards de dollars, pour fournir une stratégie alternative liquide axée sur les signaux de suivi de tendance à travers les classes d'actifs.
Géré par Jeffrey Rosenberg, Richard Mathieson et Stephanie Lee, l'ISMF vise à servir à la fois de couverture de portefeuille contre la faiblesse du marché et de diversificateur grâce à des investissements dans des actifs non traditionnels, y compris les futures et les dérivés. La stratégie utilise des systèmes de gestion des risques dynamiques et des modèles quantitatifs de suivi de tendance pour s'adapter aux conditions du marché.
Ce lancement intervient à un moment où la catégorie des ETF de Futuros Gérés a connu une croissance significative, avec des actifs ayant plus que triplé à plus de 3,3 milliards de dollars depuis 2021. Le nouvel ETF vient s'ajouter à la plateforme d'ETF actifs de 41 milliards de dollars de BlackRock, offrant aux investisseurs un accès à des rendements différenciés et contre-cycliques grâce à l'enveloppe ETF.
BlackRock hat den iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (CBOE: ISMF) gestartet und damit seine aktive ETF-Plattform erweitert. Der neue ETF nutzt die systematische Investmentplattform von BlackRock im Wert von 306 Milliarden Dollar, um eine liquide alternative Strategie anzubieten, die sich auf Trendfolgesignale über verschiedene Anlageklassen konzentriert.
Geleitet von Jeffrey Rosenberg, Richard Mathieson und Stephanie Lee, zielt ISMF darauf ab, sowohl als Portfolioabsicherung gegen Marktschwäche als auch als Diversifikator durch Investitionen in nicht-traditionelle Vermögenswerte, einschließlich Futures und Derivaten, zu fungieren. Die Strategie verwendet dynamische Risikomanagementsysteme und trendfolgende quantitative Modelle, um sich an die Marktbedingungen anzupassen.
Der Start erfolgt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem die Kategorie der Managed Futures ETFs ein signifikantes Wachstum verzeichnet hat, wobei die Vermögenswerte seit 2021 auf über 3,3 Milliarden Dollar mehr als verdreifacht wurden. Der neue ETF erweitert die aktive ETF-Plattform von BlackRock im Wert von 41 Milliarden Dollar und bietet den Anlegern Zugang zu differenzierten, gegenzyklischen Renditen durch die ETF-Hülle.
- Launch expands BlackRock's $41 billion active ETF platform
- Leverages established $306 billion Systematic investment platform
- Enters growing Managed Futures ETF market segment worth $3.3 billion
- Offers portfolio diversification through non-traditional assets
- None.
BlackRock's launch of the iShares Managed Futures Active ETF (ISMF) represents a strategic product expansion targeting the rapidly growing liquid alternatives segment. This move aligns perfectly with current market dynamics where investors increasingly seek uncorrelated returns amid heightened volatility.
The timing is particularly noteworthy as the Managed Futures ETF segment has
From a revenue perspective, this product likely carries higher fee potential than traditional passive ETFs, supporting BlackRock's strategic shift toward higher-margin active products amid industry-wide fee compression. While the immediate revenue impact will be modest relative to BlackRock's
This launch reinforces BlackRock's commitment to product innovation and demonstrates their ability to deploy sophisticated institutional-grade strategies in accessible formats. The counter-cyclical nature of managed futures strategies provides BlackRock an additional avenue for growth during volatile markets when traditional products may struggle.
Leverages the expertise of BlackRock’s pioneering
Employs disciplined long /short approach to seek differentiated sources of return across market cycles
“Managed Futures strategies have proven effective in delivering differentiated, counter-cyclical returns for investors over decades,” said Raffaele Savi, Global Head of BlackRock Systematic. “ISMF can help more investors hedge and diversify their portfolios, regardless of market conditions.”
Managed by Jeffrey Rosenberg, Richard Mathieson, and Stephanie Lee, ISMF harnesses the deep resources and capabilities of BlackRock’s
ISMF dually serves as a potential portfolio hedge against market weakness and as a diversifier by investing in non-traditional asset classes, including futures and derivatives, which have a tendency of low long-term correlation to traditional stocks and bonds across market cycles. The strategy’s dynamic risk-management systems and trend-following quantitative models allow ISMF to swiftly adjust to market conditions, offering the potential for counter-cyclical upside with a consistent risk profile, especially during periods of sustained market weakness.
“Investors are increasingly turning to BlackRock in their search for innovative ETF solutions that offer diversified sources of return,” said Jessica Tan, Head of
Managed Futures is an
ISMF bolsters BlackRock’s
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Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds' prospectuses or, if available, the summary prospectuses which may be obtained by visiting or Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.
This information should not be relied upon as research, investment advice, or a recommendation regarding any products, strategies, or any security in particular. This material is strictly for illustrative, educational, or informational purposes and is subject to change.
The Fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. The Fund may have a higher portfolio turnover than funds that seek to replicate the performance of an index.
Investing in commodity-linked derivatives and commodity-related companies may increase volatility. Price movements are outside of the Fund’s control and may be influenced by weather and climate conditions, livestock disease, war, terrorism, political conflicts and economic events, interest rates, currency and exchange rates, government regulation and taxation.
Commodity futures trading may be illiquid. In addition, suspensions or disruptions of market trading in the commodities markets and related futures markets may adversely affect the value of the Fund. The Fund is a commodity pool, as defined in the Commodity Exchange Act and the applicable regulations of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, or “CFTC,” and is managed by its Advisor, BlackRock Fund Advisors, a commodity pool operator registered with the CFTC.
The Fund's use of derivatives may reduce the Fund's returns and/or increase volatility and subject the Fund to counterparty risk, which is the risk that the other party in the transaction will not fulfill its contractual obligation. Commodity futures trading may be illiquid. In addition, suspensions or disruptions of market trading in the commodities markets and related futures markets may adversely affect the value of the Fund. Certain derivatives may give rise to a form of leverage and may expose the Fund to greater risk and increase its costs. To the extent that the Fund invests in rolling futures contracts, it may be subject to additional risk. An increase in interest rates may cause the value of fixed-income securities held by the Fund to decline.
International investing involves risks, including risks related to foreign currency, limited liquidity, less government regulation and the possibility of substantial volatility due to adverse political, economic or other developments. These risks often are heightened for investments in emerging/developing markets or in concentrations of single countries.
Diversification and asset allocation may not protect against market risk or loss of principal. Alternative investments present the opportunity for significant losses and some alternative investments have experienced periods of extreme volatility. Alternative investments may be less liquid than investments in traditional securities.
Prepared by BlackRock Investments, LLC, member FINRA.
©2025 BlackRock, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. BLACKROCK and iSHARES are trademarks of BlackRock, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are those of their respective owners.
1 BlackRock, as of 12/31/2024.
2 For category assets: Morningstar, January 31, 2025. The Morningstar Category is technically called Systematic Trend. Within the industry, “managed futures” is synonymous parlance. For managed futures ETF assets: Bloomberg, February 28, 2025.
3 BlackRock, as of 03/10/2025.
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Joanna Yau
Source: BlackRock