BlackRock and Santander Expand Partnership for Private Asset Financing

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BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) and Santander have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand their partnership in private asset financing. Under this agreement, funds and accounts managed by BlackRock will invest up to $1 billion per year in select project finance, energy finance, and infrastructure debt investment opportunities with Santander through structured transaction formats.

This expansion follows an initial transaction where BlackRock-managed funds agreed to provide financing on a $600 million diversified portfolio of infrastructure credit from Santander. The partnership aims to provide long-term, flexible capital to support Santander's project finance growth while offering BlackRock clients access to attractive, differentiated investment opportunities.

BlackRock's private debt franchise, valued at $86 billion, offers flexible financing solutions to global financial institutions and corporate relationships. The firm has established a leading position in the infrastructure debt market, focusing on sourcing, structuring, and managing client assets with income generation potential.

BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) e Santander hanno firmato un memorandum d'intesa (MoU) per espandere la loro partnership nel finanziamento di attivi privati. In base a questo accordo, i fondi e i conti gestiti da BlackRock investiranno fino a 1 miliardo di dollari all'anno in opportunità selezionate di finanziamento di progetti, finanziamento energetico e investimenti in debito infrastrutturale con Santander attraverso formati di transazione strutturati.

Questa espansione segue una transazione iniziale in cui i fondi gestiti da BlackRock hanno concordato di fornire finanziamenti su un portafoglio diversificato di crediti infrastrutturali da 600 milioni di dollari. La partnership mira a fornire capitale a lungo termine e flessibile per supportare la crescita del finanziamento di progetti di Santander, offrendo nel contempo ai clienti di BlackRock accesso a opportunità di investimento attraenti e differenziate.

La divisione di debito privato di BlackRock, valutata 86 miliardi di dollari, offre soluzioni di finanziamento flessibili a istituzioni finanziarie globali e relazioni aziendali. L'azienda ha stabilito una posizione di rilievo nel mercato del debito infrastrutturale, concentrandosi sull'acquisizione, strutturazione e gestione degli attivi dei clienti con potenziale di generazione di reddito.

BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) y Santander han firmado un memorándum de entendimiento (MoU) para expandir su asociación en el financiamiento de activos privados. Según este acuerdo, los fondos y cuentas gestionados por BlackRock invertirán hasta 1 mil millones de dólares al año en oportunidades selectas de financiación de proyectos, financiación energética e inversiones en deuda de infraestructura con Santander a través de formatos de transacción estructurados.

Esta expansión sigue a una transacción inicial en la que los fondos gestionados por BlackRock acordaron proporcionar financiamiento sobre un portafolio diversificado de crédito de infraestructura de 600 millones de dólares. La asociación tiene como objetivo proporcionar capital flexible y a largo plazo para apoyar el crecimiento de la financiación de proyectos de Santander, al mismo tiempo que ofrece a los clientes de BlackRock acceso a oportunidades de inversión atractivas y diferenciadas.

La franquicia de deuda privada de BlackRock, valorada en 86 mil millones de dólares, ofrece soluciones de financiamiento flexibles a instituciones financieras globales y relaciones corporativas. La firma ha establecido una posición de liderazgo en el mercado de deuda de infraestructura, centrándose en la obtención, estructuración y gestión de activos de clientes con potencial de generación de ingresos.

BlackRock (NYSE: BLK)와 Santander는 사모 자산 금융에서 파트너십을 확장하기 위한 양해각서(MoU)를 체결했습니다. 이 협정에 따라 BlackRock이 관리하는 펀드와 계좌는 Santander와 함께 구조화된 거래 형식을 통해 선택된 프로젝트 금융, 에너지 금융 및 인프라 채무 투자 기회에 연간 최대 10억 달러를 투자할 것입니다.

이번 확장은 BlackRock이 관리하는 펀드가 Santander의 인프라 신용에 대한 6억 달러의 다양화된 포트폴리오에 대한 자금 조달을 제공하기로 합의했던 초기 거래에 이어 이루어진 것입니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 Santander의 프로젝트 금융 성장을 지원하기 위해 장기적이고 유연한 자본을 제공하는 동시에 BlackRock 고객에게 매력적이고 차별화된 투자 기회에 접근할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

BlackRock의 사모 채무 부문은 860억 달러로 평가되며, 글로벌 금융 기관과 기업 관계에 유연한 금융 솔루션을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 수익 창출 가능성이 있는 고객 자산의 조달, 구조화 및 관리를 중심으로 인프라 채무 시장에서 선도적인 위치를 확립했습니다.

BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) et Santander ont signé un mémorandum d'accord (MoU) pour élargir leur partenariat dans le financement d'actifs privés. Dans le cadre de cet accord, les fonds et comptes gérés par BlackRock investiront jusqu'à 1 milliard de dollars par an dans des opportunités sélectionnées de financement de projets, de financement énergétique et d'investissements en dettes d'infrastructure avec Santander via des formats de transaction structurés.

Cette expansion fait suite à une transaction initiale où les fonds gérés par BlackRock ont accepté de fournir un financement sur un portefeuille diversifié de crédits d'infrastructure de 600 millions de dollars provenant de Santander. Le partenariat vise à fournir un capital flexible et à long terme pour soutenir la croissance du financement de projets de Santander, tout en offrant aux clients de BlackRock un accès à des opportunités d'investissement attrayantes et différenciées.

La franchise de dette privée de BlackRock, évaluée à 86 milliards de dollars, offre des solutions de financement flexibles aux institutions financières mondiales et aux relations d'entreprise. L'entreprise a établi une position de leader sur le marché de la dette d'infrastructure, en se concentrant sur la recherche, la structuration et la gestion des actifs des clients avec un potentiel de génération de revenus.

BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) und Santander haben ein Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) unterzeichnet, um ihre Partnerschaft im Bereich der privaten Vermögensfinanzierung auszubauen. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung werden von BlackRock verwaltete Fonds und Konten bis zu 1 Milliarde US-Dollar pro Jahr in ausgewählte Projektfinanzierungen, Energiefinanzierungen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Infrastruktur-Schulden bei Santander investieren, und zwar über strukturierte Transaktionsformate.

Diese Erweiterung folgt einer ersten Transaktion, bei der Fonds von BlackRock zugestimmt haben, eine Finanzierungszusage für ein diversifiziertes Portfolio von Infrastrukturkrediten in Höhe von 600 Millionen US-Dollar von Santander bereitzustellen. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Santander langfristiges, flexibles Kapital zur Unterstützung des Wachstums der Projektfinanzierung bereitzustellen, während sie den BlackRock-Kunden Zugang zu attraktiven, differenzierten Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

Das private Schuldenprogramm von BlackRock, das auf 86 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt wird, bietet flexibles Finanzierungsangebote für globale Finanzinstitute und Unternehmensbeziehungen. Das Unternehmen hat eine führende Position im Bereich Infrastrukturverschuldung etabliert und konzentriert sich auf das Sourcing, die Strukturierung und das Management von Kundenanlagen mit Ertragspotenzial.

  • BlackRock to invest up to $1 billion annually in Santander's project finance opportunities
  • Expansion of partnership following a $600 million initial transaction
  • Access to attractive, differentiated investment opportunities for BlackRock clients
  • BlackRock's $86 billion private debt franchise offers flexible financing solutions
  • None.


This partnership between BlackRock and Santander represents a significant development in the private asset financing sector. The agreement to invest up to $1 billion annually in project finance, energy finance and infrastructure debt opportunities is substantial and could have far-reaching implications for both companies.

For BlackRock, this deal expands its already considerable $86 billion private debt franchise, potentially enhancing its ability to generate returns for clients through access to differentiated investment opportunities. The initial $600 million transaction sets a strong precedent for the partnership's potential.

From Santander's perspective, this agreement provides a mechanism for asset rotation and capital generation, which could strengthen its financial position and fuel profitable growth. The long-term nature of the partnership suggests a strategic alignment that could benefit both parties over time.

Investors should note that this type of partnership can lead to increased deal flow and potentially higher returns in the private debt space, which has become increasingly attractive in the current market environment. However, it's important to monitor how effectively BlackRock can deploy this capital and the quality of the assets it acquires through this channel.

The expansion of BlackRock and Santander's partnership into infrastructure debt is a significant move that aligns with global trends in infrastructure investment. This sector has seen growing interest due to its potential for stable, long-term returns and its role in economic development.

The $1 billion annual investment commitment is substantial and could have a meaningful impact on infrastructure project financing. This type of investment is important for developing and maintaining critical infrastructure assets, which often require large capital outlays and long-term financing solutions.

For investors, this partnership offers exposure to a diverse range of infrastructure projects through a structured approach. The involvement of two major financial institutions adds credibility and potentially reduces risk through their combined expertise in deal sourcing and risk assessment.

However, investors should be aware that infrastructure investments can be complex and subject to regulatory and political risks. The success of this venture will depend on the quality of projects selected and the ability to manage long-term commitments in various economic conditions.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) and Santander today announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) by which funds and accounts managed by BlackRock will invest up to US$1 billion per year in select project finance, energy finance, and infrastructure debt investment opportunities with Santander through structured transaction formats.

The agreement follows an initial transaction whereby funds and accounts managed by BlackRock agreed to provide financing on a US$600 million diversified portfolio of infrastructure credit from Santander.

“We are pleased to expand our longstanding relationship with Santander through this agreement, which will provide long-term, flexible capital on a recurring basis to support the growth of its project finance franchise. At the same time, this agreement will provide further access to attractive, differentiated investment opportunities for our clients now and over the long term,” said Gary Shedlin, Vice Chairman, BlackRock.

“This framework agreement with BlackRock will allow us to continue to proactively rotate our assets, further strengthening our financial position and allowing us to generate capital for additional profitable growth. We look forward to working with BlackRock through this expanded partnership,” said Jose Garcia Cantera, Chief Financial Officer, Santander.

BlackRock’s US$86 billion private debt franchise provides differentiated, flexible and scalable financing solutions to a broad network of global financial institutions and corporate relationships. The firm has built one of the market’s leading infrastructure debt franchises, sourcing, structuring and managing client assets with the potential for income generation.

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Christopher Beattie

+1 646 231-8518

Source: BlackRock


What is the new agreement between BlackRock (BLK) and Santander?

BlackRock and Santander signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) where funds and accounts managed by BlackRock will invest up to $1 billion per year in select project finance, energy finance, and infrastructure debt investment opportunities with Santander through structured transaction formats.

How much did BlackRock (BLK) invest in Santander's infrastructure credit portfolio initially?

Prior to the new agreement, BlackRock-managed funds agreed to provide financing on a $600 million diversified portfolio of infrastructure credit from Santander.

What is the size of BlackRock's (BLK) private debt franchise?

BlackRock's private debt franchise is valued at $86 billion and provides differentiated, flexible and scalable financing solutions to global financial institutions and corporate relationships.

How will the partnership benefit Santander according to the announcement?

The partnership will allow Santander to proactively rotate their assets, strengthen their financial position, and generate capital for additional profitable growth.

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