Bridgeline’s AI-powered HawkSearch Awarded Moblico Partner of The Year

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Bridgeline Digital's AI search software HawkSearch has been named Moblico Partner of the Year, highlighting their collaboration in advancing mobile search technology for distributors. The integration of HawkSearch's AI capabilities with Moblico's platform enhances mobile engagement, optimizes real-time shopping experiences, and increases customer retention for distributors.

This partnership enables distributors to provide personalized customer experiences, leading to increased revenue and stronger market positioning. The recognition underscores Bridgeline's commitment to developing AI search solutions that empower customers to deliver relevant and personalized results, reinforcing its position in the AI and digital marketing ecosystem.

Ari Kahn, CEO of Bridgeline Digital, expressed pride in receiving the award and emphasized the company's dedication to innovation and delivering AI-powered solutions that meet the evolving needs of the digital marketing landscape.

Il software di ricerca AI di Bridgeline Digital HawkSearch è stato nominato Partner dell'Anno Moblico, evidenziando la loro collaborazione nel promuovere la tecnologia di ricerca mobile per i distributori. L'integrazione delle capacità AI di HawkSearch con la piattaforma Moblico migliora l'impegno mobile, ottimizza le esperienze di acquisto in tempo reale e aumenta la fidelizzazione dei clienti per i distributori.

Questa partnership consente ai distributori di fornire esperienze personalizzate per i clienti, portando a un aumento delle entrate e a una posizione di mercato più forte. Il riconoscimento sottolinea l'impegno di Bridgeline nello sviluppo di soluzioni di ricerca AI che permettano ai clienti di fornire risultati pertinenti e personalizzati, rafforzando la sua posizione nell'ecosistema AI e nel marketing digitale.

Ari Kahn, CEO di Bridgeline Digital, ha espresso orgoglio per aver ricevuto il premio e ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda verso l'innovazione e la fornitura di soluzioni potenziate dall'AI che soddisfano le esigenze in evoluzione del panorama del marketing digitale.

El software de búsqueda AI de Bridgeline Digital HawkSearch ha sido nombrado Socio del Año de Moblico, destacando su colaboración en la mejora de la tecnología de búsqueda móvil para distribuidores. La integración de las capacidades de IA de HawkSearch con la plataforma de Moblico mejora el compromiso móvil, optimiza las experiencias de compra en tiempo real y aumenta la retención de clientes para los distribuidores.

Esta asociación permite a los distribuidores ofrecer experiencias personalizadas para los clientes, lo que resulta en un aumento de ingresos y una posición de mercado más sólida. El reconocimiento subraya el compromiso de Bridgeline con el desarrollo de soluciones de búsqueda AI que permiten a los clientes ofrecer resultados relevantes y personalizados, reforzando su posición en el ecosistema de IA y marketing digital.

Ari Kahn, CEO de Bridgeline Digital, expresó su orgullo por recibir el premio y enfatizó la dedicación de la empresa a la innovación y a proporcionar soluciones impulsadas por IA que satisfacen las necesidades cambiantes del paisaje del marketing digital.

브리짓라인 디지털의 AI 검색 소프트웨어 호크서치모블리코 올해의 파트너로 선정되어 유통업체를 위한 모바일 검색 기술을 발전시키기 위한 협업을 강조했습니다. 호크서치의 AI 기능과 모블리코 플랫폼의 통합은 모바일 참여를 개선하고 실시간 쇼핑 경험을 최적화하며 유통업체의 고객 유지율을 높입니다.

이 파트너십은 유통업체가 개인화된 고객 경험을 제공할 수 있게 하여 수익 증가와 더 강한 시장 포지셔닝을 이끌어냅니다. 이 인식은 고객이 관련성 있는 개인화된 결과를 제공할 수 있도록 하는 AI 검색 솔루션 개발에 대한 브리짓라인의 헌신을 강조하며, AI 및 디지털 마케팅 생태계에서의 입지를 강화합니다.

아리 칸, 브리짓라인 디지털의 CEO는 수상을 자랑스럽게 생각하며, 변화하는 디지털 마케팅 환경의 요구를 충족시키는 AI 기반 솔루션을 제공하겠다는 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.

Le logiciel de recherche AI de Bridgeline Digital HawkSearch a été nommé Partenaire de l'Année Moblico, soulignant leur collaboration pour faire progresser la technologie de recherche mobile pour les distributeurs. L'intégration des capacités AI de HawkSearch avec la plateforme de Moblico améliore l'engagement mobile, optimise les expériences d'achat en temps réel et augmente la fidélisation de la clientèle pour les distributeurs.

Ce partenariat permet aux distributeurs de fournir des expériences client personnalisées, entraînant une augmentation des revenus et un positionnement sur le marché plus fort. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de Bridgeline à développer des solutions de recherche AI qui permettent aux clients de fournir des résultats pertinents et personnalisés, renforçant ainsi sa position dans l'écosystème AI et de marketing numérique.

Ari Kahn, PDG de Bridgeline Digital, a exprimé sa fierté d'avoir reçu ce prix et a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'innovation et la fourniture de solutions alimentées par l'IA qui répondent aux besoins évolutifs du paysage du marketing numérique.

Die AI-Suchsoftware von Bridgeline Digital HawkSearch wurde als Moblico Partner des Jahres ausgezeichnet, was die Zusammenarbeit zur Förderung der mobilen Suchtechnologie für Distributoren hervorhebt. Die Integration der AI-Funktionen von HawkSearch mit der Moblico-Plattform verbessert das mobile Engagement, optimiert die Einkaufserfahrung in Echtzeit und erhöht die Kundenbindung für Distributoren.

Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es Distributoren, personalisierte Kundenerlebnisse anzubieten, was zu höheren Einnahmen und einer stärkeren Marktposition führt. Die Anerkennung unterstreicht das Engagement von Bridgeline, AI-Suchlösungen zu entwickeln, die es den Kunden ermöglichen, relevante und personalisierte Ergebnisse zu liefern, und stärkt deren Position im AI- und Digital-Marketing-Ökosystem.

Ari Kahn, CEO von Bridgeline Digital, äußerte seinen Stolz über die Auszeichnung und betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für Innovation und die Bereitstellung von AI-unterstützten Lösungen, die den sich wandelnden Anforderungen der digitalen Marketinglandschaft gerecht werden.

  • HawkSearch named Moblico Partner of the Year, recognizing their collaboration in mobile search technology
  • Integration of HawkSearch's AI capabilities enhances mobile engagement and optimizes shopping experiences for distributors
  • Partnership enables personalized customer experiences, potentially leading to increased revenue for distributors
  • None.

WOBURN, Mass., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bridgeline Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLIN), a provider of AI-driven marketing technology, announced that its AI search software HawkSearch, has been named Moblico Partner of the Year. This accolade celebrates the partnership between Bridgeline and Moblico, recognizing their efforts in driving growth and innovation in mobile search technology for distributors.

Moblico’s integration of HawkSearch’s AI capabilities enhances mobile engagement for distributors, optimizing real-time shopping experiences and increasing customer retention. This collaboration allows distributors to provide personalized customer experiences, leading to increased revenue and stronger market positioning.

The recognition underscores Bridgeline’s dedication to advancing AI search solutions that empower customers to deliver relevant and personalized results, reinforcing its position as a key player in the AI and digital marketing ecosystem.

“We are proud to receive the Moblico Partner of the Year award,” said Ari Kahn, CEO of Bridgeline Digital. “Our partnership with Moblico reflects our commitment to innovation and delivering AI-powered solutions that respond to the needs of the digital marketing landscape. Together, we are setting new standards for mobile search technology.”

About Bridgeline Digital

Bridgeline helps companies grow online revenue by increasing traffic, conversion rates, and average order value. To learn more, please visit

Danielle Colvin
SVP of Marketing
Bridgeline Digital


What award did Bridgeline's HawkSearch receive from Moblico?

Bridgeline's AI-powered HawkSearch was awarded Moblico Partner of the Year, recognizing their collaboration in advancing mobile search technology for distributors.

How does the integration of HawkSearch benefit distributors using Moblico's platform?

The integration enhances mobile engagement, optimizes real-time shopping experiences, and increases customer retention for distributors, potentially leading to increased revenue and stronger market positioning.

What is the significance of this award for Bridgeline Digital (BLIN)?

The award underscores Bridgeline's dedication to advancing AI search solutions and reinforces its position as a key player in the AI and digital marketing ecosystem.

Who is the CEO of Bridgeline Digital mentioned in the press release?

Ari Kahn is mentioned as the CEO of Bridgeline Digital in the press release.

Bridgeline Digital Inc.


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