President Prabowo Inaugurates Pegadaian Gold Bank Service, BRI Group Optimistic in Strengthening the National Economy
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) announced the official inauguration of the Pegadaian Gold Bank Service by Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto. The initiative, involving BRI's subsidiary Pegadaian and Bank Syariah Indonesia, aims to contribute approximately IDR 245 trillion to Indonesia's GDP and create 1.8 million new jobs.
The Gold Bank program targets to utilize 1,800 tons of publicly-owned gold, with Pegadaian currently managing 90 tons and achieving a 35% year-over-year increase in sales to 9 tons in 2024. BRI's Gold Investment feature on the BRImo app, launched in February 2024, has recorded IDR 279.8 billion in transaction volume by December.
La Banca Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) ha annunciato l'inaugurazione ufficiale del Servizio Banca Oro Pegadaian da parte del Presidente indonesiano Prabowo Subianto. L'iniziativa, che coinvolge la sussidiaria di BRI Pegadaian e la Bank Syariah Indonesia, mira a contribuire con circa IDR 245 trilioni al PIL indonesiano e a creare 1,8 milioni di nuovi posti di lavoro.
Il programma Banca Oro punta a utilizzare 1.800 tonnellate di oro di proprietà pubblica, con Pegadaian che attualmente gestisce 90 tonnellate e raggiunge un aumento del 35% anno su anno nelle vendite, passando a 9 tonnellate nel 2024. La funzione di Investimento in Oro di BRI sull'app BRImo, lanciata a febbraio 2024, ha registrato un volume di transazioni di IDR 279,8 miliardi entro dicembre.
El Banco Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) anunció la inauguración oficial del Servicio de Banco de Oro Pegadaian por el presidente indonesio Prabowo Subianto. La iniciativa, que involucra a la subsidiaria de BRI Pegadaian y al Banco Islámico de Indonesia, tiene como objetivo contribuir aproximadamente con IDR 245 billones al PIB de Indonesia y crear 1.8 millones de nuevos empleos.
El programa del Banco de Oro busca utilizar 1,800 toneladas de oro de propiedad pública, con Pegadaian gestionando actualmente 90 toneladas y logrando un aumento del 35% interanual en las ventas, alcanzando las 9 toneladas en 2024. La función de Inversión en Oro de BRI en la aplicación BRImo, lanzada en febrero de 2024, ha registrado un volumen de transacciones de IDR 279.8 mil millones para diciembre.
PT 은행 라캇 인도네시아 (BBRI)는 인도네시아 대통령 프라보워 수비안토에 의해 페가다이안 골드 뱅크 서비스의 공식 개막을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 BRI의 자회사인 페가다이안과 인도네시아 이슬람은행이 참여하며, 약 IDR 245 조를 인도네시아의 GDP에 기여하고 180만 개의 새로운 일자리를 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
골드 뱅크 프로그램은 1,800톤의 공공 소유 금을 활용하는 것을 목표로 하며, 현재 페가다이안은 90톤을 관리하고 있으며 2024년까지 판매가 전년 대비 35% 증가하여 9톤에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 2024년 2월에 출시된 BRImo 앱의 BRI 금 투자 기능은 12월까지 IDR 279.8 억의 거래량을 기록했습니다.
La PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) a annoncé l'inauguration officielle du Service de Banque d'Or Pegadaian par le président indonésien Prabowo Subianto. L'initiative, impliquant la filiale de BRI Pegadaian et la Banque Islamique d'Indonésie, vise à contribuer environ IDR 245 trillions au PIB de l'Indonésie et à créer 1,8 million de nouveaux emplois.
Le programme de Banque d'Or vise à utiliser 1 800 tonnes d'or appartenant à l'État, Pegadaian gérant actuellement 90 tonnes et atteignant une augmentation de 35% d'une année sur l'autre des ventes pour atteindre 9 tonnes en 2024. La fonctionnalité d'Investissement en Or de BRI sur l'application BRImo, lancée en février 2024, a enregistré un volume de transactions de IDR 279,8 milliards d'ici décembre.
Die PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) hat die offizielle Einweihung des Pegadaian Gold Bank Service durch den indonesischen Präsidenten Prabowo Subianto angekündigt. Die Initiative, die die Tochtergesellschaft Pegadaian von BRI und die Bank Syariah Indonesia einbezieht, zielt darauf ab, etwa IDR 245 Billionen zum BIP Indonesiens beizutragen und 1,8 Millionen neue Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen.
Das Goldbank-Programm hat zum Ziel, 1.800 Tonnen öffentliches Gold zu nutzen, wobei Pegadaian derzeit 90 Tonnen verwaltet und einen 35%igen Anstieg im Jahresvergleich bei den Verkäufen auf 9 Tonnen im Jahr 2024 erzielt. Die Goldanlagefunktion von BRI in der BRImo-App, die im Februar 2024 gestartet wurde, hat bis Dezember ein Transaktionsvolumen von IDR 279,8 Milliarden verzeichnet.
- Expected IDR 245 trillion GDP contribution
- Creation of 1.8 million new jobs
- 35% YoY growth in gold sales to 9 tons
- IDR 279.8B transaction volume in BRImo Gold Investment
- Management of 90 tons of gold by Pegadaian
- None.
"I, Prabowo Subianto, President of the
President Prabowo Subianto expressed hope that the establishment of the Gold Bank could contribute to
The inauguration was also attended by key government and industry leaders, including Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Investment and Downstream Industry Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, and Governor of Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo.
In his report, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir highlighted that the Bullion Bank initiative aims to tap into 1,800 tons of gold owned by the public.
BRI President Director Sunarso emphasized BRI's confidence in the Gold Bank initiative, "As the parent of the Ultra Micro Holding, which includes Pegadaian and PNM, BRI is fully committed to supporting the success of this Gold Bank program."
Pegadaian President Director Damar Latri Setiawan also expressed optimism that the Gold Bank will accelerate economic growth. "Beyond pioneering the Gold Bank, this marks a new milestone where Pegadaian plays a key role in supporting the Asta Cita vision," Damar said.
As of 2024, Pegadaian managed 90 tons of gold, with sales reaching 9 tons, a
"Through the Gold Bank, BRI Group is optimistic about contributing to
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SOURCE PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI)
What is the expected GDP contribution of BBRI's Pegadaian Gold Bank Service?
How much gold does Pegadaian currently manage under BBRI?
What is the transaction volume of BBRI's Gold Investment feature on BRImo app?