KAYAK Launches WTF (What the Future) Travel Trend Report

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KAYAK has released its WTF (What the Future) travel trend report, analyzing data from over 9,000 survey respondents across 9 countries and billions of searches to predict travel trends through 2030. Key findings include:

- 36% of Americans would use AI for travel recommendations, with AI assistants expected to become more common by 2030
- 45% of Americans plan to 'city jump' visiting multiple cities per trip
- Wellness travel is surging, with pools being the top searched hotel amenity globally
- 43% of Americans have made travel purchases influenced by social media
- 36% prefer off-season travel to avoid crowds and save money
- Traditional loyalty programs are declining as 21% believe price comparison tools offer better value

The report identifies eight major trends: AI Agents, City Jumping, Vitamin T (wellness scores), Cosmetic-cations, Feedbooking, Low Intensity Trips, Virtual Voyages, and Spiritual Sidequests.

KAYAK ha pubblicato il suo rapporto sulle tendenze di viaggio WTF (What the Future), analizzando i dati di oltre 9.000 rispondenti a un sondaggio provenienti da 9 paesi e miliardi di ricerche per prevedere le tendenze di viaggio fino al 2030. Risultati chiave includono:

- Il 36% degli americani utilizzerebbe l'IA per raccomandazioni di viaggio, con assistenti IA che si prevede diventeranno più comuni entro il 2030
- Il 45% degli americani pianifica di 'saltare da città a città', visitando più città per viaggio
- Il viaggio benessere sta crescendo, con le piscine che risultano essere l'amenità alberghiera più cercata a livello globale
- Il 43% degli americani ha effettuato acquisti di viaggio influenzati dai social media
- Il 36% preferisce viaggiare in bassa stagione per evitare le folle e risparmiare denaro
- I programmi di fidelizzazione tradizionali sono in calo, poiché il 21% crede che gli strumenti di confronto prezzi offrano un valore migliore

Il rapporto identifica otto tendenze principali: Agenti IA, Salti tra città, Vitamina T (punteggi di benessere), Cosmeticazioni, Feedbooking, Viaggi a bassa intensità, Viaggi virtuali e Quest spirituali.

KAYAK ha publicado su informe de tendencias de viaje WTF (What the Future), analizando datos de más de 9.000 encuestados de 9 países y miles de millones de búsquedas para predecir las tendencias de viaje hasta 2030. Hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 36% de los estadounidenses utilizaría IA para recomendaciones de viaje, con asistentes de IA que se espera que sean más comunes para 2030
- El 45% de los estadounidenses planea hacer 'saltos entre ciudades', visitando múltiples ciudades por viaje
- El turismo de bienestar está en auge, con las piscinas siendo la amenidad hotelera más buscada a nivel global
- El 43% de los estadounidenses ha realizado compras de viaje influenciadas por las redes sociales
- El 36% prefiere viajar en temporada baja para evitar multitudes y ahorrar dinero
- Los programas de lealtad tradicionales están en declive, ya que el 21% cree que las herramientas de comparación de precios ofrecen un mejor valor

El informe identifica ocho tendencias principales: Agentes de IA, Saltos entre ciudades, Vitamina T (puntuaciones de bienestar), Cosmeticaciones, Feedbooking, Viajes de baja intensidad, Viajes virtuales y Búsquedas espirituales.

KAYAK는 9개국의 9,000명 이상의 설문 응답자로부터 데이터를 분석하고 수십억 건의 검색 데이터를 통해 2030년까지의 여행 트렌드를 예측한 WTF(What the Future) 여행 트렌드 보고서를 발표했습니다. 주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

- 미국인의 36%가 여행 추천을 위해 AI를 사용할 것이며, AI 어시스턴트는 2030년까지 더 일반화될 것으로 예상됩니다
- 미국인의 45%가 여러 도시를 방문하는 '도시 점프'를 계획하고 있습니다
- 웰니스 여행이 급증하고 있으며, 호텔에서 가장 많이 검색된 편의 시설은 수영장입니다
- 미국인의 43%가 소셜 미디어에 영향을 받아 여행 구매를 했습니다
- 36%는 인파를 피하고 돈을 절약하기 위해 비수기 여행을 선호합니다
- 전통적인 로열티 프로그램은 감소하고 있으며, 21%는 가격 비교 도구가 더 나은 가치를 제공한다고 믿습니다

이 보고서는 AI 에이전트, 도시 점프, 비타민 T(웰니스 점수), 화장품 휴가, 피드북킹, 저강도 여행, 가상 탐험, 영적 사이드퀘스트 등 8가지 주요 트렌드를 식별하고 있습니다.

KAYAK a publié son rapport sur les tendances de voyage WTF (What the Future), analysant les données de plus de 9.000 répondants à un sondage provenant de 9 pays et de milliards de recherches pour prédire les tendances de voyage jusqu'en 2030. Résultats clés incluent :

- 36% des Américains utiliseraient l'IA pour des recommandations de voyage, les assistants IA devant devenir plus courants d'ici 2030
- 45% des Américains prévoient de 'sauter de ville en ville' en visitant plusieurs villes par voyage
- Le voyage de bien-être est en plein essor, avec les piscines étant l'équipement hôtelier le plus recherché au monde
- 43% des Américains ont effectué des achats de voyage influencés par les réseaux sociaux
- 36% préfèrent voyager hors saison pour éviter la foule et économiser de l'argent
- Les programmes de fidélité traditionnels déclinent, 21% pensent que les outils de comparaison de prix offrent une meilleure valeur

Le rapport identifie huit tendances majeures : Agents IA, Saut de ville, Vitamine T (scores de bien-être), Cosmetications, Feedbooking, Voyages à faible intensité, Voyages virtuels et Quêtes spirituelles.

KAYAK hat seinen WTF (What the Future) Reise-Trendbericht veröffentlicht, der Daten von über 9.000 Umfrageteilnehmern aus 9 Ländern und Milliarden von Suchanfragen analysiert, um Reise-Trends bis 2030 vorherzusagen. Wichtige Ergebnisse beinhalten:

- 36 % der Amerikaner würden KI für Reiseempfehlungen nutzen, wobei KI-Assistenten bis 2030 voraussichtlich häufiger werden
- 45 % der Amerikaner planen, 'Städte zu hüpfen' und mehrere Städte pro Reise zu besuchen
- Wellness-Reisen nehmen zu, wobei Pools die weltweit meistgesuchte Hotelausstattung sind
- 43 % der Amerikaner haben durch soziale Medien beeinflusste Reisekäufe getätigt
- 36 % ziehen Reisen in der Nebensaison vor, um Menschenmengen zu vermeiden und Geld zu sparen
- Traditionelle Treueprogramme gehen zurück, da 21 % glauben, dass Preisvergleichstools ein besseres Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bieten

Der Bericht identifiziert acht wichtige Trends: KI-Agenten, Stadt-Hopping, Vitamin T (Wohlstandbewertungen), Kosmetik-Urlaube, Feedbooking, Niedrigintensive Reisen, Virtuelle Reisen und Spirituelle Nebenquests.

  • Strong market research data with 9,000+ respondents across 9 countries
  • Significant consumer interest in AI travel planning (36% adoption rate)
  • High social media influence on bookings (43% conversion rate)
  • Growing trend in multi-city travel bookings (45% planning multiple cities)
  • Low current AI adoption rate (71% haven't tried AI for trip planning)
  • Declining loyalty program effectiveness (only 22% participation rate)
  • Expected increase in travel costs (72% anticipating higher prices)

Rise in City Jumping, Spiritual Sidequests and Feedbooking among top travel predictions for travel by 2030

STAMFORD, Conn., Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Out with single-stop journeys, in with city jumping adventures. Bid farewell to self-care trips and welcome journeys of self-discovery and cosmetic-cations. Loyalty programs take a back seat as price-conscious travelers seek better deals.

Today, KAYAK, the world's leading travel search engine, is rolling out its WTF - What the Future - report, giving travelers a first look at the hottest travel trends shaping the next 5 years.

Diving into survey insights from over 9,000 individuals spanning 9 countries, exclusive interviews with KAYAK executives, and an in-depth analysis of KAYAK's billions of searches, KAYAK teamed up with The Future Laboratory, a trailblazer in trend forecasting, to unveil eight groundbreaking travel trends set to dominate your social media feeds and shape the future of travel by 2025.

So… What's The Future? KAYAK's Travel Predictions for 2030

AI Agents
A new wave of travel agents is emerging, focusing on personalized travel experiences. Over one third (36%) of Americans would use AI for travel recommendations and inspiration. Another third wish AI could simplify comparing flight and hotel prices (33% and 34%) . While 71% of Americans have yet to try AI for trip planning, by 2030, AI assistants will be more commonly used.

"AI is already rapidly improving customer support for travel delays and itinerary changes. It's also suggesting personalized recommendations of places to visit and things to do. The next big step forward will be automated bookings - and we're already making KAYAK AI agent-friendly." - Steve Hafner, CEO of KAYAK

City Jumpin', Jumpin'
By 2030, travelers will prioritize multi-stop trips over single destination vacations. Looking ahead to next year, there's already 45% of Americans who are planning to "city jump" or visit multiple cities in a single vacation. Why? 47% want to experience more during their trip and 49% are all about affordability. This year, 93% of Americans aim to explore 1 to 5 cities per trip. And by 2030, that number could double.

Vitamin T
By 2030, the value of a trip will hinge on wellness scores. KAYAK notes a surge in wellness travel, with pools as the top searched hotel amenity globally, followed by hot tubs, spas, and fitness facilities. 60% of travelers prioritize relaxation, while 13% emphasize health and wellness. Destinations promoting longevity will become sought-after additions to travelers' bucket lists.

  • A Cosmetic-cation Boom For Americans
    • It's not just wellness scores that will be all the rage by 2030. If you've ever heard of a healthcation then get ready for a cosmetic-cation (i.e. a trip for a cosmetic or beauty procedure). While only a small group have jetted off for cosmetic treatments abroad, 1 in 8 have considered it, hinting at a future surge, with another 1 in 10 ready to go test it out. For those who HAVE traveled for a cosmetic-cation, affordability (for 61%) is the key factor. With healthcare expenses climbing, brace yourself for more international jaunts for beauty enhancements by 2030! Hair transplants in Turkey, anyone?

A social shopping surge is on the horizon. Nearly half of Americans (43%) have made purchases influenced by social media, with another 20% having considered it. Facebook and Instagram are top influencers, with over a quarter of Americans booking a trip after seeing a post. Current social purchases run $200 or less, but by 2030, KAYAK expects social media to become a travel shopping hub, boosting purchase numbers.

Travel is Gonna be LIT (Low Intensity Trips)
Off-season adventures await. For more than one third of Americans (36%), off-season travel is preferred to avoid the crowds, even if it means a compromise on the weather. Not to mention the savings! Opting for shoulder season travel in Europe can slash costs by up to 27% compared to peak periods. KAYAK predicts a rise in offbeat destinations driven by better prices and more conscious traveler choices in the next 5 years.

Virtual Voyages
Here comes a travel tech revolution. 1 in 7 Americans are embracing VR headsets to explore destinations before booking, and by 2030, holographic concierges and automatic airfare refunds could be the norm. Travelers are excited about virtual hotel room previews (35%) and in-flight VR entertainment (10%) for an immersive journey.

Spiritual Sidequests
Get ready to soar with a spiritual sidequest. 1 in 6 Americans are eyeing silent retreats to disconnect from their phones, while 1 in 14 are keen on psychedelic therapy trips abroad. These trends are primed to skyrocket in the next 5 years!

Disloyalty Programs
Americans have a love-hate relationship with loyalty programs, which we predict will continue to evolve in the next 5 years. Now, about 22% of Americans are in travel loyalty programs, but 21% feel price comparison tools (like KAYAK!) offer better value than traditional airline rewards. This is why we'll start to see loyalty programs shift to cater to more price-conscious travelers. With 72% expecting pricier travel ahead, saving is key - travelers are ready to switch brands to be loyal to the deal instead.

Learn more about KAYAK's WTF predictions HERE.


Global Survey insights
PureSpectrum interviewed 9112 respondents aged 18+ in the US, UK, Canada, Brazil, France, Germany, Denmark and Sweden who travel for leisure purposes internationally at least once a year. The survey was conducted using an online methodology. A sample of 2000 people were polled in the US, and all other markets had a targeted minimum sample of 1000 completes. The research fieldwork was conducted from August 13 - 20, 2024.

US Survey insights
This survey has been conducted using an online interview administered to members of the YouGov Plc panel of individuals who have agreed to take part in surveys. Total sample size was 1091 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th - 20th December 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).

KAYAK data analysis
Based on hotel searches made on KAYAK and associated brands in the period between September 1, 2023 and September 15, 2024 for stays between January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024.

KAYAK, part of Booking Holdings (NASDAQ: BKNG), is the world's leading travel search engine. With billions of queries across our platforms, we help people find their perfect flight, stay, rental car and vacation package. We also support business travelers with our corporate travel solution.

About The Future Laboratory
The Future Laboratory is one of the world's most renowned futures consultancies. With a unique blend of trend forecasting, consumer insight, brand strategy and innovation, the company has helped to shape, inspire and future-proof organisations globally since 2001.

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What are KAYAK's top travel trends predictions for 2030?

KAYAK predicts eight major trends: AI Agents for travel planning, increased city jumping, wellness-focused travel (Vitamin T), cosmetic tourism, social media-influenced bookings (Feedbooking), low-intensity trips, virtual reality integration, and spiritual travel experiences.

How many Americans are planning to do multi-city trips according to KAYAK's report?

According to KAYAK's report, 45% of Americans are planning to 'city jump' or visit multiple cities in a single vacation, with 93% currently aiming to explore 1-5 cities per trip.

What percentage of Americans use AI for travel planning according to KAYAK?

36% of Americans would use AI for travel recommendations and inspiration, while 71% have not yet tried AI for trip planning.

How is social media influencing travel bookings according to KAYAK's research?

43% of Americans have made purchases influenced by social media, with over 25% booking trips after seeing social media posts. Most current social media-influenced purchases are under $200.

What is the current state of travel loyalty programs according to KAYAK's report?

Only 22% of Americans participate in travel loyalty programs, with 21% believing price comparison tools offer better value than traditional airline rewards.
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