Bitfarms Announces Restatement of Previously Issued Financial Statements

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Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF) announced a restatement of its financial statements for fiscal years 2022-2023 and related periods due to a material error in classifying digital asset sale proceeds. The restatement involves reclassifying these proceeds from operating activities to investing activities in cash flow statements. Additionally, the company is correcting an accounting error related to warrant redemption in 2023.

The changes do not affect the company's overall cash position or net cash flows. The restatement impacts financial statements for 2022, 2023, and the first three quarters of 2024. Management acknowledged a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting and is implementing remediation measures.

Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF) ha annunciato una rettifica dei propri bilanci per gli esercizi finanziari 2022-2023 e per i periodi correlati a causa di un errore materiale nella classificazione dei proventi dalla vendita di attività digitali. La rettifica comporta la riclassificazione di questi proventi da attività operative a attività di investimento nei rendiconti finanziari. Inoltre, la società sta correggendo un errore contabile relativo al riscatto dei warrant nel 2023.

Le modifiche non influenzano la posizione di cassa complessiva della società o i flussi di cassa netti. La rettifica impatta i bilanci finanziari per il 2022, il 2023 e i primi tre trimestri del 2024. La direzione ha riconosciuto una debolezza materiale nel controllo interno sulla rendicontazione finanziaria e sta implementando misure correttive.

Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF) anunció una reexpresión de sus estados financieros para los ejercicios fiscales 2022-2023 y períodos relacionados debido a un error material en la clasificación de los ingresos por la venta de activos digitales. La reexpresión implica reclasificar estos ingresos de actividades operativas a actividades de inversión en los estados de flujos de efectivo. Además, la empresa está corrigiendo un error contable relacionado con el canje de warrants en 2023.

Los cambios no afectan la posición de efectivo total de la empresa ni los flujos de efectivo netos. La reexpresión impacta los estados financieros de 2022, 2023 y los primeros tres trimestres de 2024. La dirección reconoció una debilidad material en el control interno sobre la información financiera y está implementando medidas de remediación.

Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF)는 디지털 자산 판매 수익 분류의 중대한 오류로 인해 2022-2023 회계 연도 및 관련 기간에 대한 재조정을 발표했습니다. 이 재조정은 현금 흐름표에서 운영 활동에서 투자 활동으로 이러한 수익을 재분류하는 것을 포함합니다. 또한, 회사는 2023년의 전환 권리 행사와 관련된 회계 오류를 수정하고 있습니다.

변경사항은 회사의 전체 현금 위치나 순현금 흐름에 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 재조정은 2022년, 2023년 및 2024년 첫 세 분기의 재무제표에 영향을 미칩니다. 경영진은 재무 보고에 대한 내부 통제의 중대한 약점을 인정하고 있으며, 수정 조치를 시행하고 있습니다.

Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF) a annoncé un réajustement de ses états financiers pour les exercices 2022-2023 et les périodes associées en raison d'une erreur matérielle dans la classification des revenus issus de la vente d'actifs numériques. Le réajustement implique de reclasser ces revenus des activités opérationnelles aux activités d'investissement dans les états de flux de trésorerie. De plus, l'entreprise corrige une erreur comptable liée au rachat de bons de souscription en 2023.

Les modifications n'affectent pas la position globale de trésorerie de l'entreprise ni ses flux de trésorerie nets. Le réajustement impacte les états financiers de 2022, 2023 et du premier trimestre de 2024. La direction a reconnu une faiblesse matérielle dans le contrôle interne sur la reporting financier et met en œuvre des mesures de remédiation.

Bitfarms (NASDAQ/TSX: BITF) hat eine erneute Darstellung seiner Finanzberichte für die Geschäftsjahre 2022-2023 und verwandte Perioden angekündigt, aufgrund eines wesentlichen Fehlers bei der Klassifizierung der Einnahmen aus dem Verkauf digitaler Vermögenswerte. Die erneute Darstellung beinhaltet die Umklassifizierung dieser Einnahmen von betrieblicher Tätigkeit zu Investitionstätigkeit in den Cashflow-Angaben. Darüber hinaus korrigiert das Unternehmen einen Buchhaltungsfehler im Zusammenhang mit der Einlösung von Warrants im Jahr 2023.

Die Änderungen beeinträchtigen nicht die gesamte Barmittelposition oder die Netto-Cashflows des Unternehmens. Die erneute Darstellung betrifft die Finanzberichte für 2022, 2023 und die ersten drei Quartale von 2024. Das Management erkannte eine wesentliche Schwäche bei der internen Kontrolle über die Finanzberichterstattung und implementiert Abhilfemaßnahmen.

  • No impact on company's overall cash position or net cash flows
  • No changes to operational or business performance
  • Material weakness identified in internal control over financial reporting
  • Required restatement of financial statements for 2022-2024 periods
  • Net loss increased from $104.036M to $108.922M for 2023 after restatement
  • Loss per share increased from $0.40 to $0.42 for 2023


Bitfarms' restatement of financial statements reveals significant reclassification of digital asset sales from operating to investing activities. This accounting adjustment, while not impacting cash position or operational performance, changes key metrics like operating cash flow. The $158.7M (2022) and $129.3M (2023) reclassifications substantially alter the cash flow profile, showing weaker operating cash flows than previously reported. Additionally, a warrant redemption accounting error in 2023 led to a $4.9M increase in net financial expenses and corresponding net loss adjustment. The material weakness in internal controls raises concerns about financial reporting quality, though the core business fundamentals remain unchanged. This restatement could impact investor confidence and valuation metrics, particularly those based on operating cash flows.

The reclassification of digital asset sales from operating to investing activities fundamentally changes how we interpret Bitfarms' cash flow generation capacity. The 2022 operating cash flow shifts from positive $36.3M to negative $122.4M, while 2023 drops from positive $23.6M to negative $105.7M. This presents a materially different picture of operational sustainability. The warrant accounting error, though not affecting total equity, increases 2023's loss per share from $0.40 to $0.42. The disclosed material weakness in internal controls suggests potential for additional accounting issues and likely necessitates enhanced oversight and control implementation.

This news release constitutes a “designated news release” for the purposes of the Company’s amended and restated prospectus supplement dated October 4, 2024, to its short form base shelf prospectus dated November 10, 2023.

TORONTO, Ontario and BROSSARD, Québec , Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitfarms Ltd. (Nasdaq/TSX: BITF) (“Bitfarms” or the “Company”), a global vertically integrated Bitcoin data center company, today announced that, in connection with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) review of its annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 (the “SEC Review”), and in consultation with its Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and management, the Company has determined that its previously issued consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 and the related management’s discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023, as well as the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (such interim periods together with the fiscal years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, the “Restatement Periods”) and the related management’s discussion and analysis for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, should be restated to correct a material error in the classification of proceeds derived from the sale of digital assets.

Shareholders and users of Bitfarms’ financial statements should note that the restatements are not a result of any change to its operations, business or financial operating performance for the periods being restated. For any and all of the Restatement Periods, there is no impact on the Company’s overall cash position or net cash flows.

Bitfarms previously categorized proceeds derived from the sale of digital assets as a cash flow from operating activities. In conjunction with the SEC review, it was determined that proceeds from the sale of digital assets should be classified as cash flow from investing activities. Due to the materiality of the error in classification, the Company is restating the financial statements for the Restatement Periods. In addition to the correction to the consolidated statements of cash flows, the Company is also restating its financials to adjust for an error in the accounting for the redemption of warrants in 2023.

A summary of the restatements is described in further detail in the tables set forth below (expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars). More details may be found in the revised financial statements and related revised management’s discussion and analyses, which are available on the Company’s profile on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at

Adjustments to consolidated statements of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2022* - Restatement

 Year ended December 31,
 2022 (as reported) Cash flow
 2022 (as restated) 
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities   
Net loss(175,644) (175,644)
Adjustments for:   
Proceeds from sale of digital assets earned158,674 (158,674) 
Net change in cash related to operating activities36,250 (158,674)(122,424)
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities   
Proceeds from sale of digital assets earned 158,674 158,674 
Net change in cash related to investing activities(155,011)158,674 3,663 

Adjustments to consolidated statements of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2023* - Restatement

 Year ended December 31,
 2023 (as reported) Cash flow
 2023 warrants
 2023 (as restated) 
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities    
Net loss(104,036) (4,886)(108,922)
Adjustments for:    
Net financial expenses32,308  4,886 37,194 
Proceeds from sale of digital assets earned129,309 (129,309)  
Net change in cash related to operating activities23,598 (129,309) (105,711)
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities    
Proceeds from sale of digital assets earned 129,309  129,309 
Net change in cash related to investing activities(58,343)129,309  70,966 

Adjustments to consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2023* - Restatement

 As of December 31, Adjustment As of December 31, 
 2023 (as reported) 2023 warrants
 2023 (as restated) 
Shareholders’ equity   
Share capital530,123 4,886 535,009 
Contributed surplus56,622  56,622 
Revaluation surplus2,941  2,941 
Accumulated deficit(294,924)(4,886)(299,810)
Total equity294,762  294,762 

Adjustments to consolidated statements of profit or loss and comprehensive profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2023* - Restatement

 Year ended December 31,
 2023 (as reported) 2023 warrants
 2023 (as restated) 
Operating loss(72,129) (72,129)
Net financial expenses(32,308)(4,886)(37,194)
Net loss before income taxes(104,437)(4,886)(109,323)
Income tax recovery401  401 
Net loss and total comprehensive loss(104,036)(4,886)(108,922)
Other comprehensive income (loss)   
Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:   
Change in revaluation surplus - digital assets, net of tax9,242  9,242 
Total comprehensive loss, net of tax(94,794)(4,886)(99,680)
Loss per share   
Basic and diluted(0.40)(0.02)(0.42)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding   
Basic and diluted262,237,117  262,237,117 

Adjustments to interim consolidated statements of cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024* - Restatement

 Nine months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
(as reported)
 Cash flow
(as restated)
(as reported)
 Cash flow
(as restated)
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities      
Net loss(69,228) (69,228)(46,877) (46,877)
Adjustments for:      
Proceeds from sale of digital assets111,264 (111,264) 87,724 (87,724) 
Net change in cash related to operating activities14,104 (111,264)(97,160)10,028 (87,724)(77,696)
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities      
Proceeds from sale of digital assets 111,264 111,264  87,724 87,724 
Net change in cash related to investing activities(268,862)111,264 (157,598)(35,373)87,724 52,351 

Adjustments to consolidated statements of financial position as of September 30, 2024* - Restatement

 As of September 30, Adjustment As of September 30, 
 2024 (as reported) 2023 warrants
 2024 (as restated) 
Shareholders’ equity   
Share capital796,751 4,886 801,637 
Contributed surplus63,785  63,785 
Accumulated deficit(351,823)(4,886)(356,709)
Revaluation surplus3,311  3,311 
Total equity512,024  512,024 

*U.S. $ in thousands

The Company’s management has previously concluded that the Company had a material weakness in its internal control over financial reporting during the Restatement Periods. Management is in the process of implementing remediation measures to address the material weakness in respect of the errors described above.

About Bitfarms Ltd.
Founded in 2017, Bitfarms is a global Bitcoin data center company that contributes its computational power to one or more mining pools from which it receives payment in Bitcoin. Bitfarms develops, owns, and operates vertically integrated mining farms with in-house management and company-owned electrical engineering, installation service, and multiple onsite technical repair centers. The Company’s proprietary data analytics system delivers best-in-class operational performance and uptime.

Bitfarms currently has 12 operating Bitcoin data centers and two under development, and two under Hosting agreements, situated in four countries: Canada, the United States, Paraguay, and Argentina. Powered predominantly by environmentally friendly hydro-electric and long-term power contracts, Bitfarms is committed to using sustainable and often underutilized energy infrastructure.

To learn more about Bitfarms’ events, developments, and online communities:

Forward-Looking Statements  

This news release contains certain “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “forward-looking information”) that are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release and are covered by safe harbors under Canadian and United States securities laws. The statements and information in this release regarding the impact of the Restatement, the filing of the Restated Financials and Restated MD&A, the Company’s plans to remediate the material weakness in its internal control over financial reporting and other statements regarding future growth, plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking information.

Any statements that involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as “expects”, or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, “plans”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “forecasts”, “estimates”, “prospects”, “believes” or “intends” or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results “may” or “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking information.

This forward-looking information is based on assumptions and estimates of management of Bitfarms at the time they were made, and involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Bitfarms to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors, risks and uncertainties include, among others: the pending SEC Review; the potential that additional restatements of the financial statements will be required; the potential that the Company identifies additional material weaknesses in its control over financial reporting; the ability of the Company to remediate known material weaknesses; the acquisition, construction and operation of new facilities may not occur as currently planned, or at all; expansion of existing facilities may not materialize as currently anticipated, or at all; new miners may not perform up to expectations; revenue may not increase as currently anticipated, or at all; the ongoing ability to successfully mine Bitcoin is not assured; failure of the equipment upgrades to be installed and operated as planned; the availability of additional power may not occur as currently planned, or at all; expansion may not materialize as currently anticipated, or at all; the power purchase agreements and economics thereof may not be as advantageous as expected; For further information concerning these and other risks and uncertainties, refer to Bitfarms’ filings on (which are also available on the website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC") at, including the restated MD&A for the year-ended December 31, 2023, filed on December 9, 2024 and the restated MD&A for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 filed on December 9, 2024. Although Bitfarms has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended, including factors that are currently unknown to or deemed immaterial by Bitfarms. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results, and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Bitfarms undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking information other than as required by law. Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, nor any other securities exchange or regulatory authority accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Investor Relations Contacts:

Tracy Krumme
SVP, Head of IR & Corp. Comms.
+1 786-671-5638

Media Contacts:

Québec: Tact
Louis-Martin Leclerc
+1 418-693-2425


What caused Bitfarms (BITF) to restate its financial statements?

Bitfarms needed to reclassify proceeds from digital asset sales from operating activities to investing activities in cash flow statements, and correct an error in warrant redemption accounting from 2023.

How will the restatement affect Bitfarms' (BITF) cash position?

The restatement has no impact on Bitfarms' overall cash position or net cash flows for any of the affected periods.

What periods are affected by Bitfarms' (BITF) financial restatement?

The restatement affects fiscal years 2022 and 2023, plus the unaudited interim statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

How did the restatement impact Bitfarms' (BITF) 2023 earnings per share?

The restatement increased Bitfarms' loss per share from $0.40 to $0.42 for the fiscal year 2023.



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