BILL Names Bobbie Grafeld as New Chief People Officer to Lead People Strategy

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BILL (NYSE: BILL), a leading financial operations platform for SMBs, has appointed Bobbie Grafeld as its new Chief People Officer. Grafeld, who brings over 20 years of experience in driving people transformation and aligning employee initiatives with company strategies, will oversee the People Team and report directly to CEO and Founder René Lacerte.

Grafeld's impressive background includes roles as Chief People Officer at RingCentral and 2K Games, as well as HR and business leadership positions at Walmart, eBay, PayPal, and Wells Fargo Bank. Her expertise in fostering top talent, driving business scale, and developing high-performing, diverse teams aligns with BILL's growth objectives and company culture.

As a former small business owner, Grafeld understands the challenges entrepreneurs face, making her well-suited to contribute to BILL's mission of helping SMBs and accountants succeed.

BILL (NYSE: BILL), una piattaforma leader nelle operazioni finanziarie per le piccole e medie imprese, ha nominato Bobbie Grafeld come nuovo Chief People Officer. Grafeld, che vanta oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel guidare la trasformazione delle risorse umane e allineare le iniziative dei dipendenti con le strategie aziendali, superviserà il Team Risorse Umane e riporterà direttamente al CEO e Fondatore René Lacerte.

Il curriculum impressionante di Grafeld include ruoli come Chief People Officer in RingCentral e 2K Games, oltre a posizioni di leadership HR e aziendale in Walmart, eBay, PayPal e Wells Fargo Bank. La sua esperienza nel sviluppare talenti di alto livello, guidare la scala aziendale e creare team diversificati e ad alte prestazioni si allinea con gli obiettivi di crescita e la cultura aziendale di BILL.

In quanto ex imprenditrice, Grafeld comprende le sfide che affrontano gli imprenditori, rendendola particolarmente adatta a contribuire alla missione di BILL di aiutare le piccole e medie imprese e i contabili a avere successo.

BILL (NYSE: BILL), una plataforma líder en operaciones financieras para pymes, ha nombrado a Bobbie Grafeld como su nueva Chief People Officer. Grafeld, que aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en la transformación de personas y en la alineación de iniciativas de empleados con las estrategias empresariales, supervisará el equipo de personas y reportará directamente al CEO y fundador René Lacerte.

El impresionante recorrido de Grafeld incluye roles como Chief People Officer en RingCentral y 2K Games, así como puestos de liderazgo en recursos humanos y en el negocio en Walmart, eBay, PayPal y Wells Fargo Bank. Su experiencia en fomentar talento de alto nivel, impulsar el crecimiento empresarial y desarrollar equipos diversos y de alto rendimiento está alineada con los objetivos de crecimiento y la cultura de la empresa de BILL.

Como exdueña de un pequeño negocio, Grafeld comprende los desafíos que enfrentan los emprendedores, lo que la hace especialmente adecuada para contribuir a la misión de BILL de ayudar a las pymes y a los contadores a tener éxito.

BILL (NYSE: BILL)은 중소기업을 위한 주요 재무 운영 플랫폼으로 Bobbie Grafeld를 새로운 최고 인사 책임자로 임명했습니다. Grafeld는 20년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 인적 자원 변화를 이끌고 직원 이니셔티브를 회사 전략과 정렬하는 업무를 수행하며, 인사 팀을 감독하고 CEO 겸 창립자인 René Lacerte에게 직접 보고할 것입니다.

Grafeld의 인상적인 경력은 RingCentral과 2K Games의 최고 인사 책임자로서의 역할과 Walmart, eBay, PayPal 및 Wells Fargo Bank에서의 HR 및 비즈니스 리더십 직책을 포함합니다. 우수 인재 발굴, 비즈니스 규모 확대 및 고성과의 다양한 팀 개발에 대한 그녀의 전문성은 BILL의 성장 목표 및 기업 문화와 일치합니다.

전직 소기업 소유자로서 Grafeld는 기업가들이 직면하는 도전을 이해하고 있어, 중소기업과 회계사가 성공하도록 돕는 BILL의 사명에 기여하는 데 적합합니다.

BILL (NYSE: BILL), une plateforme leader dans les opérations financières pour les PME, a nommé Bobbie Grafeld comme nouvelle Chief People Officer. Grafeld, qui possède plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans la transformation des ressources humaines et l'alignement des initiatives des employés avec les stratégies de l'entreprise, supervisera l'équipe des personnes et reportera directement au PDG et fondateur René Lacerte.

Le parcours impressionnant de Grafeld comprend des rôles de Chief People Officer chez RingCentral et 2K Games, ainsi que des postes de leadership en ressources humaines et en affaires chez Walmart, eBay, PayPal et Wells Fargo Bank. Son expertise dans le développement des talents, la promotion de la croissance des entreprises et la création d'équipes diversifiées et performantes s'aligne avec les objectifs de croissance et la culture d'entreprise de BILL.

En tant qu'ancienne propriétaire de petite entreprise, Grafeld comprend les défis auxquels les entrepreneurs sont confrontés, ce qui la rend particulièrement bien adaptée pour contribuer à la mission de BILL visant à aider les PME et les comptables à réussir.

BILL (NYSE: BILL), eine führende Finanzoperationsplattform für KMUs, hat Bobbie Grafeld zur neuen Chief People Officer ernannt. Grafeld bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Transformation von Personal und der Ausrichtung von Mitarbeit initiatives auf Unternehmensstrategien mit und wird das Personalteam leiten und direkt an den CEO und Gründer René Lacerte berichten.

Grafelds beeindruckender Werdegang umfasst Positionen als Chief People Officer bei RingCentral und 2K Games sowie HR- und Unternehmensführungspositionen bei Walmart, eBay, PayPal und Wells Fargo Bank. Ihre Expertise im Fördern von Top-Talenten, dem Vorantreiben des Geschäftswachstums und der Entwicklung leistungsstarker, vielfältiger Teams passt zu den Wachstumszielen und der Unternehmenskultur von BILL.

Als ehemalige Kleinunternehmerin versteht Grafeld die Herausforderungen, denen Unternehmer gegenüberstehen, was sie besonders geeignet macht, zur Mission von BILL beizutragen, KMUs und Buchhaltern zum Erfolg zu verhelfen.

  • Appointment of experienced Chief People Officer to drive organizational development
  • Alignment of new hire's expertise with company's growth objectives
  • Addition of strategic business leader to the executive team
  • None.

Brings years of fostering the employee experience to help build world-class organizations and drive growth

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BILL (NYSE: BILL), a leading financial operations platform for small and midsize businesses (SMBs), today announced that Bobbie Grafeld has joined as Chief People Officer. As a member of the executive leadership team, Grafeld will oversee the People Team at BILL reporting directly to CEO and Founder, René Lacerte.

“The market opportunity for BILL is massive and Bobbie brings valuable organizational development and people leadership experience to help us continue to maximize our momentum,” said René Lacerte, CEO and Founder of BILL. “She is an innovative business leader, with an impressive track record of leading employee engagement strategies, fostering top talent, and helping to drive business scale and success.”

“I’m excited to be joining BILL at this stage in the company’s growth journey. As a category and innovation leader, there is so much opportunity ahead of us, and a great team of people to get us there,” said Bobbie Grafeld, Chief People Officer at BILL. “As a former small business owner myself, I understand deeply the challenges entrepreneurs face. So I’m thrilled to bring together my passion for building high performing teams and nurturing talent, with the company’s world-class culture, strong values, and dedication to helping our SMB and accountant customers to succeed.”

A Strategic Business and People Leader

Bobbie Grafeld brings over 20 years of experience driving people transformation and aligning employee initiatives with company strategies and goals to enable success. She has a passion for developing strong leaders, and is an advocate for high-performing, diverse and inclusive teams. Bobbie was previously Chief People Officer at RingCentral and 2K Games. She has also held HR and business leadership roles at Walmart, eBay, PayPal, and Wells Fargo Bank. Bobbie graduated from Pepperdine University with a Bachelor of Science in Management.

About BILL

BILL (NYSE: BILL) is a leading financial operations platform for small and midsize businesses (SMBs). As a champion of SMBs, we are automating the future of finance so businesses can thrive. Our integrated platform helps businesses to more efficiently control their payables, receivables and spend and expense management. Hundreds of thousands of businesses rely on BILL’s proprietary member network of millions to pay or get paid faster. Headquartered in San Jose, California, BILL is a trusted partner of leading U.S. financial institutions, accounting firms, and accounting software providers. For more information, visit

Press Contact:

John Welton

IR Contact:

Karen Sansot

Source: BILL


Who is BILL's new Chief People Officer?

BILL (NYSE: BILL) has appointed Bobbie Grafeld as its new Chief People Officer, bringing over 20 years of experience in people transformation and employee initiatives alignment.

What is Bobbie Grafeld's background before joining BILL?

Bobbie Grafeld previously served as Chief People Officer at RingCentral and 2K Games, and held HR and business leadership roles at Walmart, eBay, PayPal, and Wells Fargo Bank.

How does Bobbie Grafeld's experience align with BILL's goals?

Grafeld's expertise in fostering top talent, driving business scale, and developing high-performing, diverse teams aligns with BILL's growth objectives and company culture.

What will be Bobbie Grafeld's responsibilities at BILL (NYSE: BILL)?

As Chief People Officer, Bobbie Grafeld will oversee the People Team at BILL, reporting directly to CEO and Founder René Lacerte, and focus on organizational development and people leadership.

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United States of America