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Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: BIF) will change its name to SRH Total Return Fund, Inc. and its ticker symbol to STEW on April 4, 2022. This change aims to better reflect the Fund's investment objective of total return. Additionally, portfolio manager Stewart Horejsi will retire effective April 1, 2022, after serving since January 2002. Joel Looney and Jacob Hemmer will continue managing the Fund's assets. As of March 22, 2022, the Fund's NAV was $17.29 per share, with a closing market price of $14.81, indicating a 14.34% discount to NAV.
Boulder Growth & Income Fund (NYSE: BIF) announced a common stock distribution of $0.120 per share on January 31, 2022, payable to stockholders of record by January 24, 2022. The fund's managed distribution policy allows it to utilize capital gains in its quarterly cash distributions, enhancing flexibility in offering returns to shareholders. For this distribution, 98.25% comes from a return of capital, and 1.75% from net investment income. The fund's annualized distribution rate is 2.85% of NAV, with a cumulative total return of 7.52%.
Boulder Growth & Income Fund (NYSE:BIF) announced a 17.6% increase in its quarterly distribution to $0.12 per share, effective January 2022. This rise is part of the Fund's ongoing managed distribution program, with expected annual distributions of approximately $0.48 per share. As of November 3, 2021, the Fund's net asset value (NAV) was $16.41 per share, with a market price of $13.56, indicating a 17.37% discount to NAV. The increased distribution, payable on January 31, 2022, aims to enhance returns for shareholders amidst current market conditions.
Boulder Growth & Income Fund (NYSE: BIF) announced a common stock distribution of $0.102 per share, payable on October 29, 2021, to stockholders recorded as of October 22, 2021. The Fund's managed distribution policy allows it to utilize capital gains for quarterly cash distributions. The current distribution includes 15.46% from net investment income, 19.45% from net short-term capital gains, 22.22% from net long-term capital gains, and 42.87% as return of capital. The fiscal year-to-date cumulative distribution totals $0.408 per share.
Boulder Growth & Income Fund (NYSE: BIF) announced a distribution of $0.102 per share for stockholders of record as of July 23, 2021. This follows the adoption of a managed distribution policy allowing the use of capital gains for cash distributions. The current distribution comprises 17.08% from net investment income and 82.92% from net realized long-term capital gains. The annualized distribution rate is 2.58% based on the NAV as of June 30, 2021. The Fund's distribution policy allows flexibility but may impact capital if income and gains fall short.
Boulder Growth & Income Fund (NYSE: BIF) announced a distribution of $0.102 per share payable to stockholders of record by April 23, 2021. The fund follows a managed distribution policy that enables it to use capital gains for regular distributions, enhancing flexibility in distributing returns. The current distribution comprises 5.82% from net investment income, and 93.46% from net realized long-term capital gains. The annualized distribution rate is 2.74% based on the net asset value as of March 31, 2021.