Premier Graphene President Pedro Mendez Meets with Global Leader in Sustainable Construction

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Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI) announced that a major global materials handling company is independently testing their proprietary hemp-based graphene formulation in concrete. This follows initial tests showing a 32% improvement in tensile strength. Premier's President, Pedro Mendez, is in discussions about potential partnerships to develop eco-friendly, durable concrete using this advanced graphene formulation.

The company's graphene suspensions could significantly impact the cement industry, which accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions. Premier Graphene aims to help cement manufacturers reduce emissions and meet Paris Accord goals by 2030. The company is also exploring other applications for its graphene technology, including lubricants and epoxies.

Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI) ha annunciato che una grande azienda globale nel settore della movimentazione dei materiali sta testando in modo indipendente la loro formula proprietaria di grafene a base di canapa nel cemento. Questo segue ai test iniziali che hanno mostrato un 32% di miglioramento nella resistenza a trazione. Il Presidente di Premier, Pedro Mendez, è in discussione riguardo a potenziali partnership per sviluppare un cemento ecologico e durevole utilizzando questa avanzata formulazione di grafene.

Le sospensioni di grafene dell'azienda potrebbero avere un impatto significativo sull'industria del cemento, che rappresenta l'8% delle emissioni globali di CO2. Premier Graphene punta ad aiutare i produttori di cemento a ridurre le emissioni e a raggiungere gli obiettivi dell'Accordo di Parigi entro il 2030. L'azienda sta inoltre esplorando altre applicazioni per la sua tecnologia del grafene, inclusi lubrificanti ed epossidici.

Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI) anunció que una importante empresa global de manejo de materiales está probando de manera independiente su fórmula de grafeno basada en cáñamo en el concreto. Esto sigue a pruebas iniciales que muestran una mejora del 32% en la resistencia a la tracción. El presidente de Premier, Pedro Mendez, está en conversaciones sobre posibles asociaciones para desarrollar un concreto ecológico y duradero utilizando esta avanzada formulación de grafeno.

Las suspensiones de grafeno de la empresa podrían impactar significativamente la industria del cemento, que representa el 8% de las emisiones globales de CO2. Premier Graphene busca ayudar a los fabricantes de cemento a reducir las emisiones y cumplir con los objetivos del Acuerdo de París para 2030. La empresa también está explorando otras aplicaciones para su tecnología de grafeno, incluidos lubricantes y epoxis.

프리미어 그래핀, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI)는 주요 글로벌 자재 취급 회사가 독립적으로 그들의 독점적인 대마 기반 그래핀 조성을 콘크리트에서 테스트하고 있다고 발표했습니다. 이는 인장 강도 32% 향상을 보여주는 초기 테스트에 이어진 것입니다. 프리미어의 사장인 페드로 멘데스는 이 고급 그래핀 조성을 사용하여 친환경적이고 내구성 있는 콘크리트를 개발하기 위한 잠재적 파트너십에 대해 논의 중입니다.

회사의 그래핀 서스펜션은 전 세계 CO2 배출의 8%을 차지하는 시멘트 산업에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 프리미어 그래핀은 시멘트 제조업체들이 배출을 줄이고 2030년까지 파리 협정 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 또한 회사는 윤활유와 에폭시 등 그래핀 기술의 다른 응용 프로그램을 탐색하고 있습니다.

Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI) a annoncé qu'une grande entreprise mondiale de manutention des matériaux teste indépendamment sa formulation de graphène à base de chanvre dans le béton. Cela fait suite à des tests initiaux montrant une amélioration de 32% de la résistance à la traction. Le président de Premier, Pedro Mendez, est en discussions concernant de potentielles partenariats pour développer un béton écologique et durable utilisant cette formulation avancée de graphène.

Les suspensions de graphène de l'entreprise pourraient avoir un impact significatif sur l'industrie du ciment, qui représente 8% des émissions mondiales de CO2. Premier Graphene vise à aider les fabricants de ciment à réduire les émissions et à atteindre les objectifs de l'Accord de Paris d'ici 2030. L'entreprise explore également d'autres applications pour sa technologie du graphène, y compris les lubrifiants et les époxies.

Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI) gab bekannt, dass ein großes globales Unternehmen für Materialhandling unabhängig ihre proprietäre, hanfbasierten Grafenformulierung im Beton testet. Dies folgt ersten Tests, die eine 32%ige Verbesserung der Zugfestigkeit zeigen. Der Präsident von Premier, Pedro Mendez, führt Gespräche über potenzielle Partnerschaften zur Entwicklung eines umweltfreundlichen, strapazierfähigen Betons mit dieser fortschrittlichen Grafenformulierung.

Die Grafen-Dispersionen des Unternehmens könnten erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Zementindustrie haben, die 8% der globalen CO2-Emissionen ausmacht. Premier Graphene strebt an, Zementherstellern zu helfen, die Emissionen zu reduzieren und die Ziele des Pariser Abkommens bis 2030 zu erreichen. Das Unternehmen untersucht auch andere Anwendungen seiner Grafentechnologie, einschließlich Schmierstoffen und Epoxiden.

  • Major materials handling company independently testing Premier's graphene formulation
  • Initial tests showed 32% improvement in concrete tensile strength
  • Potential partnerships for eco-friendly concrete development
  • Graphene suspensions could help reduce CO2 emissions in cement industry
  • Company exploring multiple applications for graphene technology
  • Results of independent testing not yet confirmed
  • No formal agreements or partnerships announced

Premier’s Graphene Suspensions Receiving Interest from one of the World’s Largest Materials Handling Companies

EL CENTRO, Calif., Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI) announced today that one of the world’s largest materials handling company invited Premier Graphene to permit them to test and separately confirm HGI's proprietary hemp-based graphene formulation in concrete with respect to which it has a distribution license in the United States. Impressed with the astounding 32% improvements to the tensile strength of Premier’s and HGI’s initial engineering report, performed by Baja California Test S.A. de R.L. de C.V. This major materials handling, production and manufacturing company is performing independent tests to confirm the previous results.

Premier Graphene’s President, Pedro Mendez, in preliminary discussions with its Director of Research and Development for Mexico and Latin America, confirmed that he has supplied the company with a number of samples, which they are now testing to confirm the previous compelling test results performed by Baja California Test S.A. de R.L. de C.V. “We are seeking one or more strategic partners, and this is what’s on the table once the engineering results are confirmed.” He also noted that the thus improved concrete would be lighter, less expensive, and enjoy greater longevity.

The discussion focused on a potential partnership to develop an eco-friendly and more durable concrete by integrating this unique, proprietary, advanced graphene formulation, developed by HGI Industrial Technologies S.A de P.I and with partial funding by Premier Graphene as a partner company.

Premier Graphene recently reported that Baja California Test S.A. de R.L. de C.V. established that these proprietary graphene suspensions significantly improved concrete’s compression strength – enjoying a 32% increase in compression strength over conventional concrete after 28 days. Compression strength is a key indicator of concrete’s overall performance and mixture quality. It measures how well a concrete mix can support loads, which is crucial for ensuring it meets the requirements of specific applications. For instance, concrete used for bridge construction typically requires greater compression strength than a sidewalk. This strength is measured in pounds per square inch (psi), with higher psi indicating a stronger and often more expensive mix. To assess compressive strength, concrete is usually tested at 7 days, 14 and again at 28 days. The 28-day test performed by Baja California Test S.A. de R.L. de C.V. is the standard procedure recognized by the American Concrete Institute.

Over the past 20 years, cement manufacturers have doubled their greenhouse gas emissions, sparking a global race among major materials handling companies to lead in emission reduction. Cement production currently accounts for an astonishing 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions. Cement manufacturing emits greenhouse gases in two primary ways. First, the operation of cement plants releases large amounts of CO2 into the air. Second, unlike steel manufacturing, the chemical process of producing cement involves heating raw materials like clay and limestone to over 2,500 degrees, which also generates significant CO2 emissions.

Pedro Mendez, President of Premier Graphene stated, “An important goal of all cement manufacturers is to reduce CO2 emissions to be compliant with the Paris Accords by 2030. Most are substantially behind their goals to ensure compliance. Since we first announced our tests results, we have heard from some of the world’s largest materials handling companies to inquire about business partnerships. The near-term goal is to simply duplicate our compression strength data as we initially published on April 17, 2024. If the test results match the independent tests, our graphene suspensions will inevitably be employed in multiple applications with profound economic and environmental benefits to endeavors involved in cement or asphalt. Our suspensions will be an integral part of concrete mixes.”

We will provide the results as well as the name of this company after they confirm the results from the independent testing conducted by Baja California Test S.A. de R.L. de C.V. on our proprietary hemp-based graphene concrete additive.

“We are acutely aware of the need to keep our shareholders informed and the above is an update of our ongoing activities. We will update our shareholders after the 28-day testing and a signed agreement. Be aware that our activities are not limited to the above and in the upcoming days and weeks we will announce important meetings and formal agreements,” said Mr. Mendez.

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About Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC: BIEI):

Premier Graphene and its Mexican affiliate HGI Industrial Technologies LLC created a is proprietary, scalable method to create high-quality, low-cost graphene out of industrial hemp. The Company plans on creating proprietary graphene colloids that can address billion-dollar markets such as the cement industry. The Company also enjoys the capacity to create proprietary best-in-class graphene-enhanced lubricants and epoxies. The Company’s initial roll out will focus on markets that will require small capital expenditures. For example, and in the case of the cement industry, the Company will sell its graphene suspensions to existing multi-national cement manufacturers.

Premier engaged in a holding company reorganization so that the parent company, renamed from “Premier Biomedical Inc.”, has almost no convertible debentures (less than $20,000) outstanding. As a result, the successor issuer public company, Premier Graphene, Inc., has nearly no debt. The predecessor issuer’s debt remains in the original company, now a subsidiary of the publicly traded company. The Company is traded on the OTC Market, in full compliance with OTC Market reporting requirements. Premier Graphene, Inc. is in the process of a single corporate action – changing its name with FINRA and thus OTC Markets. Its articles of incorporation prohibit a reverse split. It is involved in the development of sophisticated products utilizing the unique characteristics of graphene, partnering with various related corporations and unrelated corporations.

Safe Harbor Notice
Certain statements contained herein are “forward-looking statements” (as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). The Company cautions its readers that the statements and assumptions made in this news release constitute forward-looking statements and makes no guarantee of future performance. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the time the statements are made. These statements may address issues that involve significant risks, uncertainties and associated estimates made by management. Actual results could differ materially from current projections or implied results. Premier Graphene, Inc. (OTC PINK: BIEI), whose name is being changed from Premier Biomedical Inc., undertakes no obligation to revise these statements following the date of this news release.


Pedro Mendez


What improvement in concrete strength did Premier Graphene (BIEI) report?

Premier Graphene (BIEI) reported a 32% increase in compression strength of concrete after 28 days when using their proprietary graphene suspensions, compared to conventional concrete.

Who is testing Premier Graphene's (BIEI) concrete formulation?

One of the world's largest materials handling companies is independently testing Premier Graphene's (BIEI) proprietary hemp-based graphene formulation in concrete.

What potential environmental impact could Premier Graphene's (BIEI) technology have?

Premier Graphene's (BIEI) technology could potentially help reduce CO2 emissions in the cement industry, which currently accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions, aiding companies in meeting Paris Accord goals by 2030.

What other applications is Premier Graphene (BIEI) exploring for its graphene technology?

In addition to concrete, Premier Graphene (BIEI) is exploring applications for its graphene technology in lubricants and epoxies.



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