Bunker Hill Mining Receives Second Tranche from Sprott Standby Facility
Bunker Hill Mining (BHLL) has received the second tranche of US$5 million from Sprott's standby facility, which can provide up to US$21 million for the Bunker Hill Mine development in Idaho. The company reports significant progress with five stopes prepared for mining in the UTZ area and ongoing geotechnical stabilization of the main ramp at the Cate Fault.
Key operational updates include: grid power connection to processing facilities, continued work on conveyors, crusher tower, and tailings filter press, and installation of mezzanine floors in the concentrator building. Underground operations are advancing with ramp rehabilitation and stope preparation. The company plans to issue an updated mineral resource estimate in Q1 2025 and is pursuing additional financing of up to $30 million through strategic partner negotiations.
Bunker Hill Mining (BHLL) ha ricevuto la seconda tranche di 5 milioni di dollari USA dal fondo di standby di Sprott, che può fornire fino a 21 milioni di dollari USA per lo sviluppo della miniera di Bunker Hill in Idaho. L'azienda riporta progressi significativi con cinque stope pronte per l'estrazione nell'area UTZ e la continua stabilizzazione geotecnica della strada principale alla Cate Fault.
Le principali novità operative includono: connessione alla rete elettrica per gli impianti di lavorazione, lavoro continuo su nastri trasportatori, torre del frantoio e filtro pressa per fanghi, e installazione di piani intermedi nell'edificio del concentratore. Le operazioni sotterranee avanzano con la riabilitazione della rampa e la preparazione delle stope. L'azienda prevede di pubblicare una stima aggiornata delle risorse minerali nel primo trimestre del 2025 e sta perseguendo finanziamenti aggiuntivi fino a 30 milioni di dollari attraverso negoziazioni con partner strategici.
Bunker Hill Mining (BHLL) ha recibido la segunda tranche de 5 millones de dólares estadounidenses de la instalación de respaldo de Sprott, que puede proporcionar hasta 21 millones de dólares estadounidenses para el desarrollo de la mina Bunker Hill en Idaho. La compañía informa de un progreso significativo con cinco estopes preparados para la minería en el área UTZ y la estabilización geotécnica continua de la rampa principal en la falla Cate.
Las actualizaciones operativas clave incluyen: conexión de energía de red a las instalaciones de procesamiento, trabajo continuo en transportadores, torre de trituradora y prensa de filtro de relaves, e instalación de pisos intermedios en el edificio del concentrador. Las operaciones subterráneas avanzan con la rehabilitación de la rampa y la preparación de estopes. La empresa planea publicar una estimación actualizada de recursos minerales en el primer trimestre de 2025 y está buscando financiamiento adicional de hasta 30 millones de dólares a través de negociaciones con socios estratégicos.
벙커 힐 마이닝 (BHLL)은 스프롯의 유상증자를 통해 500만 달러의 두 번째 분할금을 수령했으며, 이는 아이다호의 벙커 힐 광산 개발을 위해 최대 2100만 달러를 제공할 수 있습니다. 이 회사는 UTZ 지역에서 5개의 스톱이 채굴 준비 완료되었고, 케이트 단층의 주 램프에 대한 지반 안정화 작업이 진행되고 있다고 보고했습니다.
주요 운영 업데이트에는 처리시설에 대한 전력망 연결, 컨베이어, 파쇄기 타워 및 폐기물 필터 프레스에 대한 지속적인 작업, 그리고 농축 탑 건물 내 중간층 바닥 설치가 포함됩니다. 지하 작업은 램프 재활 및 스톱 준비로 진행되고 있습니다. 회사는 2025년 1분기에 업데이트된 광물 자원 추정치를 발표할 계획이며, 전략적 파트너와의 협상을 통해 최대 3000만 달러의 추가 자금 조달을 추구하고 있습니다.
Bunker Hill Mining (BHLL) a reçu la deuxième tranche de 5 millions de dollars US de la facilité de standby de Sprott, qui peut fournir jusqu'à 21 millions de dollars US pour le développement de la mine de Bunker Hill dans l’Idaho. L'entreprise signale des progrès significatifs avec cinq stopes préparées pour l'exploitation dans la zone UTZ et la stabilisation géotechnique en cours de la rampe principale à la faille Cate.
Les mises à jour opérationnelles clés incluent : connexion au réseau électrique pour les installations de traitement, travaux continus sur les convoyeurs, la tour de concassage et le filtre presse pour les résidus, et installation de niveaux intermédiaires dans le bâtiment du concentrateur. Les opérations souterraines avancent avec la réhabilitation de la rampe et la préparation des stopes. L'entreprise prévoit de publier une estimation mise à jour des ressources minérales au premier trimestre 2025 et cherche à obtenir un financement supplémentaire allant jusqu'à 30 millions de dollars par le biais de négociations avec des partenaires stratégiques.
Bunker Hill Mining (BHLL) hat die zweite Tranche von 5 Millionen US-Dollar aus Sprotts Standby-Fazilität erhalten, die bis zu 21 Millionen US-Dollar für die Entwicklung der Bunker Hill Mine in Idaho zur Verfügung stellen kann. Das Unternehmen berichtet von bedeutenden Fortschritten mit fünf Stollen, die für den Bergbau vorbereitet sind im UTZ-Gebiet und der laufenden geotechnischen Stabilisierung der Hauptrampe an der Cate Fault.
Wichtige operationale Updates beinhalten: Anschluss an das Stromnetz zu den Verarbeitungsanlagen, fortlaufende Arbeiten an Förderbändern, der Brecherturm und der Filterpresse für Tailings sowie die Installation von Zwischengeschossen im Konzentratorgebäude. Die Untertagearbeiten schreiten mit der Sanierung der Rampe und der Vorbereitung der Stollen voran. Das Unternehmen plant, im ersten Quartal 2025 eine aktualisierte Schätzung der Mineralressourcen herauszugeben und strebt an, über strategische Partnerverhandlungen bis zu 30 Millionen Dollar zusätzliche Finanzierung zu erhalten.
- Secured second tranche of US$5 million from Sprott facility
- Completed five stopes preparation for mining in UTZ area
- Successfully connected grid power to processing facilities
- Advanced underground mining infrastructure development
- Additional funding still needed - seeking up to $30 million
- No guarantee of meeting conditions for further Sprott facility drawdowns
KELLOG, Idaho and VANCOUVER, British Columbia , Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bunker Hill Mining Corp. (“Bunker Hill” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: BNKR |OTCQB: BHLL) announces it has been advanced the second tranche, in the amount of US
Sam Ash, President and CEO, stated, "As we enter the end of an extremely productive year at Bunker Hill, we are pleased to report the advance of Sprott’s second tranche in the amount of US
Grid Power has now been connected to the processing and associated facilities, enabling, amongst other things, the establishment of outside lighting along the conveyors. Work in the Kellogg Yard continues with the conveyors, crusher tower, concentrate load-out facility and the tailings filter press. While inside the concentrator building, the final installation of the mezzanine floors is completed in anticipation of the placement of the remaining floatation cells. Piping and electrical fitting continues, along with the installation of lubrication systems for the mill.
Operating from the mining base in Wardner, the Company’s underground mining team have nearly completed the stabilization of the ramp as it cuts across the Cate Fault. Once final grouting has been done and power and ventilation reconnected, the teams will recommence with the ramp rehabilitation to the 8-2 Level before preparing stopes there for mechanized long-hole mining.
Closer to the mining base and the Russell Portal and in the UTZ area, the teams have prepared five faces for mechanized cut-and-fill mining whilst concurrently stockpiling underground ore collected during the ramp rehabilitation and associated development work. Essential preparatory work has begun, designed to ensure maximum mine plan optionality during the next commissioning and ramp-up phases of the mine restart.
Further optimization of the mine plan continues alongside ongoing preparation of an updated mineral resource estimate, which the Company plans to issue in Q1 2025.
As outlined in the Company’s December 13, 2024 news release, the Company intends to draw in stages upon the Standby Facility, whilst concurrently engaging in negotiations with its strategic partners for potential offtake or similar financing for up to an additional
There is no guarantee the Company will satisfy any or all of the conditions of further drawdowns under the Standby Facility. For further details of the Standby Facility, please see the Company’s June 26, 2023 news release.
The Company looks forward to updating shareholders on further successful milestones over the near term.
Under Idaho-based leadership, Bunker Hill intends to sustainably restart and develop the Bunker Hill Mine as the first step in consolidating and then optimizing several mining assets into a high-value portfolio of operations centered initially in North America. Information about the Company is available on its website, www.bunkerhillmining.com, or within the SEDAR+ and EDGAR databases.
On behalf of Bunker Hill Mining Corp.
Sam Ash
President and Chief Executive Officer
For additional information, please contact:
Brenda Dayton
Vice President, Investor Relations
T: 604.417.7952
E: brenda.dayton@bunkerhillmining.com
Cautionary Statements
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange (the “TSX-V”) nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements are within the meaning of that term in Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as well as within the meaning of the phrase ‘forward-looking information’ in the Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). Forward-looking statements are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company’s future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as “believes”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “may”, “could”, “would”, “will”, “plan” or variations of such words and phrases.
Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: the Company’s objectives, goals or future plans, including the restart and development of the Bunker Hill Mine and planned geotechnical work; the achievement of future short-term, medium-term and long-term operational strategies; the Company issuing an updated resource estimate in Q1 2025; further draws by the Company on the Standby Facility, including the Company satisfying any or all of the conditions in connection therewith; and the Company securing potential offtake or similar financing for an additional
Readers are cautioned that the foregoing risks and uncertainties are not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other risk factors that could affect the Company’s operations or financial results are included in the Company’s annual report and may be accessed through the SEDAR+ website (www.sedarplus.ca) or through EDGAR on the SEC website (www.sec.gov).
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