Benson Hill Ultra-High Protein Soybean Meal Validated in Tyson Foods Feeding Trial

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Benson Hill (NASDAQ: BHIL) announced positive results from a controlled broiler feeding trial conducted with Tyson Foods, validating their Ultra-High Protein, Low-Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean meal as a cost-effective alternative to conventional soybean meal in poultry nutrition.

The trial, involving over 800 broilers, demonstrated that UHP-LO soybean meal can fully replace conventional soybean meal while lowering feed costs through increased protein and higher metabolizable energy. The product features 14% higher crude protein levels and 90% fewer oligosaccharides compared to conventional options. Broilers fed with UHP-LO showed equivalent final body weights, feed conversion ratios, and carcass traits.

The study revealed potential cost savings of up to $0.20 per bird, with performance gains of up to 5.4% reported in prior studies. The improved nutrient profile can also contribute to lower carbon emissions and support Scope 3 reduction targets for end users.

Benson Hill (NASDAQ: BHIL) ha annunciato risultati positivi da una prova controllata di alimentazione per polli da carne condotta con Tyson Foods, convalidando il loro pastone di soia Ultra-Alto Proteico e Basso Oligosaccaride (UHP-LO) come un'alternativa conveniente al pastone di soia convenzionale nella nutrizione avicola.

Il trial, che ha coinvolto oltre 800 polli da carne, ha dimostrato che il pastone di soia UHP-LO può sostituire completamente il pastone di soia convenzionale riducendo al contempo i costi di alimentazione grazie ad un aumento delle proteine e a una maggiore energia metabolizzabile. Il prodotto presenta livelli di proteina grezza superiori del 14% e il 90% in meno di oligosaccaridi rispetto alle opzioni convenzionali. I polli alimentati con UHP-LO hanno mostrato pesi corporei finali, rapporti di conversione del mangime e caratteristiche della carcassa equivalenti.

Lo studio ha rivelato potenziali risparmi sui costi fino a $0,20 per uccello, con guadagni di prestazione fino al 5,4% riportati in studi precedenti. Il profilo nutrizionale migliorato può anche contribuire a ridurre le emissioni di carbonio e supportare gli obiettivi di riduzione Scope 3 per gli utenti finali.

Benson Hill (NASDAQ: BHIL) anunció resultados positivos de una prueba controlada de alimentación de pollos realizada con Tyson Foods, validando su harina de soja Ultra-Alto Proteína y Bajo Oligosacáridos (UHP-LO) como una alternativa rentable a la harina de soja convencional en la nutrición avícola.

El ensayo, que involucró a más de 800 pollos, demostró que la harina de soja UHP-LO puede reemplazar completamente la harina de soja convencional mientras baja los costos de alimentación a través del aumento de proteínas y mayor energía metabolizable. El producto presenta niveles de proteína cruda un 14% más altos y un 90% menos de oligosacáridos en comparación con las opciones convencionales. Los pollos alimentados con UHP-LO mostraron pesos corporales finales, tasas de conversión de alimento y características de canal equivalentes.

El estudio reveló ahorros potenciales de costos de hasta $0.20 por ave, con ganancias de rendimiento de hasta el 5.4% informadas en estudios previos. El perfil nutricional mejorado también puede contribuir a reducir las emisiones de carbono y apoyar los objetivos de reducción de Alcance 3 para los usuarios finales.

벤슨 힐 (NASDAQ: BHIL)타이슨 푸드(Tyson Foods)와 함께 실시한 통제된 육계 사료 공급 시험에서 긍정적인 결과를 발표하며, 자사의 초고단백 저올리고당 (UHP-LO) 콩밀이 가금류 영양에 있어 기존의 콩밀에 대한 비용 효율적인 대안임을 검증했습니다.

800마리 이상의 육계가 포함된 이 시험은, UHP-LO 콩밀이 기존 콩밀을 완전히 대체할 수 있으며, 사료 비용을 절감하고 단백질을 증가시킴으로써 높은 대사 가능 에너지를 제공할 수 있음을 보여주었습니다. 이 제품은 기존 옵션에 비해 14% 더 높은 조단백 수준과 90% 적은 올리고당을 특징으로 합니다. UHP-LO로 사육된 육계는 최종 체중, 사료 전환 비율 및 도체 특성이 동등한 것으로 나타났습니다.

이 연구는 새 한 마리당 최대 $0.20의 비용 절감 가능성을 밝혀냈으며, 이전 연구에서는 최대 5.4%의 성능 개선이 보고되었습니다. 개선된 영양 프로필은 또한 탄소 배출량을 줄이고 최종 사용자를 위한 범위 3 감소 목표를 지원하는 데 기여할 수 있습니다.

Benson Hill (NASDAQ: BHIL) a annoncé des résultats positifs d'un essai contrôlé d'alimentation de poules de chair mené avec Tyson Foods, validant leur tourteau de soja Ultra-Haut Protéine et Bas Oligosaccharides (UHP-LO) comme une alternative rentable au tourteau de soja conventionnel dans la nutrition avicole.

L'essai, impliquant plus de 800 poules de chair, a démontré que le tourteau de soja UHP-LO peut remplacer complètement le tourteau de soja conventionnel tout en réduisant les coûts d'alimentation grâce à une augmentation des protéines et une énergie métabolisable plus élevée. Le produit présente des niveaux de protéines brutes 14% plus élevés et 90% d'oligosaccharides en moins par rapport aux options conventionnelles. Les poules de chair alimentées avec de l'UHP-LO ont montré des poids corporels finaux, des taux de conversion alimentaire et des caractéristiques de carcasse équivalents.

L'étude a révélé des économies potentielles de coûts allant jusqu'à 0,20 $ par oiseau, avec des gains de performance allant jusqu'à 5,4 % rapportés dans des études précédentes. Le profil nutritionnel amélioré peut également contribuer à réduire les émissions de carbone et soutenir les objectifs de réduction Scope 3 pour les utilisateurs finaux.

Benson Hill (NASDAQ: BHIL) hat positive Ergebnisse aus einer kontrollierten Fütterungsstudie mit Tyson Foods bekannt gegeben, die ihr Ultra-Hoch-Protein, Niedrig-Oligosaccharid (UHP-LO) Sojaschrot als kostengünstige Alternative zu herkömmlichem Sojaschrot in der Geflügelfütterung validiert.

Die Studie, an der über 800 Masthühner beteiligt waren, zeigte, dass UHP-LO Sojaschrot herkömmliches Sojaschrot vollständig ersetzen kann, während die Futterkosten gesenkt werden durch erhöhtes Protein und höhere metabolische Energie. Das Produkt weist 14% höhere Rohproteinwerte und 90% weniger Oligosaccharide im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Optionen auf. Masthühner, die mit UHP-LO gefüttert wurden, wiesen vergleichbare Endkörpergewichte, Futterverwertungsraten und Schlachtkörpermerkmale auf.

Die Studie ergab potenzielle Kosteneinsparungen von bis zu $0,20 pro Tier, wobei in früheren Studien Leistungssteigerungen von bis zu 5,4% berichtet wurden. Das verbesserte Nährstoffprofil kann auch zur Senkung der Kohlenstoffemissionen beitragen und die Reduktionsziele von Scope 3 für Endanwender unterstützen.

  • Successful validation of UHP-LO soybean meal in Tyson Foods trial
  • Cost reduction of up to $0.20 per bird
  • Performance gains of up to 5.4% in previous studies
  • 14% higher crude protein levels compared to conventional soybean meal
  • 90% reduction in anti-nutrient levels (oligosaccharides)
  • None.


The successful Tyson Foods feeding trial represents a significant milestone for Benson Hill's commercialization strategy, validating their proprietary UHP-LO soybean meal technology at an industrial scale. The demonstrated cost savings of up to $0.20 per bird is particularly compelling when considering Tyson's massive scale - processing approximately 47 million chickens weekly.

The technology's dual advantage of 14% higher crude protein and 90% fewer oligosaccharides creates a compelling value proposition. The improved nutritional profile enables feed manufacturers to reduce both soybean meal and fat inclusion rates while maintaining protein and energy levels, potentially transforming feed formulation economics across the $400 billion global animal feed market.

Key commercial implications include:

  • Reduced dependency on supplemental ingredients, supporting both cost reduction and sustainability goals
  • Improved feed conversion efficiency without compromising animal performance metrics
  • Potential for premium pricing based on demonstrated value-add
  • Strategic alignment with industry-wide efforts to reduce Scope 3 emissions

The third-party validation from Tyson Foods significantly de-risks the commercial adoption pathway. With the poultry industry facing persistent margin pressures and increasing sustainability demands, Benson Hill's technology addresses both economic and environmental imperatives. The company's focus on non-GMO varieties also aligns with growing consumer preferences, potentially commanding premium pricing in specialty markets.

  • Latest collaboration represents the third major poultry feeding trial using the Company’s Ultra-High Protein, Low-Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean meal in poultry diets.
  • Proprietary soy quality traits translate into higher nutritional efficiency and lower feed costs for poultry producers and integrators.

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Benson Hill, Inc. (Nasdaq: BHIL, the “Company” or “Benson Hill”), a seed innovation company, today announced positive results from a controlled broiler feeding trial conducted with Tyson Foods. Study findings, consistent with those released in May 2024, demonstrate how Benson Hill’s Ultra-High Protein, Low Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean meal offers a high-performance, cost-effective alternative to conventional soybean meal in poultry nutrition.

Benson Hill, Inc. (Nasdaq: BHIL, the “Company” or “Benson Hill”), a seed innovation company, today announced positive results from a controlled broiler feeding trial conducted with Tyson Foods. Study findings, consistent with those released in May 2024, demonstrate how Benson Hill’s Ultra-High Protein, Low Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean meal offers a high-performance, cost-effective alternative to conventional soybean meal in poultry nutrition. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Benson Hill, Inc. (Nasdaq: BHIL, the “Company” or “Benson Hill”), a seed innovation company, today announced positive results from a controlled broiler feeding trial conducted with Tyson Foods. Study findings, consistent with those released in May 2024, demonstrate how Benson Hill’s Ultra-High Protein, Low Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean meal offers a high-performance, cost-effective alternative to conventional soybean meal in poultry nutrition. (Graphic: Business Wire)

The latest Tyson results validate that UHP-LO soybean meal (SBM) can fully replace conventional SBM in broiler diets and increase revenue potential for producers, without compromising animal performance. For instance, when formulated for cost advantages, UHP-LO SBM significantly lowered feed costs by increasing protein and higher metabolizable energy. Consequently, UHP-LO SBM gives poultry producers the opportunity to decrease the amount of SBM and fat added to the diet while keeping the necessary protein and energy levels.

In addition to the economic returns, animal outcomes in Tyson’s 42-day UHP-LO trial were substantially equivalent and showed consistent performance. Broilers fed with UHP-LO SBM exhibited equivalent final body weights, feed conversion ratios, and carcass traits compared to those fed conventional SBM. Benson Hill plans to validate select carcass traits in future trials.

The benefits for poultry begin with Benson Hill’s innovative seed development process, which dramatically lowers anti-nutrient levels (90 percent fewer oligosaccharides) in the soybean itself for a more digestible SBM. The UHP-LO SBM used in the trial also delivers 14 percent higher crude protein levels compared to conventional SBM. Together these soy quality traits and performance metrics can translate into higher nutritional efficiency and better margins for poultry producers and integrators.

“This commercial trial shows how Benson Hill’s UHP-LO soybean meal is helping redefine poultry feed,” said Matt Begemann, Senior Director of R&D at Benson Hill. “The positive results confirm how Benson Hill’s UHP-LO soybean meal can generate higher nutritional and economic returns. Collaborating with a leader like Tyson Foods is consistent with our commitment to advancing soy quality traits that benefit the entire supply chain. For me, it’s exciting to see our science play out in practice.”

The feeding trial for Tyson involved more than 800 broilers in a controlled research environment. All diets were formulated to match standard nutrient requirements, with UHP-LO SBM demonstrating flexibility in inclusion levels. Poultry producers have enhanced flexibility with UHP-LO to formulate feeding rations for cost advantage (up to $0.20 per bird in this study) and bird performance gains (up to 5.4 percent in prior studies). These gains are significant and translate across the value chain. For the full research summary, visit

“The Tyson project illustrates the advantages of Benson Hill soybean meal for poultry producers seeking feed solutions with immediate benefits,” said Dr. Roy Brister, Ph.D., an independent animal nutritionist and strategic advisor with four decades of industry experience. “Achieving performance parity with conventional soybean meal presents poultry nutritionists with a meaningful opportunity to optimize their performance feed by simply selecting a premium UHP-LO option.”

Benson Hill’s UHP-LO soybean meal is made exclusively from its proprietary soybean varieties and also exemplifies the Company’s commitment to sustainability. The improved nutrient profile can reduce reliance on supplemental feed ingredients, contributing to lower carbon emissions and supporting Scope 3 reduction targets for end users.

With results from recent trials reinforcing the value of UHP-LO SBM, Benson Hill continues to expand its reach in the animal feed sector. The Company is working with value chain partners to ensure availability and adoption of its UHP-LO SBM while further researching animal feed applications in poultry, dairy, and swine. For more information on Benson Hill’s non-GMO, UHP-LO soybean varieties and 2025 partner programs for growers, visit

About Benson Hill

Benson Hill is a seed innovation company that unlocks nature’s genetic diversity in soy quality traits through a combination of its proprietary genetics, its AI-driven CropOS® technology platform, and its Crop Accelerator. Benson Hill collaborates with strategic partners to create value throughout the agribusiness supply chain to meet the demand for better feed, food, and fuel. For more information, visit or X, formerly known as Twitter at @bensonhillinc.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may be considered “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or the Company’s future financial or operating performance and may be identified by words such as “may,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “will,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “predict,” or similar words. These forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions made by the Company as of the date hereof and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements regarding: the Company’s progress toward an asset-light business model, and the anticipated pace of such transition; the Company’s financial and operating performance during its business transition; the Company’s cost-cutting measures under its expanded Liquidity Improvement Plan and other cost-saving measures, actions to implement such plan, and the anticipated benefits of and timeline to implement such plans; the Company’s current expectations and assumptions regarding the industries and markets in which it operates; potential strategic partnership and licensing opportunities; the Company’s anticipated liquidity, path to profitability, and runway for growth; expectations regarding the sources of expected revenues, costs, profit and earnings; projections of market opportunity; the anticipated advantages, potential and capabilities of the Company’s seed portfolio and innovation pipeline and the expected timeline for the commercialization of the Company’s current and anticipated innovations; anticipated demand for quality soy traits and the Company’s seed innovations; the expected timeline for the expansion of the Company’s seed portfolio; the expected timing and results of planned academic studies and commercial feeding trails; current projections and assumptions regarding the Company’s business and the industries and markets in which the Company currently operates or plans to operate; expectations regarding the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern; execution of the Company’s business plan and the strategic review of the Company’s business; any financial or other information based upon or otherwise incorporating judgments or estimates relating to future performance, events or expectations; the Company’s strategies, positioning, resources, capabilities, and expectations for future performance; estimates and forecasts of financial and other performance metrics; the Company’s outlook, and financial and other guidance; and management’s strategy and plans for growth. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: risks associated with the Company’s ability to generally execute on its business strategy, including its transition to an asset-light business model in a timely manner with sufficient liquidity; risks relating to acreage acquisition; risks associated with developing and maintaining partnering and licensing relationships in an asset-light business model, and maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers; risks associated with realizing the anticipated advantages of the Company’s seed innovations and products; the risk that the Company will not realize the anticipated benefits of the divestiture of its soy processing facilities; risks associated with the loss of revenues from the Company’s divestiture of its soy processing facilities; risks associated with growing and managing capital resources; risks associated with changing industry conditions and consumer preferences; risks associated with the Company’s cost-cutting measures under its expanded Liquidity Improvement Plan and other cost saving measures, including potentially adverse impacts on the Company’s business and prospects even if such plans are successful; the risk that the Company’s actions relating to cost-cutting measures under its expanded Liquidity Improvement Plan and other cost saving measures may be insufficient to achieve the objectives of such plans; liquidity and other risks relating to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern; risks associated with the Company’s ability to grow and achieve growth profitably, including continued access to the capital resources necessary for growth; risks relating to the failure to raise additional financing to satisfy the Company’s cash needs; risks relating to maintaining key employee, customer, partner and supplier relationships; risks relating to the Company’s exploration of strategic alternatives; risks associated with the failure to realize the anticipated commercial or nutritional benefits of the Company’s UHP-LO soybeans; risks that the benefits validated by the recent trial may not be able to be repeated or improved upon in the future; risks associated with the accuracy and repeatability of feeding trials generally; risks associated with the effects of global and regional economic, agricultural, financial and commodities market, political, social and health conditions; the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management strategies; and other risks and uncertainties set forth in the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in our filings with the SEC, which are available on the SEC’s website at The Company can make no assurances that it will be able to raise additional financing, improve its liquidity position, or continue as a going concern. Nothing in this press release should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. There may be additional risks about which the Company is presently unaware or that the Company currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The reader should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. The Company expressly disclaims any duty to update these forward-looking statements, except as otherwise required by law.

Media Contact:

Christi Dixon


Source: Benson Hill


What were the key results of BHIL's Tyson Foods feeding trial?

The trial showed that Benson Hill's UHP-LO soybean meal can fully replace conventional soybean meal, reducing feed costs while maintaining equivalent broiler performance in terms of body weights, feed conversion ratios, and carcass traits.

How much cost savings can BHIL's UHP-LO soybean meal provide per bird?

The study demonstrated potential cost savings of up to $0.20 per bird when using Benson Hill's UHP-LO soybean meal.

What are the protein advantages of BHIL's UHP-LO soybean meal?

Benson Hill's UHP-LO soybean meal delivers 14% higher crude protein levels compared to conventional soybean meal and contains 90% fewer oligosaccharides.

How many broilers were involved in BHIL's Tyson Foods feeding trial?

The feeding trial conducted with Tyson Foods involved more than 800 broilers in a controlled research environment.

What environmental benefits does BHIL's UHP-LO soybean meal offer?

The improved nutrient profile can reduce reliance on supplemental feed ingredients, contributing to lower carbon emissions and supporting Scope 3 reduction targets for end users.

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