Bausch Health and Salix Survey Highlights Urgent Need for Improved Understanding of Liver Disease Across Healthcare Provider Disciplines as Prevalence of Cirrhosis Rises

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Bausch Health and Salix have released the Liver Health Trends Report in Action, highlighting the urgent need for improved understanding of liver disease across healthcare providers. The report reveals that care for chronic liver disease (CLD) patients is increasingly falling on non-specialists who require better education and support.

Key findings include:

  • Approximately 4.5 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with CLD, which can lead to cirrhosis
  • CLD is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S., with mortality projected to nearly triple by 2030
  • People with cirrhosis have nearly double the post-emergency department visit mortality rate compared to chronic heart failure patients

The report calls for holistic, multi-disciplinary treatment approaches, consistent use of non-invasive screening tools, and better education to identify at-risk patients sooner. It also emphasizes the need for broader adoption of user-friendly guidelines, investment in community-based care resources, and increased awareness of screening guidelines for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD).

Bausch Health e Salix hanno pubblicato il Rapporto sulle Tendenze della Salute del Fegato in Azione, evidenziando l'urgenza di una maggiore comprensione delle malattie epatiche da parte dei fornitori di assistenza sanitaria. Il rapporto rivela che la cura dei pazienti con malattia epatica cronica (CLD) ricade sempre più su non specialisti che necessitano di una migliore formazione e supporto.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Circa 4,5 milioni di adulti negli Stati Uniti sono diagnosticati con CLD, che può portare a cirrosi
  • La CLD è la decima causa principale di morte negli Stati Uniti, con una mortalità che si prevede quasi triplicherà entro il 2030
  • Le persone con cirrosi hanno quasi il doppio del tasso di mortalità dopo la visita al pronto soccorso rispetto ai pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca cronica

Il rapporto richiede approcci terapeutici olistici e multidisciplinari, un uso coerente di strumenti di screening non invasivi e una migliore educazione per identificare prima i pazienti a rischio. Sottolinea anche la necessità di una maggiore adozione di linee guida facili da usare, investimenti nelle risorse per la cura comunitaria e una maggiore consapevolezza delle linee guida per lo screening della malattia epatica steatosica associata a disfunzione metabolica (MASLD).

Bausch Health y Salix han publicado el Informe sobre las Tendencias de Salud Hepática en Acción, destacando la urgente necesidad de una mejor comprensión de la enfermedad hepática entre los proveedores de atención médica. El informe revela que la atención a los pacientes con enfermedad hepática crónica (CLD) está recayendo cada vez más en no especialistas que requieren mejor educación y apoyo.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Aproximadamente 4.5 millones de adultos en EE.UU. son diagnosticados con CLD, que puede conducir a cirrosis
  • La CLD es la décima causa principal de muerte en EE.UU., con una mortalidad que se proyecta casi se triplicará para 2030
  • Las personas con cirrosis tienen casi el doble de la tasa de mortalidad después de visitar la sala de emergencias en comparación con los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica

El informe pide enfoques de tratamiento holísticos y multidisciplinarios, uso consistente de herramientas de detección no invasivas y mejor educación para identificar a los pacientes en riesgo más pronto. También enfatiza la necesidad de una mayor adopción de pautas fáciles de usar, inversión en recursos de atención basados en la comunidad y una mayor conciencia sobre las pautas de detección para la enfermedad hepática grasa asociada a disfunción metabólica (MASLD).

바우슈 헬스와 살릭스는 간 건강 추세 보고서를 발표하며 의료 제공자들 사이에서 간 질환에 대한 이해를 개선해야 할 긴급한 필요성을 강조했습니다. 보고서는 만성 간 질환 (CLD) 환자에 대한 치료가 점점 더 비전문가에게 의존하고 있으며, 이들이 더 나은 교육과 지원이 필요하다는 것을 보여줍니다.

주요 발견사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 약 450만 명의 미국 성인이 CLD로 진단받고 있으며, 이는 간경변으로 이어질 수 있습니다.
  • CLD는 미국에서 사망 원인 10위로, 2030년까지 사망률이 거의 3배 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • 간경변 환자는 만성 심부전 환자에 비해 응급실 방문 후 사망률이 거의 두 배입니다.

보고서는 포괄적이고 다학제적 치료 접근 방식, 비침습적 선별 도구의 일관된 사용, 위험에 처한 환자를 조기에 식별하기 위한 교육 개선을 요구합니다. 또한 사용자 친화적인 가이드라인의 더 넓은 채택, 지역 사회 기반 치료 자원에 대한 투자 필요성, 대사 기능 장애와 관련된 지방간 질환 (MASLD)의 선별 가이드라인에 대한 인식 제고의 필요성을 강조합니다.

Bausch Health et Salix ont publié le Rapport sur les Tendances de la Santé du Foie en Action, soulignant l'urgence d'une meilleure compréhension des maladies du foie parmi les prestataires de soins de santé. Le rapport révèle que les soins aux patients atteints de maladie hépatique chronique (CLD) reposent de plus en plus sur des non-spécialistes qui ont besoin de mieux se former et de soutien.

Les résultats clés comprennent :

  • Environ 4,5 millions d'adultes aux États-Unis sont diagnostiqués avec CLD, ce qui peut conduire à la cirrhose
  • La CLD est la dixième cause de décès aux États-Unis, avec une mortalité qui devrait presque tripler d'ici 2030
  • Les personnes atteintes de cirrhose ont presque deux fois le taux de mortalité après une visite au service des urgences par rapport aux patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque chronique

Le rapport appelle à des approches de traitement holistiques et pluridisciplinaires, à une utilisation cohérente des outils de dépistage non invasifs, et à une meilleure éducation pour identifier plus tôt les patients à risque. Il souligne également la nécessité d'une adoption plus large de directives conviviales, d'investissements dans les ressources de soins communautaires, et d'une sensibilisation accrue aux lignes directrices de dépistage des maladies hépatiques grasses associées à une dysfonction métabolique (MASLD).

Bausch Health und Salix haben den Trendbericht über die Gesundheit der Leber in Aktion veröffentlicht, der die dringende Notwendigkeit eines besseren Verständnisses von Lebererkrankungen bei Gesundheitsdienstleistern hervorhebt. Der Bericht zeigt, dass die Betreuung von Patienten mit chronischen Lebererkrankungen (CLD) zunehmend in die Hände von Nicht-Spezialisten fällt, die eine bessere Ausbildung und Unterstützung benötigen.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

  • Etwa 4,5 Millionen Erwachsene in den USA sind mit CLD diagnostiziert, die zu Zirrhose führen kann
  • CLD ist die zehnthäufigste Todesursache in den USA, wobei die Sterblichkeitsrate bis 2030 voraussichtlich fast dreimal so hoch sein wird
  • Menschen mit Zirrhose haben im Vergleich zu Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz nahezu die doppelte Sterblichkeitsrate nach einem Besuch in der Notaufnahme

Der Bericht fordert ganzheitliche, multidisziplinäre Behandlungsansätze, eine konsequente Nutzung nicht-invasiver Screening-Tools und eine bessere Ausbildung zur frühzeitigen Identifizierung gefährdeter Patienten. Er betont auch die Notwendigkeit einer breiteren Einführung benutzerfreundlicher Richtlinien, Investitionen in gemeindebasierte Pflegeressourcen und ein erhöhtes Bewusstsein für Screening-Richtlinien für die mit metabolischer Dysfunktion verbundene steatotische Lebererkrankung (MASLD).

  • None.
  • None.

Findings show care for chronic liver disease patients is falling on non-specialists who need stronger education and support to ensure patients receive timely, optimal care1

LAVAL, QC / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Bausch Health Companies Inc. (NYSE:BHC)(TSX:BHC) and its gastroenterology (GI) business, Salix Pharmaceuticals ("Salix"), today released Liver Health Trends Report in Action, the latest Liver Health Annual Trends Report dedicated to sparking actionable change to improve liver disease management and outcomes for patients. Healthcare provider (HCP) survey participants called for holistic, multi-disciplinary treatment approaches, consistent use of non-invasive screening tools (e.g., FIB-4 Index) and better education to identify at-risk patients sooner and prevent future complications of severe liver disease.1

Approximately 4.5 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with chronic liver disease (CLD), which can lead to cirrhosis.2 Often, cirrhosis indicates permanent liver damage, so earlier diagnosis and prevention are critical for patients living with liver disease. As of 2022, CLD is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. with mortality associated with CLD projected to nearly triple by 2030. 2,3 When compared to patients with chronic heart failure, people with cirrhosis have nearly double the post-emergency department visit mortality rate (6.9% vs 12.2%, respectively), reinforcing the need for broader use of risk-stratification tools and for increased awareness of cirrhosis-associated risks by all HCPs. 4

"Recent liver disease trends are alarming, and as the number of patients needing care rises and the number of specialists declines, too often patients are left waiting or lost to follow-up until they have symptoms of irreversible liver disease," said Nancy Reau, MD, section chief of hepatology at Rush Medical Center. "While progress in liver disease management has been made, it is evident that challenges remain. More consistent use of diagnostic tests and scores helps identify severe disease earlier, and elevated national attention on liver disease as a public health priority may help lessen the burden of illness on the broader healthcare system."

Liver Health Trends Report in Action encompasses key learnings from 2020-2023 Liver Health Annual Trends Reports, new secondary and primary market insights, as well as forty in-depth interviews with physicians who treat liver disease across various practice settings to reveal insights on diagnosis, management and barriers to liver disease care. Physicians participating in this survey report that advances in liver disease management are achievable given the provision of resources and tools by their practice or organization's leadership.1

"The Liver Health Annual Trend Reports have provided profound insights, and now we must take action and champion the practical solutions outlined by participants in this survey to slow or reverse the distressing trends from the past four years," said Aimee Lenar, Executive Vice President, US Pharma, Bausch Health. "Bausch Health and Salix have been leaders in driving awareness and therapies for patients suffering from severe forms of liver disease and we are investing in the development of new therapies for the future."

Additional findings highlighted in the 2024 report include the need for1:

  • Awareness of the shift away from single-specialty management (hepatologist) to a multidisciplinary care model

  • Greater adoption of user-friendly, evidence-based guidelines for the management of liver disease that may be adapted for all practice settings

  • Investing in resources to support a shift from high-cost inpatient care to community-based care

  • Better understanding of the current screening guidelines for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) in adult patients

  • Increased awareness of the importance of risk stratifying liver disease patients using noninvasive screening tools and risk scores

  • More access to continuing education material and tools

  • Expanding the use of electronic health record (EHR), artificial intelligence (AI), and other appropriate digital tools to improve communication and alignment with evidence-based care

Click here to visit the comprehensive report.

Findings from the interviews were analyzed to determine key themes and organized into 3 sections: Action Steps for (1) Physicians Practicing in the Primary Care Setting, (2) Hospital-based Physicians, and (3) Leadership of Group Practices, Hospitals, and Health Systems. A resource section is included that contains evidence-based guidelines in screening and managing MASLD and cirrhosis and examples of provider and/or patient resources.

About Bausch Health

Bausch Health Companies Inc. (NYSE:BHC)(TSX:BHC) is a global diversified pharmaceutical company enriching lives through our relentless drive to deliver better health care outcomes. We develop, manufacture and market a range of products primarily in gastroenterology, hepatology, neurology, dermatology, international pharmaceuticals and eye health, through our controlling interest in Bausch + Lomb Corporation. Our ambition is to be a globally integrated healthcare company, trusted and valued by patients, HCPs, employees and investors. Our gastroenterology business, Salix Pharmaceuticals, is one of the largest specialty pharmaceutical businesses in the world and has licensed, developed and marketed innovative products for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases for more than 30 years. For more information about Salix, visit and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn. For more information about Bausch Health, visit and connect with us on LinkedIn.


  1. Aventria Health Group. (2024). Liver Health Trends Report in Action. Salix Pharmaceuticals.

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024, September). Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.

  3. Estes, C., Razavi, H., Loomba, R., Younossi, Z., & Sanyal, A. J. (2018). Modeling the epidemic of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease demonstrates an exponential increase in burden of disease. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 67(1), 123-133.

  4. Elhence, H., Dodge, J. L., Flemming, J. A., & Lee, B. P. (2024). Emergency Department Utilization and Outcomes among Adults with Cirrhosis from 2008 to 2022 in the United States. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology: the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, S1542-3565(24)00764-X. Advance online publication.


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Katie Savastano

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(908) 569-3692

SOURCE: Salix Pharmaceuticals

View the original press release on


What are the key findings of the Bausch Health and Salix Liver Health Trends Report for BHC stock?

The report highlights the urgent need for improved liver disease understanding among healthcare providers, emphasizing that care for chronic liver disease patients is falling on non-specialists. It calls for multi-disciplinary treatment approaches, consistent use of non-invasive screening tools, and better education to identify at-risk patients sooner.

How many adults in the United States are diagnosed with chronic liver disease according to the BHC report?

According to the Bausch Health (BHC) report, approximately 4.5 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with chronic liver disease (CLD), which can lead to cirrhosis.

What is the projected trend for chronic liver disease mortality in the U.S. by 2030, as mentioned in the BHC press release?

The Bausch Health (BHC) press release states that mortality associated with chronic liver disease is projected to nearly triple by 2030 in the United States.

How does the post-emergency department visit mortality rate for cirrhosis patients compare to chronic heart failure patients, according to the BHC report?

The Bausch Health (BHC) report indicates that people with cirrhosis have nearly double the post-emergency department visit mortality rate compared to patients with chronic heart failure (12.2% vs 6.9%, respectively).

What are some of the action steps recommended in the BHC Liver Health Trends Report for improving liver disease management?

The Bausch Health (BHC) report recommends action steps including greater adoption of user-friendly guidelines for liver disease management, investing in community-based care resources, increasing awareness of screening guidelines for MASLD, and expanding the use of electronic health records and AI to improve evidence-based care.

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