BGSF Named as an SAP Services Partner to Drive Digital Transformation and Innovation

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BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF) has been officially designated as an SAP Services Partner, expanding its service offerings and accelerating digital transformation for clients. This strategic partnership focuses on SAP's core solutions, including SAP S/4HANA and SAP Cloud.

As an SAP Services Partner, BGSF will utilize the SAP Activate methodology to fast-track innovation through pre-built content, accelerators, and best practices. The collaboration aims to support organizations in their journey toward smarter, more efficient business processes, fostering innovation and operational excellence.

BGSF's Managed Solutions and Business Consulting services will concentrate on SAP S/4HANA upgrades, ensuring clients benefit from faster time-to-value and reduced operational disruption. This partnership solidifies BGSF's position as a leader in providing innovative workforce solutions, backed by SAP's industry-leading technologies.

BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF) è stata ufficialmente designata come Partner per i Servizi SAP, ampliando la propria offerta di servizi e accelerando la trasformazione digitale per i clienti. Questa partnership strategica si concentra sulle soluzioni principali di SAP, inclusi SAP S/4HANA e SAP Cloud.

In qualità di Partner per i Servizi SAP, BGSF utilizzerà la metodologia SAP Activate per accelerare l'innovazione attraverso contenuti pre-costruiti, acceleratori e best practice. La collaborazione mira a supportare le organizzazioni nel loro percorso verso processi aziendali più intelligenti ed efficienti, promuovendo l'innovazione e l'eccellenza operativa.

I servizi di Soluzioni Gestite e di Consulenza Aziendale di BGSF si concentreranno sugli aggiornamenti di SAP S/4HANA, garantendo ai clienti un tempo di realizzazione più rapido e una riduzione delle interruzioni operative. Questa partnership consolida la posizione di BGSF come leader nella fornitura di soluzioni innovative per la forza lavoro, supportata dalle tecnologie leader di settore di SAP.

BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF) ha sido oficialmente designada como Socio de Servicios SAP, ampliando su oferta de servicios y acelerando la transformación digital para sus clientes. Esta asociación estratégica se centra en las soluciones principales de SAP, incluyendo SAP S/4HANA y SAP Cloud.

Como Socio de Servicios SAP, BGSF utilizará la metodología SAP Activate para acelerar la innovación a través de contenido preconstruido, aceleradores y mejores prácticas. La colaboración tiene como objetivo apoyar a las organizaciones en su camino hacia procesos empresariales más inteligentes y eficientes, fomentando la innovación y la excelencia operativa.

Los servicios de Soluciones Gestionadas y Consultoría Empresarial de BGSF se centrarán en las actualizaciones de SAP S/4HANA, garantizando que los clientes se beneficien de un tiempo de valor más rápido y de una menor interrupción operativa. Esta asociación consolida la posición de BGSF como líder en la prestación de soluciones innovadoras para la fuerza laboral, respaldadas por las tecnologías líderes de la industria de SAP.

BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF)는 공식적으로 SAP 서비스 파트너로 지정되었으며, 서비스 제공을 확대하고 고객을 위한 디지털 전환을 가속화하고 있습니다. 이 전략적 파트너십은 SAP S/4HANA 및 SAP Cloud를 포함한 SAP의 핵심 솔루션에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

SAP 서비스 파트너로서 BGSF는 SAP Activate 방법론을 활용하여 사전 구축된 콘텐츠, 가속기 및 모범 사례를 통해 혁신을 빠르게 추진할 것입니다. 이 협력은 조직들이 더 스마트하고 효율적인 비즈니스 프로세스를 향한 여정을 지원하고 혁신과 운영 우수성을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

BGSF의 관리 솔루션과 비즈니스 컨설팅 서비스는 SAP S/4HANA 업그레이드에 집중하여 고객이 빠른 가치 실현과 운영 중단을 줄일 수 있도록 보장합니다. 이 파트너십은 SAP의 산업 최고의 기술에 의해 지원되는 혁신적인 인력 솔루션 제공에서 BGSF의 리더십을 확고히 합니다.

BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF) a été officiellement désignée comme Partenaire de Services SAP, élargissant ainsi son offre de services et accélérant la transformation numérique pour ses clients. Ce partenariat stratégique se concentre sur les solutions clés de SAP, y compris SAP S/4HANA et SAP Cloud.

En tant que Partenaire de Services SAP, BGSF utilisera la méthodologie SAP Activate pour accélérer l'innovation grâce à du contenu préconstruit, des accélérateurs et des meilleures pratiques. La collaboration vise à soutenir les organisations dans leur parcours vers des processus commerciaux plus intelligents et plus efficaces, favorisant ainsi l'innovation et l'excellence opérationnelle.

Les services de Solutions Gérées et de Conseil en Affaires de BGSF se concentreront sur les mises à niveau de SAP S/4HANA, garantissant que les clients bénéficient d'un délai de valorisation plus rapide et d'une interruption opérationnelle réduite. Ce partenariat renforce la position de BGSF en tant que leader dans la fourniture de solutions de main-d'œuvre innovantes, soutenues par les technologies de pointe de SAP.

BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF) wurde offiziell als SAP Services Partner ausgezeichnet, was die Serviceangebote erweitert und die digitale Transformation für Kunden beschleunigt. Diese strategische Partnerschaft konzentriert sich auf die Kernlösungen von SAP, einschließlich SAP S/4HANA und SAP Cloud.

Als SAP Services Partner wird BGSF die SAP Activate Methodik nutzen, um Innovationen mithilfe von vorkonfigurierten Inhalten, Beschleunigern und Best Practices schnell voranzutreiben. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Organisationen auf ihrem Weg zu intelligenten und effizienteren Geschäftsprozessen zu unterstützen und Innovation sowie betriebliche Exzellenz zu fördern.

BGSFs Managed Solutions und Business Consulting-Dienste konzentrieren sich auf SAP S/4HANA-Upgrades und stellen sicher, dass die Kunden von kürzeren Umsetzungszeiten und reduzierten Betriebsunterbrechungen profitieren. Diese Partnerschaft festigt BGSFs Position als führender Anbieter innovativer Workforce-Lösungen, unterstützt durch die branchenführenden Technologien von SAP.

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Empowering Organizations to Thrive in the Digital Age with Next-Generation Value

PLANO, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BGSF, Inc. (NYSE: BGSF), a leading provider of consulting, workforce solutions, managed services, and professional workforce solutions, is proud to announce its official designation as an SAP Services Partner. This strategic partnership will enable BGSF to expand its service offerings and accelerate digital transformation for clients, particularly in SAP’s core solutions, such as SAP S/4HANA and SAP Cloud.

Through this collaboration, BGSF will leverage SAP’s cutting-edge platforms and innovation frameworks to deliver seamless implementation, optimization, and upgrade services. The partnership aims to support organizations in their journey toward smarter, more efficient business processes, ultimately fostering innovation and operational excellence.

"We are excited to formalize our partnership with SAP," said Eric Peters, President of BGSF's Professional Division. "This collaboration enables us to tap into SAP's powerful ecosystem and integrate their advanced technologies with our workforce solutions, driving transformative results for our clients."

As an SAP Services Partner, BGSF will utilize the SAP Activate methodology—a comprehensive framework designed to fast-track innovation through pre-built content, accelerators, and best practices. This approach ensures efficient project delivery, minimizing risks and enhancing client satisfaction by reducing escalations and ensuring high-quality outcomes.

By gaining access to SAP’s vast network of resources, including specialized training, certification, and expert guidance, BGSF will strengthen its ability to support clients throughout their digital transformation. This partnership will enable clients to reimagine their business models and enhance their competitiveness in a rapidly evolving digital economy.

"Our goal is to help clients not only adopt SAP solutions but also harness the full power of these tools to drive sustainable, long-term success," Peters added.

BGSF’s Managed Solutions and Business Consulting services focus on SAP S/4HANA upgrades, ensuring clients benefit from faster time-to-value and reduced operational disruption. With expertise in managing SAP implementations and ongoing enhancements, BGSF is committed to enabling businesses to scale efficiently while maximizing their ROI on SAP solutions.

This partnership solidifies BGSF's position as a leader in providing innovative workforce solutions, backed by SAP’s industry-leading technologies. Together, BGSF and SAP are poised to empower organizations to thrive in the digital age, delivering next-generation value and fostering impactful business transformations.

About BGSF, Inc.

BGSF provides consulting, managed services, and professional workforce solutions to a variety of industries through its various divisions in IT, Cyber, Finance & Accounting, and Property Management (apartment communities and commercial buildings). BGSF has integrated several regional and national brands, achieving scalable growth. The Company was ranked by Staffing Industry Analysts as the 97th largest Workforce Solutions Provider in 2024 and the 49th largest IT staffing firm in 2024. The Company’s disciplined acquisition philosophy, which builds value through both financial growth and the retention of unique and dedicated talent within BGSF’s family of companies, has resulted in a seasoned management team with strong tenure and the ability to offer exceptional service to our field talent and client partners while building value for investors. For more information on the Company and its services, please visit its website at BGSF Managed Solutions and Consulting | Managed Solutions

Steven Hooser or Sandy Martin

Three Part Advisors 214.872.2710 or 214.616.2207

Source: BGSF, Inc.


What is BGSF's new partnership with SAP?

BGSF has been officially designated as an SAP Services Partner, enabling them to expand service offerings and accelerate digital transformation for clients, particularly in SAP's core solutions like SAP S/4HANA and SAP Cloud.

How will the SAP partnership benefit BGSF's clients?

The partnership will allow BGSF to leverage SAP's cutting-edge platforms and innovation frameworks to deliver seamless implementation, optimization, and upgrade services, supporting organizations in achieving smarter and more efficient business processes.

What methodology will BGSF use as an SAP Services Partner?

BGSF will utilize the SAP Activate methodology, a comprehensive framework designed to fast-track innovation through pre-built content, accelerators, and best practices, ensuring efficient project delivery and minimizing risks.

What specific SAP solutions will BGSF focus on?

BGSF's Managed Solutions and Business Consulting services will focus on SAP S/4HANA upgrades, ensuring clients benefit from faster time-to-value and reduced operational disruption.

BGSF, Inc.


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