Major Regional Aircore Drilling Program Starts at Tarcoola
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) has initiated a major regional exploration drilling program at its Tarcoola Gold Project in South Australia. The program includes:
- ~10,000m of aircore (AC) drilling along the Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ)
- Targeting large-scale alteration along strike from Indiana Resources' high-grade Minos Project
- Drilling spaced at 0.5-1km intervals over a 10km long section of the LLSZ
This program follows recent developments at Barton's projects, including:
- Upgraded JORC Resources at Perseverance Mine
- Discovery of a new high-grade 'Tolmer' gold zone in Tarcoola's western area
- Outlined a 130,000ozpa gold operation at the neighbouring Tunkillia Gold Project
The company aims to unlock the scale potential of its strategic asset package by exploring previously untested sections of major regional structures known to host gold.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) ha avviato un importante programma di perforazione esplorativa regionale presso il suo Tarcoola Gold Project in Australia del Sud. Il programma include:
- circa 10.000 metri di perforazioni aircore (AC) lungo la Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ)
- Targeting importanti alterazioni lungo il strike del progetto ad alta grade Minos di Indiana Resources
- Perforazioni distanziate ogni 0,5-1 km su un tratto lungo 10 km della LLSZ
Questo programma segue sviluppi recenti nei progetti di Barton, tra cui:
- Risorse JORC aggiornate presso la Perseverance Mine
- Scoperta di una nuova zona d'oro ad alta grade 'Tolmer' nell'area occidentale di Tarcoola
- Delineazione di un'operazione d'oro da 130.000 once all'anno presso il vicino Tunkillia Gold Project
L'azienda mira a sbloccare il potenziale di scala del suo pacchetto di asset strategici esplorando sezioni precedentemente non testate di importanti strutture regionali note per ospitare oro.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) ha iniciado un importante programa de perforación exploratoria regional en su Tarcoola Gold Project en Australia del Sur. El programa incluye:
- aproximadamente 10,000 metros de perforación aircore (AC) a lo largo de la Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ)
- Enfocándose en grandes alteraciones a lo largo del strike del proyecto de alta ley Minos de Indiana Resources
- Perforaciones espaciadas a intervalos de 0.5-1 km en un tramo de 10 km de la LLSZ
Este programa sigue a desarrollos recientes en los proyectos de Barton, incluyendo:
- Recursos JORC actualizados en la Perseverance Mine
- Descubrimiento de una nueva zona de oro de alta ley 'Tolmer' en el área occidental de Tarcoola
- Delineado de una operación de oro de 130,000 onzas al año en el vecino Tunkillia Gold Project
La empresa tiene como objetivo desbloquear el potencial a gran escala de su paquete de activos estratégicos explorando secciones previamente no probadas de importantes estructuras regionales conocidas por albergar oro.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF)는 남호주에 위치한 Tarcoola Gold Project에서 주요 지역 탐사 굴착 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 다음을 포함합니다:
- 약 10,000m의 에어코어(AC) 굴착이 Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone(LLSZ)을 따라 진행됩니다.
- Indiana Resources의 고급 Minos 프로젝트와의 스트라이크를 따라 대규모 변화를 목표로 합니다.
- LLSZ의 10km 구간에 걸쳐 0.5-1km 간격으로 굴착이 이루어집니다.
이 프로그램은 Barton's 프로젝트에서의 최근 발전에 이어 진행되며:
- Perseverance Mine에서 JORC 자원 업그레이드
- Tarcoola 서부 지역에서 새로운 고급 'Tolmer' 금 존 발견
- 이웃하는 Tunkillia Gold Project에서 연간 130,000온스 금 작업 윤곽 제시
회사는 금을 보유하는 주요 지역 구조의 이전에 테스트되지 않은 섹션을 탐사하여 전략적 자산 패키지의 규모 잠재력을 열기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) a lancé un programme de forage exploratoire régional majeur sur son Tarcoola Gold Project en Australie-Méridionale. Le programme comprend :
- environ 10 000 m de forage aircore (AC) le long de la Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ)
- Viser de grandes altérations le long du strike du projet de haute qualité Minos d'Indiana Resources
- Forages espacés tous les 0,5-1 km sur une section longue de 10 km de la LLSZ
Ce programme fait suite à des développements récents sur les projets de Barton, notamment :
- Ressources JORC mises à jour à la Perseverance Mine
- Découverte d'une nouvelle zone d'or de haute qualité 'Tolmer' dans la zone ouest de Tarcoola
- Délimitation d'une opération d'or de 130 000 onces par an au voisin Tunkillia Gold Project
L'entreprise vise à débloquer le potentiel de grande échelle de son ensemble d'actifs stratégiques en explorant des sections précédemment non testées de grandes structures régionales connues pour contenir de l'or.
Barton Gold Holdings (ASX:BGD, OTCQB:BGDFF) hat ein umfangreiches regionales Explorationsbohrprogramm gestartet bei seinem Tarcoola Gold Project in Südaustralien. Das Programm umfasst:
- ca. 10.000 m Aircore (AC) Bohrungen entlang der Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ)
- Zielgerichtet auf großflächige Veränderungen entlang des Strike des hochwertigen Minos-Projekts von Indiana Resources
- Bohrungen mit Abständen von 0,5-1 km über einen 10 km langen Abschnitt der LLSZ
Dieses Programm folgt auf kürzliche Entwicklungen bei Bartons Projekten, einschließlich:
- Aktualisierte JORC-Ressourcen in der Perseverance Mine
- Entdeckung einer neuen hochgradigen 'Tolmer' Goldzone im westlichen Bereich von Tarcoola
- Skizzierung eines Goldbetriebs mit 130.000 Unzen pro Jahr im benachbarten Tunkillia Gold Project
Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, das skalierte Potenzial seines strategischen Asset-Pakets zu erschließen, indem es bisher ungetestete Abschnitte bedeutender regionaler Strukturen erkundet, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie Gold enthalten.
- Initiation of a major 10,000m aircore drilling program at Tarcoola Gold Project
- Exploration of previously untested sections of the Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone
- Recent upgrade of JORC Resources at Perseverance Mine
- Discovery of new high-grade 'Tolmer' gold zone in Tarcoola's western area
- Outlined a 130,000ozpa gold operation at neighbouring Tunkillia Gold Project
- None.
~10,000m regional aircore (AC) drilling program begins on Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ)
Targeting large-scale alteration along strike from Indiana Resources' high-grade Minos Project

Fig 1 - Tarcoola map showing Perseverance Mine, Western Targets zone & LLSZ target zone (red)
Barton Gold Holdings Limited (ASX:BGD)(FRA:BGD3)(OTCQB:BGDFF) (Barton or Company) is pleased to confirm that a major regional exploration drilling program has begun over previously untested sections of the LLSZ at the Company's South Australian Tarcoola Gold Project (Tarcoola). The program will initially comprise ~10,000m of AC drilling spaced at 0.5 -1km intervals along a 10km long section of the LLSZ.
Commenting on the Tarcoola aircore drilling program, Barton MD Alexander Scanlon said:
"We recently upgraded the Perseverance Mine's JORC Resources, discovered a new high-grade ‘Tolmer' gold zone in Tarcoola's western area, and outlined a competitive 130,000ozpa gold operation at the neighbouring Tunkillia Gold Project. While incrementally advancing each of these key project areas, we are also now stepping further out along major regional structures with the potential to host the next major discovery on our ground.
"All of these structures are demonstrated to host gold, yet the vast majority of their strike remains untested. We look forward to sharing updates as we continue unlocking the scale potential of our strategic asset package."
Authorised by the Managing Director of Barton Gold Holdings Limited.
For further information, please contact:
Alexander Scanlon | Shannon Coates |
About Barton Gold
Barton Gold is an ASX, OTCQB and Frankfurt Stock Exchange listed Australian gold developer targeting future gold production of 150,000oz annually, with ~1.6Moz Au JORC Mineral Resources (52.2Mt @ 0.94 g/t Au), multiple advanced exploration projects and brownfield mines, and
Tarcoola Gold Project
Tunkillia Gold Project *
| ![]() |
Competent Persons Statement & Previously Reported Information
The information in this announcement that relates to the historic Exploration Results and Mineral Resources as listed in the table below is based on, and fairly represents, information and supporting documentation prepared by the Competent Person whose name appears in the same row, who is an employee of or independent consultant to the Company and is a Member or Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) or a Recognised Professional Organisation (RPO). Each person named in the table below has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and types of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he has undertaken to quality as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code 2012 (JORC).
Activity | Competent Person | Membership | Status |
Tarcoola Mineral Resource (Stockpiles) | Dr Andrew Fowler (Consultant) | AusIMM | Member |
Tarcoola Mineral Resource (Perseverance Mine) | Mr Ian Taylor (Consultant) | AusIMM | Fellow |
Tarcoola Exploration Results (until 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Colin Skidmore (Consultant) | AIG | Member |
Tarcoola Exploration Results (after 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Marc Twining (Employee) | AusIMM | Member |
Tunkillia Exploration Results (until 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Colin Skidmore (Consultant) | AIG | Member |
Tunkillia Exploration Results (after 15 Nov 2021) | Mr Marc Twining (Employee) | AusIMM | Member |
Tunkillia Mineral Resource | Mr Ian Taylor (Consultant) | AusIMM | Fellow |
Challenger Mineral Resource | Mr Dale Sims (Consultant) | AusIMM / AIG | Fellow / Member |
The information relating to historic Exploration Results and Mineral Resources in this announcement is extracted from the Company's Prospectus dated 14 May 2021 or as otherwise noted in this announcement, available from the Company's website at or on the ASX website The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the Exploration Results and Mineral Resource information included in previous announcements and, in the case of estimates of Mineral Resources, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates, and any production targets and forecast financial information derived from the production targets, continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the applicable Competent Persons' findings are presented have not been materially modified from the previous announcements.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This document may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "expect", "target" and "intend" and statements than an event or result "may", "will", "should", "would", "could", or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. Forward-looking information is subject to business, legal and economic risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, risks relating to property interests, the global economic climate, commodity prices, sovereign and legal risks, and environmental risks. Forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and opinions at the date the statements are made. Barton undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to such dates or to update or keep current any of the information contained herein. Any estimates or projections as to events that may occur in the future (including projections of revenue, expense, net income and performance) are based upon the best judgment of Barton from information available as of the date of this document. There is no guarantee that any of these estimates or projections will be achieved. Actual results will vary from the projections and such variations may be material. Nothing contained herein is, or shall be relied upon as, a promise or representation as to the past or future. Any reliance placed by the reader on this document, or on any forward-looking statement contained in or referred to in this document will be solely at the readers own risk, and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty thereof.
* Refer to Barton Prospectus dated 14 May 2021 and ASX announcements dated 4 March and 16 July 2024. Total Barton JORC (2012) Mineral Resources include 824koz Au (26.8Mt @ 0.96 g/t Au) in Indicated and 750koz Au (25.4Mt @ 0.92 g/t Au) in Inferred categories.
SOURCE: Barton Gold Holdings Limited
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What is the size of the aircore drilling program initiated by Barton Gold Holdings (BGDFF) at Tarcoola?
What is the spacing of the drilling intervals in Barton Gold's (BGDFF) Tarcoola exploration program?
What recent developments has Barton Gold (BGDFF) reported for its projects?