Bunge Expands Global Volunteering Program to Support Food Security in Local Communities

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Bunge has expanded its Global Volunteer Program in recognition of World Food Day, with employees in over 85 cities participating in events focused on supporting food security in local communities. This represents a 30% increase compared to 2023. The month-long initiative connects employees with local non-profit organizations to promote nutrition and well-being.

Since the program's launch in 2022, approximately 200 volunteer events have been organized worldwide, including food drives, donations, and educational sessions on healthy eating habits. Many projects have evolved into multi-year relationships in communities where Bunge operates. The company's Chief Sustainability Officer, Robert Coviello, expressed pride in the growing employee enthusiasm for the program, which aligns with Bunge's commitment to creating sustained, positive community impact.

Bunge ha ampliato il suo Programma Globale di Volontariato in occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Alimentazione, con la partecipazione di dipendenti in oltre 85 città a eventi focalizzati su supportare la sicurezza alimentare nelle comunità locali. Questo rappresenta un aumento del 30% rispetto al 2023. L'iniziativa, che dura un mese, mette in contatto i dipendenti con organizzazioni non profit locali per promuovere la nutrizione e il benessere.

Dalla sua introduzione nel 2022, sono stati organizzati circa 200 eventi di volontariato in tutto il mondo, comprese raccolte alimentari, donazioni e sessioni educative su abitudini alimentari sane. Molti progetti si sono evoluti in relazioni pluriennali nelle comunità in cui Bunge opera. Il Chief Sustainability Officer dell'azienda, Robert Coviello, ha espresso orgoglio per l'entusiasmo crescente dei dipendenti per il programma, che si allinea con l'impegno di Bunge a creare un impatto positivo e sostenuto nelle comunità.

Bunge ha ampliado su Programa Global de Voluntariado en reconocimiento del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, con empleados en más de 85 ciudades participando en eventos enfocados en apoyar la seguridad alimentaria en las comunidades locales. Esto representa un aumento del 30% en comparación con 2023. La iniciativa, que dura un mes, conecta a los empleados con organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales para promover la nutrición y el bienestar.

Desde el lanzamiento del programa en 2022, se han organizado aproximadamente 200 eventos de voluntariado en todo el mundo, incluyendo campañas de alimentos, donaciones y sesiones educativas sobre hábitos alimenticios saludables. Muchos proyectos se han convertido en relaciones a largo plazo en las comunidades donde opera Bunge. El Director de Sostenibilidad de la empresa, Robert Coviello, expresó orgullo por el creciente entusiasmo de los empleados por el programa, que está alineado con el compromiso de Bunge de crear un impacto positivo y sostenible en la comunidad.

Bunge는 세계 식량의 날을 맞이하여 글로벌 자원봉사 프로그램확대했습니다. 85개 이상의 도시에서 직원들이 지역사회의 식량 안보 지원에 중점을 둔 이벤트에 참여하고 있습니다. 이는 2023년 대비 30% 증가한 수치입니다. 한 달간 진행되는 이 이니셔티브는 직원들이 지역 비영리 기관과 연결되어 영양과 웰빙을 촉진하도록 합니다.

2022년 프로그램 시작 이래로 약 200개의 자원봉사 이벤트가 전 세계에서 개최되었으며, 여기에는 식품 기부, 기부 활동 그리고 건강한 식습관에 대한 교육 세션이 포함됩니다. 많은 프로젝트가 Bunge가 운영되는 지역의 커뮤니티와 다년간의 관계로 발전했습니다. 회사의 최고 지속 가능 책임자 로버트 코비엘로(Robert Coviello)는 이 프로그램에 대한 직원들의 증가하는 열정에 자부심을 느끼며, 이는 Bunge가 지속 가능하고 긍정적인 지역 사회 영향을 창출하려는 노력과 일치한다고 밝혔습니다.

Bunge a élargi son Programme Mondial de Volontariat en reconnaissance de la Journée Mondiale de l'Alimentation, avec des employés dans plus de 85 villes participant à des événements axés sur le soutien à la sécurité alimentaire dans les communautés locales. Cela représente une augmentation de 30% par rapport à 2023. Cette initiative d'un mois connecte les employés avec des organisations à but non lucratif locales pour promouvoir la nutrition et le bien-être.

Depuis le lancement du programme en 2022, environ 200 événements de bénévolat ont été organisés dans le monde entier, y compris des collectes alimentaires, des dons et des sessions éducatives sur des habitudes alimentaires saines. De nombreux projets ont évolué en relations pluriannuelles dans les communautés où Bunge opère. Le Directeur de la durabilité de l'entreprise, Robert Coviello, a exprimé sa fierté face à l'enthousiasme croissant des employés pour le programme, qui s'aligne sur l'engagement de Bunge à créer un impact communautaire positif et durable.

Bunge hat sein Globales Freiwilligenprogramm anlässlich des Welternährungstags erweitert, wobei Mitarbeiter in über 85 Städten an Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, die sich auf die Unterstützung der Ernährungssicherheit in den lokalen Gemeinden konzentrieren. Dies stellt einen 30%igen Anstieg im Vergleich zu 2023 dar. Die einmonatige Initiative verbindet Mitarbeiter mit lokalen gemeinnützigen Organisationen zur Förderung von Ernährung und Wohlbefinden.

Seit dem Start des Programms im Jahr 2022 wurden weltweit etwa 200 Freiwilligenveranstaltungen organisiert, darunter Lebensmittelsammlungen, Spenden und Bildungssitzungen zu gesunden Essgewohnheiten. Viele Projekte haben sich in mehrjährige Beziehungen in den Gemeinden entwickelt, in denen Bunge tätig ist. Der Chief Sustainability Officer des Unternehmens, Robert Coviello, drückte seinen Stolz über die wachsende Mitarbeiterbegeisterung für das Programm aus, das mit dem Engagement von Bunge übereinstimmt, einen nachhaltigen positiven Einfluss auf die Gemeinschaft zu schaffen.

  • 30% increase in employee participation compared to 2023
  • Expansion of Global Volunteer Program to over 85 cities worldwide
  • Approximately 200 volunteer events organized since 2022
  • None.

Employees in more than 85 cities around the world invest time and resources in volunteer activities in recognition of World Food Day.

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Bunge has expanded the reach of its Global Volunteer Program with employees around the world participating in more events in recognition of United Nation’s World Food Day. In a month-long initiative connecting employees with local non-profit organizations, Bunge is focused on supporting food security in communities where it operates. This year, employees in more than 85 cities have planned events, a 30% increase compared to 2023. These efforts promote nutrition and well-being and are part of Bunge’s commitment to creating sustained, positive community impact.

“Our team is committed to doing what’s right every day to support the communities where we live and work,” said Robert Coviello, Chief Sustainability Officer and Government Affairs at Bunge. “I’m very proud to see the growing employee enthusiasm with our Global Volunteering Program. It’s great to see the unique collaborations and activities our employees are driving in more than 20 countries around the world to create lasting change.”

Since the program’s launch in 2022, approximately 200 volunteer events across the world have helped benefit the communities where the company has a presence – including coordinating food drives, donating food baskets to communities in need, volunteering at food banks, promoting educational sessions with chefs about healthy eating habits and supporting local organizations which address hunger and food access. Many of these projects have grown into multi-year relationships in communities Bunge operates.

World Food Day is an international observance designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to promote global awareness and action for food security. Find more information about Bunge’s commitment to community impact here.

About Bunge

At Bunge (NYSE: BG), our purpose is to connect farmers to consumers to deliver essential food, feed and fuel to the world. With more than two centuries of experience, unmatched global scale and deeply rooted relationships, we work to strengthen global food security, increase sustainability where we operate, and help communities prosper. As a leader in oilseed processing and a leading producer and supplier of specialty plant-based oils and fats, we value our partnerships with farmers to bring quality products from where they’re grown to where they’re consumed. At the same time, we collaborate with our customers to develop tailored and innovative solutions to meet evolving dietary needs and trends in every part of the world. Our Company has its registered office in Geneva, Switzerland and its corporate headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. We have approximately 23,000 dedicated employees working across approximately 300 facilities located in more than 40 countries.

Website Information

We routinely post important information for investors on our website,, in the "Investors" section. We may use this website as a means of disclosing material, non-public information and for complying with our disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. Accordingly, investors should monitor the Investors section of our website, in addition to following our press releases, SEC filings, public conference calls, presentations and webcasts. The information contained on, or that may be accessed through, our website is not incorporated by reference into, and is not a part of, this document.

Media Contact:

Bunge News Bureau



Investor Contact:

Ruth Ann Wisener



Source: Bunge Global SA


What is Bunge's Global Volunteer Program focusing on for World Food Day 2024?

Bunge's Global Volunteer Program is focusing on supporting food security in local communities where the company operates, with employees participating in various events and activities in recognition of World Food Day.

How many cities are participating in Bunge's (BG) Global Volunteer Program in 2024?

Employees in more than 85 cities around the world are participating in Bunge's Global Volunteer Program events for World Food Day in 2024, representing a 30% increase compared to 2023.

What types of volunteer activities are Bunge (BG) employees involved in for their Global Volunteer Program?

Bunge employees are involved in activities such as coordinating food drives, donating food baskets to communities in need, volunteering at food banks, promoting educational sessions with chefs about healthy eating habits, and supporting local organizations that address hunger and food access.

When did Bunge (BG) launch its Global Volunteer Program?

Bunge launched its Global Volunteer Program in 2022, and since then, approximately 200 volunteer events have been organized across the world to benefit the communities where the company has a presence.

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