Beneficient Announces Enhanced AltAccess Platform With New Machine-Automated Pricing System

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Beneficient (NASDAQ: BENF) has announced significant upgrades to its AltAccess® fintech platform, introducing the Machine-Automated Pricing System (MAPS). This new system incorporates a formula-based pricing model for qualified fiduciary financings, optimizing dynamic pricing and real-time net asset valuations of alternative assets. MAPS is designed to accelerate transaction processing, potentially reducing the time-to-close for liquidity transactions from 30 days to 15 days or less.

The enhanced platform aims to address approximately $400 billion in market demand for liquidity restructuring solutions and primary capital. Initially, MAPS will be implemented in Ben's General Partner Solutions group, particularly the GP Primary Commitment Program, with plans to expand across other target markets. This innovation is expected to significantly enhance Ben's operational capacity and ability to scale the delivery of liquidity and primary capital solutions for various alternative assets.

Beneficient (NASDAQ: BENF) ha annunciato importanti miglioramenti alla sua piattaforma fintech AltAccess®, introducendo il Sistema di Prezzo Automatizzato per Macchine (MAPS). Questo nuovo sistema include un modello di pricing basato su formule per finanziamenti fiduciari qualificati, ottimizzando il pricing dinamico e le valutazioni patrimoniali nette in tempo reale degli asset alternativi. MAPS è progettato per accelerare l'elaborazione delle transazioni, riducendo potenzialmente il tempo di chiusura delle transazioni di liquidità da 30 giorni a 15 giorni o meno.

La piattaforma migliorata mira a rispondere a circa 400 miliardi di dollari di domanda di mercato per soluzioni di ristrutturazione della liquidità e capitale primario. Inizialmente, MAPS sarà implementato nel gruppo Soluzioni per Partner Generali di Ben, in particolare nel Programma di Impegno Primario GP, con piani per espandersi in altri mercati target. Questa innovazione dovrebbe migliorare significativamente la capacità operativa di Ben e la sua abilità di scalare la fornitura di soluzioni di liquidità e capitale primario per vari asset alternativi.

Beneficient (NASDAQ: BENF) ha anunciado mejoras significativas en su plataforma fintech AltAccess®, introduciendo el Sistema de Precios Automatizados por Máquina (MAPS). Este nuevo sistema incorpora un modelo de precios basado en fórmulas para financiamientos fiduciarios calificados, optimizando el pricing dinámico y las valoraciones de activos netos en tiempo real de activos alternativos. MAPS está diseñado para acelerar el procesamiento de transacciones, potencialmente reduciendo el tiempo de cierre para transacciones de liquidez de 30 días a 15 días o menos.

La plataforma mejorada tiene como objetivo abordar aproximadamente 400 mil millones de dólares en demanda de mercado para soluciones de reestructuración de liquidez y capital primario. Inicialmente, MAPS se implementará en el grupo de Soluciones de Socios Generales de Ben, particularmente en el Programa de Compromiso Primario GP, con planes de expansión hacia otros mercados objetivo. Se espera que esta innovación mejore significativamente la capacidad operativa de Ben y su capacidad para escalar la entrega de soluciones de liquidez y capital primario para varios activos alternativos.

베네피션트(Beneficient)(NASDAQ: BENF)가 AltAccess® 핀테크 플랫폼에 대한 중요한 업그레이드를 발표하며, 기계 자동화 가격 시스템(MAPS)을 도입했습니다. 이 새로운 시스템은 자격을 갖춘 신탁 금융을 위한 공식 기반 가격 모델을 포함하여 대체 자산의 동적 가격 책정과 실시간 순자산 평가를 최적화합니다. MAPS는 거래 처리 속도를 높이도록 설계되어 있으며, 유동성 거래의 마감 시간을 30일에서 15일 이하로 단축할 수 있습니다.

향상된 플랫폼은 유동성 재구성 솔루션 및 기본 자본에 대한 시장 수요 약 4000억 달러에 대응하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 처음에는 벤의 일반 파트너 솔루션 그룹, 특히 GP 기본 약정 프로그램에 MAPS가 구현되며, 이후 다른 목표 시장으로 확대할 계획입니다. 이 혁신은 벤의 운영 능력과 다양한 대체 자산에 대한 유동성 및 기본 자본 솔루션 제공 능력을 크게 향상시킬 것으로 기대됩니다.

Beneficient (NASDAQ: BENF) a annoncé des améliorations significatives à sa plateforme fintech AltAccess®, introduisant le Système de Tarification Automatisée par Machine (MAPS). Ce nouveau système intègre un modèle de tarification basé sur des formules pour des financements fiduciaires qualifiés, optimisant la tarification dynamique et les évaluations d'actifs nets en temps réel des actifs alternatifs. MAPS est conçu pour accélérer le traitement des transactions, réduisant potentiellement le délai de clôture des transactions de liquidité de 30 jours à 15 jours ou moins.

La plateforme améliorée vise à répondre à environ 400 milliards de dollars de demande de marché pour des solutions de restructuration de liquidité et de capital primaire. Dans un premier temps, MAPS sera mis en œuvre dans le groupe Solutions de Partenaires Généraux de Ben, en particulier dans le Programme d'Engagement Primaire GP, avec des plans d'expansion vers d'autres marchés cibles. Cette innovation devrait considérablement améliorer la capacité opérationnelle de Ben et sa capacité à évoluer dans la fourniture de solutions de liquidité et de capital primaire pour divers actifs alternatifs.

Beneficient (NASDAQ: BENF) hat bedeutende Verbesserungen an seiner AltAccess®-Fintech-Plattform angekündigt und das maschinenautomatisierte Preissystem (MAPS) eingeführt. Dieses neue System umfasst ein formelbasiertes Preismodell für qualifizierte Treuhandfinanzierungen, optimiert die dynamische Preisgestaltung und die Echtzeit-Bewertung von Nettovermögen alternativer Anlagen. MAPS ist darauf ausgelegt, den Transaktionsverarbeitungsprozess zu beschleunigen und potenziell die Abschlusszeit für Liquiditätstransaktionen von 30 Tagen auf 15 Tage oder weniger zu reduzieren.

Die verbesserte Plattform zielt darauf ab, etwa 400 Milliarden Dollar an Marktnachfrage nach Lösungen zur Umstrukturierung von Liquidität und primärem Kapital zu adressieren. Zunächst wird MAPS in der Gruppe der General Partner Solutions von Ben implementiert, insbesondere im GP Primary Commitment Program, mit der Absicht, in andere Zielmärkte zu expandieren. Diese Innovation soll die operationale Kapazität von Ben erheblich verbessern und die Fähigkeit erhöhen, Liquiditäts- und primäre Kapitallösungen für verschiedene alternative Vermögenswerte bereitzustellen.

  • Introduction of MAPS, enhancing algorithmic capabilities for higher transaction volume
  • Potential reduction in transaction processing time from 30 days to 15 days or less
  • Expansion of capabilities to handle various alternative asset vehicle types
  • Addressing a $400 billion market demand for liquidity restructuring solutions and primary capital
  • None.

The introduction of MAPS to Beneficient's AltAccess platform represents a significant leap in fintech innovation for alternative asset liquidity. By reducing transaction time from up to 15 months to potentially 15 days, MAPS could revolutionize the industry standard. This efficiency gain may lead to:

  • Increased transaction volume and revenue for Beneficient
  • Enhanced market share in the $400 billion liquidity restructuring and primary capital market
  • Improved customer satisfaction and retention

The dynamic pricing model, leveraging real-time market data, should provide more accurate valuations, potentially reducing risk for both Beneficient and its clients. However, the true test will be in the platform's performance and adoption rate among GPs and investors.

MAPS could be a game-changer for GPs and LPs in the alternative assets space. The accelerated liquidity process addresses a critical pain point in private markets, where illiquidity often deters investors. Key implications include:

  • Potentially increased capital inflows to alternative assets due to improved liquidity options
  • Enhanced flexibility for GPs in fund management and restructuring
  • Possible pressure on traditional secondary market players to innovate

The GP Primary Commitment Program, backed by MAPS, could significantly aid GPs during fundraising, potentially altering power dynamics in the PE industry. However, it's important to monitor how this rapid pricing system performs across various market conditions and asset types to ensure reliability.

Beneficient's MAPS integration positions the company at the forefront of a growing trend towards tech-enabled financial services in alternative assets. This move could:

  • Expand Beneficient's addressable market, particularly among tech-savvy investors and GPs
  • Drive industry-wide adoption of automated pricing and valuation systems
  • Potentially lead to increased regulatory scrutiny as transaction speeds accelerate

The planned expansion to serve mid-to-high net worth individuals and small-to-midsized institutions could significantly broaden Beneficient's customer base. However, success will depend on the system's accuracy and reliability, as well as the company's ability to build trust among traditionally conservative alternative asset investors.

DALLAS, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beneficient (NASDAQ: BENF) (“Ben” or the “Company”), a technology-enabled financial services holding company, is excited to announce the latest advancements to its fintech platform, AltAccess®. The new release of AltAccess introduces the Machine-Automated Pricing System (“MAPS”), which incorporates Ben’s formula-based pricing model for qualified fiduciary financings and is engineered to optimize dynamic pricing and real-time net asset valuations of alternative assets allowing for the rapid processing of liquidity transactions.

Technical Enhancements for AltAccess

The integration of MAPS into the AltAccess platform marks a significant upgrade. MAPS offers enhanced algorithmic capabilities designed to handle a higher volume of the Company’s liquidity and primary capital transactions with greater efficiency for alternative asset sponsors and investors. MAPS leverages current private market metrics and public market conditions to deliver dynamic and automated pricing. This development is expected to more rapidly deliver pricing of qualified fiduciary financings and enable our customers to achieve earlier liquidity from their alternative assets or secure primary capital solutions during their fund raising while fostering increased confidence and transparency in the transaction process.

Accelerated Transaction Processing

Historically, Ben’s AltAccess platform offered an industry-leading time-to-close for liquidity transactions, reducing the process to as few as 30 days compared to as long as 15 months or more from secondary liquidity competitors. With MAPS, this period is expected to be further reduced to potentially 15 days or less. This acceleration from the industry standard of up to 15 months to 15 days is anticipated to significantly enhance Ben’s operational capacity, which would enable us to scale the delivery of liquidity and primary capital solutions for a diverse range of alternative assets, including private equity, venture capital, credit, infrastructure, and real assets.  Further, MAPS can deliver pricing on a broad range of alternative asset vehicle types including closed-end funds, feeder funds, fund-of-funds, and evergreen funds, among others.

Advanced Capabilities of MAPS

MAPS implements Ben's new formula-based pricing system, which is engineered to dynamically adjust based on a broad spectrum of inputs. These include the latest private market metrics and public market data. This innovation is designed to provide customers with up-to-date and precise valuations generated through a consistently applied methodology, streamlining their decision-making processes.

Strategic Implementation

The initial rollout of MAPS is expected to include Ben’s General Partner (“GP”) Solutions group, particularly the GP Primary Commitment Program. This strategic move is expected to enhance our capability to offer compelling primary capital solutions and efficiently close strategic liquidity or restructuring transactions for GPs. The GP Primary Commitment Program is focused on providing primary capital solutions and financing anchor commitments while immediately deploying capital into our equity to General Partners during their fundraising efforts.

Market Impact and Future Plans

Ben's commitment to innovation through AltAccess and its integration of MAPS is poised to address the approximately $400 billion in market demand for liquidity restructuring solutions and primary capital. The enhanced platform aims to deliver secure, rapid, and transparent transactions, reinforcing Ben’s position as an innovator in the alternative asset liquidity market.

Following the initial deployment, Ben plans to extend the MAPS capabilities through AltAccess across other target markets, including mid-to-high net worth individuals, small-to-midsized institutions and the advisors and consultants that work with these investors. This expansion is expected to further diversify and enhance Ben’s product offerings, with the goal of delivering significant value to both our customers and stockholders while meeting a large and rapidly growing industry demand for regulated, tech enabled solutions that make investing in, reporting on and exiting alternative investments more frictionless.

“Ben plans to continue seeking new tools to implement that would facilitate the availability of additional relevant data, information and transparency for our customers. By incorporating the use of machine-automated processes and our extensive access to market data, MAPS is designed to integrate and automate what were previously time-and-resource-intensive processes, to make information more readily accessible to holders of alternatives assets and GPs seeking primary capital financing solutions,” said the Company.

About Beneficient

Beneficient (Nasdaq: BENF) – Ben, for short – is on a mission to democratize the global alternative asset investment market by providing traditionally underserved investors – mid-to-high net worth individuals and small-to-midsized institutions – with early liquidity and primary capital solutions that could help them unlock the value in their alternative assets. Ben’s AltQuote™ tool provides customers with a range of potential exit options within minutes, while customers can log on to the AltAccess® portal featuring its MAPs capabilities to digitize their alternative assets in order to explore early exit opportunities, receive proposals in a secure online environment, engage custodial services for the digital alternative assets and receive data analytics to better inform investment decision making. Its subsidiary, Beneficient Fiduciary Financial, L.L.C., received its charter under the State of Kansas’ Technology-Enabled Fiduciary Financial Institution (TEFFI) Act and is subject to regulatory oversight by the Office of the State Bank Commissioner.

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Matt Kreps: 214-597-8200,
Michael Wetherington: 214-284-1199,
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Certain of the statements contained in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements can be generally identified by the use of words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” and, in each case, their negative or other various or comparable terminology. These forward-looking statements reflect our views with respect to future events as of the date of this document and are based on our management’s current expectations, estimates, forecasts, projections, assumptions, beliefs and information. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that these expectations will prove to have been correct. All such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside of our control, and could cause future events or results to be materially different from those stated or implied in this document. It is not possible to predict or identify all such risks. These risks include, but are not limited to, our ability to consummate liquidity and primary capital solutions transactions on terms desirable for the Company, or at all, and the risk factors that are described under the section titled “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are included in this document and in our SEC filings. We expressly disclaim any obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

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This press release does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy or an offer to purchase or sell any securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. Securities to be issued pursuant to Ben’s liquidity and primary capital solutions transactions have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.


What is the new feature announced by Beneficient (BENF) for its AltAccess platform?

Beneficient has announced the integration of the Machine-Automated Pricing System (MAPS) into its AltAccess platform, which incorporates a formula-based pricing model for qualified fiduciary financings and optimizes dynamic pricing and real-time net asset valuations of alternative assets.

How does MAPS improve transaction processing time for Beneficient (BENF)?

MAPS is expected to reduce the time-to-close for liquidity transactions from the current industry-leading 30 days to potentially 15 days or less, significantly improving on the industry standard of up to 15 months.

What markets does Beneficient (BENF) plan to target with the MAPS-enhanced AltAccess platform?

After initial deployment in the General Partner Solutions group, Beneficient plans to extend MAPS capabilities across other target markets, including mid-to-high net worth individuals, small-to-midsized institutions, and their advisors and consultants.

What is the market demand that Beneficient (BENF) aims to address with its enhanced AltAccess platform?

Beneficient's enhanced AltAccess platform aims to address approximately $400 billion in market demand for liquidity restructuring solutions and primary capital in the alternative asset sector.



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