Franklin Templeton Sees Opportunities in Private Real Estate Investments

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Franklin Templeton and Clarion Partners are celebrating the five-year anniversary of the Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX), a closed-end tender offer fund providing individual investors access to institutional-quality private real estate. CPREX focuses on stable, cash flow-producing properties in U.S. markets with favorable growth prospects, with 89% of its portfolio in industrial warehouse, rental housing, and healthcare-related properties.

The fund has experienced continued net inflows during a period of slow real estate fundraising, allowing for new property acquisitions. Clarion Partners, CPREX's sub-adviser, manages over $74 billion in real estate assets as of June 30, 2024. The fund's strategy balances income and long-term capital appreciation, investing in both real estate private equity and private debt.

Franklin Templeton's alternatives business, including Clarion, represents approximately 16% of the firm's $1.65 trillion in assets under management. The alternative investment market has seen significant growth, with U.S. registered funds investing in private equity, private credit, and real estate nearly tripling from $110.6 billion in 2016 to $299.3 billion in 2023.

Franklin Templeton e Clarion Partners celebrano il quinto anniversario del Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX), un fondo chiuso di offerta pubblica che offre agli investitori individuali l'accesso a immobili privati di qualità istituzionale. CPREX si concentra su proprietà stabili che generano flussi di cassa nei mercati statunitensi con prospettive di crescita favorevoli, con l'89% del suo portafoglio composto da magazzini industriali, abitazioni in affitto e proprietà sanitarie.

Il fondo ha registrato un continuo afflusso netto durante un periodo di raccolta fondi immobiliari lento, consentendo nuove acquisizioni di proprietà. Clarion Partners, il sub-consulente di CPREX, gestisce oltre 74 miliardi di dollari in attivi immobiliari al 30 giugno 2024. La strategia del fondo bilancia il reddito con l'apprezzamento del capitale a lungo termine, investendo sia in private equity immobiliare che in debito privato.

Il settore delle alternative di Franklin Templeton, incluso Clarion, rappresenta circa il 16% degli 1,65 trilioni di dollari in attivi in gestione della società. Il mercato degli investimenti alternati ha registrato una crescita significativa, con i fondi registrati negli Stati Uniti che investono in private equity, credito privato e immobili quasi triplicati, passando da 110,6 miliardi di dollari nel 2016 a 299,3 miliardi di dollari nel 2023.

Franklin Templeton y Clarion Partners celebran el quinto aniversario del Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX), un fondo cerrado de oferta pública que proporciona a los inversores individuales acceso a bienes raíces privados de calidad institucional. CPREX se centra en propiedades estables que generan flujo de caja en los mercados de EE. UU. con perspectivas de crecimiento favorables, con el 89% de su cartera en almacenes industriales, vivienda en alquiler y propiedades relacionadas con la salud.

El fondo ha experimentado flujos netos continuos durante un período de recaudación de fondos inmobiliarios lento, lo que ha permitido nuevas adquisiciones de propiedades. Clarion Partners, el subasesor de CPREX, gestiona más de 74 mil millones de dólares en activos inmobiliarios hasta el 30 de junio de 2024. La estrategia del fondo equilibra ingresos y apreciación de capital a largo plazo, invirtiendo tanto en capital privado inmobiliario como en deuda privada.

El negocio de alternativas de Franklin Templeton, incluyendo Clarion, representa aproximadamente el 16% de los 1,65 billones de dólares en activos bajo gestión de la firma. El mercado de inversiones alternativas ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo, con fondos registrados en EE. UU. que invierten en capital privado, crédito privado y bienes raíces casi triplicando su volumen, pasando de 110,6 mil millones de dólares en 2016 a 299,3 mil millones de dólares en 2023.

프랭클린 템플턴과 클라리온 파트너스는 클라리온 파트너스 부동산 소득 펀드 주식회사(CPREX)의 5주년 기념행사를 축하하고 있습니다. CPREX는 개인 투자자에게 기관 품질의 민간 부동산에 대한 접근을 제공하는 폐쇄형 공개 매수 펀드입니다. CPREX는 유망한 성장 전망을 가진 미국 시장의 안정적인 현금 흐름을 생성하는 자산에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다, 포트폴리오의 89%는 산업 창고, 임대 주택 및 의료 관련 자산으로 구성되어 있습니다.

이 펀드는 느린 부동산 자금 조달 기간 동안 지속적인 순유입을 경험하여 새로운 자산 인수를 가능하게 했습니다. CPREX의 하위 자문사인 클라리온 파트너스는 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 740억 달러 이상의 부동산 자산을 관리하고 있습니다. 이 펀드의 전략은 수익과 장기 자본 증대를 균형 있게 조정하며, 부동산 사모펀드와 사모채권 모두에 투자합니다.

프랭클린 템플턴의 대체 투자 사업, 클라리온 포함,은 회사의 1.65 조 달러 자산 관리의 약 16%를 차지하고 있습니다. 대체 투자 시장은 괄목할 만한 성장을 보여왔으며, 미국 등록 펀드는 2016년 1,106억 달러에서 2023년 2,993억 달러로 사모펀드, 사모신용 및 부동산에 투자를 거의 3배 증가시켰습니다.

Franklin Templeton et Clarion Partners célèbrent le cinquième anniversaire du Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX), un fonds fermé d'offre publique permettant aux investisseurs individuels d'accéder à des biens immobiliers privés de qualité institutionnelle. CPREX se concentre sur des propriétés stables générant des flux de trésorerie dans les marchés américains avec des perspectives de croissance favorables, avec 89% de son portefeuille composé d'entrepôts industriels, de logements locatifs et de propriétés liées à la santé.

Le fonds a connu des flux nets continus pendant une période de collecte de fonds immobiliers lente, permettant de nouvelles acquisitions de propriétés. Clarion Partners, le sous-conseiller de CPREX, gère plus de 74 milliards de dollars d'actifs immobiliers au 30 juin 2024. La stratégie du fonds équilibre les revenus et l'appréciation du capital à long terme, investissant à la fois dans des fonds de capital-investissement immobilier et de la dette privée.

Le secteur des investissements alternatifs de Franklin Templeton, y compris Clarion, représente environ 16% des 1,65 billion de dollars d'actifs sous gestion de l'entreprise. Le marché des investissements alternatifs a connu une croissance significative, les fonds enregistrés aux États-Unis investissant dans le capital-investissement, le crédit privé et l'immobilier ayant presque triplé, passant de 110,6 milliards de dollars en 2016 à 299,3 milliards de dollars en 2023.

Franklin Templeton und Clarion Partners feiern das fünfjährige Bestehen des Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX), einem geschlossenen Tender-Offer-Fonds, der es privaten Anlegern ermöglicht, Zugang zu institutioneller Qualität im Bereich privater Immobilien zu erhalten. CPREX konzentriert sich auf stabile Immobilien mit Cashflow in den US-Märkten mit günstigen Wachstumsaussichten, wobei 89% des Portfolios aus Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien, Mietwohnungen und gesundheitsbezogenen Immobilien bestehen.

Der Fonds hat in einer Phase langsamer Immobilienfondsbeschaffung kontinuierliche Nettozuflüsse erlebt, was neue Immobilienakquisitionen ermöglicht hat. Clarion Partners, der Sub-Advisor von CPREX, verwaltet bis zum 30. Juni 2024 über 74 Milliarden Dollar an Immobilienvermögen. Die Strategie des Fonds balanciert Einkommen und langfristige Kapitalwertsteigerung, indem sowohl in Immobilien-Private-Equity- als auch in private Schulden investiert wird.

Das Alternativgeschäft von Franklin Templeton, einschließlich Clarion, macht etwa 16% der 1,65 Billionen Dollar an verwaltetem Vermögen des Unternehmens aus. Der Markt für alternative Investitionen hat ein signifikantes Wachstum erlebt, wobei die in den USA registrierten Fonds, die in Private Equity, Private Debt und Immobilien investieren, von 110,6 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2016 auf 299,3 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2023 fast auf das Dreifache gestiegen sind.

  • CPREX has experienced continued net inflows during a period of slow real estate fundraising
  • The fund's portfolio is focused on stable, cash flow-producing properties in U.S. markets with favorable growth prospects
  • 89% of CPREX's portfolio is in industrial warehouse, rental housing, and healthcare-related properties
  • Clarion Partners manages over $74 billion in real estate assets as of June 30, 2024
  • Franklin Templeton's alternatives business represents approximately 16% of the firm's $1.65 trillion in assets under management
  • None.


The five-year anniversary of CPREX marks a significant milestone in providing individual investors access to institutional-quality private real estate. The fund's focus on stable, cash flow-producing properties in favorable U.S. markets demonstrates a strategic approach to real estate investment. With 89% of the portfolio concentrated in industrial warehouses, rental housing and healthcare-related properties, CPREX is well-positioned to capitalize on resilient sectors.

The positive outlook for commercial real estate, driven by moderating inflation and favorable demographic trends, suggests potential for continued growth. The fund's ability to attract net inflows during a period of slow real estate fundraising is particularly noteworthy, indicating strong investor confidence. This has allowed CPREX to acquire properties at attractive cap rates, potentially enhancing future returns.

The absence of an incentive fee structure is a significant advantage, allowing for greater leverage flexibility and potentially higher returns for investors. This aligns with institutional-grade offerings and could be a key differentiator in the competitive alternatives market.

The growth of CPREX reflects a broader trend in the alternatives space, with U.S. registered funds investing in private equity, credit and real estate nearly tripling from $110.6 billion in 2016 to $299.3 billion in 2023. This surge indicates a significant shift in investor preferences towards alternative investments, driven by market volatility and the search for uncorrelated returns.

Franklin Templeton's strategic positioning in the alternatives sector, with approximately 16% of its $1.65 trillion AUM in alternatives, demonstrates a strong commitment to this growing market. The firm's diverse range of alternative strategies, including real estate, private credit and hedge funds, positions it well to capitalize on increasing demand from individual investors.

The combination of Franklin Templeton's distribution expertise and Clarion Partners' real estate investment acumen creates a compelling offering for wealth investors seeking institutional-quality alternative investments. As technology and product innovation continue to make alternatives more accessible, firms with established track records and diverse offerings like Franklin Templeton are likely to benefit from this trend.

Today the firm celebrates the five-year anniversary of Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Franklin Templeton and its specialist investment manager, Clarion Partners, are today celebrating the five-year anniversary of the Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX), a closed-end tender offer fund that provides individual investors with access to institutional-quality private real estate. CPREX invests in stable, well-leased, cash flow-producing properties in U.S. markets with favorable growth prospects. Industrial warehouse, rental housing and healthcare-related properties comprise 89% of the portfolio.

The five-year milestone signifies Clarion’s commitment to pursuing strategic investment opportunities in commercial real estate even in today’s uncertain environment. Its positive outlook for this asset class is driven by both near-term factors related to moderating inflation, slightly lower interest rates and the direction of certain capital market indicators, as well as long-term trends related to demographics, innovation and shifting globalization.

“Franklin Templeton and Clarion Partners are grateful for the trust and confidence our many distribution partners, advisors, RIAs and bankers have placed in CPREX,” said Dave Donahoo, Franklin Templeton’s Head of Wealth Management-Alternatives. “By not charging an incentive fee, similar to our institutional core offering, we have more leverage flexibility and can deliver a larger percentage of gross returns to our investors.”

“Thanks to our partners, we’ve continued to experience net inflows during a period of slow real estate fundraising for the sector as a whole. This has afforded us the ability to acquire new properties during a wider cap rate environment, providing diversification benefits and setting CPREX up to continue to deliver against our investment mandate for the next five years,” said Jeff Masom, Franklin Templeton’s Head of U.S. Distribution.

Clarion Partners, CPREX’s sub-adviser, has been a leader in building and managing private real estate portfolios for some of the world’s largest institutional investors for over 40 years; it has more than $74 billion in real estate assets under management as of June 30, 2024.

“Since the fund’s inception in 2019, we’ve taken a disciplined investment approach, grounded in in-depth research and focused on constructing a portfolio for our investors that generates a balance of income and long-term capital appreciation through investment in real estate sectors and geographies that we believe are poised to benefit the most from long-term macro-economic trends,” said CPREX Portfolio Manager Rick Schaupp. “CPREX is designed to make investments in both real estate private equity and private debt. That positions us to be active investors regardless of where we are in a market cycle.”

Growing interest in alternative investments

Clarion is part of Franklin Templeton’s alternatives business, which spans a broad range of strategies, including real estate, private credit, hedge funds and secondary private equity and co-investments, amounting to approximately 16% of the firm’s $1.65 trillion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024.

There’s evidence of growing interest in alternative investments among individual investors. While in 2016 there were $110.6 billion in U.S. registered funds that invest in private equity, private credit and real estate, that number has nearly tripled, growing to $299.3 billion in 2023, according to Cerulli Associates.

“A confluence of events has helped fuel the adoption of alternative investments, including volatility in public markets and rising demand for returns that are uncorrelated with traditional stocks and bonds,” said Franklin Templeton’s Donahoo. “Technology and product innovation are making alternatives more adoptable and accessible to wealth investors across the globe. Alternatives by Franklin Templeton is uniquely positioned to be a leading solutions provider as this trend accelerates, driven by our deep knowledge of the wealth channel and strong line-up of managers.”

About Clarion Partners

Clarion Partners, an SEC registered investment adviser with FCA-authorized and FINRA member affiliates, has been a leading U.S. real estate investment manager for more than 40 years. Headquartered in New York, the firm maintains strategically located offices across the United States and Europe. With over $74 billion in total real estate and debt assets under management, Clarion Partners offers a broad range of real estate strategies across the risk/return spectrum to 500 institutional investors across the globe. Clarion is scaled in all major property types and was an early entrant into the Industrial sector. The Firm’s global industrial team manages a 1000+ property portfolio in the U.S. and Europe consisting of more than 255 million square feet. For more information visit

About Franklin Templeton

Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE:BEN] is a global investment management organization with subsidiaries operating as Franklin Templeton and serving clients in over 150 countries. Franklin Templeton’s mission is to help clients achieve better outcomes through investment management expertise, wealth management and technology solutions. Through its specialist investment managers, the company offers specialization on a global scale, bringing extensive capabilities in fixed income, equity, alternatives and multi-asset solutions. With more than 1,500 investment professionals, and offices in major financial markets around the world, the California-based company has over 75 years of investment experience and over $1.6 trillion in assets under management as of July 31, 2024. For more information, please visit and follow us on LinkedIn, X and Facebook.


Investment Risks

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. Diversification does not ensure against loss. An investment should be considered long-term within a multi-asset portfolio and should not be viewed individually as a complete investment program. The Fund is subject to a high degree of risk; additional risk considerations are listed below:

Liquidity Risks:

The Fund should be viewed as a long-term investment, as it is inherently illiquid and suit­able only for investors who can bear the risks associated with the limited liquidity of the Fund. Limited liquidity is provided to shareholders only through the Fund’s quarterly re­purchase offers for no more than 5% of the Fund’s shares outstanding at net asset value. There is no guarantee these repurchases will occur as scheduled, or at all. Shareholders may not be able to sell their shares in the Fund at all or at a favorable price.

Real Estate Investment Risks:

The Fund’s investments are highly concentrated in real estate investments, and therefore will be subject to the risks typically associated with real estate, including but not limited to fluctuations in lease occupancy rates and operating expenses, variations in rental schedules, which in turn may be adversely affected by local, state, national or international economic conditions. Such conditions may be impacted by the supply and demand for real estate properties, zoning laws, rent control laws, real property taxes, the availability and costs of financing, and environmental laws.

Furthermore, investments in real estate are also impacted by market disrup­tions caused by regional concerns, political upheaval, sovereign debt crises, and uninsured losses (generally from catastrophic events such as earthquakes, floods and wars). Investments in real estate related securities, such as asset-backed or mortgage-backed securities are subject to prepayment and extension risks.

Private Market Investments Risks:

An investment in the Fund is suitable only for investors who can bear the risks associated with private market investments (such as private credit and private equity) with potential limited liquidity. Shares will not be listed on a public exchange, and no secondary market is expected to develop.

Franklin Distributors, LLC. Member FINRA, SIPC. All entities mentioned are Franklin Templeton affiliates companies Investment Products: NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE.

©2024 Franklin Templeton. All rights reserved.

Franklin Templeton Corporate Communications:

Lisa Tibbitts, +1 (904) 942-4451,

Source: Franklin Resources


What is the Clarion Partners Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (CPREX) and what does it invest in?

CPREX is a closed-end tender offer fund that provides individual investors with access to institutional-quality private real estate. It invests in stable, well-leased, cash flow-producing properties in U.S. markets with favorable growth prospects, focusing on industrial warehouse, rental housing, and healthcare-related properties.

How has CPREX performed in the current real estate market?

CPREX has continued to experience net inflows during a period of slow real estate fundraising for the sector as a whole. This has allowed the fund to acquire new properties during a wider cap rate environment, providing diversification benefits.

What is the size of Clarion Partners' assets under management?

Clarion Partners, CPREX's sub-adviser, has more than $74 billion in real estate assets under management as of June 30, 2024.

How has the alternative investment market grown in recent years?

The alternative investment market has seen significant growth. U.S. registered funds investing in private equity, private credit, and real estate have nearly tripled from $110.6 billion in 2016 to $299.3 billion in 2023, according to Cerulli Associates.

Franklin Resources, Inc.


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