Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser, LLC Announces Distributions for Certain Closed-End Funds Pursuant to their Managed Distribution Policy for the Months of September, October and November 2024

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Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser, has announced distributions for certain closed-end funds for September, October, and November 2024. The distributions are part of their managed distribution policy. Key details include:

- Western Asset Inflation-Linked Income Fund (WIA) will distribute $0.05000 per share each month
- Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund (WIW) will distribute $0.06050 per share each month
- Distribution dates are set for the last day of each month
- Both funds estimate 100% of distributions to come from income for the fiscal year ending November 30

The company notes that distributions may include long-term capital gains or return of capital if sufficient income is not available. Shareholders are advised not to draw conclusions about fund performance from these distributions.

Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser ha annunciato distribuzioni per alcuni fondi chiusi per settembre, ottobre e novembre 2024. Le distribuzioni fanno parte della loro politica di distribuzione gestita. I dettagli chiave includono:

- Il Fondo Reddito Inflazionato di Western Asset (WIA) distribuirà $0.05000 per azione ogni mese
- Il Fondo Opportunità e Reddito Inflazionato di Western Asset (WIW) distribuirà $0.06050 per azione ogni mese
- Le date di distribuzione sono fissate per l'ultimo giorno di ogni mese
- Entrambi i fondi stimano che il 100% delle distribuzioni provenga dal reddito per l'anno fiscale che termina il 30 novembre

La società sottolinea che le distribuzioni possono includere guadagni in conto capitale a lungo termine o restituzione di capitale se il reddito non è sufficiente. Si consiglia agli azionisti di non trarre conclusioni sulle performance del fondo basandosi su queste distribuzioni.

Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser ha anunciado distribuciones para ciertos fondos cerrados para septiembre, octubre y noviembre de 2024. Las distribuciones son parte de su política de distribución manejada. Los detalles clave incluyen:

- El Fondo de Ingresos Vinculados a la Inflación de Western Asset (WIA) distribuirá $0.05000 por acción cada mes
- El Fondo de Oportunidades e Ingresos Vinculados a la Inflación de Western Asset (WIW) distribuirá $0.06050 por acción cada mes
- Las fechas de distribución están establecidas para el último día de cada mes
- Ambos fondos estiman que el 100% de las distribuciones provendrá de los ingresos para el año fiscal que termina el 30 de noviembre

La empresa señala que las distribuciones pueden incluir ganancias de capital a largo plazo o devolución de capital si no hay ingresos suficientes disponibles. Se aconseja a los accionistas no sacar conclusiones sobre el rendimiento del fondo a partir de estas distribuciones.

프랭클린 템플턴 펀드 자문사는 2024년 9월, 10월, 11월에 대한 특정 폐쇄형 펀드의 분배를 발표했습니다. 분배는 그들의 관리된 분배 정책의 일환입니다. 주요 세부 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 웨스턴 자산 인플레이션 연계 소득 펀드 (WIA)는 매달 $0.05000 주당 배분합니다.
- 웨스턴 자산 인플레이션 연계 기회 및 소득 펀드 (WIW)는 매달 $0.06050 주당 배분합니다.
- 분배 날짜는 매달 마지막 날로 설정되어 있습니다.
- 두 펀드 모두 11월 30일에 종료되는 회계 연도의 100% 분배가 소득에서 발생할 것으로 추정합니다.

회사는 분배가 충분한 소득이 없는 경우 장기 자본 이득 또는 자본 반환을 포함할 수 있다고 언급하고 있습니다. 주주들은 이러한 분배를 기반으로 펀드 성과에 대한 결론을 내리지 말 것을 권장합니다.

Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser a annoncé des distributions pour certains fonds fermés pour septembre, octobre et novembre 2024. Les distributions font partie de leur politique de distribution gérée. Les principaux détails incluent:

- Le Fonds de Revenu Lié à l'Inflation de Western Asset (WIA) distribuera $0.05000 par action chaque mois
- Le Fonds d'Opportunités et de Revenu Lié à l'Inflation de Western Asset (WIW) distribuera $0.06050 par action chaque mois
- Les dates de distribution sont fixées au dernier jour de chaque mois
- Les deux fonds estiment que 100% des distributions proviendront des revenus pour l'exercice fiscal se terminant le 30 novembre

La société souligne que les distributions peuvent inclure des gains en capital à long terme ou un remboursement de capital si les revenus ne sont pas suffisants. Les actionnaires sont conseillés de ne pas tirer de conclusions sur la performance du fonds à partir de ces distributions.

Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser hat Verteilungen für bestimmte geschlossene Fonds für September, Oktober und November 2024 angekündigt. Die Verteilungen sind Teil ihrer verwalteten Verteilungspolitik. Wichtige Details umfassen:

- Der Western Asset Inflationsgebundene Einkommensfonds (WIA) wird jeden Monat $0.05000 pro Aktie verteilen
- Der Western Asset Inflationsgebundene Chancen- und Einkommensfonds (WIW) wird jeden Monat $0.06050 pro Aktie verteilen
- Verteilungstermine sind auf den letzten Tag jedes Monats festgelegt
- Beide Fonds schätzen, dass 100% der Verteilungen aus Einkünften für das zum 30. November endende Geschäftsjahr stammen werden

Das Unternehmen weist darauf hin, dass die Verteilungen langfristige Kapitalgewinne oder die Rückzahlung von Kapital umfassen können, wenn nicht genügend Einkommen zur Verfügung steht. Den Aktionären wird geraten, keine Schlussfolgerungen über die Fondsperformance aus diesen Verteilungen zu ziehen.

  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser, LLC announced today that certain closed-end funds have declared their distributions pursuant to their managed distribution policy for the months of September, October and November 2024.

The following dates apply to the distribution schedule below:


Record Date

Ex-Dividend Date

Payable Date














Fund Name




Change from


Western Asset Inflation-Linked Income Fund(a)

















Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities






& Income Fund(a)











(a) Please see table below for each Fund’s estimated source of distributions.

Under the terms of each Fund’s managed distribution policy, each Fund seeks to maintain a consistent distribution level derived from the income and capital gains generated from the Fund’s investment portfolio. To the extent that sufficient distributable income is not available on a monthly basis, each Fund will distribute long-term capital gains and/or return of capital in order to maintain its managed distribution rate. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that was invested in the Fund is paid back to shareholders. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income”. Even though the Fund may realize current year capital gains, such gains may be offset, in whole or in part, by the Fund’s capital loss carryovers from prior years. The Board of Trustees may modify, terminate or suspend the managed distribution policy at any time. Any such modification, termination or suspension could have an adverse effect on the market price of the Fund’s shares.

Based on the Funds’ tax accounting records, which also factor in currency fluctuations, each Fund’s estimated source of cumulative fiscal year-to-date distributions is presented in the table below:


Year End











Nov 30











Nov 30










(a) Sources of cumulative fiscal year-to-date distributions are estimated through November 30, 2024.

The updated estimated components of the distributions announced today will be provided to shareholders of record in a separate notice when the distributions are paid.

Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about each Fund’s investment performance from the amount of these distributions or from the terms of each Fund’s managed distribution policy. The amounts and sources of each Fund’s distributions to be reported will be estimates and will not be provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for tax reporting purposes will depend upon each Fund’s investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. Each Fund will send a Form 1099-DIV to shareholders for the calendar year that will describe how to report the Fund’s distributions for federal income tax purposes.

Franklin Templeton Fund Adviser, LLC (formerly known as Legg Mason Partners Fund Advisor, LLC) is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Franklin Resources, Inc. (“Franklin Resources”).

For more information about the Funds, please call 1-888-777-0102 or consult the Funds’ website at Hard copies of the Funds’ complete audited financial statements are available free of charge upon request.

Data and commentary provided in this press release are for informational purposes only. Franklin Resources and its affiliates do not engage in selling shares of the Funds.

The Funds’ common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Similar to stocks, Fund share price will fluctuate with market conditions and, at the time of sale, may be worth more or less than the original investment. Shares of closed-end funds often trade at a discount to their net asset value, and can increase an investor’s risk of loss. All investments are subject to risk, including the risk of loss.


Category: Distribution Related

Source: Franklin Resources, Inc.

Source: Legg Mason Closed End Funds

Investor Contact: Fund Investor Services 1-888-777-0102

Source: Franklin Resources, Inc. and Legg Mason Closed End Funds


What are the distribution amounts for WIA and WIW funds in September, October, and November 2024?

WIA (Western Asset Inflation-Linked Income Fund) will distribute $0.05000 per share, and WIW (Western Asset Inflation-Linked Opportunities & Income Fund) will distribute $0.06050 per share for each month - September, October, and November 2024.

When are the record dates and payable dates for the distributions announced by Franklin Templeton (BEN)?

The record and ex-dividend dates are September 23, October 24, and November 21, 2024. The payable dates are September 30, October 31, and November 29, 2024, respectively.

What is the estimated source of distributions for WIA and WIW funds for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2024?

Both WIA and WIW funds estimate that 100% of their distributions will come from income for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2024, according to their tax accounting records.

How can shareholders get more information about these Franklin Templeton (BEN) closed-end funds?

Shareholders can call 1-888-777-0102 or visit the Franklin Templeton website at for more information about the funds.

Franklin Resources, Inc.


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