Fiduciary Trust International Welcomes New Wealth Director in Atlanta
Fiduciary Trust International, a subsidiary of Franklin Templeton (BEN), has appointed Jason Thomas as wealth director in Atlanta, strengthening its Southeast market presence. Thomas, who previously served on the firm's Atlanta advisory board, brings over 20 years of experience in advising ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices, and institutional clients.
Prior to joining Fiduciary Trust International, Thomas held senior positions at Bank of America Private Bank, Northern Trust , and Wells Fargo Private Bank. He co-founded myFloc, an expense management platform focused on preventing elder fraud, and Seven Software, which was acquired in 2024. Thomas holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Alabama School of Law and serves on several boards, including the Eisenhower Foundation.
Fiduciary Trust International, una controllata di Franklin Templeton (BEN), ha nominato Jason Thomas come direttore patrimoniale ad Atlanta, rafforzando la sua presenza nel mercato del Sud-Est. Thomas, che in precedenza ha fatto parte del consiglio consultivo di Atlanta dell'azienda, porta con sé oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella consulenza per individui con un patrimonio ultra elevato, uffici familiari e clienti istituzionali.
Prima di unirsi a Fiduciary Trust International, Thomas ha ricoperto posizioni dirigenziali presso Bank of America Private Bank, Northern Trust e Wells Fargo Private Bank. È co-fondatore di myFloc, una piattaforma di gestione delle spese focalizzata sulla prevenzione delle frodi verso gli anziani, e di Seven Software, acquisita nel 2024. Thomas ha conseguito una laurea in giurisprudenza presso la University of Alabama School of Law e fa parte di diversi consigli, tra cui quello della Eisenhower Foundation.
Fiduciary Trust International, una subsidiaria de Franklin Templeton (BEN), ha nombrado a Jason Thomas como director de patrimonio en Atlanta, fortaleciendo su presencia en el mercado del sureste. Thomas, quien anteriormente formó parte de la junta asesoras de la firma en Atlanta, aporta más de 20 años de experiencia asesorando a individuos con un patrimonio ultra alto, oficinas familiares y clientes institucionales.
Antes de unirse a Fiduciary Trust International, Thomas ocupó altos cargos en Bank of America Private Bank, Northern Trust, y Wells Fargo Private Bank. Co-fundó myFloc, una plataforma de gestión de gastos enfocada en prevenir el fraude a personas mayores, y Seven Software, que fue adquirida en 2024. Thomas tiene un Juris Doctor de la Universidad de Alabama School of Law y es miembro de varias juntas, incluyendo la Fundación Eisenhower.
피듀셔리 트러스트 인터내셔널(Fiduciary Trust International)은 프랭클린 템플턴(FRANKLIN TEMPLETON (BEN))의 자회사로, 제이슨 토마스(Jason Thomas)를 아틀란타의 자산 관리 이사로 임명하여 동남부 시장에서의 존재감을 강화했습니다. 토마스는 이전에 해당 회사의 아틀란타 자문위원회에서 근무했으며, 초고액 자산가, 가족 사무소 및 기관 고객에 대한 20년 이상의 자문 경험을 보유하고 있습니다.
Fiduciary Trust International에 합류하기 전, 토마스는 뱅크 오브 아메리카 프라이빗 뱅크(Bank of America Private Bank), 노던 트러스트(Northern Trust), 웰스 파고 프라이빗 뱅크(Wells Fargo Private Bank)에서 고위직을 역임했습니다. 그는 노인을 대상으로 한 사기 예방에 중점을 둔 비용 관리 플랫폼 myFloc를 공동 설립했으며, 2024년에 인수된 Seven Software의 공동 창립자이기도 합니다. 토마스는 앨라바마 대학교 법학전문대학원에서 법학 박사 학위를 취득하였으며, 아이젠하워 재단을 포함한 여러 이사회에서 활동하고 있습니다.
Fiduciary Trust International, une filiale de Franklin Templeton (BEN), a nommé Jason Thomas directeur de la gestion de patrimoine à Atlanta, renforçant ainsi sa présence sur le marché du Sud-Est. Thomas, qui a précédemment siégé au conseil consultatif d'Atlanta de la société, apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le conseil aux particuliers ultra-fortunés, aux bureaux familiaux et aux clients institutionnels.
Avant de rejoindre Fiduciary Trust International, Thomas a occupé des postes de direction chez Bank of America Private Bank, Northern Trust et Wells Fargo Private Bank. Il est co-fondateur de myFloc, une plateforme de gestion des dépenses axée sur la prévention de la fraude envers les personnes âgées, et de Seven Software, qui a été acquise en 2024. Thomas est titulaire d'un Juris Doctor de la University of Alabama School of Law et siège dans plusieurs conseils d'administration, y compris celui de la Fondation Eisenhower.
Fiduciary Trust International, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Franklin Templeton (BEN), hat Jason Thomas zum Vermögensdirektor in Atlanta ernannt, um seine Marktpräsenz im Südosten zu stärken. Thomas, der zuvor im Beratungsausschuss der Firma in Atlanta tätig war, bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung von ultra-reichen Einzelpersonen, Familienbüros und institutionellen Kunden mit.
Vor seinem Eintritt bei Fiduciary Trust International hatte Thomas leitende Positionen bei Bank of America Private Bank, Northern Trust und Wells Fargo Private Bank inne. Er ist Mitbegründer von myFloc, einer Plattform zur Verwaltung von Ausgaben mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Verhinderung von Betrug an älteren Menschen, sowie von Seven Software, das 2024 übernommen wurde. Thomas hat einen Juris Doctor der University of Alabama School of Law und ist Mitglied mehrerer Aufsichtsräte, darunter die Eisenhower Foundation.
- Strategic expansion in key growth market (Atlanta)
- Acquisition of experienced executive with 20+ years in wealth management
- Addition of leader with entrepreneurial background and technology innovation experience
- None.
Industry Leader Brings Decades of Experience Across Wealth Management to the Firm's Growing Atlanta Team
"Jason has been advising clients and cultivating trusted relationships in
Mr. Thomas brings over two decades of experience advising ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices and institutional clients. Previously, he served as senior vice president and private client advisor at Bank of America Private Bank in
Earlier in his career, Mr. Thomas was senior vice president and wealth strategist at Northern Trust Corporation and senior vice president and senior wealth advisor at Wells Fargo Private Bank. He also co-founded and served as general counsel for
"I am excited and honored to join Fiduciary Trust International’s
Mr. Thomas received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Alabama School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of
About Fiduciary Trust International
Fiduciary Trust International, a global wealth management firm headquartered in
About Franklin Templeton
Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE: BEN] is a global investment management organization with subsidiaries operating as Franklin Templeton and serving clients in over 150 countries. Franklin Templeton’s mission is to help clients achieve better outcomes through investment management expertise, wealth management and technology solutions. Through its specialist investment managers, the company offers specialization on a global scale, bringing extensive capabilities in fixed income, equity, alternatives and multi-asset solutions. With more than 1,500 investment professionals, and offices in major financial markets around the world, the
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Rebecca Radosevich: 212-632-3207
Sabrina Scarpa: 973-309-0051
Source: Fiduciary Trust International