Beacon Announces Continued Footprint Expansion
Beacon (BECN), the leading publicly-traded specialty wholesale distributor of roofing and exterior products, has opened four new greenfield branches to expand its service footprint. The new locations include:
- Lafayette, Indiana and La Crosse, Wisconsin serving upper Midwest markets
- St. Augustine, Florida serving the First Coast area
- Frisco, Texas, becoming the eleventh branch serving the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex
These expansions support Beacon's Ambition 2025 Plan to drive above-market growth through enhanced customer reach. The new branches will offer a full range of exterior products, including Beacon's private-label TRI-BUILT® product line, online ordering via the Beacon PRO+® app, and access to the Beacon OTC® network. The company exceeded its Ambition 2025 revenue and shareholder return targets in 2023.
Beacon (BECN), il principale distributore all'ingrosso specializzato di prodotti per tetti e esterni quotato in borsa, ha aperto quattro nuove filiali greenfield per espandere la propria area di servizio. Le nuove sedi includono:
- Lafayette, Indiana e La Crosse, Wisconsin, che servono i mercati del Midwest superiore
- St. Augustine, Florida, che serve l'area della First Coast
- Frisco, Texas, che diventa l'undicesima filiale a servire il metroplex di Dallas-Fort Worth
Queste espansioni supportano il Piano Ambizione 2025 di Beacon per stimolare una crescita superiore al mercato attraverso un miglioramento della portata verso i clienti. Le nuove filiali offriranno un'ampia gamma di prodotti per esterni, inclusa la linea di prodotti a marchio privato TRI-BUILT®, ordinazioni online tramite l'app Beacon PRO+® e accesso alla rete Beacon OTC®. L'azienda ha superato nel 2023 gli obiettivi di fatturato e di ritorno per gli azionisti del Piano Ambizione 2025.
Beacon (BECN), el principal distribuidor mayorista especializado en productos de techado y exteriores que cotiza en bolsa, ha abierto cuatro nuevas sucursales greenfield para expandir su área de servicio. Las nuevas ubicaciones incluyen:
- Lafayette, Indiana y La Crosse, Wisconsin, que atienden los mercados del medio oeste superior
- St. Augustine, Florida, que atiende el área de First Coast
- Frisco, Texas, convirtiéndose en la undécima sucursal que sirve al metroplex de Dallas-Fort Worth
Estas expansiones apoyan el Plan Ambición 2025 de Beacon para impulsar un crecimiento superior al del mercado a través de una mayor conexión con los clientes. Las nuevas sucursales ofrecerán una gama completa de productos para exteriores, incluida la línea de productos de marca privada TRI-BUILT®, pedidos en línea a través de la aplicación Beacon PRO+® y acceso a la red Beacon OTC®. La empresa superó sus objetivos de ingresos y retorno para los accionistas del Plan Ambición 2025 en 2023.
비콘 (BECN), 상장된 전문 도매 지붕 및 외부 제품 유통업체의 선두주자가 네 개의 새로운 그린필드 지점을 열어 서비스 범위를 확장했습니다. 새로운 위치는 다음과 같습니다:
- 인디애나주 라파예트와 위스콘신주 라크로스, 중서부 시장을 서비스
- 플로리다주 세인트어거스틴, 퍼스트코스트 지역을 서비스
- 텍사스주 프리스코, 댈러스-포트워스 대도시 지역을 서비스하는 열한 번째 지점이 됨
이번 확장은 고객 도달 범위를 강화하여 시장 성장률을 초과하는 성장을 추진하기 위한 비콘의 2025년 목표 계획을 지원합니다. 새로운 지점에서는 비콘의 프라이빗 레이블 TRI-BUILT® 제품 라인, 비콘 PRO+® 앱을 통한 온라인 주문, 비콘 OTC® 네트워크에 대한 접근을 포함하여 다양한 외부 제품을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 2023년에 2025년 목표 계획의 수익 및 주주 수익 목표를 초과 달성했습니다.
Beacon (BECN), le principal distributeur en gros spécialisé en produits de toiture et d'extérieur coté en bourse, a ouvert quatre nouvelles succursales greenfield pour étendre son empreinte de service. Les nouveaux emplacements comprennent :
- Lafayette, Indiana et La Crosse, Wisconsin, desservant les marchés du Midwest supérieur
- St. Augustine, Floride, desservant la région de First Coast
- Frisco, Texas, devenant la onzième succursale à desservir la métropole de Dallas-Fort Worth
Ces expansions soutiennent le Plan Ambition 2025 de Beacon pour stimuler une croissance supérieure au marché grâce à une portée client améliorée. Les nouvelles succursales offriront une gamme complète de produits d'extérieur, y compris la ligne de produits de marque privée TRI-BUILT®, la commande en ligne via l'application Beacon PRO+® et l'accès au réseau Beacon OTC®. L'entreprise a dépassé ses objectifs de revenus et de retour pour les actionnaires du Plan Ambition 2025 en 2023.
Beacon (BECN), der führende börsennotierte Spezial-Großhändler für Dach- und Außenprodukte, hat vier neue Greenfield-Niederlassungen eröffnet, um seinen Servicebereich zu erweitern. Die neuen Standorte umfassen:
- Lafayette, Indiana und La Crosse, Wisconsin, die die oberen Mittelwest-Märkte bedienen
- St. Augustine, Florida, das das First Coast-Gebiet bedient
- Frisco, Texas, das die elfte Niederlassung im Dallas-Fort Worth-Metropolgebiet wird
Diese Expansionen unterstützen den Ambition 2025 Plan von Beacon, um über dem Marktwachstum durch verbesserte Kundenreichweite zu wachsen. Die neuen Niederlassungen werden ein vollständiges Sortiment an Außenprodukten anbieten, einschließlich der privaten TRI-BUILT® Produktlinie von Beacon, Online-Bestellungen über die Beacon PRO+® App und Zugang zum Beacon OTC® Netzwerk. Das Unternehmen hat 2023 seine Umsatz- und Aktionärsrenditeziele des Ambition 2025 Plans übertroffen.
- Expansion into 4 new strategic markets
- Exceeded Ambition 2025 revenue and shareholder targets in 2023
- 11th branch in Dallas-Fort Worth market indicates strong presence
- Enhanced distribution network supporting market growth
- None.
Four greenfield branches expand service area in
Further supports Ambition 2025 Plan to drive above market growth by significantly enhancing customer reach
New branches in
The new branch in
The new branch in
Beacon continues to drive above market growth through footprint expansion via acquisitions and new greenfield branches. Adding locations and teams to deepen customer service is an important element of our Ambition 2025 plan. Beacon exceeded its Ambition 2025 revenue and shareholder return targets in 2023 and continues to advance its ongoing efforts to achieve its full potential.
About Beacon
Founded in 1928, Beacon is a publicly-traded Fortune 500 company that distributes specialty building products, including roofing materials and complementary products, such as siding and waterproofing. The company operates over 580 branches throughout all 50 states in the
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Binit Sanghvi
VP, Capital Markets and Treasurer
Jennifer Lewis
VP, Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility
Source: Beacon
How many new greenfield branches did Beacon (BECN) open in its latest expansion?
What markets will Beacon's (BECN) new branches serve?
How is this expansion related to Beacon's (BECN) Ambition 2025 Plan?