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Bold Eagle Acquisition Corp has completed its $250 million IPO, offering 25,000,000 units at $10.00 per unit on Nasdaq under 'BEAGU'. Each unit includes one Class A ordinary share and one Eagle Share Right (1/20th of a Class A share). The company, led by Eagle Equity Partners' Harry Sloan, Jeff Sagansky, and Eli Baker, features a warrantless structure. $10.00 per unit has been deposited into a trust account. The company aims to merge or acquire businesses across any sector, leveraging its management team's global relationships. UBS Investment Bank and Jefferies are the offering's representatives, with a 45-day option to purchase up to 3,750,000 additional units.
Bold Eagle Acquisition Corp has announced the pricing of its $250 million IPO, offering 25,000,000 units at $10.00 per unit. Each unit includes one Class A ordinary share and one Eagle Share Right for 1/20th of a Class A ordinary share. The company, led by Harry Sloan, Jeff Sagansky, and Eli Baker, will trade on Nasdaq under BEAGU. This marks Eagle Equity Partners' ninth public acquisition vehicle. The offering features a warrantless structure, and the sponsor will reduce founder shares equal to shares underlying Eagle Share Rights. The IPO is expected to close on October 25, 2024, with UBS Investment Bank and Jefferies as underwriters.