BioAdaptives, Inc. Announces Institutional Review Board Approval of a Human Clinical Trial for Zeranovia™
BioAdaptives (OTC: BDPT) has received Institutional Review Board approval for a human clinical trial of Zeranovia™, its weight management product. The trial will be conducted in Las Vegas, Nevada, with the first phase focusing on dosing confirmation and side effect monitoring. The initial participant positions were quickly filled through website sign-ups. Zeranovia™ is based on a high-protein blend with vitamins, minerals, and five herbal supplements, including four adaptogens. The company aims to demonstrate results comparable to synthetic GLP-1 and GIP treatments. According to NIH's Office of Dietary Supplements, less than 1.0% of nutraceuticals in the US undergo human clinical trials.
BioAdaptives (OTC: BDPT) ha ricevuto l' per un trial clinico umano di Zeranovia™, il suo prodotto per la gestione del peso. Lo studio verrà condotto a Las Vegas, Nevada, con la prima fase focalizzata sulla conferma del dosaggio e sul monitoraggio degli effetti collaterali. Le posizioni iniziali per i partecipanti sono state rapidamente occupate tramite iscrizioni sul sito web. Zeranovia™ è basato su un mix ad alto contenuto proteico con vitamine, minerali e cinque integratori erboristici, compresi quattro adattogeni. L'azienda punta a dimostrare risultati comparabili ai trattamenti sintetici GLP-1 e GIP. Secondo l'Ufficio degli integratori alimentari del NIH, meno dell'1,0% dei nutraceutici negli Stati Uniti passa attraverso trial clinici umani.
BioAdaptives (OTC: BDPT) ha recibido la aprobación de la Junta de Revisión Institucional para un ensayo clínico humano de Zeranovia™, su producto para el manejo del peso. El ensayo se llevará a cabo en Las Vegas, Nevada, con la primera fase centrada en la confirmación de dosis y el monitoreo de efectos secundarios. Las posiciones iniciales para participantes se llenaron rápidamente a través de inscripciones en el sitio web. Zeranovia™ se basa en una mezcla alta en proteínas con vitaminas, minerales y cinco suplementos herbales, incluidos cuatro adaptógenos. La empresa tiene como objetivo demostrar resultados comparables a los tratamientos sintéticos de GLP-1 y GIP. Según la Oficina de Suplementos Dietéticos del NIH, menos del 1,0% de los nutracéuticos en EE. UU. atraviesan ensayos clínicos humanos.
BioAdaptives (OTC: BDPT)는 체중 관리 제품인 Zeranovia™에 대한 인간 임상 시험에 대한 기관 윤리 심사위원회의 승인을 받았습니다. 이 시험은 네바다주 라스베이거스에서 실시되며, 첫 번째 단계는 용량 확인과 부작용 모니터링에 중점을 둡니다. 초기 참가자 자리는 웹사이트 등록을 통해 빠르게 채워졌습니다. Zeranovia™는 비타민, 미네랄 및 네 가지 적응성 허브 보충제를 포함한 고단백 혼합물 기반입니다. 이 회사는 합성 GLP-1 및 GIP 치료와 유사한 결과를 보여줄 목표를 가지고 있습니다. NIH의 식이 보충제 사무국에 따르면, 미국의 영양소는 1.0% 미만이 인간 임상 시험을 거칩니다.
BioAdaptives (OTC: BDPT) a reçu l' pour un essai clinique humain de Zeranovia™, son produit de gestion du poids. L'essai se déroulera à Las Vegas, Nevada, avec la première phase axée sur la confirmation du dosage et le suivi des effets secondaires. Les premiers postes de participants ont été rapidement remplis par des inscriptions sur le site web. Zeranovia™ est basé sur un mélange riche en protéines avec des vitamines, des minéraux, et cinq suppléments à base de plantes, dont quatre adaptogènes. L'entreprise vise à démontrer des résultats comparables aux traitements synthétiques de GLP-1 et de GIP. Selon le Bureau des suppléments diététiques des NIH, moins de 1,0 % des nutraceutiques aux États-Unis passent par des essais cliniques sur des humains.
BioAdaptives (OTC: BDPT) hat die Zulassung der Ethikkommission für eine klinische Studie mit Menschen zu Zeranovia™, seinem Produkt zur Gewichtskontrolle, erhalten. Die Studie wird in Las Vegas, Nevada, durchgeführt, wobei die erste Phase sich auf die Bestätigung der Dosierung und die Überwachung von Nebenwirkungen konzentriert. Die ersten Teilnehmerplätze wurden schnell über Anmeldungen auf der Website besetzt. Zeranovia™ basiert auf einer hoch-proteinreichen Mischung mit Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und fünf Kräuterergänzungen, darunter vier Adaptogene. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, Ergebnisse zu demonstrieren, die mit synthetischen GLP-1- und GIP-Behandlungen vergleichbar sind. Laut dem Büro für diätetische Ergänzungen des NIH unterziehen sich weniger als 1,0 % der Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in den USA klinischen Prüfungen mit Menschen.
- Received IRB approval for human clinical trial of weight management product
- Strong initial response with quick filling of first trial phase positions
- Product potentially competing with established GLP-1 and GIP treatments
- Product still in early clinical trial phase with unproven efficacy
- Multiple trial phases required before potential commercialization
LAS VEGAS, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN – BioAdaptives Inc. (OTC: BDPT) received approval today for a human clinical trial of its weight management product, Zeranovia™.
The trial, approved by an Institutional Review Board, will be managed and supervised by doctors in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sign-ups to participate in the clinical trial have been available on Zeranovia’s website. An excellent response from interested participants quickly filled available positions for the first trial stage. The first phase is designed to confirm dosing and determine if any new side effects are revealed. The next stage of the trial will be open to additional participants.
BioAdaptives™ CEO James Keener stated: “According to data from the National Institutes of Health's Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), less than
Keener continued: “We are committed to supplying the highest quality products with provable scientific results. Zeranovia’s™ success is based on a high-protein blend of vitamins, minerals, and five concentrated herbal supplements, four of which are adaptogens.”
Before moving Zeranovia™ to BioAdaptives™, Keener’s team spent almost one year in product development, including extensive lab work. Based on those efforts and the knowledge obtained, human clinical trials are expected to mirror the results already achieved. If so, this will be the first natural product that compares favorably to the synthetic medical treatments of GLP-1 and GIP.
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About BioAdaptives, Inc.
BioAdaptives, Inc. (OTC: BDPT) is a leader in the nutritional products industry, committed to delivering innovative solutions that enhance quality of life, anti-aging, cell repair, and well-being. With a deep focus on research, customer insights, and sustainable practices, BioAdaptives Inc. redefines what customers can expect from nutritional products. For more information, visit
Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including those related to the anticipated performance and success of the new product line. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could materially cause actual results to differ. Please refer to our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for more information on potential risks.
This launch is expected to further establish BioAdaptives, Inc. as an industry innovator dedicated to bringing scientifically advanced, market-aligned solutions to customers worldwide.
Emily Harrison
Investor Relations
BioAdaptives, Inc.
(702) 659-8829
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