Baird Medical Announces Preliminary Financial Results for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2024

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Baird Medical Investment Holdings (NASDAQ: BDMD) announced preliminary financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024. Total revenues increased by 13.8% year-over-year to US$13.1 million. Gross profit rose 20.9% to US$11.5 million, while operating income grew 70.0% to US$5.1 million. Net income saw a significant increase of 85.8% to US$4.4 million.

CEO Haimei Wu highlighted the company's strong performance in China and initial traction in the U.S. market following FDA clearances. Baird Medical aims to expand in the U.S., offering minimally invasive microwave ablation technology as an alternative to traditional thyroidectomy for benign thyroid tumors. The company recently completed a business combination with ExcelFin Acquisition Corp. and began trading on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol BDMD on October 2, 2024.

Baird Medical Investment Holdings (NASDAQ: BDMD) ha annunciato i risultati finanziari preliminari per i sei mesi terminati il 30 giugno 2024. Le entrate totali sono aumentate del 13,8% rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo 13,1 milioni di dollari. Il profitto lordo è cresciuto del 20,9%, arrivando a 11,5 milioni di dollari, mentre l'utile operativo è aumentato del 70,0%, toccando 5,1 milioni di dollari. Il reddito netto ha mostrato un notevole incremento dell'85,8%, raggiungendo 4,4 milioni di dollari.

Il CEO Haimei Wu ha messo in evidenza le ottime performance dell'azienda in Cina e i primi successi nel mercato statunitense dopo le approvazioni della FDA. Baird Medical punta a espandersi negli Stati Uniti, offrendo una tecnologia di ablazione a microonde minimamente invasiva come alternativa alla tradizionale tiroidectomia per i tumori benigni della tiroide. L'azienda ha recentemente concluso una fusione con ExcelFin Acquisition Corp ed è iniziata la contrattazione su Nasdaq con il simbolo BDMD il 2 ottobre 2024.

Baird Medical Investment Holdings (NASDAQ: BDMD) anunció resultados financieros preliminares para los seis meses terminados el 30 de junio de 2024. Los ingresos totales aumentaron un 13.8% en comparación con el año anterior, alcanzando 13.1 millones de dólares. La ganancia bruta creció un 20.9% hasta 11.5 millones de dólares, mientras que el ingreso operativo creció un 70.0% hasta 5.1 millones de dólares. El ingreso neto experimentó un aumento significativo del 85.8% hasta 4.4 millones de dólares.

La CEO Haimei Wu destacó el sólido desempeño de la compañía en China y la inicial tracción en el mercado de EE.UU. tras las aprobaciones de la FDA. Baird Medical tiene como objetivo expandirse en EE.UU., ofreciendo tecnología de ablación por microondas mínimamente invasiva como alternativa a la tiroidectomía tradicional para tumores tiroideos benignos. La compañía completó recientemente una combinación de negocios con ExcelFin Acquisition Corp y comenzó a cotizar en Nasdaq bajo el símbolo BDMD el 2 de octubre de 2024.

Baird Medical Investment Holdings (NASDAQ: BDMD)는 2024년 6월 30일로 종료된 6개월 간의 초기 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 총 수익은 전년 대비 13.8% 증가하여 1,310만 달러에 달했습니다. 총 이익은 20.9% 증가하여 1,150만 달러에 도달했으며, 영업 이익은 70.0% 증가하여 510만 달러를 기록했습니다. 순이익은 85.8% 증가하여 440만 달러로 상승했습니다.

CEO 하이메이 우는 중국에서의 회사의 강력한 성과와 FDA 승인 이후 미국 시장에서의 초기 성공을 강조했습니다. Baird Medical은 미국에서 확장할 계획이며, 양성 갑상선 종양에 대한 전통적인 갑상선 절제술에 대한 대안으로 최소 침습적 마이크로파 절제 기술을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 최근 ExcelFin Acquisition Corp과 비즈니스 결합을 완료했으며, 2024년 10월 2일에 BDMD라는 티커 심볼로 Nasdaq에서 거래를 시작했습니다.

Baird Medical Investment Holdings (NASDAQ: BDMD) a annoncé des résultats financiers préliminaires pour les six mois se terminant le 30 juin 2024. Les revenus totaux ont augmenté de 13,8 % par rapport à l'année précédente pour atteindre 13,1 millions de dollars. Le profit brut a augmenté de 20,9 % pour atteindre 11,5 millions de dollars, tandis que le résultat d'exploitation a crû de 70,0 % pour atteindre 5,1 millions de dollars. Le revenu net a connu une augmentation significative de 85,8 % pour atteindre 4,4 millions de dollars.

Le CEO Haimei Wu a mis en avant la solide performance de l'entreprise en Chine et les premiers succès sur le marché américain après les autorisations de la FDA. Baird Medical vise à s'étendre aux États-Unis, proposant une technologie d'ablation par micro-ondes minimale et invasive comme alternative à la thyroïdectomie traditionnelle pour les tumeurs bénignes de la thyroïde. L'entreprise a récemment finalisé une combinaison d'affaires avec ExcelFin Acquisition Corp et a commencé à se négocier sur Nasdaq sous le symbole BDMD le 2 octobre 2024.

Baird Medical Investment Holdings (NASDAQ: BDMD) gab vorläufige Finanzergebnisse für die sechs Monate zum 30. Juni 2024 bekannt. Die Gesamterlöse stiegen im Jahresvergleich um 13,8% auf 13,1 Millionen US-Dollar. Der Bruttogewinn erhöhte sich um 20,9% auf 11,5 Millionen US-Dollar, während der Betriebsgewinn um 70,0% auf 5,1 Millionen US-Dollar wuchs. Der Nettogewinn verzeichnete einen signifikanten Anstieg von 85,8% auf 4,4 Millionen US-Dollar.

CEO Haimei Wu hob die starke Leistung des Unternehmens in China und die ersten Erfolge auf dem US-Markt nach den FDA-Zulassungen hervor. Baird Medical hat das Ziel, in den USA zu expandieren und bietet eine minimalinvasive Mikrowellenablationstechnologie als Alternative zur traditionellen Thyreoidektomie bei gutartigen Schilddrüsen-Tumoren an. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich eine Unternehmensfusion mit ExcelFin Acquisition Corp abgeschlossen und begann am 2. Oktober 2024 unter dem Tickersymbol BDMD an der Nasdaq zu handeln.

  • Total revenues increased by 13.8% year-over-year to US$13.1 million
  • Gross profit rose 20.9% to US$11.5 million
  • Operating income grew 70.0% to US$5.1 million
  • Net income increased by 85.8% to US$4.4 million
  • Received FDA clearances for microwave ablation technology in the U.S. market
  • Completed business combination and began trading on Nasdaq under ticker BDMD
  • None.


Baird Medical's preliminary financial results for H1 2024 show strong growth across key metrics. Total revenues increased by 13.8% year-over-year to $13.1 million, while net income surged by 85.8% to $4.4 million. This impressive bottom-line growth outpacing revenue growth suggests improved operational efficiency and cost management.

The company's gross profit rose by 20.9%, indicating enhanced pricing power or better cost control in production. The operating income jump of 70% further underscores the company's ability to leverage its revenue growth into higher profitability.

Baird Medical's recent FDA clearances and expansion into the U.S. market present significant growth opportunities, particularly in the thyroid tumor treatment space. With 150,000 thyroidectomies performed annually in the U.S., the company's microwave ablation technology could capture a substantial market share if it proves to be a cost-effective and less invasive alternative.

The recent business combination and Nasdaq listing should provide Baird Medical with increased visibility and access to capital, potentially accelerating its growth trajectory. Investors should monitor the company's progress in penetrating the U.S. market and its ability to maintain strong growth rates as it scales.

Baird Medical's microwave ablation (MWA) technology for benign thyroid tumors represents a significant advancement in minimally invasive treatments. Traditional thyroidectomies often result in lifelong hormone replacement therapy and potential complications. MWA offers several advantages:

  • Outpatient procedure with faster recovery times
  • Preservation of thyroid function in many cases
  • Reduced risk of surgical complications
  • Potential for cost savings in the healthcare system

The company's expansion into the U.S. market, backed by FDA clearances, is a important step. The 150,000 annual thyroidectomies in the U.S. represent a significant addressable market. However, adoption will depend on:

  • Clinical outcomes and long-term efficacy data
  • Physician training and acceptance
  • Reimbursement policies from insurers

Baird Medical's success in China provides a strong foundation, but the company will need to navigate the complexities of the U.S. healthcare system to achieve similar success. The potential for improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs could drive adoption if supported by robust clinical evidence.

Total revenues increased to US$13.1 million, representing 13.8% year-over-year growth
Net income reached US$4.4 million, representing 85.8% year-over-year growth

GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Baird Medical Investment Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ: BDMD) ("Baird Medical" or the "Company"), a leading microwave ablation ("MWA") medical device developer and provider in China which has recently expanded into the U.S. market following its receipt of US FDA 510(k) clearances, today announced its preliminary financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024 (the "First Half of 2024").

First Half of 2024 Financial Highlights

  • Total revenues reached US$13.1 million, representing an increase of 13.8% from US$11.5 million in the same period of 2023.
  • Gross profit increased by 20.9% to US$11.5 million from US$9.5 million in the first half of 2023.
  • Operating income was US$5.1 million, representing an increase of 70.0% from US$3.0 million in the same period of 2023.
  • Net income increased by 85.8% to US$4.4 million from US$2.4 million in the first half of 2023.

Ms. Haimei Wu, Founder and CEO of Baird Medical, commented, "Our preliminary results for the first half of 2024 reflect the continued strength of our core business in China and the initial traction we're gaining in the U.S. market. With our recent FDA clearances, we are optimistic about expanding our reach in the United States, where our minimally invasive microwave ablation technology offers a promising alternative to traditional thyroidectomy for patients with benign thyroid tumors. Given that approximately 150,000 thyroidectomies are performed annually in the U.S., we believe there's a substantial opportunity to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. As we move forward, we remain committed to innovation and expanding access to our technology, while maintaining a disciplined approach to growth and operational efficiency."

Recent Developments
On October 1, 2024, the Company announced the completion of its previously announced business combination (the "Business Combination") with ExcelFin Acquisition Corp. The listed company resulting from the Business Combination is Baird Medical Investment Holdings Limited, and its shares and warrants commenced trading on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbols "BDMD" and "BDMDW", respectively, on October 2, 2024.

About Baird Medical
Established in 2012 and headquartered in Guangzhou, China, Baird Medical is a leading microwave ablation ("MWA") medical device manufacturer and provider in China and a recent entrant to the United States market. Baird Medical's proprietary medical devices are used for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors including thyroid nodules, liver cancer, lung nodules and breast lumps. Baird Medical is the first company to obtain a Class III medical devices registration certificate for MWA medical devices specifically indicated for thyroid nodules in China. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This communication contains "forward-looking statements." Such statements include statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "intend", "target", "estimate", "continue", "positions", "plan", "predict", "project", "forecast", "guidance", "goal", "objective", "prospects", "possible" or "potential" by future conditional verbs such as "assume", "will", "would", "should", "could" or "may" or by variations of such words or by similar expressions or the negative thereof. Actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements based on a number of factors. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. Baird Medical does not assume any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement after it is made, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Investor Relations
Robin Yang, Partner
Phone: +1 (646) 308-1475

Public Relations
Brad Burgess, Senior Vice President
Phone: +1 (646) 588-0383

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SOURCE Baird Medical Investment Holdings Ltd.


What were Baird Medical's (BDMD) revenue and net income for the first half of 2024?

Baird Medical (BDMD) reported total revenues of US$13.1 million and net income of US$4.4 million for the first half of 2024.

How much did Baird Medical's (BDMD) net income grow compared to the same period in 2023?

Baird Medical's (BDMD) net income increased by 85.8% compared to the first half of 2023, growing from US$2.4 million to US$4.4 million.

When did Baird Medical (BDMD) begin trading on Nasdaq following its business combination?

Baird Medical (BDMD) began trading on Nasdaq on October 2, 2024, following the completion of its business combination with ExcelFin Acquisition Corp.

What is Baird Medical's (BDMD) strategy for expansion in the U.S. market?

Baird Medical (BDMD) is expanding in the U.S. market by offering minimally invasive microwave ablation technology as an alternative to traditional thyroidectomy for benign thyroid tumors, following FDA clearances.

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