Barclays appoints Bradley Rogoff as Global Head of Research

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Barclays has appointed Bradley Rogoff as Global Head of Research, effective 1 October 2024. Mr. Rogoff, currently Head of FICC Research, will report to Stephen Dainton, Head of Investment Bank Management and President, BBPLC. He will join key management teams and chair the Research Executive Forum.

Mr. Rogoff joined Lehman Brothers in 2002 and transitioned to Barclays in 2008 following its acquisition. Under his leadership, Barclays has achieved top rankings in Fixed Income Research and Credit Strategy. The bank recently ranked in the Top 5 for European Equity Research and secured the #1 position for UK Research.

Stephen Dainton praised Mr. Rogoff's deep knowledge and track record, stating that he is the right choice to lead Barclays' research strategy forward, focusing on delivering innovative and differentiated content for clients in a changing environment.

Barclays ha nominato Bradley Rogoff come Responsabile Globale della Ricerca, con effetto dal 1 ottobre 2024. Il signor Rogoff, attualmente Direttore della Ricerca FICC, riferirà a Stephen Dainton, Responsabile della Gestione della Banca d'Investimento e Presidente di BBPLC. Si unisce ai principali team di gestione e presiederà il Forum Esecutivo della Ricerca.

Il signor Rogoff è entrato in Lehman Brothers nel 2002 e ha transito a Barclays nel 2008 dopo l'acquisizione. Sotto la sua guida, Barclays ha raggiunto posizioni di vertice nella Ricerca sulle obbligazioni e Strategia Creditizia. Recentemente, la banca si è classificata tra le prime 5 per la Ricerca Azionaria Europea e ha ottenuto la posizione numero 1 per la Ricerca nel Regno Unito.

Stephen Dainton ha lodato la profonda conoscenza e il curriculum del signor Rogoff, affermando che è la scelta giusta per guidare la strategia di ricerca di Barclays, focalizzandosi sulla fornitura di contenuti innovativi e distintivi per i clienti in un ambiente in evoluzione.

Barclays ha designado a Bradley Rogoff como Jefe Global de Investigación, efectivo el 1 de octubre de 2024. El Sr. Rogoff, actualmente Jefe de Investigación FICC, reportará a Stephen Dainton, Jefe de Gestión del Banco de Inversión y Presidente de BBPLC. Se unirá a los equipos de gestión clave y presidirá el Foro Ejecutivo de Investigación.

El Sr. Rogoff se unió a Lehman Brothers en 2002 y hizo la transición a Barclays en 2008 tras su adquisición. Bajo su liderazgo, Barclays ha logrado posiciones destacadas en Investigación de Renta Fija y Estrategia de Crédito. Recientemente, el banco se clasificó entre los 5 mejores en Investigación de Renta Variable Europea y aseguró la posición número 1 en Investigación del Reino Unido.

Stephen Dainton elogió el profundo conocimiento y la trayectoria del Sr. Rogoff, afirmando que es la elección correcta para liderar la estrategia de investigación de Barclays, centrando su atención en ofrecer contenido innovador y diferenciado para los clientes en un entorno cambiante.

바클레이즈는 브래들리 로고프를 글로벌 리서치 책임자로 임명했습니다, 2024년 10월 1일부로 효력이 발생합니다. 로고프 씨는 현재 FICC 리서치 책임자로 스티븐 데인턴에게 보고하며, 스티븐 데인턴은 투자은행 경영 책임자이자 BBPLC의 회장입니다. 그는 주요 관리 팀에 합류하고 리서치 경영 포럼을 주재할 것입니다.

로고프 씨는 2002년 리먼 브라더스에 합류했으며, 2008년 인수 이후 바클레이즈로 전환했습니다. 그의 리더십 하에 바클레이즈는 고정 수입 연구 및 신용 전략 분야에서 상위 순위를 차지했습니다. 최근에 이 은행은 유럽 주식 연구에서 상위 5위 안에 들어갔으며, 영국 연구 부문에서는 1위를 차지했습니다.

스티븐 데인턴은 로고프 씨의 깊은 지식과 경력을 높이 평가하며, 변화하는 환경에서 고객을 위한 혁신적이고 차별화된 콘텐츠를 제공하는 데 집중하여 바클레이즈의 연구 전략을 이끌기에 적합한 인물이라고 밝혔습니다.

Barclays a nommé Bradley Rogoff au poste de Responsable Mondial de la Recherche, à compter du 1er octobre 2024. M. Rogoff, actuellement Responsable de la Recherche FICC, fera rapport à Stephen Dainton, Responsable de la Gestion de la Banque d'Investissement et Président de BBPLC. Il rejoindra les équipes de direction clés et présidera le Forum Exécutif de la Recherche.

M. Rogoff a rejoint Lehman Brothers en 2002 et est passé chez Barclays en 2008 suite à l'acquisition. Sous sa direction, Barclays a obtenu des classements de premier plan dans la Recherche sur les Titres à Revenu Fixe et la Stratégie de Crédit. Récemment, la banque s'est classée parmi les 5 meilleures pour la Recherche sur les Actions Européennes et a obtenu la première place pour la Recherche au Royaume-Uni.

Stephen Dainton a salué la profonde connaissance et le parcours de M. Rogoff, affirmant qu'il est le bon choix pour faire progresser la stratégie de recherche de Barclays, en se concentrant sur la fourniture de contenus innovants et différenciés pour les clients dans un environnement en évolution.

Barclays hat Bradley Rogoff als Global Head of Research ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 1. Oktober 2024. Herr Rogoff, der derzeit Leiter der FICC-Forschung ist, wird an Stephen Dainton, Leiter des Managements der Investmentbank und Präsident von BBPLC, berichten. Er wird den wichtigsten Managementteams beitreten und das Research Executive Forum leiten.

Herr Rogoff trat 2002 Lehman Brothers bei und wechselte 2008 nach der Übernahme zu Barclays. Unter seiner Leitung hat Barclays in der Forschung zu festverzinslichen Wertpapieren und Kreditstrategien Spitzenplatzierungen erreicht. Die Bank wurde kürzlich unter den Top 5 der europäischen Aktienforschung eingestuft und sicherte sich die Nummer 1 Position für die Forschung im Vereinigten Königreich.

Stephen Dainton lobte das umfassende Wissen und die Erfolgsbilanz von Herrn Rogoff und erklärte, dass er die richtige Wahl sei, um die Forschungsstrategie von Barclays voranzutreiben, mit einem Fokus auf die Bereitstellung innovativer und differenzierter Inhalte für Kunden in einem sich verändernden Umfeld.

  • Appointment of experienced internal candidate as Global Head of Research
  • Top 3 ranking globally for Fixed Income Research in 2022 and 2023
  • Top 5 ranking for European Equity Research
  • #1 ranking for UK Research
  • #4 ranking as a Global Research firm
  • None.

Mr. Rogoff joined the firm in 2002 and currently serves as the Head of FICC Research

LONDON & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Barclays today announces the appointment of Brad Rogoff as Global Head of Research, effective 1 October 2024. Currently the Head of FICC Research, Mr. Rogoff is based in New York and will report to Stephen Dainton, Head of Investment Bank Management and President, BBPLC. He will join the Investment Bank Management Team, US Executive Committee and chair the Research Executive Forum.

Brad Rogoff (Photo: Business Wire)

Brad Rogoff (Photo: Business Wire)

Mr. Rogoff joined the Lehman Brothers graduate scheme in 2002 and Barclays in 2008 following the acquisition. In 2016, Mr. Rogoff assumed management responsibility for the Emerging Market Corporate Credit Research team globally. In 2018, his role was expanded to include the Developed Market Credit Research team, and in 2022, he took on global responsibility for FICC research.

Under Mr. Rogoff’s leadership, Barclays ranked in the Top 3 Globally for Fixed Income Research in Institutional Investor’s annual survey in 2022 and 2023. Mr. Rogoff and his team have consistently been ranked by Institutional Investor in the High Yield Credit Strategy category since 2009, and the team’s US Credit Alpha publication has been voted one of the Best Weekly Credit Research Publications for over a decade.

“Brad is part of the DNA of Barclays Research franchise. His deep knowledge and proven track record of delivering excellent solutions for clients makes him the right choice to take our research strategy forward” said Stephen Dainton, Head of Investment Bank Management and President, BBPLC. “Under Brad’s leadership, Barclays Research will continue its drive to deliver innovative and differentiated content for clients as they navigate today’s everchanging environment.”

Earlier this month, Barclays ranked Top 5 for European Equity Research in the Extel (formerly Institutional Investor) annual survey for the second year in a row, seeing big market share gains amongst banks on the Street. UK clients ranked Barclays #1 for pan-European Research and for the first time Barclays ranked #1 for UK Research. Based on Institutional Investor surveys in 2023, votes from the Street’s largest investors place Barclays #4 as a Global Research firm and #3 for Developed Markets.

About Barclays

Our vision is to be the UK-centred leader in global finance. We are a diversified bank with comprehensive UK consumer, corporate and wealth and private banking franchises, a leading investment bank and a strong, specialist US consumer bank. Through these five divisions, we are working together for a better financial future for our customers, clients and communities. For further information about Barclays, please visit our website

Press Contacts:

Claudia Allen-Gilbert (UK)

+44(0)20 7773 2064

Source: Barclays


When will Bradley Rogoff assume the role of Global Head of Research at Barclays (BCS)?

Bradley Rogoff will assume the role of Global Head of Research at Barclays (BCS) effective 1 October 2024.

What is Bradley Rogoff's current position at Barclays (BCS)?

Bradley Rogoff currently serves as the Head of FICC Research at Barclays (BCS).

How long has Bradley Rogoff been with Barclays (BCS)?

Bradley Rogoff joined Barclays (BCS) in 2008 following the acquisition of Lehman Brothers, where he started in 2002.

What rankings has Barclays (BCS) achieved in research under Bradley Rogoff's leadership?

Under Bradley Rogoff's leadership, Barclays (BCS) ranked in the Top 3 Globally for Fixed Income Research in 2022 and 2023, and Top 5 for European Equity Research.

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