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BCM Resources Corp (TSXV: B) has announced a Zoom call scheduled for August 8, 2024, at 6 PM PST to discuss and review the company's innovative modeling of drill data from its Thompson Knolls (TK) porphyry-skarn system. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session hosted by Sergei Diakov, President & CEO, and Scott Steeds. Investors, potential investors, and analysts are invited to participate. To join the call, interested parties should email robert@bcmresources.com to receive the link.
BCM Resources Corp (TSXV: B) announced promising results from innovative modeling of drill data at their Thompson Knolls (TK) porphyry-skarn system. The research, led by the Colorado School of Mines, identified critical vectors for further drilling. The study suggests high potential for significant size and grade skarn and porphyry mineralized systems towards the center of the fluid source, particularly southwest of hole TK8.
The detailed relogging and additional sampling of drill holes (TK3, TK3a, TK5, TK6, TK8, TK9, TK14) highlight spatial patterns useful for exploration. Notable mineral intercepts include 510 ft @ 0.66% Cu, 0.12 g/t Au, 7.4 g/t Ag in TK8, and 230 ft @ 0.41% Cu, 0.06 g/t Au, 5.7 g/t Ag in TK6. Observations indicate significant copper mineralization, potentially enhancing future drilling success.
Future drilling is planned between TK8 and TK17, and potentially between TK17 and DK14, aiming to target the core of the TK porphyry-skarn system. Additional porphyry systems might also be located near Discovery Knoll, south of the main TK system.
BCM Resources Corp has announced a 44% increase in its land position at the Thompson Knolls (TK) project, now totaling 4,899 acres. The increase includes 194 BLM claims and 2 state leases. Drilling updates show completion of DDH TK3a with results indicating ongoing mineralization. Core samples are being analyzed, and drilling of DDH TK5 has commenced. The project is strategically located near significant mining operations and aims at future large-scale mining potential.
BCM Resources Corp has received approval from the Utah Department of Oil, Gas, and Mining for three additional diamond drill holes at the Thompson Knolls project. Drill hole TK3a is currently 1,040 meters deep, with 460 meters of mineralization, and will continue to a permitted depth of 1,100 meters. The company aims to expand drilling operations significantly. The project is located near Rio Tinto's Bingham Canyon mine, highlighting its strategic value. The Director has verified the information in this release.
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