PKS Investments, a Subsidiary of Binah Capital Group, Recognized as One of Albany's Best Places to Work
Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) proudly announces that its subsidiary, PKS Investments, has been recognized as one of Albany's Best Places to Work by the Albany Business Review. This prestigious award places PKS among the top large companies (100+ employees) in the Albany area for employee satisfaction and workplace culture.
The Best Places to Work annual award program, now in its 21st year, is based on employee feedback collected through surveys conducted by Quantum Workplace. Companies are selected based on their ability to create an exceptional work environment that fosters employee engagement and satisfaction.
Craig Gould, CEO of Binah Capital Group, expressed honor at the recognition, stating it reflects their commitment to creating a thriving workplace. This award comes at an exciting time for Binah Capital Group, which went public earlier this year, underscoring the strength of PKS as a key subsidiary and reinforcing Binah's position as a leader in the wealth management industry.
Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) è lieta di annunciare che la sua consociata, PKS Investments, è stata riconosciuta come uno dei Luoghi Migliori per Lavorare di Albany dalla Albany Business Review. Questo prestigioso premio colloca PKS tra le migliori grandi aziende (oltre 100 dipendenti) nell'area di Albany per la soddisfazione dei dipendenti e la cultura lavorativa.
Il programma annuale dei Luoghi Migliori per Lavorare, ora alla sua 21° edizione, si basa sul feedback dei dipendenti raccolto attraverso sondaggi condotti da Quantum Workplace. Le aziende vengono selezionate in base alla loro capacità di creare un ambiente di lavoro eccezionale che promuova l'impegno e la soddisfazione dei dipendenti.
Craig Gould, CEO di Binah Capital Group, ha espresso la sua gratitudine per il riconoscimento, affermando che riflette il loro impegno nella creazione di un ambiente lavorativo prospero. Questo premio arriva in un momento emozionante per Binah Capital Group, che è diventata pubblica all'inizio di quest'anno, sottolineando la forza di PKS come consociata chiave e rafforzando la posizione di Binah come leader nell'industria della gestione patrimoniale.
Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) se enorgullece de anunciar que su filial, PKS Investments, ha sido reconocida como uno de los Mejores Lugares para Trabajar en Albany por la Albany Business Review. Este prestigioso premio coloca a PKS entre las principales grandes empresas (más de 100 empleados) en el área de Albany por la satisfacción de los empleados y la cultura laboral.
El programa anual de los Mejores Lugares para Trabajar, ahora en su 21ª edición, se basa en la retroalimentación de los empleados recopilada a través de encuestas realizadas por Quantum Workplace. Las empresas son seleccionadas en función de su capacidad para crear un entorno laboral excepcional que fomente el compromiso y la satisfacción de los empleados.
Craig Gould, CEO de Binah Capital Group, expresó su honor por el reconocimiento, afirmando que refleja su compromiso de crear un lugar de trabajo próspero. Este premio llega en un momento emocionante para Binah Capital Group, que se hizo pública a principios de este año, subrayando la fortaleza de PKS como filial clave y reforzando la posición de Binah como líder en la industria de gestión patrimonial.
비나 자본 그룹 (NASDAQ: BCG)는 자회사인 PKS 투자가 앨버니 비즈니스 리뷰에서 앨버니 최고의 직장 중 하나로 인정받았다고 자랑스럽게 발표했습니다. 이 권위 있는 상은 PKS를 앨버니 지역의 직원 만족도와 직장 문화 면에서 100명 이상의 직원이 있는 대기업 중 최고로 자리매김하게 합니다.
최고의 직장 연례 상 프로그램은 이제 21년째를 맞이하며, Quantum Workplace에서 실시한 설문 조사를 통해 수집된 직원 피드백을 기반으로 합니다. 기업은 직원의 참여와 만족을 촉진하는 뛰어난 근무 환경을 조성할 수 있는 능력에 따라 선정됩니다.
비나 자본 그룹의 CEO인 크레이그 골드는 인정을 받게 되어 영광이라고 말하며, 이는 번창하는 직장을 만들기 위한 그들의 헌신을 반영한다고 밝혔습니다. 이 상은 비나 자본 그룹이 올해 초 상장한 것이며, PKS가 핵심 자회사로서의 강점을 부각시키고 비나가 자산관리 산업에서의 리더로서의 입지를 강화하는 시기에 주어졌습니다.
Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) est fière d'annoncer que sa filiale, PKS Investments, a été reconnue comme l'un des Meilleurs Lieux de Travail à Albany par l'Albany Business Review. Ce prix prestigieux place PKS parmi les meilleures grandes entreprises (plus de 100 employés) de la région d'Albany pour la satisfaction des employés et la culture d'entreprise.
Le programme annuel des Meilleurs Lieux de Travail, maintenant dans sa 21e année, est basé sur les retours des employés collectés par le biais de sondages menés par Quantum Workplace. Les entreprises sont sélectionnées en fonction de leur capacité à créer un environnement de travail exceptionnel qui favorise l'engagement et la satisfaction des employés.
Craig Gould, PDG de Binah Capital Group, a exprimé son honneur quant à cette récompense, affirmant qu'elle reflète leur engagement à créer un lieu de travail prospère. Ce prix arrive à un moment passionnant pour Binah Capital Group, qui est entrée en bourse plus tôt cette année, soulignant la force de PKS en tant que filiale clé et renforçant la position de Binah en tant que leader dans le secteur de la gestion de patrimoine.
Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) freut sich, bekannt zu geben, dass ihre Tochtergesellschaft, PKS Investments, von der Albany Business Review als einer der Besten Arbeitsplätze in Albany ausgezeichnet wurde. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung platziert PKS unter den besten großen Unternehmen (mehr als 100 Mitarbeiter) in der Region Albany in Bezug auf Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Arbeitsplatzkultur.
Das jährliche Programm „Beste Arbeitsplätze“, das nun im 21. Jahr durchgeführt wird, basiert auf dem Feedback der Mitarbeiter, das durch Umfragen bei Quantum Workplace gesammelt wurde. Unternehmen werden auf Grundlage ihrer Fähigkeit ausgewählt, ein außergewöhnliches Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, das die Mitarbeiterbindung und -zufriedenheit fördert.
Craig Gould, CEO von Binah Capital Group, drückte seine Freude über die Anerkennung aus und erklärte, dass sie das Engagement widerspiegelt, einen florierenden Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen. Diese Auszeichnung kommt zu einem aufregenden Zeitpunkt für die Binah Capital Group, die Anfang dieses Jahres an die Börse ging und die Stärke von PKS als wichtige Tochtergesellschaft unterstreicht und Binahs Position als führendes Unternehmen in der Vermögensverwaltungsbranche festigt.
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ALBANY, N.Y., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) (“Binah” or the “Company”) is proud to announce that its subsidiary, PKS Investments (“PKS”), has been recognized as one of Albany's Best Places to Work for by the Albany Business Review. This prestigious award places PKS Investments among the top large companies (100+ employees) in the Albany area for employee satisfaction and workplace culture.
The Best Places to Work annual award program, now in its 21st year, is based on employee feedback collected through surveys conducted by Quantum Workplace. Companies are selected based on their ability to create an exceptional work environment that fosters employee engagement and satisfaction.
PKS Investments stands out among a diverse group of winners, including companies from industries such as financial services, healthcare, and gaming. This award reinforces PKS Investments' position as a top employer of choice in the Albany region.
"We are incredibly honored that PKS has been recognized as one of Albany's Best Places to Work for," said Craig Gould, Chief Executive Officer of Binah Capital Group. "This recognition is a testament to our commitment to creating a workplace where our employees can thrive, grow, and feel valued. Our team's dedication and passion are the driving forces behind our success, and we will continue to invest in their well-being and professional development. As a core part of Binah's family of companies, PKS exemplifies our group-wide dedication to excellence, both in serving clients and in nurturing our workforce."
This recognition comes at an exciting time for Binah Capital Group, which went public earlier this year. The award underscores the strength of PKS as a key subsidiary and reinforces Binah's position as a leader in the wealth management industry.
About Binah Capital Group
Binah Capital Group (NASDAQ: BCG) is a leading national financial services enterprise specializing in the aggregation of broker-dealers. The Company offers a unique dual-registered hybrid-friendly model that encompasses over 1,900 registered advisors across more than 700 offices in 50 states. Binah focuses on supporting independent financial advisors by providing them with high-quality tools, resources, and services to foster their growth and independence.