BioAtla Presented Data Characterizing Mutated KRAS Genotype and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Advanced NSCLC Treated with Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V), a CAB-AXL-ADC, at the IASLC 2024 Hot Topic in Basic & Translational Science Meeting
BioAtla presented data on Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V) at the IASLC 2024 Hot Topic in Basic & Translational Science Meeting. The study focused on patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) expressing mutated KRAS (mKRAS).
Results indicated improved median overall survival (OS) for Mec-V treated patients with mKRAS compared to wild-type KRAS (wtKRAS). One-year OS was 58% for mKRAS patients versus 23% for wtKRAS patients. Mec-V showed antitumor activity across 9 different mKRAS variants.
Key data highlights from the Phase 2 trial (NCT04681131) include:
- 78 patients enrolled, received Mec-V monotherapy or Mec-V + nivolumab.
- Patients had a median of 3 prior lines of therapy.
- 24 patients (30.7%) had mKRAS NSCLC.
- Median OS was not reached for mKRAS patients vs. 8.7 months for wtKRAS patients.
- 6 responses among 21 efficacy-evaluable mKRAS patients (ORR=28.6%).
AXL expression was highly associated with mKRAS NSCLC. Treatment was well tolerated with a manageable safety profile. A randomized trial of Mec-V in treatment-refractory mKRAS NSCLC is planned for 2025.
BioAtla ha presentato i dati su Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V) al meeting IASLC 2024 Hot Topic in Basic & Translational Science. Lo studio si è concentrato su pazienti con cancro ai polmoni non a piccole cellule avanzato (NSCLC) che esprimono KRAS mutato (mKRAS).
I risultati hanno mostrato un miglioramento della sopravvivenza globale mediana (OS) per i pazienti trattati con Mec-V portatori di mKRAS rispetto ai portatori di KRAS wild-type (wtKRAS). La sopravvivenza globale a un anno era del 58% per i pazienti con mKRAS rispetto al 23% per i pazienti con wtKRAS. Mec-V ha mostrato attività antitumorale su 9 diverse varianti di mKRAS.
I principali dati dal trial di Fase 2 (NCT04681131) includono:
- 78 pazienti arruolati, trattati con monoterapia Mec-V o con Mec-V + nivolumab.
- I pazienti avevano ricevuto in media 3 linee di terapia precedenti.
- 24 pazienti (30,7%) presentavano mKRAS NSCLC.
- La sopravvivenza globale mediana non è stata raggiunta per i pazienti con mKRAS rispetto a 8,7 mesi per i pazienti con wtKRAS.
- 6 risposte tra 21 pazienti mKRAS valutabili per l'efficacia (ORR=28,6%).
L'espressione di AXL era altamente associata a NSCLC mKRAS. Il trattamento è stato ben tollerato con un profilo di sicurezza gestibile. Un trial randomizzato di Mec-V in NSCLC mKRAS refrattario al trattamento è previsto per il 2025.
BioAtla presentó datos sobre Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V) en el encuentro IASLC 2024 Hot Topic en Ciencia Básica y Translacional. El estudio se centró en pacientes con cáncer de pulmón no microcítico avanzado (NSCLC) que expresan KRAS mutado (mKRAS).
Los resultados indicaron una mejoría en la supervivencia global mediana (OS) para los pacientes tratados con Mec-V con mKRAS en comparación con los que tienen KRAS tipo salvaje (wtKRAS). La OS a un año fue del 58% para los pacientes con mKRAS frente al 23% para los pacientes con wtKRAS. Mec-V mostró actividad antitumoral en 9 variantes diferentes de mKRAS.
Los principales puntos destacados de los datos del ensayo de Fase 2 (NCT04681131) incluyen:
- 78 pacientes inscritos, tratados con monoterapia de Mec-V o Mec-V + nivolumab.
- Los pacientes tuvieron una mediana de 3 líneas de terapia previas.
- 24 pacientes (30.7%) tenían NSCLC mKRAS.
- No se alcanzó la mediana de OS para pacientes con mKRAS frente a 8.7 meses para pacientes con wtKRAS.
- 6 respuestas entre 21 pacientes mKRAS evaluables para eficacia (ORR=28.6%).
La expresión de AXL estuvo altamente asociada con NSCLC mKRAS. El tratamiento fue bien tolerado con un perfil de seguridad manejable. Se planea un ensayo aleatorizado de Mec-V en NSCLC mKRAS refractario al tratamiento para 2025.
BioAtla는 IASLC 2024 Hot Topic in Basic & Translational Science Meeting에서 Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V)에 대한 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 변이 KRAS(mKRAS)를 발현하는 진행성 비소세포 폐암(NSCLC) 환자에 초점을 맞추었습니다.
결과에 따르면, mKRAS 환자에게 Mec-V 치료가 시행되었을 때 KRAS 야생형(wtKRAS) 환자와 비교하여 중앙 전체 생존율(OS)이 개선되었습니다. mKRAS 환자의 1년 OS는 58%였고 wtKRAS 환자는 23%였습니다. Mec-V는 9개의 서로 다른 mKRAS 변이에 대해 항종양 활성을 보였습니다.
2상 시험(NCT04681131)의 주요 데이터 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 78명의 환자가 등록되어 Mec-V 단독 요법 또는 Mec-V + nivolumab을 받았습니다.
- 환자들은 평균 3개의 이전 치료 라인을 받았습니다.
- 24명(30.7%)의 환자가 mKRAS NSCLC를 가지고 있었습니다.
- mKRAS 환자의 중앙 OS는 도달되지 않았고 wtKRAS 환자의 경우 8.7개월이었습니다.
- 효능을 평가할 수 있는 21명의 mKRAS 환자 중 6명이 반응(ORR=28.6%)을 보였습니다.
AXL 발현은 mKRAS NSCLC와 높은 연관성이 있었습니다. 치료는 잘 견뎌졌으며 안전성 프로필도 잘 관리되었습니다. 2025년에는 치료 저항성 mKRAS NSCLC에 대한 Mec-V의 무작위 시험이 계획되어 있습니다.
BioAtla a présenté des données sur Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V) lors de la réunion IASLC 2024 Hot Topic en Science de Base et Translationnelle. L'étude s'est concentrée sur des patients atteints de cancer du poumon non à petites cellules avancé (NSCLC) exprimant un KRAS muté (mKRAS).
Les résultats ont indiqué une amélioration de la survie globale médiane (OS) pour les patients traités par Mec-V porteurs de mKRAS par rapport à ceux ayant un KRAS de type sauvage (wtKRAS). L'OS à un an était de 58% pour les patients mKRAS contre 23% pour les patients wtKRAS. Mec-V a montré une activité antitumorale sur 9 variantes différentes de mKRAS.
Les principaux points de données de l'essai de Phase 2 (NCT04681131) incluent :
- 78 patients inscrits, traités par monothérapie Mec-V ou par Mec-V + nivolumab.
- Les patients avaient en moyenne 3 lignes de thérapie antérieure.
- 24 patients (30,7%) avaient un NSCLC mKRAS.
- La survie globale médiane n'a pas été atteinte pour les patients mKRAS contre 8,7 mois pour ceux ayant un wtKRAS.
- 6 réponses parmi 21 patients mKRAS évaluables pour l'efficacité (ORR=28,6%).
L'expression d'AXL était fortement associée au NSCLC mKRAS. Le traitement a été bien toléré avec un profil de sécurité gérable. Un essai randomisé de Mec-V dans le NSCLC mKRAS réfractaire au traitement est prévu pour 2025.
BioAtla präsentierte Daten zu Mecbotamab Vedotin (Mec-V) auf dem IASLC 2024 Hot Topic in Basic & Translational Science Meeting. Die Studie konzentrierte sich auf Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (NSCLC), die mutiertes KRAS (mKRAS) exprimieren.
Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine verbesserte mediane Gesamtüberlebensrate (OS) für mit Mec-V behandelte Patienten mit mKRAS im Vergleich zu Patienten mit wildtypischem KRAS (wtKRAS). Die 1-Jahres-OS betrug 58% für mKRAS-Patienten und 23% für wtKRAS-Patienten. Mec-V zeigte eine antitumorale Aktivität gegen 9 verschiedene mKRAS-Varianten.
Wichtige Datenhighlights aus der Phase-2-Studie (NCT04681131) umfassen:
- 78 eingeschriebene Patienten, die Mec-V Monotherapie oder Mec-V + Nivolumab erhielten.
- Die Patienten hatten eine mediane Anzahl von 3 früheren Therapie-Linien.
- 24 Patienten (30,7%) hatten mKRAS NSCLC.
- Die mediane OS wurde für mKRAS-Patienten nicht erreicht, während sie für wtKRAS-Patienten 8,7 Monate betrug.
- 6 Antworten unter 21 efficacy-evaluierbaren mKRAS-Patienten (ORR=28,6%).
Die AXL-Expression war stark mit mKRAS NSCLC assoziiert. Die Behandlung wurde gut vertragen und hatte ein beherrschbares Sicherheitsprofil. Eine randomisierte Studie zu Mec-V bei behandlungsresistentem mKRAS NSCLC ist für 2025 geplant.
- One-year OS was 58% for patients with mKRAS NSCLC treated with Mec-V.
- Mec-V showed antitumor activity across 9 different mKRAS variants.
- AXL expression highly associated with mKRAS NSCLC.
- Treatment was well tolerated with a manageable safety profile.
- Median OS for wtKRAS NSCLC patients was only 8.7 months.
- Only 23% of patients with wtKRAS NSCLC survived one year.
Improved median overall survival (OS) for Mec-V treated patients with treatment-refractory non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) expressing mutated KRAS (mKRAS) as compared to Mec-V treated patient with treatment-refractory NSCLC expressing wild-type KRAS (wtKRAS)
One-year OS was
Mec-V antitumor activity observed across 9 different mKRAS variants
Strong association of AXL expression by mKRAS NSCLC confirmed
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioAtla, Inc. (Nasdaq: BCAB), a global clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of Conditionally Active Biologic (CAB) antibody therapeutics for the treatment of solid tumors, presented a poster entitled “Characterization of Mutated KRAS Genotype and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Advanced NSCLC Treated With Mecbotamab Vedotin, a CAB-AXL-ADC” at the IASLC 2024 Hot Topic in Basic & Translational Science Meeting on December 14, 2024.
“Mutations in KRAS are present in approximately
Data highlights:
- Phase 2 trial of Mec-V, CAB-AXL-ADC (NCT04681131) in NSCLC
- 78 patients were enrolled and received either Mec-V monotherapy (n=59) or Mec-V + nivolumab (n=19).
- Patients received a median of 3 prior lines of therapy.
- Among the 78 treated patients, 24 (
30.7% ) had mKRAS NSCLC. - Overall survival analyses:
- Landmark OS at one year:
58% for patients with mKRAS NSCLC vs.23% for patients with wtKRAS NSCLC. - Median OS was not yet reached (6.5-Not Estimable) for patients with mKRAS NSCLC vs. 8.7 (5.8–10.2) months for patients with wtKRAS NSCLC.
- Landmark OS at one year:
- Among 21 efficacy-evaluable patients with mKRAS NSCLC:
- 6 responses (ORR=
28.6% ; including 1 patient previously treated with sotorasib). - Antitumor activity observed across 9 different mutated KRAS (mKRAS) variants
- 1 patient treated with Mec-V + nivolumab Q2W continues in Complete Response (CR) after >2 years of follow-up.
- 6 responses (ORR=
- Treatment with Mec-V was well tolerated with a manageable safety profile.
- No new safety signals were observed.
- AXL is highly expressed in mKRAS NSCLC
- 113 screening tissue samples were evaluated for KRAS mutation status and AXL expression by immunohistochemistry assay.
- Among 27 NSCLC samples harboring any KRAS mutation, AXL was highly expressed (tumor membrane expression of AXL ≥
1% of tumor cells):- 19 of 27 (
70.3% ). - 9 of 11 (
81.8% ), among the mKRAS G12C variant subset of the 27 total.
- 19 of 27 (
The poster is available on BioAtla’s website at under the “Publications” section.
About Mecbotamab Vedotin
Mecbotamab vedotin, CAB-AXL-ADC, is a conditionally and reversibly active antibody drug conjugate targeting the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL. This Phase 2 stage clinical asset is targeting multiple solid tumor indications, including the treatment of soft tissue and bone sarcoma, as well as patients with mKRAS NSCLC who have previously progressed on PD-1/L1, epidermal growth factor receptor or ALK inhibitor therapies. The Office of Orphan Products Development at the Food and Drug Administration granted Orphan Drug Designation to mecbotamab vedotin for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma.
About BioAtla®, Inc.
BioAtla is a global clinical-stage biotechnology company with operations in San Diego, California, and in Beijing, China through our contractual relationship with BioDuro-Sundia, a provider of preclinical development services. Utilizing its proprietary CAB technology, BioAtla develops novel, reversibly active monoclonal and bispecific antibodies and other protein therapeutic product candidates. CAB product candidates are designed to have more selective targeting, greater efficacy with lower toxicity, and more cost-efficient and predictable manufacturing than traditional antibodies. BioAtla has extensive and worldwide patent coverage for its CAB technology and products with greater than 780 active patent matters, more than 500 of which are issued patents. Broad patent coverage in all major markets include methods of making, screening and manufacturing CAB product candidates in a wide range of formats and composition of matter coverage for specific products. BioAtla has two first-in-class CAB programs currently in Phase 2 clinical testing, mecbotamab vedotin, a novel conditionally active AXL-targeted antibody-drug conjugate (CAB-AXL-ADC), and ozuriftamab vedotin, a novel conditionally active ROR2-targeted antibody-drug conjugate (CAB-ROR2-ADC). The Phase 2 stage CAB-CTLA-4 antibody, evalstotug, is a novel CTLA-4 inhibitor designed to reduce systemic toxicity and potentially enable safer combination therapies with checkpoint inhibitors such as anti-PD-1 antibody. The company’s first dual CAB bispecific T-cell engager antibody, BA3182, is currently in Phase 1 development. BA3182 targets EpCAM, which is highly and frequently expressed on many adenocarcinomas, while engaging human CD3 expressing T cells. To learn more about BioAtla, Inc. visit
Forward-looking Statements
Statements in this press release contain "forward-looking statements" that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as "plan," "may," "design,” ”potential," “promising,” or other similar words. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding BioAtla’s plan and timing to initiate a randomized trial of Mec-V in patients with treatment-refractory mKRAS NSCLC; Mec-V’s potential to treat NSCLC patients across all KRAS mutation variants; and potential efficacy of our CAB product candidates. Forward-looking statements are based on BioAtla's current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions, many of which are beyond our control, difficult to predict and could cause actual results to differ materially from what we expect. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include, among others: potential delays in clinical and preclinical trials; the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, or regulatory approval dates, as well as the possibility of unfavorable new clinical data and further analyses of existing clinical data; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from the clinical studies or take favorable regulatory actions based on results from the clinical studies; our dependence on the success of our CAB technology platform; our ability to enroll patients in our ongoing and future clinical trials; the successful selection and prioritization of assets to focus development on selected product candidates and indications; our ability to form collaborations and partnerships with third parties and the success of such collaborations and partnerships; our reliance on third parties for the manufacture and supply of our product candidates for clinical trials; our reliance on third parties to conduct our clinical trials and some aspects of our research and preclinical testing; potential adverse impacts due to any resurgence of COVID-19 and its variants; and those other risks and uncertainties described in the section titled "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on March 26, 2024, in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on May 14, 2024, August 8, 2024 and November 7, 2024 and our other reports as filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of this date, and BioAtla undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable laws.
Internal Contact:
Richard Waldron
Chief Financial Officer
BioAtla, Inc.
External Contact:
Bruce Mackle
LifeSci Advisors, LLC

What were the overall survival rates for BCAB's Mec-V in mKRAS NSCLC patients?
How did Mec-V perform in patients with wtKRAS NSCLC?
What is the significance of AXL expression in BCAB's Mec-V trial?
How many prior lines of therapy did patients in the BCAB Mec-V trial have?
What is the planned next step for BCAB's Mec-V in treating mKRAS NSCLC?
What was the overall response rate (ORR) for efficacy-evaluable patients in the BCAB Mec-V trial?