Brunswick Corporation Recognized as One of America’s Best Midsize Companies by TIME, Ranking No.1 in Category and in Top 10 Percent Overall
Brunswick (NYSE:BC) has been recognized as one of America's Best Midsize Companies by TIME for 2024. The company ranked No. 1 in the Engineering and Manufacturing category and 27th overall out of 500 companies. This recognition highlights Brunswick's excellence in employee satisfaction, revenue growth, and sustainability transparency.
The selection process evaluated companies on over 15 criteria, focusing on U.S.-based businesses with revenue between $100 million and $10 billion in 2022 and 2023. This award adds to Brunswick's recent accolades, including recognition from Newsweek and Forbes for workplace excellence.
CEO Dave Foulkes emphasized the company's commitment to fostering a highly engaged global workforce and its focus on critical areas such as employee culture, financial stability, and corporate sustainability.
Brunswick (NYSE:BC) è stata riconosciuta come una delle Migliori Aziende di Media Grandezza d'América da TIME per il 2024. L'azienda si è classificata 1ª nella categoria Ingegneria e Produzione e 27ª in generale su 500 aziende. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'eccellenza di Brunswick in termini di soddisfazione dei dipendenti, crescita del fatturato e trasparenza nella sostenibilità.
Il processo di selezione ha valutato le aziende su oltre 15 criteri, concentrandosi su imprese con sede negli Stati Uniti con un fatturato tra 100 milioni e 10 miliardi di dollari nel 2022 e 2023. Questo premio si aggiunge ai recenti riconoscimenti di Brunswick, tra cui quelli da parte di Newsweek e Forbes per l'eccellenza nel luogo di lavoro.
Il CEO Dave Foulkes ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel promuovere una forza lavoro globale altamente coinvolta e il focus su aree critiche come la cultura aziendale, la stabilità finanziaria e la sostenibilità aziendale.
Brunswick (NYSE:BC) ha sido reconocida como una de las Mejores Empresas Medianas de América por TIME para 2024. La empresa ocupó el No. 1 en la categoría de Ingeniería y Manufactura y el 27º en general de 500 empresas. Este reconocimiento resalta la excelencia de Brunswick en satisfacción de los empleados, crecimiento de ingresos y transparencia en sostenibilidad.
El proceso de selección evaluó a las empresas en más de 15 criterios, centrándose en negocios con sede en EE. UU. con ingresos entre 100 millones y 10 mil millones de dólares en 2022 y 2023. Este premio se suma a los recientes reconocimientos de Brunswick, incluyendo los de Newsweek y Forbes por excelencia en el lugar de trabajo.
El CEO Dave Foulkes enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con fomentar una fuerza laboral global altamente comprometida y su enfoque en áreas críticas como la cultura empresarial, la estabilidad financiera y la sostenibilidad corporativa.
브런즈윅 (NYSE:BC)는 2024년 TIME에서 선정한 미국 최고의 중형 기업 중 하나로 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 엔지니어링 및 제조 카테고리에서 1위를 차지했으며 500개 기업 중 전체 27위입니다. 이 인식은 직원 만족도, 수익 성장 및 지속 가능성 투명성에서 브런즈윅의 우수성을 강조합니다.
선정 과정은 2022년 및 2023년 동안 수익이 1억 달러에서 100억 달러 사이인 미국 기반 기업을 대상으로 15개 이상의 기준에 따라 평가되었습니다. 이 상은 브런즈윅의 최근 뉴스위크와 포브스의 직장 우수성에 대한 인정과 더불어 추가된 것입니다.
CEO 데이브 폴크스는 매우 참여적인 글로벌 인력 조성을 위한 회사의 약속과 직원 문화, 재정 안정성 및 기업 지속 가능성과 같은 중요한 분야에 대한 집중을 강조했습니다.
Brunswick (NYSE:BC) a été reconnue comme l'une des Meilleures Entreprises de Taille Moyenne d'Amérique par TIME pour 2024. L'entreprise a obtenu la 1ère place dans la catégorie Ingénierie et Fabrication et la 27ème place au total sur 500 entreprises. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'excellence de Brunswick en matière de satisfaction des employés, de croissance des revenus et de transparence en matière de durabilité.
Le processus de sélection a évalué les entreprises selon plus de 15 critères, en se concentrant sur les entreprises basées aux États-Unis avec des revenus compris entre 100 millions et 10 milliards de dollars en 2022 et 2023. Ce prix s'ajoute aux récents distinctions de Brunswick, y compris les reconnaissances de Newsweek et Forbes pour l'excellence en milieu de travail.
Le PDG Dave Foulkes a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à favoriser une main-d'œuvre mondiale hautement engagée et son attention sur des domaines cruciaux tels que la culture d'entreprise, la stabilité financière et la durabilité des entreprises.
Brunswick (NYSE:BC) wurde von TIME 2024 als eines der Beste Mid-Size Unternehmen in Amerika ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen erzielte in der Kategorie Ingenieurwesen und Fertigung Platz 1 und Platz 27 insgesamt von 500 Unternehmen. Diese Auszeichnung hebt die Exzellenz von Brunswick in Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Umsatzwachstum und Transparenz in der Nachhaltigkeit hervor.
Der Auswahlprozess bewertete Unternehmen nach über 15 Kriterien, wobei der Fokus auf in den USA ansässigen Unternehmen mit einem Umsatz zwischen 100 Millionen und 10 Milliarden Dollar in den Jahren 2022 und 2023 lag. Diese Auszeichnung ergänzt die jüngsten Anerkennungen von Brunswick, einschließlich Anerkennungen von Newsweek und Forbes für die Arbeitsplatzqualität.
CEO Dave Foulkes betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, eine hochengagierte globale Workforce zu fördern, und den Fokus auf kritische Bereiche wie Unternehmenskultur, finanzielle Stabilität und Unternehmensnachhaltigkeit.
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METTAWA, Ill., July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brunswick Corporation, (NYSE:BC), the world’s leading marine technology company, has been recognized on TIME's inaugural list of America's Best Midsize Companies for 2024. Of the 500 companies recognized, Brunswick ranked No. 1 within the Engineering and Manufacturing category and 27th overall. This award reflects Brunswick’s exceptional performance in three focus areas: employee satisfaction, revenue growth, and sustainability transparency.
“We are honored to be recognized among the top companies on TIME’s inaugural list of America’s Best Midsize Companies,” said Dave Foulkes, Brunswick Corporation CEO. “Our talent is one of our many competitive advantages and we continue to foster a highly engaged global workforce that embodies our Next Never Rests attitude. What is even more rewarding is that this award highlights three critical areas of importance for our culture – our employees, financial stability, and corporate sustainability.”
The selection process involved evaluating companies on more than 15 different criteria. All companies considered are based in the United States and have revenue ranging from
This award adds to several recent awards received by Brunswick reflecting a consistent focus on providing an exceptional workplace experience, including Newsweek’s America’s Greatest Workplaces; Forbes’ America’s Best Large Employers 2024; and Newsweek’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity and Mental Wellbeing.
To view the full ranking of TIME’s America’s Best Midsize Companies, click here. And to learn more about Brunswick’s commitment to employee culture, visit:
About Brunswick Corporation
Brunswick Corporation (NYSE: BC) is the global leader in marine recreation, delivering innovation that transforms experiences on the water and beyond. Our unique, technology-driven solutions are informed and inspired by deep consumer insights and powered by our belief that “Next Never Rests™”. Brunswick is dedicated to industry leadership, to being the best and most trusted partner to our many customers and to building synergies and ecosystems that enable us to challenge convention and define the future. Brunswick is home to more than 60 industry-leading brands. In the category of Marine Propulsion, these brands include, Mercury Marine, Mercury Racing, MerCruiser and Flite. Brunswick’s comprehensive collection of parts, accessories, distribution and technology brands includes Mercury Parts & Accessories, Land ‘N’ Sea, Lowrance, Simrad, B&G, Mastervolt, RELiON, Attwood and Whale. Our boat brands are some of the best known in the world, including Boston Whaler, Lund, Sea Ray, Bayliner, Harris Pontoons, Princecraft and Quicksilver. Our service, digital and shared-access businesses include Freedom Boat Club, Boateka and a range of financing, insurance and extended warranty businesses. While focused primarily on the marine industry, Brunswick also successfully leverages its portfolio of advanced technologies to deliver an exceptional suite of solutions in mobile and industrial applications. Headquartered in Mettawa, IL, Brunswick has more than 17,000 employees operating in 25 countries. In 2023, Brunswick was named by Forbes as a World’s Best Employer and as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek, both for the fourth consecutive year. The Company was also named to the 2023 list of Best Companies to Work For by U.S. News & World Report and one of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek. For more information, visit