BBSI Reports Strong First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

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Barrett Business Services, Inc. (BBSI) reported a strong first quarter 2024 with revenues of $265.8 million, showing a 4% increase from the previous year. Gross billings saw a 7% rise to $1.91 billion, while net loss was $0.1 million, compared to a net income of $0.8 million. BBSI's positive momentum is attributed to marketing initiatives, new product offerings, and the successful rollout of BBSI Benefits. The company remained debt-free and paid a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.30 per share. BBSI expects gross billings growth of 6-8% for 2024 and aims to increase the average number of worksite employees by 4-5%.

Barrett Business Services, Inc. (BBSI) ha riportato un forte primo trimestre del 2024, con ricavi di 265,8 milioni di dollari, segnando un aumento del 4% rispetto all'anno precedente. I fatturati lordi hanno registrato un incremento del 7% arrivando a 1,91 miliardi di dollari, mentre la perdita netta è stata di 0,1 milioni di dollari, rispetto a un utile netto di 0,8 milioni di dollari. Il positivo andamento di BBSI è attribuito alle iniziative di marketing, alle nuove offerte di prodotto e al successo nell'introduzione di BBSI Benefits. La compagnia è rimasta senza debiti e ha versato un dividendo trimestrale regolare di 0,30 dollari per azione. BBSI prevede una crescita del fatturato lordo tra il 6 e l'8% per il 2024 e mira ad aumentare il numero medio di dipendenti nei luoghi di lavoro del 4-5%.
Barrett Business Services, Inc. (BBSI) informó de un sólido primer trimestre de 2024, con ingresos de 265,8 millones de dólares, lo que representa un incremento del 4% respecto al año anterior. Las facturaciones brutas aumentaron un 7% hasta alcanzar los 1,91 mil millones de dólares, mientras que la pérdida neta fue de 0,1 millones de dólares, comparada con un ingreso neto de 0,8 millones de dólares. El momento positivo de BBSI se atribuye a las iniciativas de marketing, las nuevas ofertas de productos y el exitoso lanzamiento de BBSI Benefits. La empresa se mantuvo libre de deudas y pagó un dividendo en efectivo trimestral regular de 0,30 dólares por acción. BBSI espera un crecimiento de las facturaciones brutas del 6-8% para 2024 y tiene como objetivo aumentar el número promedio de empleados en los lugares de trabajo en un 4-5%.
Barrett Business Services, Inc. (BBSI)는 2024년 첫 분기에 2억 6580만 달러의 강력한 매출을 보고하여 전년 대비 4% 증가했습니다. 매출 총액은 7% 증가한 19억 1000만 달러를 기록했으며, 순손실은 10만 달러로 전년 순이익 80만 달러에 비해 감소했습니다. BBSI의 긍정적인 추세는 마케팅 활동, 새로운 제품 제안, 그리고 BBSI Benefits의 성공적인 출시에 기인합니다. 회사는 무채무 상태를 유지하면서 정기적으로 분기별 현금 배당금 0.30달러를 지급했습니다. BBSI는 2024년에 총 매출이 6-8% 성장할 것으로 예상하며 현장 직원 수를 평균 4-5% 증가시킬 계획입니다.
Barrett Business Services, Inc. (BBSI) a rapporté un solide premier trimestre 2024 avec des revenus de 265,8 millions de dollars, en hausse de 4% par rapport à l'année précédente. Les facturations brutes ont augmenté de 7% pour atteindre 1,91 milliard de dollars, tandis que la perte nette était de 0,1 million de dollars, comparée à un bénéfice net de 0,8 million de dollars. La dynamique positive de BBSI est attribuée à des initiatives de marketing, à de nouvelles offres de produits et au déploiement réussi des avantages BBSI. La société est restée sans dette et a versé un dividende trimestriel régulier en espèces de 0,30 dollar par action. BBSI prévoit une croissance des facturations brutes de 6 à 8% pour 2024 et vise à augmenter le nombre moyen d'employés sur site de 4 à 5%.
Barrett Business Services, Inc. (BBSI) verzeichnete ein starkes erstes Quartal 2024 mit Einnahmen von 265,8 Millionen Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 4% gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Die Bruttoabrechnungen stiegen um 7% auf 1,91 Milliarden Dollar, während der Nettoverlust 0,1 Millionen Dollar betrug, im Vergleich zu einem Nettoeinkommen von 0,8 Millionen Dollar. Die positive Entwicklung von BBSI wird auf Marketinginitiativen, neue Produktangebote und die erfolgreiche Einführung von BBSI Benefits zurückgeführt. Das Unternehmen blieb schuldenfrei und zahlte eine regelmäßige vierteljährliche Dividende von 0,30 Dollar pro Aktie. BBSI erwartet für 2024 ein Wachstum der Bruttoabrechnungen von 6-8% und plant, die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Mitarbeiter an den Arbeitsstätten um 4-5% zu erhöhen.
  • BBSI reported a 4% increase in revenues to $265.8 million in the first quarter of 2024, signaling growth for the company. Gross billings also rose by 7% to $1.91 billion, showcasing a healthy expansion in business activities.

  • The successful implementation of marketing initiatives and new product offerings contributed to the positive momentum seen at BBSI. The rollout of BBSI Benefits also performed well, demonstrating strong execution of the company's strategic plans.

  • BBSI remained debt-free at the end of the quarter and confirmed a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.30 per share, indicating financial stability and commitment to rewarding shareholders.

  • BBSI's outlook for 2024 remains optimistic, with expectations of gross billings growth between 6% to 8% and an increase in the average number of worksite employees by 4% to 5%, showing a positive trajectory for the company's future performance.

  • BBSI reported a net loss of $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to a net income of $0.8 million in the same period last year. The decrease in income was primarily due to an increase in payroll taxes, partially offset by decreased workers' compensation expense and an increase in investment income.

  • The company typically incurs lower margins at the beginning of each year due to seasonality in payroll tax expenses, which can impact profitability in the short term.

  • Unrestricted cash and investments decreased to $123.7 million as of March 31, 2024, compared to $152.2 million at the end of 2023, indicating a decline in liquidity that investors should monitor closely.


Barrett Business Services, Inc.'s (BBSI) latest financial disclosure presents a mixed bag for investors. Revenue growth of 4% aligns with steady market expansion but isn’t particularly robust. More notable is the 7% increase in gross billings, attributed to the uptick in professional employer services and a higher billing per worksite employee (WSE). While these signs point to a robust client base and an efficient billing mechanism, the company's net loss of <$0.1 million>, a stark contrast to the previous year's net gain of <$0.8 million>, raises some eyebrows. Investors should scrutinize the reasons behind this dip into the red, which include increased payroll taxes, despite the mitigating factors of reduced workers' compensation expenses and elevated investment income. The reduction in unrestricted cash and investments – from <$152.2 million> to <$123.7 million> – could signal a strategic reinvestment or potentially worrisome cash flow trends. Vigilance is warranted as these figures could foreshadow operational challenges or signal strategic moves aimed at long-term growth.

BBSI’s performance in the first quarter indicates strategic consistency in the expansion of their PEO services. The increase in average WSEs by 3% shows that the company is successfully capitalizing on the growing trend of outsourcing HR functions. However, the net loss may reflect competitive pressures or operational inefficiencies that must be addressed. The reduction in liquidity, while not alarming on its own, should be watched closely in conjunction with the company's debt-free status and stock repurchase activities. The stock repurchase of 58,877 shares at an average price of <$119.83> suggests management confidence in the intrinsic value of the company, alongside a stable dividend payment. These capital allocation decisions reveal a focus on shareholder returns while balancing growth investment. The forecasted gross billings growth of 6% to 8% and WSE growth of 4% to 5% are positive signals, yet investors should seek clarity on how BBSI intends to convert these projections into sustainable profit margins and shareholder value.

- Revenues of $265.8 Million With Gross Billings up 7% -

VANCOUVER, Wash., May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Barrett Business Services, Inc. (“BBSI” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: BBSI), a leading provider of business management solutions, reported financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024.

First Quarter 2024 Financial Summary vs. Year-Ago Quarter

  • Revenues up 4% to $265.8 million.
  • Gross billings up 7% to $1.91 billion.
  • Average worksite employees (“WSEs”) up 3%.
  • Net loss of $0.1 million, or $(0.02) per diluted share, compared to net income of $0.8 million, or $0.12 per diluted share.

“We started the year on a strong note, with growth from net client adds driving gross billings expansion in line with our target,” said BBSI President and CEO Gary Kramer. “We continue to see positive momentum from our marketing initiatives and new product offerings, and the roll-out of BBSI Benefits continues to perform well. We are executing to our plan and expect 2024 to be another strong year.”

First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Revenues in the first quarter of 2024 increased 4% to $265.8 million compared to $254.7 million in the first quarter of 2023.

Total gross billings in the first quarter of 2024 increased 7% to $1.91 billion compared to $1.79 billion in the same year-ago quarter (see “Key Performance Metrics” below). The increase was driven by growth in professional employer ("PEO") services, specifically resulting from increased WSEs from net new clients and higher average billings per WSE.

Workers’ compensation expense as a percent of gross billings was 2.6% in the first quarter of 2024 and benefited from favorable prior year liability and premium adjustments of $3.0 million. This compares to 2.9% in the first quarter of 2023, which included favorable prior year liability and premium adjustments of $1.1 million.

Net loss for the first quarter of 2024 was $0.1 million, or $(0.02) per diluted share, compared to net income of $0.8 million, or $0.12 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. The decrease is primarily attributable to an increase in payroll taxes, partially offset by decreased workers' compensation expense and an increase in investment income. Due to seasonality in payroll tax expense, the Company typically incurs lower margins at the beginning of each year.


As of March 31, 2024, unrestricted cash and investments were $123.7 million compared to $152.2 million at the end of 2023. BBSI remained debt free at quarter end.

Capital Allocation

BBSI’s board of directors has confirmed its regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.30 per share. The cash dividend will be paid on May 31, 2024, to all stockholders of record as of May 17, 2024.

Continuing under the Company’s stock repurchase program established in July 2023, BBSI repurchased 58,877 shares in the first quarter at an average price of $119.83. At March 31, 2024, approximately $51.9 million remained available under the repurchase program.


BBSI continues to expect the following for 2024:

  • Gross billings growth of 6% to 8%
  • Growth in the average number of WSEs of 4% to 5%
  • Gross margin as a percent of gross billings of 2.95% to 3.15%
  • Effective annual tax rate to remain at 26% to 27%

Conference Call

BBSI will conduct a conference call on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (2:00 p.m. Pacific time) to discuss its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2024.

BBSI’s CEO Gary Kramer and CFO Anthony Harris will host the conference call, followed by a question and answer period.

Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (2:00 p.m. Pacific time)
Toll-free dial-in number: 1-877-407-4018
International dial-in number: 1-201-689-8471
Conference ID: 13746013

Please call the conference telephone number 5-10 minutes prior to the start time. An operator will register your name and organization. If you have any difficulty connecting with the conference call, please contact Gateway Investor Relations at 1-949-574-3860.

The conference call will be broadcast live and available for replay here and via the Investors section of the BBSI website at

A replay of the conference call will be available after 8:00 p.m. Eastern time on the same day through June 1, 2024.

Toll-free replay number: 1-844-512-2921
International replay number: 1-412-317-6671
Replay ID: 13746013

Key Performance Metrics

We report PEO revenues net of direct payroll costs because we are not the primary obligor for wage payments to our clients’ employees. However, management believes that gross billings and wages are useful in understanding the volume of our business activity and serve as important performance metrics in managing our operations, including the preparation of internal operating forecasts and establishing executive compensation performance goals. We therefore present for purposes of analysis gross billings and wage information for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.

 Three Months Ended March 31, 
(in thousands)2024  2023 
Gross billings$1,907,549  $1,789,218 
PEO and staffing wages$1,656,443  $1,551,352 

In monitoring and evaluating the performance of our operations, management also reviews the following ratios, which represent selected amounts as a percentage of gross billings. Management believes these ratios are useful in understanding the efficiency and profitability of our service offerings.

 Percentage of Gross Billings
 Three Months Ended March 31,
  2024   2023 
PEO and staffing wages 86.8%  86.7%
Payroll taxes and benefits 8.5%  8.1%
Workers' compensation 2.6%  2.9%
Gross margin 2.1%  2.3%

We refer to employees of our PEO clients as WSEs. Management reviews average and ending WSE growth to monitor and evaluate the performance of our operations. Average WSEs are calculated by dividing the number of unique individuals paid in each month by the number of months in the period. Ending WSEs represents the number of unique individuals paid in the last month of the period.

 Three Months Ended March 31,
 2024  % Change 2023  % Change
Average WSEs 123,050   3.1%  119,313   2.7%
Ending WSEs 124,785   2.8%  121,363   2.9%

About BBSI

BBSI (NASDAQ: BBSI) is a leading provider of business management solutions, combining human resource outsourcing and professional management consulting to create a unique operational platform that differentiates it from competitors. The Company’s integrated platform is built upon expertise in payroll processing, employee benefits, workers’ compensation coverage, risk management and workplace safety programs, and human resource administration. BBSI’s partnerships help businesses of all sizes improve the efficiency of their operations. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this release about future events and financial outlook are forward-looking statements. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could affect future results include: economic conditions in the Company’s service areas; the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; the effects of inflation on our operating expenses and those of our clients; the availability of certain fully insured medical and other health and welfare benefits to qualifying worksite employees; the effect of changes in the Company’s mix of services on gross margin; the Company’s ability to attract and retain clients and to achieve revenue growth; the availability of financing or other sources of capital; the Company’s relationship with its primary bank lender; the potential for material deviations from expected future workers’ compensation claims experience; changes in the workers’ compensation regulatory environment in the Company’s primary markets; litigation costs; security breaches or failures in the Company’s information technology systems; the collectability of accounts receivable; changes in executive management; changes in effective payroll tax rates and federal and state income tax rates; the carrying value of deferred income tax assets and goodwill; the effects of conditions in the global capital markets on the Company’s investment portfolio; and the potential for and effect of acquisitions, among others. Other important factors that may affect the Company’s prospects are described in the Company’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and in subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Although forward-looking statements help to provide complete information about the Company, readers should keep in mind that forward-looking statements are less reliable than historical information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements in this release to reflect events or changes in circumstances that occur after the date of this release.

Barrett Business Services, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
 March 31,  December 31, 
(in thousands)2024  2023 
Current assets:     
Cash and cash equivalents$51,267  $71,168 
Investments 72,410   81,027 
Trade accounts receivable, net 200,368   171,407 
Income taxes receivable 7,727   7,987 
Prepaid expenses and other 18,513   18,443 
Restricted cash and investments 125,010   97,470 
Total current assets 475,295   447,502 
Property, equipment and software, net 51,222   50,295 
Operating lease right-of-use assets 20,719   19,898 
Restricted cash and investments 141,609   145,583 
Goodwill 47,820   47,820 
Other assets 6,346   6,222 
Deferred income taxes 4,789   4,218 
Total assets$747,800  $721,538 
Current liabilities:     
Accounts payable$5,697  $6,593 
Accrued payroll, payroll taxes and related benefits 256,061   234,080 
Current operating lease liabilities 6,345   6,623 
Current premium payable 65,820   35,276 
Other accrued liabilities 7,516   10,674 
Workers' compensation claims liabilities 46,555   50,006 
Total current liabilities 387,994   343,252 
Long-term workers' compensation claims liabilities 111,499   117,757 
Long-term premium payable 33,435   37,812 
Long-term operating lease liabilities 15,594   14,590 
Customer deposits and other long-term liabilities 9,689   8,987 
Stockholders' equity 189,589   199,140 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$747,800  $721,538 

Barrett Business Services, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Operations
 Three Months Ended 
 March 31, 
(in thousands, except per share amounts)2024  2023 
Professional employer services$246,189  $232,307 
Staffing services 19,593   22,360 
Total revenues 265,782   254,667 
Cost of revenues:     
Direct payroll costs 14,717   16,871 
Payroll taxes and benefits 161,895   144,582 
Workers' compensation 49,603   51,670 
Total cost of revenues 226,215   213,123 
Gross margin 39,567   41,544 
Selling, general and administrative expenses 42,414   41,226 
Depreciation and amortization 1,852   1,677 
Loss from operations (4,699)  (1,359)
Other income (expense):     
Investment income, net 3,274   2,315 
Interest expense (44)  (38)
Other, net 66   36 
Other income, net 3,296   2,313 
(Loss) income before income taxes (1,403)  954 
(Benefit from) provision for income taxes (1,267)  135 
Net (loss) income$(136) $819 
Basic (loss) income per common share$(0.02) $0.12 
Weighted average basic common shares outstanding 6,570   6,866 
Diluted (loss) income per common share$(0.02) $0.12 
Weighted average diluted common shares outstanding 6,570   6,985 

Investor Relations:
Gateway Group, Inc.
Cody Slach
Tel 1-949-574-3860

Barrett Business Services


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Staffing & Employment Services
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United States of America