CORRECTION: Ethical Web AI announces that its Ethical Web product is now demonstrable

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Ethical Web AI (OTCQB: BBLR) has announced that its Ethical Web product is now demonstrable. The platform, based on US patent 10977387, offers a revolutionary approach to internet search after three years of development. Key features include:

1. High-precision searches through anonymous super apps
2. Data-driven queries for any products or services within a market sector
3. User control over anonymity, including anonymous supplier communication
4. Persistent searches with future result delivery
5. Concierge search capability

The company can now demonstrate five scenarios on a pre-production version. This milestone is expected to facilitate finance raising and progress conversations with potential pilot project candidates.

Ethical Web AI (OTCQB: BBLR) ha annunciato che il suo prodotto Ethical Web è ora dimostrabile. La piattaforma, basata sul brevetto statunitense 10977387, offre un approccio rivoluzionario alla ricerca su internet dopo tre anni di sviluppo. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Ricerche ad alta precisione tramite super app anonime
2. Interrogazioni basate sui dati per qualsiasi prodotto o servizio all'interno di un settore di mercato
3. Controllo da parte dell'utente sull'anonimato, inclusa la comunicazione anonima con i fornitori
4. Ricerche persistenti con consegna dei risultati futuri
5. Capacità di ricerca concierge

Ora l'azienda può dimostrare cinque scenari su una versione pre-produzione. Questo traguardo si prevede possa facilitare la raccolta di fondi e far progredire le conversazioni con potenziali candidati per progetti pilota.

Ethical Web AI (OTCQB: BBLR) ha anunciado que su producto Ethical Web es ahora demostrable. La plataforma, basada en la patente estadounidense 10977387, ofrece un enfoque revolucionario para la búsqueda en internet tras tres años de desarrollo. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Búsquedas de alta precisión a través de aplicaciones super anónimas
2. Consultas basadas en datos para cualquier producto o servicio dentro de un sector de mercado
3. Control del usuario sobre el anonimato, incluida la comunicación anónima con proveedores
4. Búsquedas persistentes con entrega de resultados futuros
5. Capacidad de búsqueda de conserjería

La empresa ahora puede demostrar cinco escenarios en una versión de preproducción. Este hito se espera que facilite la recaudación de fondos y progrese en las conversaciones con posibles candidatos para proyectos piloto.

윤리적 웹 AI (OTCQB: BBLR)는 자사의 윤리적 웹 제품이 이제 시연 가능하다고 발표했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 미국 특허 10977387을 기반으로 하여 3년 간의 개발 끝에 혁신적인 인터넷 검색 접근 방식을 제공합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 고정밀 검색을 통한 익명 슈퍼 앱 사용
2. 시장 부문 내 모든 제품이나 서비스에 대한 데이터 기반 쿼리
3. 익명 공급자와의 익명 통신을 포함한 사용자 익명성 제어
4. 미래 결과 전달을 위한 지속적인 검색
5. 컨시어지 검색 기능

회사는 현재 시제품 버전에서 다섯 가지 시나리오를 시연할 수 있습니다. 이 이정표는 자금 조달을 용이하게 하고 잠재적 파일럿 프로젝트 후보와의 대화를 진행할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Ethical Web AI (OTCQB: BBLR) a annoncé que son produit Ethical Web est désormais démontrable. La plateforme, basée sur le brevet américain 10977387, propose une approche révolutionnaire de la recherche sur internet après trois ans de développement. Les caractéristiques clés comprennent :

1. Recherches de haute précision via des super-apps anonymes
2. Requêtes basées sur des données pour tous les produits ou services dans un secteur de marché
3. Contrôle de l'utilisateur sur l'anonymat, y compris la communication anonyme avec les fournisseurs
4. Recherches persistantes avec livraison de résultats futurs
5. Capacité de recherche de conciergerie

L'entreprise peut désormais démontrer cinq scénarios sur une version pré-production. Cette étape est censée faciliter la collecte de fonds et faire progresser les conversations avec des candidats potentiels pour des projets pilotes.

Ethical Web AI (OTCQB: BBLR) hat bekannt gegeben, dass sein Ethical Web-Produkt nun demonstrierbar ist. Die Plattform, die auf dem US-Patent 10977387 basiert, bietet einen revolutionären Ansatz für die Internetsuche nach drei Jahren Entwicklung. Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

1. Hochpräzise Suchanfragen über anonyme Super-Apps
2. Datengetriebene Anfragen für Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in einem Marktsektor
3. Nutzerkontrolle über die Anonymität, einschließlich anonymer Kommunikation mit Anbietern
4. Persistente Suchanfragen mit zukünftiger Ergebnislieferung
5. Concierge Suchfunktion

Das Unternehmen kann nun fünf Szenarien in einer Vorproduktionsversion demonstrieren. Dieser Meilenstein wird voraussichtlich die Kapitalbeschaffung erleichtern und Gespräche mit potenziellen Kandidaten für Pilotprojekte vorantreiben.

  • None.
  • None.


NEW YORK, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a release issued under the same headline on Monday, August 19th by Ethical Web AI (OTCQB: BBLR), please note that the fourth paragraph was updated to: “Uniquely, these high-precision queries are all data-driven. None of the queries are hard-coded. This means that a single app can search for any products or services that are relevant to the market sector in which it belongs.” The corrected release follows:

Bubblr Inc., d/b/a Ethical Web AI (OTC: BBLR) - a frontrunner in ethical technology determined to revolutionize the digital domain, has announced that its Ethical Web product is now demonstrable.

The Ethical Web platform has been in development for over three years. It is the technical manifestation of its highly valued granted US patent 10977387. Established internet search engines have not really changed in over 30 years. This new platform allows licensees to build their own super apps in a profoundly different way.

Very high-precision searches are executed through anonymous super apps. These high-precision queries include every attribute of the product or service being searched for, as well as geographical data and availability information.

Uniquely, these high-precision queries are all data-driven. None of the queries are hard-coded. This means that a single app can search for any products or services that are relevant to the market sector in which it belongs.

Consumers always retain complete control of their anonymity. They can even chat with a potential supplier without giving up any personal information. This aspect alone profoundly changes the way suppliers must treat potential customers.

Another profoundly different aspect of this new search method is that searches can persist and that search results can be delivered sometime in the future as they become available. This ability to persist in a search provides a new concierge search capability.

There are five scenarios shown in videos on the website (see How it Works – Using the Platform). We can now demonstrate all of these scenarios on a pre-production version of the platform.

Steve Morris, CTO and founder of Ethical Web AI, remarked, "This is the most significant event for the company to date. Our biggest challenge has always been to explain how hugely significant our technology is. Many new technologies profess to be innovative or disruptive, but none of them come anywhere near the level of genuine disruption and innovation of the Ethical Web product. There has been no real innovation in internet search in the last 30 years. People have had enough of being exploited by the big technology firms. They are crying out for an alternative way to search that is not dependent on online advertising and behavioural tracking. It is interesting to see that Google is in trouble with its anti-trust case brought by the US DOJ. Something we predicted many years ago."

"From an investment perspective, our biggest challenge has been our inability to describe succinctly what our platform does and why it is so revolutionary. Now that the platform is demonstrable, this makes our ability to raise the necessary finance to move the company on to the next stage so much easier."

"I cannot thank our development team enough for achieving this critical milestone. It has taken years to get to this point. Many of the technologies required to deliver the platform either did not exist, or we had to wait for them to become commercially viable. Other technologies we had to invent for ourselves. A massive amount of architectural design and code has been written to deliver the platform."

"Finally, it means we can now progress our conversations with potential candidates for our first pilot projects. We have a number of potential pilot candidates who are extremely eager to see the demonstration in order to move on to the next steps and sign the necessary agreements. The learnings that we acquire during these pilot processes will allow us to provide the necessary automation for any community on earth to sign up to use our platform."

"In a few weeks, we will be announcing some public demonstrations of the platform using online broadcast media."

About Ethical Web AI:

Ethical Web AI is an ethical technology company that is championing an anonymous, safe, and fair new internet. We are producing unique intellectual property and technology that is made defensible by our valuable utility software patents.

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Media Contact:
Steve Morris
Bubblr, Inc.
(646) 814 7184

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of management and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect the Company's current plans and expectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition. The Company reserves the right to update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


What is the main product announced by Ethical Web AI (BBLR)?

Ethical Web AI (BBLR) has announced that its Ethical Web product, a revolutionary internet search platform, is now demonstrable.

How does Ethical Web AI's (BBLR) search platform differ from established search engines?

Ethical Web AI's (BBLR) platform offers high-precision searches through anonymous super apps, data-driven queries, user anonymity control, and persistent searches with future result delivery.

What is the significance of Ethical Web AI's (BBLR) product being demonstrable?

The demonstrability of Ethical Web AI's (BBLR) product is a critical milestone that will help explain its technology, facilitate finance raising, and progress conversations with potential pilot project candidates.

How does Ethical Web AI (BBLR) protect user privacy in its search platform?

Ethical Web AI (BBLR) allows users to retain complete control of their anonymity, even enabling them to chat with potential suppliers without revealing personal information.

What unique feature does Ethical Web AI's (BBLR) search platform offer for future searches?

Ethical Web AI's (BBLR) platform offers a concierge search capability, allowing searches to persist and deliver results in the future as they become available.



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