BridgeBio to Present Additional Analyses from the Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM Trial of Acoramidis in Patients with Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM) at the ESC Congress 2024 and the HFSA Annual Meeting 2024

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BridgeBio Pharma (Nasdaq: BBIO) announced that additional data from its Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM study of acoramidis in ATTR-CM will be presented at two major conferences. At the ESC Congress 2024 in London (Aug 30 - Sep 2), Dr. Mathew S. Maurer will present a moderated poster on the increase in serum TTR levels observed with acoramidis treatment. At the HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 in Atlanta (Sep 27-30), Dr. Daniel P. Judge will give an oral presentation on how acoramidis improves clinical outcomes in ATTR-CM patients, based on a post hoc recurrent event analysis. These presentations aim to provide further insights into the efficacy of acoramidis in treating transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy.

BridgeBio Pharma (Nasdaq: BBIO) ha annunciato che ulteriori dati dal suo studio di Fase 3 ATTRibute-CM sull'acoramidis in ATTR-CM saranno presentati in due importanti conferenze. Al Congress ESC 2024 a Londra (30 agosto - 2 settembre), il Dr. Mathew S. Maurer presenterà un poster moderato sull'aumento dei livelli di TTR sierico osservato con il trattamento acoramidis. Alla HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 ad Atlanta (27-30 settembre), il Dr. Daniel P. Judge terrà una presentazione orale su come l'acoramidis migliori i risultati clinici nei pazienti affetti da ATTR-CM, basata su un'analisi post hoc degli eventi ricorrenti. Queste presentazioni mirano a fornire ulteriori approfondimenti sull'efficacia dell'acoramidis nel trattamento della cardiomiopatia amiloide da transtiretina.

BridgeBio Pharma (Nasdaq: BBIO) anunció que se presentarán datos adicionales de su estudio de Fase 3 ATTRibute-CM sobre acoramidis en ATTR-CM en dos conferencias importantes. En el Congreso ESC 2024 en Londres (30 de agosto - 2 de septiembre), el Dr. Mathew S. Maurer presentará un póster moderado sobre el aumento de los niveles de TTR sérico observado con el tratamiento de acoramidis. En la Reunión Científica Anual HFSA 2024 en Atlanta (27-30 de septiembre), el Dr. Daniel P. Judge dará una presentación oral sobre cómo el acoramidis mejora los resultados clínicos en pacientes con ATTR-CM, basado en un análisis post hoc de eventos recurrentes. Estas presentaciones tienen como objetivo proporcionar más información sobre la eficacia del acoramidis en el tratamiento de la cardiomiopatía amiloide de transtiretina.

BridgeBio Pharma (Nasdaq: BBIO)는 ATTR-CM에서 아코라마디스에 대한 3상 ATTRibute-CM 연구의 추가 데이터를 두 개의 주요 컨퍼런스에서 발표할 것이라고 발표했습니다. ESC Congress 2024가 런던에서 (8월 30일 - 9월 2일) 개최되며, Mathew S. Maurer 박사가 아코라마디스 치료에서 관찰된 혈청 TTR 수치 증가에 대한 조정된 포스터를 발표할 것입니다. HFSA 연례 과학 회의 2024가 애틀랜타에서 (9월 27일 - 30일) 개최되며, Daniel P. Judge 박사가 아코라마디스가 ATTR-CM 환자의 임상 결과를 개선하는 방법에 대해 구술 발표를 진행할 예정입니다. 이 발표들은 아코라마디스가 트랜스티레틴 아밀로이드 심근병 치료에 대한 효능에 대한 추가적인 통찰을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

BridgeBio Pharma (Nasdaq: BBIO) a annoncé que des données complémentaires de son étude de Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM sur l'acoramidis dans l'ATTR-CM seront présentées lors de deux grandes conférences. Au Congrès ESC 2024 à Londres (30 août - 2 septembre), le Dr Mathew S. Maurer présentera un poster modéré sur l'augmentation des niveaux de TTR sérique observée avec le traitement par acoramidis. Lors de la Réunion Scientifique Annuelle HFSA 2024 à Atlanta (27-30 septembre), le Dr Daniel P. Judge fera une présentation orale sur la manière dont l'acoramidis améliore les résultats cliniques chez les patients atteints d'ATTR-CM, basée sur une analyse post hoc d'événements récurrents. Ces présentations visent à fournir un aperçu supplémentaire de l'efficacité de l'acoramidis dans le traitement de la cardiomyopathie amyloïde à transthyrétine.

BridgeBio Pharma (Nasdaq: BBIO) hat angekündigt, dass zusätzliche Daten aus seiner Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM-Studie zu Acoramidis bei ATTR-CM auf zwei wichtigen Konferenzen präsentiert werden. Auf dem ESC Congress 2024 in London (30. August - 2. September) wird Dr. Mathew S. Maurer ein moderiertes Poster über den Anstieg der TTR-Spiegel im Serum präsentieren, der bei der Behandlung mit Acoramidis beobachtet wurde. Auf der HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 in Atlanta (27.-30. September) wird Dr. Daniel P. Judge einen mündlichen Vortrag darüber halten, wie Acoramidis die klinischen Ergebnisse bei ATTR-CM-Patienten verbessert, basierend auf einer post-hoc Analyse wiederkehrender Ereignisse. diese Präsentationen zielen darauf ab, weitere Einblicke in die Wirksamkeit von Acoramidis bei der Behandlung der Transthyretin-Amyloid-Kardiomyopathie zu geben.

  • Additional Phase 3 data on acoramidis to be presented at two major cardiology conferences
  • Presentations focus on improved clinical outcomes and increased serum TTR levels with acoramidis treatment
  • Data suggests potential efficacy of acoramidis in treating ATTR-CM
  • None.

PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BridgeBio Pharma, Inc. (Nasdaq: BBIO) (“BridgeBio” or the “Company”), a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on genetic diseases, announced today that additional data on clinical outcomes from ATTRibute-CM, its Phase 3 study of acoramidis in ATTR-CM, will be presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2024, taking place in London, United Kingdom on August 30 – September 2, 2024 and the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, taking place in Atlanta, Georgia on September 27 - 30, 2024.

ESC Moderated Poster details:

Increase in Serum TTR Levels Observed with Acoramidis Treatment in Patients with Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM): Insights From ATTRibute-CM and Its Open-Label Extension
Session Title: Cardiac amyloidosis: diagnosis and outcomes
Presenter: Dr. Mathew S. Maurer, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, United States of America
Date/time: Friday, August 30 at 10:00 am ET
Location: Station 10 - Research Gateway

HFSA Oral Presentation details:

Acoramidis Improves Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy: A Post Hoc Recurrent Event Analysis of ATTRibute-CM
Session Title: Oral Abstract Sessions
Presenter: Dr. Daniel P. Judge, Medical University of South Carolina, United States of America and Co-Chair of the ATTRibute-CM Steering Committee
Date/time: Saturday, September 28 at 4:36 pm ET
Location: Oral Abstract Stage | Exhibit Hall

The presentations will be available following the sessions on the Presentations page within the Investors section of the BridgeBio website at

About BridgeBio Pharma, Inc.
BridgeBio Pharma (BridgeBio) is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company founded to discover, create, test and deliver transformative medicines to treat patients who suffer from genetic diseases. BridgeBio’s pipeline of development programs ranges from early science to advanced clinical trials. BridgeBio was founded in 2015, and its team of experienced drug discoverers, developers and innovators are committed to applying advances in genetic medicine to help patients as quickly as possible. For more information visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

BridgeBio Contact:
Vikram Bali


What is the purpose of BridgeBio's Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM trial for BBIO stock?

The Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM trial evaluates the efficacy of acoramidis in treating transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM). Positive results could significantly impact BBIO's stock by demonstrating the potential of acoramidis as a treatment for ATTR-CM.

When and where will BridgeBio (BBIO) present new data from the ATTRibute-CM trial in 2024?

BridgeBio will present new data from the ATTRibute-CM trial at two conferences in 2024: the ESC Congress in London from August 30 to September 2, and the HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting in Atlanta from September 27 to 30.

What specific results will be presented about acoramidis at the ESC Congress 2024 for BBIO?

At the ESC Congress 2024, Dr. Mathew S. Maurer will present data on the increase in serum TTR levels observed with acoramidis treatment in patients with ATTR-CM, based on insights from the ATTRibute-CM trial and its open-label extension.

What will be discussed in the HFSA 2024 presentation about BridgeBio's (BBIO) acoramidis?

At the HFSA 2024 meeting, Dr. Daniel P. Judge will present a post hoc recurrent event analysis from the ATTRibute-CM trial, showing how acoramidis improves clinical outcomes in patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy.

BridgeBio Pharma, Inc.


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