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Barclays Bank PLC has announced an extension of the expiration date for its cash tender offer for the iPath® Bloomberg Natural Gas Subindex Total Return ETNs (Ticker: GAZZF). The offer, previously set to expire on February 25, 2021, will now expire on March 30, 2021. The purchase price remains at $0.10 per Note. As of the previous expiration date, 3,246,145 Notes have been tendered, representing 45.15% of the outstanding Notes. Noteholders who previously tendered do not need to take further action. Key risks include potential decreases in the ETNs' value based on market fluctuations.
Barclays Bank PLC will reduce the investor fee for its iPath Pure Beta Crude Oil ETNs, effective February 1, 2021. The new fee will be 0.57% per year, a decrease from the previous rate of 0.75%. The fee is calculated daily and accumulates over time, potentially impacting the net returns for investors. Barclays has the discretion to increase this fee back up to 0.75% with prior notice. Investors should consider potential risks, including lack of principal protection and significant market risks associated with these ETNs.
Barclays Bank PLC has extended the expiration of its cash tender offer for its iPath® Bloomberg Natural Gas Subindex Total Return™ ETNs, with a new deadline set for February 25, 2021. The purchase price remains at $0.10 per Note, with payments scheduled for March 2, 2021. As of the previous deadline, 3,023,048 Notes, or 42.05% of outstanding, have been validly tendered. Noteholders may face significant fluctuations in the Notes’ value due to market volatility ahead of the expiration. For detailed terms, visit the official prospectus.
Barclays Bank PLC has announced an extension for its cash tender offer for the iPath® Bloomberg Natural Gas Subindex Total Return℠ ETNs due October 22, 2037. The new expiration date is set for 5:00 p.m. New York City time, on January 28, 2021. As of January 14, 2021, 2,102,791 Notes have been validly tendered, representing 29.25% of the outstanding Notes. Noteholders who initially tendered do not need to take further action. The purchase price is payable on February 2, 2021, unless extended further by the Issuer.
Barclays Bank PLC announced that there will be no changes to the constituents of the CIBC Atlas Select MLP Index during the upcoming quarterly rebalancing starting January 8, 2021. The iPath Select MLP ETNs, linked to this Index, trade under the ticker symbol ATMP. These ETNs involve significant risks, including the potential loss of principal, and are subject to investor fees, which can negatively impact their value. The Index consists of 20 constituents from the Energy Sector and Gas Utilities Industry, selected based on specific eligibility criteria.