Banle Group Expands Global Port Coverage to Over 60 Ports, Solidifying Leadership in the Marine Fuel Bunkering Industry

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CBL International (NASDAQ: BANL), the listing vehicle of Banle Group, has expanded its global port coverage to over 60 ports across 14 countries and regions in 4 continents. This represents a 70% increase in port coverage since its Nasdaq listing in March 2023. The company now provides bunkering services in key maritime hubs, including 9 out of the top 10 global container ports by throughput volume in 2023.

Banle is focusing on the Asia Pacific region, which accounts for 70% of global container port throughput, while also expanding in Europe and other regions. The company is preparing to meet the growing demand for greener marine fuels, driven by international regulations. Banle has obtained ISCC EU and ISCC Plus certifications and has achieved key milestones in biofuel bunkering services in various ports.

CBL International (NASDAQ: BANL), il veicolo di quotazione del Banle Group, ha ampliato la sua copertura portuale globale a oltre 60 porti in 14 paesi e regioni su 4 continenti. Ciò rappresenta un aumento del 70% nella copertura portuale dalla sua quotazione al Nasdaq nel marzo 2023. L'azienda ora fornisce servizi di rifornimento in porti marittimi chiave, inclusi 9 dei primi 10 porti container globali per volume di traffico nel 2023.

Banle si sta concentrando sulla regione Asia-Pacifico, che rappresenta il 70% del traffico portuale container a livello globale, ampliando al contempo la propria presenza in Europa e in altre regioni. L'azienda si sta preparando per soddisfare l'aumento della domanda di combustibili marini più ecologici, motivata dalle normative internazionali. Banle ha ottenuto le certificazioni ISCC EU e ISCC Plus e ha raggiunto importanti traguardi nei servizi di rifornimento di biocarburanti in vari porti.

CBL International (NASDAQ: BANL), el vehículo de cotización del Banle Group, ha ampliado su cobertura portuaria global a más de 60 puertos en 14 países y regiones en 4 continentes. Esto representa un aumento del 70% en la cobertura portuaria desde su cotización en Nasdaq en marzo de 2023. La empresa ahora proporciona servicios de abastecimiento en los principales centros marítimos, incluyendo 9 de los 10 principales puertos de contenedores globales por volumen de tráfico en 2023.

Banle se está enfocando en la región de Asia-Pacífico, que representa el 70% del tráfico portuario de contenedores global, mientras también se expande en Europa y otras regiones. La compañía se está preparando para satisfacer la creciente demanda de combustibles marinos más ecológicos, impulsada por regulaciones internacionales. Banle ha obtenido las certificaciones ISCC EU e ISCC Plus y ha alcanzado hitos clave en los servicios de abastecimiento de biocombustibles en varios puertos.

CBL International (NASDAQ: BANL), Banle Group의 상장 수단으로, 4개 대륙의 14개국과 지역에 걸쳐 60개 이상의 글로벌 항구를 확장했습니다. 이는 2023년 3월 Nasdaq 상장 이후 항구 범위가 70% 증가한 것입니다. 이 회사는 이제 2023년 처리량 기준 전 세계 10대 컨테이너 항구 중 9곳에서 핵심 해양 허브에서 연료 보급 서비스를 제공합니다.

Banle는 전 세계 컨테이너 항구 처리량의 70%를 차지하는 아시아 태평양 지역에 중점을 두고 있으며, 유럽 및 기타 지역으로도 확장하고 있습니다. 회사는 국제 규제에 의해 주도되는 친환경 해양 연료에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족할 준비를 하고 있습니다. Banle는 ISCC EU 및 ISCC Plus 인증을 받았으며, 여러 항구에서 바이오 연료 보급 서비스의 주요 이정표를 달성했습니다.

CBL International (NASDAQ: BANL), le véhicule de cotation du Banle Group, a élargi sa couverture portuaire mondiale à plus de 60 ports dans 14 pays et régions sur 4 continents. Cela représente une augmentation de 70 % de la couverture portuaire depuis son introduction en bourse au Nasdaq en mars 2023. L'entreprise propose désormais des services de ravitaillement dans des hubs maritimes clés, y compris 9 des 10 principaux ports à conteneurs mondiaux en termes de volume de trafic en 2023.

Banle se concentre sur la région Asie-Pacifique, qui représente 70 % du trafic portuaire container mondial, tout en s'étendant également en Europe et dans d'autres régions. L'entreprise se prépare à répondre à la demande croissante de combustibles marins plus écologiques, motivée par des réglementations internationales. Banle a obtenu les certifications ISCC EU et ISCC Plus et a atteint des étapes clés dans les services de ravitaillement en biocarburant dans divers ports.

CBL International (NASDAQ: BANL), das börsennotierte Fahrzeug der Banle Group, hat seine globale Hafendeckung auf über 60 Häfen in 14 Ländern und Regionen auf 4 Kontinenten erweitert. Dies stellt eine 70%ige Erhöhung der Hafendeckung seit dem Nasdaq-Listing im März 2023 dar. Das Unternehmen bietet nun Bunker-Services in wichtigen maritimen Knotenpunkten an, einschließlich 9 der 10 größten Containerschiffe global nach Durchsatzvolumen im Jahr 2023.

Banle konzentriert sich auf die Region Asien-Pazifik, die 70% des globalen Containerhafen-Durchsatzes ausmacht, während es gleichzeitig in Europa und anderen Regionen expandiert. Das Unternehmen bereitet sich darauf vor, die wachsende Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlicheren maritimen Treibstoffen zu bedienen, die durch internationale Vorschriften vorangetrieben wird. Banle hat die ISCC EU- und ISCC Plus-Zertifizierungen erhalten und wichtige Meilensteine in den Bunker-Services für Biokraftstoffe in verschiedenen Häfen erreicht.

  • Expanded global port coverage to over 60 ports across 14 countries and regions
  • 70% increase in port coverage since Nasdaq listing in March 2023
  • Presence in 9 out of top 10 global container ports by throughput volume
  • Obtained ISCC EU and ISCC Plus certifications for greener marine fuels
  • Achieved key milestones in biofuel bunkering services in multiple ports
  • None.

Banle Group's expansion to over 60 ports represents a significant strategic move, potentially boosting revenue and market share. The 70% increase in port coverage since their Nasdaq listing indicates rapid growth, which could attract investor interest. Their presence in 9 out of 10 top container ports globally positions them strongly in high-volume areas. The focus on the Asia Pacific region, accounting for 70% of global container port throughput, aligns with market dynamics. The company's preparation for green marine fuels, backed by ISCC certifications, shows foresight in adapting to regulatory changes. With BIMCO forecasting 5-6% growth in container volumes for 2024, Banle seems well-positioned to capitalize on industry trends. However, investors should monitor how this expansion impacts operational costs and profitability.

Banle's strategic pivot towards greener marine fuels is a proactive response to evolving international regulations. The company's ISCC EU and ISCC Plus certifications demonstrate compliance readiness for initiatives like FuelEU Maritime and IMO's greenhouse gas reduction strategy. Their biofuel bunkering milestones across multiple ports since July 2023 indicate a first-mover advantage in this important transition. This positions Banle favorably as the industry shifts towards sustainability. However, the pace of this transition and potential costs associated with green fuel infrastructure could present challenges. Investors should consider both the long-term benefits of this strategy and the short-term financial implications as the marine fuel industry undergoes this significant transformation.

Banle's expansion aligns with positive industry trends, as evidenced by BIMCO's forecast of 5-6% growth in container volumes for 2024. The company's strategic focus on the Asia Pacific region, which dominates global container port throughput, demonstrates market awareness. Their rapid port coverage expansion (70% increase since Nasdaq listing) suggests an aggressive growth strategy that could yield significant market share gains. The move into European markets, particularly with a focus on green marine fuels, positions Banle to capture emerging opportunities in sustainable shipping. However, investors should be cautious of potential overexpansion risks and monitor how effectively Banle can maintain service quality across its growing network. The company's ability to balance growth with profitability will be important in the coming years.

(Incorporated in Cayman Islands with limited liabilities)

HONG KONG, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CBL International Limited (the “Company” or “CBL”) (NASDAQ: BANL), the listing vehicle of Banle Group (“Banle” or “the Group”), a reputable marine fuel logistic company in the Asia-Pacific region, proudly announces a significant milestone by expanding its global port coverage to over 60 ports across fourteen countries and regions in four continents.

This development underscores Banle's commitment to expanding its global presence and entering new markets, demonstrating the company's continued efforts to open new service ports and increase coverage for both existing and new customers. The company now provides bunkering services in Belgium, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mauritius, Panama, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam, representing a 70% increase in port coverage since its Nasdaq listing in March 2023, solidifying Banle's position as a major player in the industry.

The Group's footprint includes nine out of the top ten container ports globally by throughput volume in 2023, highlighting its dominance in key maritime hubs. The Asia Pacific region, accounting for 70% of global container port throughput, remains a key focus for Banle, while the company continues to expand its presence in Europe and other regions.

The company is actively preparing to capitalize on the growing demand for greener marine fuels, driven by international regulations like the FuelEU Maritime initiative and the IMO's strategy for greenhouse gas reduction. Banle has obtained the required ISCC EU and ISCC Plus certifications to comply with these regulations.

As a pioneer in providing stable biofuel supply at major ports, Banle has achieved key milestones in biofuel bunkering services, including:

  • July 14, 2023: Commencement of biofuel supply in Hong Kong.
  • September 5, 2023: First export to China cargo supply.
  • March 15, 2024: Introduction of biofuel supply in Guangzhou, China.
  • April 13, 2024: Launch of biofuel supply in Shenzhen, China (Yantian).
  • June 28, 2024: Inaugural biofuel supply in Port Klang, Malaysia.

According to BIMCO, the container shipping market has exceeded growth expectations, with forecasts predicting a 5 – 6% increase in container volumes for 2024 and a 3 – 4% increase for 2025. Banle is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth, continuing to facilitate essential bunkering services that support the efficient and profitable operations of container liners globally.

"Since our Nasdaq listing, we have made remarkable strides in expanding our port coverage and enhancing our service offerings to meet the growing demands of our customers, the international shipping companies," said Mr. Teck Lim Chia, Chairman & CEO of Banle Group. "Our expansion into Europe, with establishments in Ireland, underlines our commitment to developing our green marine fuels business, which is critical for our long-term sustainability goals."

About the Banle Group

CBL International Limited (Nasdaq: BANL) is the listing vehicle of Banle Group, a reputable marine fuel logistic company based in the Asia Pacific region that was established in 2015. We are committed to providing customers with one stop solution for vessel refuelling. Banle Group’s business activities are primarily focused in over 60 major ports covering Belgium, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mauritius, Panama, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam as of 28 August 2024. The Group actively promotes the use of alternative fuels and is awarded with the ISCC EU and ISCC Plus certifications.

For more information about our company, please visit our website at:

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this announcement are not historical facts but are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements generally are accompanied by words such as “believe,” “may,” “could,” “will,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “plan,” “should,” “would,” “plan,” “future,” “outlook,” “potential,” “project” and similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding estimates and forecasts of other performance metrics and projections of market opportunity. They involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this press release and on current expectations of BANL’s management and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as and must not be relied on by any investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of BANL. Some important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in any forward-looking statements could include changes in domestic and foreign business, markets, financial, political and legal conditions, geopolitical disruptions and other events that result in material changes in fuel prices. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourages investors to review other factors that may affect its future results in the Company's registration statement and other filings with the SEC.

For more information, please contact:
CBL International Limited
Strategic Financial Relations Limited
Shelly ChengTel:(852) 2864 4857
Iris Au YeungTel:(852) 2114 4913


How many ports does Banle Group (BANL) now cover globally?

Banle Group (NASDAQ: BANL) has expanded its global port coverage to over 60 ports across 14 countries and regions in 4 continents.

What percentage increase in port coverage has BANL achieved since its Nasdaq listing?

BANL has achieved a 70% increase in port coverage since its Nasdaq listing in March 2023.

In which countries does Banle Group (BANL) provide bunkering services?

Banle Group (BANL) provides bunkering services in Belgium, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mauritius, Panama, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam.

What certifications has Banle Group (BANL) obtained for greener marine fuels?

Banle Group (BANL) has obtained the ISCC EU and ISCC Plus certifications to comply with international regulations for greener marine fuels.

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