Bandwidth Wins 'Best CPaaS Platform' Award From UC Today for Innovation, Experience and Execution
Bandwidth has won the 'Best CPaaS Platform' award at the UC Awards 2024, hosted by UC Today. This prestigious recognition highlights Bandwidth's innovative software solutions, Maestro™ and AIBridge, delivered through their Bandwidth Communications Cloud. The award acknowledges Bandwidth's contributions to advancing the CPaaS category and improving enterprise communications.
A panel of 16 cloud communications experts evaluated nominees based on product innovation, experience enhancement, and market execution. John Bell, Bandwidth's Chief Product Officer, emphasized how this award recognizes their unique software innovations that enable enterprises to accelerate time to value and improve customer experiences. The company's NASDAQ ticker symbol is BAND.
Bandwidth ha vinto il premio 'Migliore Piattaforma CPaaS' agli UC Awards 2024, ospitati da UC Today. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento mette in evidenza le soluzioni software innovative di Bandwidth, Maestro™ e AIBridge, forniti attraverso il loro Bandwidth Communications Cloud. Il premio riconosce i contributi di Bandwidth nel promuovere la categoria CPaaS e nel migliorare le comunicazioni aziendali.
Un pannello di 16 esperti di comunicazioni cloud ha valutato i candidati in base a innovazione del prodotto, miglioramento dell'esperienza e esecuzione sul mercato. John Bell, Chief Product Officer di Bandwidth, ha sottolineato come questo premio riconosca le loro innovazioni software uniche che consentono alle imprese di accelerare il tempo per ottenere valore e migliorare l'esperienza del cliente. Il simbolo ticker NASDAQ dell'azienda è BAND.
Bandwidth ha ganado el premio 'Mejor Plataforma CPaaS' en los UC Awards 2024, organizados por UC Today. Este prestigioso reconocimiento destaca las soluciones de software innovadoras de Bandwidth, Maestro™ y AIBridge, ofrecidas a través de su Bandwidth Communications Cloud. El premio reconoce las contribuciones de Bandwidth para avanzar en la categoría de CPaaS y mejorar las comunicaciones empresariales.
Un panel de 16 expertos en comunicaciones en la nube evaluó a los nominados en función de innovación de producto, mejora de la experiencia y ejecución en el mercado. John Bell, Director de Producto de Bandwidth, enfatizó cómo este premio reconoce sus innovaciones de software únicas que permiten a las empresas acelerar el tiempo para obtener valor y mejorar la experiencia del cliente. El símbolo de NASDAQ de la compañía es BAND.
Bandwidth가 '최고 CPaaS 플랫폼' 상을 UC Awards 2024에서 수상했습니다. 이 권위 있는 인리는 Bandwidth의 혁신적인 소프트웨어 솔루션인 Maestro™ 및 AIBridge를 Bandwidth Communications Cloud를 통해 제공하는 것을 강조합니다. 이 상은 CPaaS 분야 발전 및 기업 통신 개선에 대한 Bandwidth의 기여를 인정합니다.
16명의 클라우드 통신 전문가가 제품 혁신, 경험 향상 및 시장 실행을 기준으로 후보를 평가했습니다. Bandwidth의 최고 제품 책임자 John Bell은 이 상이 기업이 가치를 실현하는 시간을 단축하고 고객 경험을 개선할 수 있게 해주는 독창적인 소프트웨어 혁신을 인정하는 것이라고 강조했습니다. 회사의 NASDAQ 티커 기호는 BAND입니다.
Bandwidth a remporté le prix de la 'Meilleure Plateforme CPaaS' lors des UC Awards 2024, organisés par UC Today. Cette reconnaissance prestigieuse met en lumière les solutions logicielles innovantes de Bandwidth, Maestro™ et AIBridge, fournies via leur Bandwidth Communications Cloud. Le prix reconnaît les contributions de Bandwidth à l'avancement de la catégorie CPaaS et à l'amélioration des communications d'entreprise.
Un panel de 16 experts en communications cloud a évalué les candidats sur la base de l'innovation produit, l'amélioration de l'expérience et l'exécution sur le marché. John Bell, directeur des produits chez Bandwidth, a souligné comment ce prix reconnaît leurs innovations logicielles uniques qui permettent aux entreprises de réduire le temps nécessaire pour tirer de la valeur et améliorer l'expérience client. Le symbole NASDAQ de l'entreprise est BAND.
Bandwidth hat den Preis für die 'Beste CPaaS-Plattform' bei den UC Awards 2024, die von UC Today ausgerichtet wurden, gewonnen. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung hebt die innovativen Softwarelösungen von Bandwidth, Maestro™ und AIBridge, hervor, die über die Bandwidth Communications Cloud bereitgestellt werden. Der Preis anerkennt die Beiträge von Bandwidth zur Weiterentwicklung der CPaaS-Kategorie und zur Verbesserung der Unternehmenskommunikation.
Ein Gremium von 16 Experten für Cloud-Kommunikation bewertete die Kandidaten basierend auf Produktinnovation, Verbesserung der Nutzererfahrung und Marktdurchführung. John Bell, Chief Product Officer von Bandwidth, betonte, wie dieser Preis ihre einzigartigen Softwareinnovationen anerkennt, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen, die Zeit bis zur Wertschöpfung zu verkürzen und das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Das NASDAQ-Tickersymbol des Unternehmens ist BAND.
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Panel of 16 cloud communications experts honored Bandwidth's Maestro™ and AIBridge software innovations delivered on the owner-operated Bandwidth Communications Cloud
"Bandwidth's exceptional work in CPaaS has helped push the category forward, and we are thrilled to see their accomplishments acknowledged at UC Awards 2024," said Rob Scott, UC Today's Publisher.
"We are incredibly honored to accept this award on behalf of our global customers and all Bandmates who serve them," said John Bell, Bandwidth's Chief Product Officer. "This recognizes our unique and ground-breaking software innovations like Maestro™ and AIBridge, which enable enterprises to accelerate time to value and build a better customer, user and business experience–all delivered with the unparalleled reliability and resilience of our owner-operated Bandwidth Communications Cloud."
Winners were evaluated for product innovation, improving experience and overall market execution by a panel of 16 distinguished judges, including cloud communications experts such as Dom Black, Director of Research at Cavell Group; Zeus Kerravala, Analyst and Founder of ZK Research; Melissa Swartz, Founder at Swartz Consulting; and Blair Pleasant, President & Principal at COMMfusion.
About Bandwidth Inc.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) is a global cloud communications software company that helps enterprises deliver exceptional experiences through voice calling, text messaging and emergency services. Our solutions and our Communications Cloud, covering 65+ countries and over 90 percent of global GDP, are trusted by all the leaders in unified communications and cloud contact centers–including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco, Google, Microsoft, RingCentral, Zoom, Genesys and Five9–as well as Global 2000 enterprises and SaaS builders like Docusign, Uber and Yosi Health. As a founder of the cloud communications revolution, we are the first and only global Communications Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) to offer a unique combination of composable APIs, AI capabilities, owner-operated network and broad regulatory experience. Our award-winning support teams help businesses around the world solve complex communications challenges to reach anyone, anywhere. For more information, visit
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