Bandwidth Named a Leader in IDC MarketScape for Worldwide CPaaS
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) 2025 Vendor Assessment for the fourth consecutive time. IDC's Research Vice President highlighted Bandwidth's reliability, carrier-grade global voice and messaging platform, automated deployment experience, and customer support as key strengths.
The assessment evaluated leading CPaaS providers based on portfolio diversity, revenue size and growth, and platform capabilities for developers, ISVs, and corporations. The study focused on platforms' ability to enable rapid development of scalable real-time communications services through API-based voice and messaging solutions.
Bandwidth's CEO David Morken emphasized the company's focus on customer needs, R&D roadmap strength, and execution capabilities as factors positioning them as a trusted provider in global enterprise cloud communications.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) è stata nominata Leader nell'IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) 2025 Vendor Assessment per la quarta volta consecutiva. Il Vice Presidente della Ricerca di IDC ha evidenziato l'affidabilità di Bandwidth, la piattaforma globale di voce e messaggistica di livello carrier, l'esperienza di distribuzione automatizzata e il supporto clienti come punti di forza chiave.
L'assessment ha valutato i principali fornitori di CPaaS in base alla diversità del portafoglio, alle dimensioni e alla crescita del fatturato e alle capacità della piattaforma per sviluppatori, ISV e aziende. Lo studio si è concentrato sulla capacità delle piattaforme di abilitare lo sviluppo rapido di servizi di comunicazione in tempo reale scalabili tramite soluzioni di voce e messaggistica basate su API.
Il CEO di Bandwidth, David Morken, ha sottolineato l'attenzione dell'azienda alle esigenze dei clienti, la robustezza del piano di ricerca e sviluppo e le capacità di esecuzione come fattori che la posizionano come un fornitore affidabile nelle comunicazioni cloud aziendali globali.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) ha sido nombrada Líder en el IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) 2025 Vendor Assessment por cuarta vez consecutiva. El Vicepresidente de Investigación de IDC destacó la fiabilidad de Bandwidth, su plataforma global de voz y mensajería de grado carrier, la experiencia de implementación automatizada y el soporte al cliente como fortalezas clave.
La evaluación analizó a los principales proveedores de CPaaS en función de la diversidad del portafolio, el tamaño y crecimiento de los ingresos, y las capacidades de la plataforma para desarrolladores, ISV y corporaciones. El estudio se centró en la capacidad de las plataformas para permitir el desarrollo rápido de servicios de comunicación en tiempo real escalables a través de soluciones de voz y mensajería basadas en API.
David Morken, CEO de Bandwidth, enfatizó el enfoque de la empresa en las necesidades del cliente, la solidez de su hoja de ruta de I+D y las capacidades de ejecución como factores que los posicionan como un proveedor de confianza en las comunicaciones en la nube para empresas globales.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND)는 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) 2025 Vendor Assessment에서 4년 연속 리더로 선정되었습니다. IDC의 연구 부사장은 Bandwidth의 신뢰성, 통신사급 글로벌 음성 및 메시징 플랫폼, 자동 배포 경험 및 고객 지원이 주요 강점으로 강조했습니다.
이 평가는 포트폴리오 다양성, 수익 규모 및 성장, 개발자, ISV 및 기업을 위한 플랫폼 기능을 기준으로 주요 CPaaS 제공업체를 평가했습니다. 연구는 API 기반 음성 및 메시징 솔루션을 통해 확장 가능한 실시간 통신 서비스의 신속한 개발을 가능하게 하는 플랫폼의 능력에 중점을 두었습니다.
Bandwidth의 CEO인 David Morken은 고객 요구에 대한 회사의 집중, R&D 로드맵의 강점 및 실행 능력이 글로벌 기업 클라우드 통신에서 신뢰할 수 있는 공급자로 자리 매김할 수 있도록 한다고 강조했습니다.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) a été désignée Leader dans l'IDC MarketScape : Worldwide Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) 2025 Vendor Assessment pour la quatrième fois consécutive. Le vice-président des recherches d'IDC a souligné la fiabilité de Bandwidth, sa plateforme mondiale de voix et de messagerie de qualité opérateur, son expérience de déploiement automatisé et son support client comme des points forts clés.
L'évaluation a analysé les principaux fournisseurs de CPaaS en fonction de la diversité du portefeuille, de la taille et de la croissance des revenus, ainsi que des capacités de la plateforme pour les développeurs, les ISV et les entreprises. L'étude s'est concentrée sur la capacité des plateformes à permettre le développement rapide de services de communication en temps réel évolutifs grâce à des solutions vocales et de messagerie basées sur des API.
David Morken, le PDG de Bandwidth, a souligné l'importance de l'attention portée aux besoins des clients, la robustesse de la feuille de route de R&D et les capacités d'exécution comme des facteurs les positionnant comme un fournisseur de confiance dans les communications cloud d'entreprise à l'échelle mondiale.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) wurde zum vierten Mal in Folge als Leader im IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) 2025 Vendor Assessment ausgezeichnet. Der Vizepräsident der Forschung bei IDC hob die Zuverlässigkeit von Bandwidth, die carrier-grade globale Sprach- und Messaging-Plattform, die automatisierte Bereitstellungserfahrung und den Kundenservice als wesentliche Stärken hervor.
Die Bewertung untersuchte führende CPaaS-Anbieter anhand der Portfoliodiversität, der Umsatzgröße und des Wachstums sowie der Plattformfähigkeiten für Entwickler, ISVs und Unternehmen. Die Studie konzentrierte sich auf die Fähigkeit der Plattformen, die schnelle Entwicklung skalierbarer Echtzeitkommunikationsdienste über API-basierte Sprach- und Messaging-Lösungen zu ermöglichen.
Der CEO von Bandwidth, David Morken, betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf die Bedürfnisse der Kunden, die Stärke der Forschung und Entwicklung sowie die Umsetzungskompetenzen als Faktoren, die sie als vertrauenswürdigen Anbieter für globale Unternehmens-Cloud-Kommunikation positionieren.
- Named Leader in IDC MarketScape CPaaS assessment for fourth consecutive time
- Recognition from major industry analyst firm validates market position
- Highlighted for reliable carrier-grade global platform capabilities
- None.
"Consider Bandwidth if your company is seeking a reliable, carrier-grade global voice and messaging platform with an efficient, automated deployment experience and renowned customer support," said Courtney Munroe, IDC's Research Vice President of Worldwide Telecommunications Research. "Bandwidth's open, vendor-agnostic approach will make it easier to deploy and manage your applications."
"We are proud to be recognized as a Worldwide Leader in CPaaS by the highly respected analyst team at IDC," said David Morken, Bandwidth's Chief Executive Officer. "Our laser focus on the needs of our customers, strength of our R&D roadmap and ability to execute positions us to be the most trusted provider in global enterprise cloud communications."
The IDC MarketScape report evaluated leading providers in the CPaaS market that vary in scale and scope but have been innovators over the years and helped to establish the segment. The IDC MarketScape considered the diversity of portfolios, the size and growth of revenues and the ability to provide a platform for developers, ISVs, and corporations (MNCs). The primary focus of this study is platforms' ability to facilitate the rapid development of real-time communications services that are both easy to create and are scalable. These platforms facilitate programmable, application programming interface- (API-) based voice and messaging to enable the creation of personalized and cost-effective agile enterprise cloud applications.
About IDC MarketScape
IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of technology and service suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor's position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.
About Bandwidth Inc.
Bandwidth (NASDAQ: BAND) is a global cloud communications software company that helps enterprises deliver exceptional experiences through voice calling, text messaging and emergency services. Our solutions and our Communications Cloud, covering 65+ countries and over 90 percent of global GDP, are trusted by all the leaders in unified communications and cloud contact centers–including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco, Google, Microsoft, RingCentral, Zoom, Genesys and Five9–as well as Global 2000 enterprises and SaaS builders like Docusign, Uber and Yosi Health. As a founder of the cloud communications revolution, we are the first and only global Communications Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) to offer a unique combination of composable APIs, AI capabilities, owner-operated network and broad regulatory experience. Our award-winning support teams help businesses around the world solve complex communications challenges every day. For more information, visit
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