Braskem and WEAV3D® Win the Altair Enlighten 2024 Future of Lightweighting Award
Braskem (NYSE: BAK) and WEAV3D, in partnership with Clemson Composites Center, have won the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award's Future of Lightweighting category for their innovative thermoplastic composite lattice technology. This technology combines WEAV3D's Rebar for Plastics® with Braskem's polypropylene sheets to create a cost-effective, lightweight solution for structural automotive applications.
The partnership's technology offers significant benefits compared to conventional composite organosheet:
- Reduces sheet blank weight by ~50% and final part weight by ~23%
- Cuts costs by ~50%
- Increases sheet yield from 25% to 45% by weight, resulting in a 62% reduction in trim waste
This innovative solution enables the cost-effective replacement of sheet metal structures with thermoplastics throughout vehicles, contributing to reduced carbon emissions and enhanced sustainability in the automotive industry.
Braskem (NYSE: BAK) e WEAV3D, in collaborazione con il Clemson Composites Center, hanno vinto il premio Future of Lightweighting della 2024 Altair Enlighten Award per la loro innovativa tecnologia della rete composita termoplastica. Questa tecnologia combina Rebar for Plastics® di WEAV3D con fogli di polipropilene di Braskem per creare una soluzione leggera e conveniente per applicazioni strutturali nel settore automobilistico.
La tecnologia della partnership offre vantaggi significativi rispetto ai tradizionali fogli compositi organici:
- Riduce il peso del blank dei fogli di circa il 50% e il peso della parte finale di circa il 23%
- Riduce i costi di circa il 50%
- Aumenta il rendimento del foglio dal 25% al 45% in peso, risultando in una riduzione del 62% degli scarti di rifilatura
Questa soluzione innovativa permette di sostituire in modo economico le strutture in lamiera con termoplastici in tutto il veicolo, contribuendo a ridurre le emissioni di carbonio e a migliorare la sostenibilità nell'industria automobilistica.
Braskem (NYSE: BAK) y WEAV3D, en asociación con el Clemson Composites Center, han ganado el premio Future of Lightweighting de los 2024 Altair Enlighten Awards por su innovadora tecnología de compuestos termoplásticos en forma de red. Esta tecnología combina Rebar for Plastics® de WEAV3D con láminas de polipropileno de Braskem para crear una solución ligera y rentable para aplicaciones estructurales en la industria automotriz.
La tecnología de esta asociación ofrece beneficios significativos en comparación con los compuestos de hojas orgánicas convencionales:
- Reduce el peso de la hoja en aproximadamente un 50% y el peso de la parte final en aproximadamente un 23%
- Corta costos en aproximadamente un 50%
- Aumenta el rendimiento de la hoja del 25% al 45% en peso, lo que resulta en una reducción del 62% en los desechos de recorte
Esta solución innovadora permite la sustitución económica de estructuras de metal con termoplásticos en todo el vehículo, contribuyendo a reducir las emisiones de carbono y mejorar la sostenibilidad en la industria automotriz.
브라스켄(Braskem, NYSE: BAK)과 WEAV3D는 클렘슨 복합소재 센터(Clemson Composites Center)와 협력하여 2024 알테어 앨라인의 미래 경량화 부문에서 혁신적인 열가소성 복합 재료 격자 기술로 수상의 영예를 안았습니다. 이 기술은 WEAV3D의 플라스틱용 리바(Rebar for Plastics®)와 브라스켄의 폴리프로필렌 시트를 결합하여 구조적 자동차 응용 분야를 위한 비용 효율적이고 경량의 솔루션을 제공합니다.
이 파트너십의 기술은 기존 복합 유기 시트에 비해 상당한 이점을 제공합니다:
- 시트 블랭크 무게를 약 50% 줄이고 최종 부품 무게를 약 23% 줄입니다.
- 비용을 약 50% 절감합니다.
- 시트 수율을 25%에서 45%로 증가시켜 Trim Waste를 62% 줄입니다.
이 혁신적인 솔루션은 차량 전반에 걸쳐 금속 구조물을 열가소성으로 경제적으로 대체할 수 있게 하여, 탄소 배출을 줄이고 자동차 산업의 지속 가능성을 향상시키는 데 기여합니다.
Braskem (NYSE : BAK) et WEAV3D, en partenariat avec le Clemson Composites Center, ont remporté le prix Future of Lightweighting des 2024 Altair Enlighten Awards pour leur technologie innovante de treillis en composite thermoplastique. Cette technologie allie le Rebar for Plastics® de WEAV3D avec les feuilles de polypropylène de Braskem pour créer une solution légère et économique pour des applications structurelles dans le secteur automobile.
La technologie de ce partenariat offre des avantages significatifs par rapport aux feuilles composites organiques conventionnelles :
- Réduction du poids de la feuille brute d'environ 50 % et du poids de la pièce finale d'environ 23 %.
- Réduction des coûts d'environ 50 %.
- Augmentation du rendement de la feuille de 25 % à 45 % en poids, entraînant une réduction de 62 % des déchets de découpe.
Cette solution innovante permet de remplacer de manière rentable les structures en métal par des thermoplastiques dans tout le véhicule, contribuant ainsi à réduire les émissions de carbone et à améliorer la durabilité dans l'industrie automobile.
Braskem (NYSE: BAK) und WEAV3D haben in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Clemson Composites Center den 2024 Altair Enlighten Award für die Kategorie Zukunft des Leichtbaus für ihre innovative thermoplastische Verbundgittertechnologie gewonnen. Diese Technologie kombiniert WEAV3Ds Rebar for Plastics® mit Braskems Polypropylenplatten, um eine kosteneffiziente, leichte Lösung für strukturelle Anwendungen im Automobilbereich zu schaffen.
Die Technologie der Partnerschaft bietet im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen organischen Verbundmaterialien erhebliche Vorteile:
- Verringert das Gewicht des Plattenrohmaterials um ~50% und das Gewicht des Endteils um ~23%.
- Senkt die Kosten um ~50%.
- Erhöht den Ertrag der Platten von 25% auf 45% nach Gewicht, was zu einer 62% Reduzierung des Abfalltrimms führt.
Diese innovative Lösung ermöglicht den kosteneffektiven Austausch von Metallstrukturen durch Thermoplasten in Fahrzeugen und trägt zur Reduzierung der Kohlenstoffemissionen und zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit in der Automobilindustrie bei.
- Won the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award's Future of Lightweighting category
- Reduces sheet blank weight by ~50% and final part weight by ~23%
- Cuts costs by ~50% compared to conventional composite organosheet
- Increases sheet yield from 25% to 45% by weight, resulting in a 62% reduction in trim waste
- Enables cost-effective replacement of sheet metal structures with thermoplastics in vehicles
- None.
The WEAV3D, Clemson Composites Center & Braskem Partnership won for their Rebar for Plastics® Lattice Technology
Rebar for Plastics® combines Braskem's polypropylene sheets with WEAV3D’s lattice technology to provide new structural and automotive solutions requiring high-strength and lightweight materials

Beltline Stiffener Photo Credit: WEAV3D
Joel Carr, Technical Service and Development Engineering Team Leader, Braskem America, stated, “Braskem is honored to be recognized by Altair as the winner of the 2024 Future of Lightweighting category which recognizes new material technologies that have significant potential to transform and advance vehicle lightweighting. The partnership between WEAV3D, Clemson Composites Center, and Braskem combined to create a truly innovative material that provides for more sustainable lightweight solution to help reduce vehicle carbon emissions all while enhancing manufacturing process value through material cost savings. This is a win-win for our clients and the planet.”
The combination of WEAV3D composite lattice reinforcement with Braskem PP enables lighter and less expensive thermoplastic solutions than conventional organosheet, unlocking new opportunities for the cost-effective replacement of sheet metal structures with thermoplastics throughout the vehicle.
“We are incredibly grateful to Altair and CAR for selecting us for such a prestigious award,” says Christopher Oberste, President and Chief Engineer of WEAV3D Inc. “This award validates the technical development and commercialization progress we have achieved over the past several years and recognizes the importance of WEAV3D’s cost-effective lightweighting technology as part of the future of sustainable mobility. Using the right material in the right place keeps cost and waste low, while still delivering substantial weight savings and performance benefits to our automotive customers.”
The Altair Enlighten Award honors the greatest sustainability and lightweighting advancements that successfully reduce carbon footprint, mitigate water and energy consumption, and leverage material reuse and recycling efforts. The Enlighten Award showcases the latest and greatest technology innovations dedicated to sustainability and garners interest from industry, engineering, policymakers, educators, students, and the public alike. The Enlighten Award is presented annually in conjunction with the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) and was presented this year on August 6, 2024, at the CAR Management Briefing Seminars.
“We collaborated with WEAV3D and Braskem to develop an industry-first high-rate structural automotive prototype that showcases WEAV3D’s tunable woven composite technology and Braskem's cost-effective PP resin, leveraging our extensive experience in stamp-forming thermoplastic composites from the US Department of Energy's Ultra-Lightweight Door program," says Sai Aditya Pradeep, former Manufacturing Applications Engineer and Project Lead for
Benefits of using WEAV3D's Rebar for Plastics® and Braskem Polypropylene vs. conventional composite organosheet:
LIGHTWEIGHT – Reduces sheet blank weight by ~
50% and final part weight by ~23% -
COST EFFECTIVE – Reduces costs by ~
50% -
EFFICIENT – Increases sheet yield from
25% to45% by weight, resulting in a62% reduction in trim waste
For more information on WEAV3D's Rebar for Plastics® with Braskem’s PP, visit
Braskem will exhibit at the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) TPO Global Automotive Conference in
WEAV3D Inc. is an innovator in composite materials, manufacturing processes and processing equipment. Headquartered in
One of the most productive public research universities in the nation,
With a global vision of the future oriented toward people and sustainability, Braskem is committed to contributing to the value chain for strengthening the Circular Economy. The petrochemical company’s almost 9,000 team members dedicate themselves every day to improving people’s lives through sustainable chemicals and plastics solutions. Braskem has an innovative DNA and a comprehensive portfolio of plastic resins and chemical products for diverse segments, such as food packaging, construction, manufacturing, automotive, agribusiness, healthcare, and hygiene, among others. With 40 industrial units in
Braskem America is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Braskem S.A. headquartered in
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For press information, please contact:
Braskem North America
Stacy Torpey – (215) 841 3194 –
Source: Braskem
What award did Braskem (BAK) and WEAV3D win in 2024?
What are the main benefits of Braskem (BAK) and WEAV3D's Rebar for Plastics® technology?
How does Braskem (BAK) and WEAV3D's technology contribute to automotive sustainability?