BAB, Inc. Reports Results for 3rd Quarter FY 2024

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BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB) reported its financial results for the third quarter ended August 31, 2024. The company saw revenues of $872,000 and net income of $160,000, or $0.02 per share earnings, compared to revenues of $937,000 and net income of $168,000 for the same quarter last year. For the nine months ended August 31, 2024, revenues were $2,591,000 with a net income of $405,000, or $0.06 per share, versus revenues of $2,547,000 and net income of $330,000 for the same period in 2023.

While royalty revenue increased, franchise fee revenue, license fee and other income, and marketing fund revenue decreased in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023. Total operating expenses for Q3 2024 were $667,000, down from $718,000 in 2023, primarily due to decreases in marketing fund expenses, occupancy, advertising, and travel costs, offset by slight increases in payroll, professional services, and employee benefits.

BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per il terzo trimestre chiuso il 31 agosto 2024. L'azienda ha registrato ricavi di 872.000 dollari e un utile netto di 160.000 dollari, corrispondente a un utile per azione di $0,02, rispetto ai ricavi di 937.000 dollari e a un utile netto di 168.000 dollari per lo stesso trimestre dell'anno scorso. Per i nove mesi chiusi il 31 agosto 2024, i ricavi sono stati 2.591.000 dollari con un utile netto di 405.000 dollari, ovvero $0,06 per azione, rispetto ai ricavi di 2.547.000 dollari e a un utile netto di 330.000 dollari per lo stesso periodo nel 2023.

Sebbene i ricavi da royalties siano aumentati, i ricavi da commissioni di franchising, le spese di licenza e altri redditi, e i ricavi dal fondo di marketing sono diminuiti nel Q3 2024 rispetto al Q3 2023. Le spese operative totali per il Q3 2024 sono state di 667.000 dollari, in calo rispetto ai 718.000 dollari nel 2023, principalmente a causa delle diminuzioni nelle spese del fondo di marketing, nelle spese di occupazione, pubblicità e viaggi, compensate da lievi aumenti nelle spese per stipendi, servizi professionali e benefici per i dipendenti.

BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB) informó sus resultados financieros para el tercer trimestre finalizado el 31 de agosto de 2024. La compañía tuvo ingresos de 872,000 dólares y una ganancia neta de 160,000 dólares, lo que equivale a ganancias de $0.02 por acción, en comparación con ingresos de 937,000 dólares y ganancia neta de 168,000 dólares en el mismo trimestre del año pasado. Para los nueve meses finalizados el 31 de agosto de 2024, los ingresos fueron de 2,591,000 dólares con una ganancia neta de 405,000 dólares, o $0.06 por acción, en comparación con ingresos de 2,547,000 dólares y ganancia neta de 330,000 dólares para el mismo período en 2023.

Aunque los ingresos por regalías aumentaron, los ingresos por tarifas de franquicia, tarifas de licencias y otros ingresos, así como los ingresos del fondo de marketing, disminuyeron en el Q3 2024 en comparación con el Q3 2023. Los gastos operativos totales para el Q3 2024 fueron de 667,000 dólares, en comparación con 718,000 dólares en 2023, principalmente debido a la disminución de los gastos del fondo de marketing, ocupación, publicidad y costos de viaje, compensados por ligeros aumentos en nómina, servicios profesionales y beneficios para empleados.

BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB)는 2024년 8월 31일 종료된 3분기 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 수익 872,000달러순이익 160,000달러를 기록했으며, 이는 1주당 이익이 $0.02에 해당합니다. 이는 지난해 같은 분기 수익 937,000달러와 순이익 168,000달러에 비해 감소한 수치입니다. 2024년 8월 31일 종료된 9개월 동안의 수익은 2,591,000달러 이며, 순이익은 405,000달러로, 1주당 $0.06입니다. 이는 2023년 같은 기간에 비해 2,547,000달러의 수익과 330,000달러의 순이익에서 증가한 수치입니다.

로열티 수익이 증가했지만, 프랜차이즈 수수료 수익, 라이센스 수수료 및 기타 수익, 마케팅 기금 수익은 2024년 3분기 동안 2023년 3분기와 비교해 감소했습니다. 2024년 3분기의 총 운영 비용은 667,000달러로, 2023년 718,000달러에서 감소했습니다. 이는 주로 마케팅 기금, 점유율, 광고 및 여행 비용의 감소에 기인하며, 급여, 전문 서비스 및 직원 혜택의 소폭 증가에 의해 상쇄되었습니다.

BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le troisième trimestre terminé le 31 août 2024. L'entreprise a enregistré des revenus de 872 000 dollars et un bénéfice net de 160 000 dollars, correspondant à un bénéfice par action de 0,02 $, par rapport à des revenus de 937 000 dollars et un bénéfice net de 168 000 dollars pour le même trimestre de l'année dernière. Pour les neuf mois terminés le 31 août 2024, les revenus s'élevaient à 2 591 000 dollars avec un bénéfice net de 405 000 dollars, soit 0,06 $ par action, contre des revenus de 2 547 000 dollars et un bénéfice net de 330 000 dollars pour la même période en 2023.

Bien que les revenus de redevances aient augmenté, les revenus des frais de franchise, des frais de licence et autres revenus, ainsi que les revenus du fonds marketing ont diminué au T3 2024 par rapport au T3 2023. Les dépenses d'exploitation totales pour le T3 2024 s'élevaient à 667 000 dollars, en baisse par rapport à 718 000 dollars en 2023, principalement en raison des diminutions des dépenses liées au fonds de marketing, à l'occupation, à la publicité et aux frais de déplacement, contrebalancées par de légères augmentations des salaires, des services professionnels et des avantages pour les employés.

BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB) berichtete über die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal, das am 31. August 2024 endete. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete Einnahmen von 872.000 USD und einen Nettogewinn von 160.000 USD, was einem Gewinn je Aktie von $0,02 entspricht, im Vergleich zu Einnahmen von 937.000 USD und einem Nettogewinn von 168.000 USD im gleichen Quartal des Vorjahres. Für die neun Monate, die am 31. August 2024 endeten, lagen die Einnahmen bei 2.591.000 USD mit einem Nettogewinn von 405.000 USD, also $0,06 je Aktie, im Vergleich zu Einnahmen von 2.547.000 USD und einem Nettogewinn von 330.000 USD im gleichen Zeitraum 2023.

Während die Einnahmen aus Lizenzgebühren gestiegen sind, sind die Einnahmen aus Franchisegebühren, Lizenzgebühren und anderen Erlösen sowie die Einnahmen aus dem Marketingfonds im Q3 2024 im Vergleich zum Q3 2023 zurückgegangen. Die gesamten Betriebsausgaben für Q3 2024 betrugen 667.000 USD, ein Rückgang von 718.000 USD im Jahr 2023, hauptsächlich aufgrund von Rückgängen bei den Marketingfondskosten, Mieten, Werbung und Reiseausgaben, die durch leichte Anstiege bei Löhnen, professionellen Dienstleistungen und Mitarbeiterleistungen ausgeglichen wurden.

  • Increase in royalty revenue for Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023
  • Net income for nine months ended August 31, 2024, increased to $405,000 from $330,000 in 2023
  • Earnings per share for nine months increased to $0.06 from $0.05 in the previous year
  • Total operating expenses decreased from $718,000 to $667,000 in Q3 2024
  • Q3 2024 revenues decreased to $872,000 from $937,000 in Q3 2023
  • Q3 2024 net income declined to $160,000 from $168,000 in Q3 2023
  • Decrease in franchise fee revenue, license fee and other income, and marketing fund revenue in Q3 2024

DEERFIELD, Ill., Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BAB, Inc. (OTCQB: BABB), announced its financial results for the third quarter ended August 31, 2024.

For the quarter ended August 31, 2024 BAB had revenues of $872,000 and net income of $160,000, or $0.02 per share earnings, versus revenues of $937,000 and net income of $168,000, or a $0.02 per share, for the same quarter last year. Royalty revenue increased for the third quarter 2024 compared to third quarter 2023. Franchise fee revenue and License fee and other income and Marketing Fund revenue decreased in the third quarter ended August 31, 2024 compared to same quarter 2023.

For the nine months ended August 31, 2024, revenues were $2,591,000 and net income was $405,000, or $0.06 per share, versus revenues of $2,547,000 and net income of $330,000, or $0.05 per share for the same period in 2023. Royalty revenue, franchise fee revenue, and License fee and other income increased for the nine months ended August 31, 2024 compared to same period 2023. Marketing Fund revenue decreased for the nine months ended August 31, 2024 compared to same period 2023.

Total operating expenses for the quarter ended August 31, 2024, were $667,000, versus $718,000, in 2023. The change in operating expenses for the quarter was primarily due to a decrease in marketing fund expenses of $52,000, a decrease in occupancy expense of $5,000, and a $2,000 decrease each in advertising and promotion and travel, offset by an increase in payroll and payroll related expenses of $3,000, and increase of $3,000 in professional service fees and an increase in employee benefits of $5,000. Total operating expenses for the nine months ended August 31, 2024 were $2,077,000 versus $2,107,000 for August 31, 2023 with a decrease in marketing expenses of $11,000, a decrease in payroll and payroll related expenses of $13,000, a decrease in occupancy expense of $11,000 and advertising and promotion expense of $10,000 in 2024 compared to 2023, offset by an increase in professional fees of $14,000 and an increase of $4,000 in general expenses for the nine months in 2024 compared to 2023.

BAB, Inc. franchises and licenses Big Apple Bagels®, My Favorite Muffin®, SweetDuet® frozen yogurt and Brewster’s® Coffee. The Company’s stock is traded on the OTCQB under the symbol BABB and its website can be visited at

Certain statements in this press release constitute forward-looking statements or statements which may be deemed or construed to be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words “forecast,” “estimate,” “project,” “intend,” “expect,” “should,” “would,” “believe” and similar expressions and all statements which are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the company’s actual results, performance (financial or operating), or achievements to differ from the future results, performance (financial or operating), or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The above factors are more fully discussed in the company’s SEC filings.



Contact:BAB, Inc.
 Michael K. Murtaugh (847) 948-7520
 Fax: (847) 405-8140

 Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
 08/31/24 08/31/23 % Change 08/31/24 08/31/23 % Change
Royalty fees from franchised stores$519,299  $515,970   0.6% $1,492,463  $1,453,511   2.7%
Franchise and area development fee revenue 9,298   11,306   -17.8%  28,759   22,707   26.7%
Licensing fees and other income 49,869   63,889   -21.9%  209,969   199,883   5.0%
Marketing Fund Revenue 293,469   345,486   -15.1%  859,516   870,543   -1.3%
Total Revenue 871,935   936,651   -6.9%  2,590,707   2,546,644   1.7%
Selling, general and administrative 372,561   371,380   0.3%  1,211,895   1,233,982   -1.8%
Depreciation and amortization 981   981   0.0%  5,942   2,826   110.3%
Marketing Fund Expenses 293,469   345,486   -15.1%  859,516   870,543   -1.3%
Total Expense 667,011   717,847   -7.1%  2,077,353   2,107,351   -1.4%
Income from operations 204,924   218,804   -6.3%  513,354   439,293   16.9%
Interest/other income 17,903   15,054   18.9%  50,164   20,613   143.4%
Income taxes (62,500)  (66,100)  -5.4%  (159,000)  (130,300)  22.0%
NET INCOME$160,327  $167,758   -4.4% $404,518  $329,606   22.7%
Earnings per share - basic and diluted$0.02  $0.02  N/M $0.06  $0.05  N/M
Average number of shares outstanding 7,263,508   7,263,508     7,263,508   7,263,508   


What were BAB Inc's (BABB) Q3 2024 financial results?

BAB Inc (BABB) reported revenues of $872,000 and net income of $160,000, or $0.02 per share earnings, for Q3 2024 ended August 31, 2024.

How did BAB Inc's (BABB) Q3 2024 results compare to Q3 2023?

BAB Inc's Q3 2024 revenues decreased from $937,000 in Q3 2023 to $872,000, and net income declined from $168,000 to $160,000.

What were BAB Inc's (BABB) financial results for the nine months ended August 31, 2024?

For the nine months ended August 31, 2024, BAB Inc (BABB) reported revenues of $2,591,000 and net income of $405,000, or $0.06 per share.

How did BAB Inc's (BABB) operating expenses change in Q3 2024?

BAB Inc's total operating expenses for Q3 2024 decreased to $667,000 from $718,000 in Q3 2023, primarily due to reductions in marketing fund expenses, occupancy, and advertising costs.



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Packaged Foods
Consumer Defensive
United States of America