AliExpress Celebrates 15 Years of Global E-Commerce Innovation with Deep Discounts and Personalized Shopping Journey Recaps for Consumers

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AliExpress celebrates its 15th anniversary with significant achievements and special promotions. The platform, reaching over 200 countries and serving hundreds of millions of consumers, launches 'Snapshot' - a personalized shopping journey recap feature.

According to their U.S. Consumer Insights Report by Censuswide surveying 2,000 consumers, 60% of shoppers prioritize saving money as their top financial goal for 2025. The study reveals that consumers are seven times more likely to shop strategically rather than impulsively (44% vs. 6%).

Key findings show that 60% of AliExpress shoppers joined since 2020, with the platform experiencing its largest U.S. user spike during the pandemic. Top shopping categories include Beauty & Personal Care, Technology & Electronics, Fashion, Fashion Accessories, and Toys & Kids.

The anniversary celebration runs from March 17-26, 2025, offering up to 80% off sitewide, daily prizes through 'Shake & Win,' various coupon discounts, and a new mini-game 'Prize Land' with chances to win from a $1,000,000 shopping credits pool.

AliExpress festeggia il suo 15° anniversario con risultati significativi e promozioni speciali. La piattaforma, che raggiunge oltre 200 paesi e serve centinaia di milioni di consumatori, lancia 'Snapshot' - una funzione che riassume il percorso di shopping personalizzato.

Secondo il loro rapporto sulle intuizioni dei consumatori statunitensi realizzato da Censuswide intervistando 2.000 consumatori, il 60% degli acquirenti considera il risparmio come il proprio obiettivo finanziario principale per il 2025. Lo studio rivela che i consumatori sono sette volte più propensi a fare acquisti in modo strategico piuttosto che impulsivo (44% contro 6%).

I risultati chiave mostrano che il 60% degli acquirenti di AliExpress si è unito dal 2020, con la piattaforma che ha registrato il suo maggiore aumento di utenti negli Stati Uniti durante la pandemia. Le categorie di acquisto principali includono Bellezza e Cura Personale, Tecnologia ed Elettronica, Moda, Accessori Moda e Giocattoli per Bambini.

La celebrazione dell'anniversario si svolgerà dal 17 al 26 marzo 2025, offrendo sconti fino all'80% su tutto il sito, premi giornalieri tramite 'Shake & Win', vari sconti coupon e un nuovo mini-gioco 'Prize Land' con possibilità di vincere da un pool di crediti shopping di $1.000.000.

AliExpress celebra su 15° aniversario con logros significativos y promociones especiales. La plataforma, que llega a más de 200 países y atiende a cientos de millones de consumidores, lanza 'Snapshot' - una función que resume el viaje de compra personalizado.

Según su informe de Insights del Consumidor en EE. UU. realizado por Censuswide encuestando a 2,000 consumidores, el 60% de los compradores priorizan el ahorro como su principal objetivo financiero para 2025. El estudio revela que los consumidores son siete veces más propensos a comprar de manera estratégica en lugar de impulsivamente (44% frente a 6%).

Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 60% de los compradores de AliExpress se unieron desde 2020, con la plataforma experimentando su mayor aumento de usuarios en EE. UU. durante la pandemia. Las principales categorías de compra incluyen Belleza y Cuidado Personal, Tecnología y Electrónica, Moda, Accesorios de Moda y Juguetes para Niños.

La celebración del aniversario se llevará a cabo del 17 al 26 de marzo de 2025, ofreciendo hasta un 80% de descuento en todo el sitio, premios diarios a través de 'Shake & Win', varios descuentos de cupones y un nuevo mini-juego 'Prize Land' con oportunidades de ganar de un fondo de créditos de compras de $1,000,000.

AliExpress15주년을 기념하며 중요한 성과와 특별 프로모션을 선보입니다. 200개국 이상에 도달하고 수억 명의 소비자에게 서비스를 제공하는 이 플랫폼은 개인화된 쇼핑 여정 요약 기능인 'Snapshot'을 출시합니다.

Censuswide가 2,000명의 소비자를 조사한 미국 소비자 인사이트 보고서에 따르면, 60%의 쇼핑객이 2025년의 주요 재정 목표로 돈을 절약하는 것을 우선시합니다. 연구에 따르면 소비자들은 충동적으로 쇼핑하기보다는 전략적으로 쇼핑할 가능성이 7배 더 높습니다 (44% 대 6%).

주요 발견 사항은 AliExpress 쇼핑객의 60%가 2020년 이후 가입했으며, 플랫폼이 팬데믹 기간 동안 미국 사용자 수의 가장 큰 급증을 경험했다는 것입니다. 주요 쇼핑 카테고리에는 뷰티 및 개인 관리, 기술 및 전자 제품, 패션, 패션 액세서리, 장난감 및 아동용품이 포함됩니다.

기념일 축하 행사는 2025년 3월 17일부터 26일까지 진행되며, 전 사이트에서 최대 80% 할인, 'Shake & Win'을 통한 매일 경품, 다양한 쿠폰 할인, $1,000,000 쇼핑 크레딧 풀에서의 우승 기회를 제공하는 새로운 미니 게임 'Prize Land'가 있습니다.

AliExpress célèbre son 15ème anniversaire avec des réalisations significatives et des promotions spéciales. La plateforme, atteignant plus de 200 pays et servant des centaines de millions de consommateurs, lance 'Snapshot' - une fonctionnalité qui résume le parcours d'achat personnalisé.

Selon leur rapport sur les insights des consommateurs américains réalisé par Censuswide, qui a interrogé 2 000 consommateurs, 60% des acheteurs privilégient l'économie d'argent comme leur principal objectif financier pour 2025. L'étude révèle que les consommateurs sont sept fois plus susceptibles d'acheter de manière stratégique plutôt qu'impulsive (44 % contre 6 %).

Les résultats clés montrent que 60% des acheteurs d'AliExpress ont rejoint depuis 2020, la plateforme ayant connu son plus grand pic d'utilisateurs aux États-Unis pendant la pandémie. Les principales catégories d'achat incluent Beauté et Soins Personnels, Technologie et Électronique, Mode, Accessoires de Mode et Jouets et Enfants.

La célébration de l'anniversaire se déroulera du 17 au 26 mars 2025, offrant jusqu'à 80 % de réduction sur tout le site, des prix quotidiens via 'Shake & Win', divers réductions de coupons, et un nouveau mini-jeu 'Prize Land' avec des chances de gagner d'un pool de crédits de shopping de 1 000 000 $.

AliExpress feiert sein 15-jähriges Jubiläum mit bedeutenden Erfolgen und speziellen Aktionen. Die Plattform, die über 200 Länder erreicht und hunderte Millionen Verbraucher bedient, führt 'Snapshot' ein - eine Funktion zur Zusammenfassung der personalisierten Einkaufserfahrung.

Laut ihrem US-Verbraucherbericht von Censuswide, der 2.000 Verbraucher befragt hat, priorisieren 60% der Käufer das Geldsparen als ihr wichtigstes finanzielles Ziel für 2025. Die Studie zeigt, dass Verbraucher siebenmal eher strategisch einkaufen als impulsiv (44% gegenüber 6%).

Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 60% der AliExpress-Käufer seit 2020 beigetreten sind, wobei die Plattform während der Pandemie den größten Anstieg an Nutzern in den USA verzeichnete. Zu den wichtigsten Einkaufskategorien gehören Schönheit & Körperpflege, Technologie & Elektronik, Mode, Modeaccessoires und Spielzeug & Kinderartikel.

Die Jubiläumsfeier findet vom 17. bis 26. März 2025 statt und bietet bis zu 80% Rabatt auf der gesamten Website, tägliche Preise über 'Shake & Win', verschiedene Gutscheine und ein neues Mini-Spiel 'Prize Land' mit Chancen, aus einem Pool von 1.000.000 $ Einkaufscredits zu gewinnen.

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  • Consumers can join the celebration with "Snapshot," a personalized recap of their AliExpress shopping journey
  • New U.S. Consumer Insights Report reveals key shopping trends, including a growing emphasis on affordability, while AliExpress data highlights top shopping categories over the past 15 years
  • The celebration will include some of AliExpress' deepest discounts of the year, with up to 80% off from March 17 through March 26 along with daily prizes, coupons, and exclusive rewards in new mini game

LOS ANGELES, March 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- AliExpress, an international online retail marketplace, is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a renewed commitment to affordability, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Since its launch in 2010, AliExpress has experienced remarkable growth, transforming the global e-commerce landscape by offering millions of products across diverse categories, improving logistics, and enhancing the customer experience through personalization and innovative shopping features. Today, the platform reaches more than 200 countries and regions and hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide.

Introducing "Snapshot": Your AliExpress Shopping Journey, Unwrapped

Ever wondered how much you've saved while scoring amazing finds on AliExpress? You're not alone! According to AliExpress' latest U.S. Consumer Insights Report conducted by Censuswide, a third-party market research company, a majority of consumers expressed interest in a personalized shopping recap, especially to discover total savings and favorite shopping categories.

Answering this demand while celebrating the platform's 15th anniversary, AliExpress is launching "Snapshot," a personalized recap of consumers' shopping journey on the platform. Much like how music lovers look back on their year of listening, Snapshot offers the chance to relive your best shopping moments, including:

  • Your first-ever AliExpress order—do you still remember it?
  • How much you've spent (and saved!) over the years
  • The total number of packages you've received
  • Your top shopping categories—are you a tech guru, home renovator, or fashionista?

Behind the Cart: 15 Years of AliExpress Insights and Consumer Trends

AliExpress data reveals that U.S. shoppers have a strong interest in categories such as Beauty & Personal Care, Technology & Electronics, Fashion, Fashion Accessories, and Toys & Kids. Over the years, consumers have turned to AliExpress as a go-to destination for these categories, which represent the most sales by order volume among the top 50 products sold on the platform.

Burgeoning categories like Health & Wellness and Outdoor & Travel indicate that U.S. consumers have a strong passion for outdoor sports and are prioritizing wellness. Additionally, Americans have turned to AliExpress to care for their pets, reflecting a strong trend of treating our furry friends as members of the family. Surprisingly, AliExpress data also reveals that over 2,000 excavators have been purchased in the U.S., highlighting the platform's incredible product diversity.

Survey Says: Affordability Drives the Future of Shopping

AliExpress' latest U.S. Consumer Insights Report by Censuswide, which surveyed 2,000 U.S. consumers, highlighted key trends shaping online shopping behavior, emphasizing affordability and shifts in shopping behaviors over the past 15 years.

Shoppers Prioritize Affordability

  • Over 158 million US consumers* (60%) say that saving money is their top financial goal for 2025, highlighting a growing demand for budget-friendly shopping choices. In fact, U.S. consumers are seven times more likely to agree that they will spend more strategically and intentionally in 2025 than say they will shop more impulsively than before (44% vs. 6%).
  • Tech & Electronics is the category most impacted by increasing price consciousness, with 39% of respondents avoiding the category due to high prices. At the same time, Tech & Electronics is the second most popular first-time shopping category on AliExpress, indicating the platform may offer a source of financial respite and a path to purchase an otherwise restrictive category.

15 Years of Growth and Progress

  • 60% of AliExpress shoppers surveyed joined since 2020, highlighting increasing consumer enthusiasm for cross-border shopping. Affordability ranked as the most common differentiator that initially attracted users to shop on AliExpress, followed by curiosity to try out the platform. AliExpress saw its biggest spike in U.S. user adoption in 2020, coinciding with the pandemic, while the second and third largest spikes occurred in 2024 and 2023, respectively, as AliExpress continued to roll out platform and customer service enhancements.
  • 44% of consumers surveyed think that a brand is more reliable and trustworthy if it has been around for 15 years or more, indicating that AliExpress' history as a pioneer in cross-border e-commerce has likely bolstered consumer trust. A clear majority of AliExpress shoppers (92%) believe that AliExpress has improved over the years, noting progress in pricing and deals, product selection and quality, and shipping time and customer service.

The Evolution of Retail

  • Consumers surveyed noted that Fashion (27%), Groceries & Beverages (26%), and Tech & Electronics (24%) experienced the greatest shift from in-store to online purchasing over the past 15 years.
  • Nearly 1 in 4 shoppers (24%) surveyed look for deals online more than in store compared to 15 years ago, nearly double those that look for deals more in store today (13%), reinforcing the digital shift in price-conscious spending.

Anniversary Sale: Amazing Deals and Exciting Features

Every celebration deserves a reward, so whether you've been with us since the beginning or just joined recently, this is our way of saying thanks for being part of the journey. Running from March 17 to 26, U.S. shoppers can look forward to**:

  • Up to 80% Off Sitewide: From electronics to fashion, home décor, and more, there's something for everyone.
  • Daily Prizes: Participate in "Shake & Win" from March 17 to March 26, for a chance to win discount coupons and exclusive prizes, such as a Redmi smartphone, a HP computer, an espresso maker, and much more.
  • Win Coupons: AliExpress will offer consumers $2 off on $19, $6 off on $39, $8 off on $59, $12 off on $89, $20 off on $139, $40 off on $239, $60 off on $369, and $70 off on $469.
  • Play in Prize Land: Until March 27, play a fun new mini-game for a chance to win even more coupons, products, and a share of $1,000,000 in shopping credits once you have collected all 15 stars. Additionally, completing your Snapshot unlocks an exclusive reward in Prize Land.

"We're incredibly proud of how far AliExpress has come over the past 15 years—driven by our commitment to value, variety, innovation, and customer-centricity," said Chris Carl, Head of Marketing, AliExpress U.S. "We look forward to fueling our customers' passion for discovery while delivering even greater value in the years ahead."

*60% of 263,775,483 (US population aged 16+) is 158,265,290.

**Terms and conditions apply to all shopping guarantees, policies and promotional offers.

About AliExpress U.S. Consumer Insights Report

The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 2,000 nationally representative respondents across the U.S., aged 18+. The data was collected between October 24 and October 25, 2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct and ESOMAR principles.

About AliExpress 
Launched in 2010, AliExpress is a global e-commerce platform dedicated to creating a better shopping experience for hundreds of millions of consumers in more than 200 countries and regions. In addition to the English version, the AliExpress platform is available in 15 other languages. AliExpress is part of Alibaba International Digital Commerce Group.

Media Contact
Palmer Roberts
Head of Communications, AliExpress U.S.

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SOURCE AliExpress


What discounts is AliExpress offering for its 15th anniversary celebration in 2025?

AliExpress is offering up to 80% off sitewide from March 17-26, 2025, plus various coupon discounts ranging from $2 off $19 to $70 off $469 purchases.

What are the most popular shopping categories on AliExpress in the US market?

The top categories by order volume are Beauty & Personal Care, Technology & Electronics, Fashion, Fashion Accessories, and Toys & Kids.

How has AliExpress user growth evolved since its launch?

60% of current AliExpress users joined since 2020, with the biggest spike in U.S. user adoption occurring during the 2020 pandemic, followed by growth in 2024 and 2023.

What is the new 'Snapshot' feature introduced by AliExpress?

Snapshot is a personalized recap feature showing users their first order, total spending and savings, number of packages received, and top shopping categories.

What are the key consumer shopping trends revealed in AliExpress' 2025 U.S. Consumer Report?

The report shows 60% of consumers prioritize saving money, with shoppers 7 times more likely to spend strategically than impulsively (44% vs 6%).
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