Macquarie AirFinance Places First Boeing Order with Purchase of 20 737 MAX Jets

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Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Macquarie AirFinance have announced a significant deal where Macquarie AirFinance has placed its first direct order for 20 Boeing 737-8 MAX jets. This purchase doubles Macquarie's existing 737-8 order book, bringing their total firm aircraft orders to 86. The 737-8 MAX can carry up to 210 passengers with a range of 3,500 nautical miles, offering 20% reduction in fuel use and carbon emissions compared to older models.

This order aligns with Boeing's 2024 Market Outlook, which predicts that nearly half of airplane deliveries through 2043 will replace older jets, improving fuel efficiency and sustainability. Macquarie AirFinance, a leading aircraft leasing provider, currently has a portfolio of 236 aircraft leased to 85 airlines across 49 countries.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] e Macquarie AirFinance hanno annunciato un accordo significativo in cui Macquarie AirFinance ha effettuato il suo primo ordine diretto per 20 aerei Boeing 737-8 MAX. Questo acquisto raddoppia il portafoglio ordini esistente di Macquarie per il 737-8, portando il totale degli ordini di aerei fissi a 86. Il 737-8 MAX può trasportare fino a 210 passeggeri con un'autonomia di 3.500 miglia nautiche, offrendo una riduzione del 20% nel consumo di carburante e nelle emissioni di carbonio rispetto ai modelli più vecchi.

Questo ordine è in linea con le previsioni di mercato di Boeing per il 2024, che prevedono che quasi la metà delle consegne di aerei fino al 2043 sostituirà aerei più vecchi, migliorando l'efficienza del carburante e la sostenibilità. Macquarie AirFinance, un fornitore leader di leasing di aerei, attualmente ha un portafoglio di 236 aerei affittati a 85 compagnie aeree in 49 paesi.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] y Macquarie AirFinance han anunciado un acuerdo significativo donde Macquarie AirFinance ha hecho su primer pedido directo de 20 aviones Boeing 737-8 MAX. Esta compra duplica el volumen actual de pedidos del 737-8 de Macquarie, llevando su total de pedidos firmes de aeronaves a 86. El 737-8 MAX puede transportar hasta 210 pasajeros con un alcance de 3.500 millas náuticas, ofreciendo una reducción del 20% en el consumo de combustible y en las emisiones de carbono en comparación con modelos más antiguos.

Este pedido se alinea con las previsiones de mercado de Boeing para 2024, que predicen que casi la mitad de las entregas de aviones hasta 2043 reemplazarán aviones más antiguos, mejorando la eficiencia del combustible y la sostenibilidad. Macquarie AirFinance, un proveedor líder de arrendamiento de aeronaves, actualmente tiene un portafolio de 236 aeronaves arrendadas a 85 aerolíneas en 49 países.

Boeing [NYSE: BA]와 Macquarie AirFinance는 Macquarie AirFinance가 20대의 Boeing 737-8 MAX 항공기에 대한 첫 번째 직접 주문을 했다는 중요한 계약을 발표했습니다. 이번 구매는 Macquarie의 기존 737-8 주문량을 두 배로 늘리며, 총 항공기 주문 수를 86대로 늘립니다. 737-8 MAX는 최대 210명의 승객을 수용할 수 있으며, 3,500 해리의 범위를 자랑하고, 이전 모델에 비해 연료 사용 및 탄소 배출을 20% 줄여주는 장점이 있습니다.

이 주문은 2024년 Boeing 시장 전망과 일치하며, 이는 2043년까지 항공기 인도의 거의 절반이 구형 항공기를 대체할 것이라고 예측하고 있어, 연료 효율성과 지속 가능성을 향상시킬 것입니다. Macquarie AirFinance는 현재 49개국 85개 항공사에 임대된 236대의 항공기 포트폴리오를 보유한 선도적인 항공기 임대 제공업체입니다.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] et Macquarie AirFinance ont annoncé un accord significatif dans lequel Macquarie AirFinance a passé sa première commande directe pour 20 avions Boeing 737-8 MAX. Cet achat double le carnet de commandes actuel de Macquarie pour le 737-8, portant le total de leurs commandes d'avions fermes à 86. Le 737-8 MAX peut transporter jusqu'à 210 passagers avec une portée de 3 500 milles nautiques, offrant une réduction de 20 % de la consommation de carburant et des émissions de carbone par rapport aux anciens modèles.

Cette commande est en phase avec les prévisions de marché de Boeing pour 2024, qui prédisent qu'environ la moitié des livraisons d'avions jusqu'en 2043 remplacera des jets plus anciens, améliorant ainsi l'efficacité énergétique et la durabilité. Macquarie AirFinance, un fournisseur leader de leasing d'avions, possède actuellement un portefeuille de 236 avions loués à 85 compagnies aériennes dans 49 pays.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] und Macquarie AirFinance haben einen bedeutenden Vertrag angekündigt, bei dem Macquarie AirFinance eine erste Direktbestellung für 20 Boeing 737-8 MAX Flugzeuge aufgegeben hat. Dieser Kauf verdoppelt das bestehende Auftragsbuch von Macquarie für die 737-8 und bringt die Gesamtzahl der festen Flugzeugbestellungen auf 86. Die 737-8 MAX kann bis zu 210 Passagiere befördern und hat eine Reichweite von 3.500 Seemeilen, wobei sie eine 20%ige Reduzierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs und der Kohlenstoffemissionen im Vergleich zu älteren Modellen bietet.

Diese Bestellung steht im Einklang mit Boeings Marktausblick für 2024, der prognostiziert, dass fast die Hälfte der Flugzeuglieferungen bis 2043 ältere Jets ersetzen wird, was die Kraftstoffeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit verbessert. Macquarie AirFinance, ein führender Anbieter von Flugzeugleasing, hat derzeit ein Portfolio von 236 an 85 Fluggesellschaften in 49 Ländern geleasten Flugzeugen.

  • Boeing secured a new customer with Macquarie AirFinance's first direct order of 20 737-8 MAX jets
  • The order doubles Macquarie's existing 737-8 order book, indicating strong demand
  • 737 MAX family reduces fuel use and carbon emissions by 20% compared to older models
  • The deal aligns with Boeing's 2024 Market Outlook, supporting long-term growth prospects
  • None.


Macquarie AirFinance's purchase of 20 Boeing 737 MAX jets is a significant investment that has notable implications for both companies. For Macquarie AirFinance, this order represents a substantial capital allocation, indicating strong confidence in the demand for fuel-efficient aircraft and the continuous growth of the commercial aviation sector. This is especially relevant given the trends in airline fleet modernization to reduce operational costs and meet environmental regulations.

From a financial perspective, such an order boosts Macquarie AirFinance's growth potential by expanding its fleet with modern, fuel-efficient jets that are likely to be in high demand among airlines. This investment will likely enhance their leasing portfolio value and generate stable revenue streams over the long term. Moreover, the doubling of their order book from previous deals illustrates a robust commitment to growth and market competitiveness.

For Boeing, this order is a positive development amid the broader recovery in the aviation industry. It reinforces the company's market position and supports its financial outlook by securing firm orders and guaranteeing future revenue. The order also highlights the 737 MAX's appeal as a fuel-efficient and versatile aircraft, which helps Boeing maintain its competitive edge in the single-aisle market segment.

The decision by Macquarie AirFinance to purchase 20 Boeing 737 MAX jets underscores the growing demand for environmentally friendly and cost-efficient aircraft within the aviation sector. Airlines are increasingly under pressure to modernize their fleets to meet stringent emission standards and reduce fuel costs, making the 737 MAX a strategic choice due to its 20% fuel efficiency improvement over older models.

This order is indicative of a broader industry trend where lessors like Macquarie AirFinance play a pivotal role by providing airlines with access to the latest technology without bearing the upfront capital cost of purchasing new aircraft. The 737 MAX's range and capacity flexibility also make it an attractive option for varied airline operational needs, ensuring high utility and customer satisfaction.

This development further reinforces the importance of aircraft lessors in the aviation ecosystem, emphasizing their role in facilitating fleet renewals and supporting the financial frameworks necessary for airlines to modernize their fleets efficiently. The strategic expansion of Macquarie's fleet with new generation aircraft positions them well to capitalize on future leasing opportunities and underscores their commitment to sustainability.

Macquarie AirFinance's order of 20 Boeing 737 MAX jets has significant environmental implications. The aviation industry is a major contributor to global carbon emissions and there is a pressing need to reduce the carbon footprint of air travel. The 737 MAX's 20% reduction in fuel use and carbon emissions compared to older aircraft is a noteworthy advancement in this regard.

As regulations around emissions tighten globally, airlines and lessors are increasingly prioritizing fuel efficiency and sustainability in their fleet decisions. By investing in the 737 MAX, Macquarie AirFinance is aligning with these regulatory trends and demonstrating a proactive approach to environmental responsibility.

This order not only highlights the environmental benefits but also underscores the economic advantage that comes with lower fuel consumption—leading to reduced operational costs for airlines leasing these aircraft. Consequently, this move can be seen as a strategic effort to future-proof their fleet against rising fuel prices and stringent environmental regulations, thereby enhancing long-term sustainability and profitability.

FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Macquarie AirFinance announced today that the lessor has made its first direct order for Boeing airplanes. The purchase of 20 737-8s doubles Macquarie AirFinance's existing 737-8 order book, which it acquired from ALAFCO Aviation Lease and Finance Co. in 2023.

By expanding its 737 MAX portfolio, Macquarie AirFinance will scale-up its fleet of fuel-efficient, new generation airplanes to meet the growing demand of its airline customers.

"The continued expansion and renewal of our fleet underscores our confidence in the strong future growth prospects of global commercial air transport. This order increases our existing OEM order book to 86 firm aircraft and will enable our airline partners to access the most modern, fuel-efficient aircraft," said Eamonn Bane, CEO of Macquarie AirFinance.

Known for its versatility, the 737-8 can carry up to 210 passengers based on configuration with a range of up to 3,500 nautical miles (6,480 km). The 737 MAX family is well-suited to support airline fleet modernization plans by reducing fuel use and carbon emissions by 20% compared to the airplanes they replace.

"As single-aisle fleet renewals gain momentum, Macquarie AirFinance's choice of the 737-8 will allow its customers to phase out older airplanes and operate the industry's most fuel-efficient jets," said Stephanie Pope, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Lessors such as Macquarie AirFinance are key partners to Boeing and our airline customers, supporting airplane deliveries and offering financial solutions to carriers that want to renew or grow their fleets with the 737 MAX."

Boeing's 2024 Market Outlook indicates that nearly half of airplane deliveries through 2043 will replace older jets, improving fuel efficiency and sustainability.

Macquarie AirFinance is a leading provider of aircraft leasing and financing solutions with a portfolio of 236 aircraft leased to 85 airlines across 49 countries and a firm orderbook of 86 new technology Boeing and Airbus aircraft. With offices in Dublin, London, San Francisco and Singapore, Macquarie AirFinance is owned by Macquarie Asset Management, PGGM Infrastructure Fund and Australian Retirement Trust.

As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing's diverse team is committed to innovating for the future and living the company's core values of safety, quality and integrity. Learn more at


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How many 737 MAX jets did Macquarie AirFinance order from Boeing (BA)?

Macquarie AirFinance placed an order for 20 Boeing 737-8 MAX jets.

What is the fuel efficiency improvement of the 737 MAX compared to older models?

The 737 MAX family reduces fuel use and carbon emissions by 20% compared to the airplanes they replace.

How many passengers can the Boeing 737-8 MAX carry?

The Boeing 737-8 MAX can carry up to 210 passengers based on configuration.

What is the range of the Boeing 737-8 MAX?

The Boeing 737-8 MAX has a range of up to 3,500 nautical miles (6,480 km).

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