Korean Air Commits to Up to 50 Boeing Widebodies to Strengthen Future Long-Haul Fleet

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Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Korean Air have announced a significant deal for up to 50 widebody airplanes. The agreement includes 20 777-9s and 20 787-10s, with options for 10 additional 787-10s. This strategic move aims to support Korean Air's growth plans and fleet renewal, enhancing its capacity for high-demand routes to Europe and North America, as well as regional Asian routes.

The 777-9 can accommodate 426 passengers in a two-class configuration with a range of 13,500 km, while the 787-10 can carry up to 336 passengers with a range of 11,730 km. Both aircraft models offer significant improvements in fuel efficiency and reduced carbon emissions, aligning with Korean Air's commitment to sustainable aviation.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] e Korean Air hanno annunciato un accordo significativo per un massimo di 50 aerei widebody. L'accordo include 20 777-9 e 20 787-10, con opzioni per ulteriori 10 787-10. Questa mossa strategica mira a sostenere i piani di crescita di Korean Air e il rinnovamento della flotta, aumentando la capacità per le rotte ad alta richiesta verso Europa e Nord America, oltre che per le rotte regionali asiatiche.

Il 777-9 può ospitare 426 passeggeri in una configurazione a due classi con un'autonomia di 13.500 km, mentre il 787-10 può trasportare fino a 336 passeggeri con un'autonomia di 11.730 km. Entrambi i modelli di aerei offrono miglioramenti significativi in termini di efficienza dei consumi e riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio, in linea con l'impegno di Korean Air per l'aviazione sostenibile.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] y Korean Air han anunciado un acuerdo significativo para un máximo de 50 aviones de fuselaje ancho. El acuerdo incluye 20 777-9 y 20 787-10, con opciones para 10 aviones adicionales 787-10. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo apoyar los planes de crecimiento de Korean Air y la renovación de su flota, aumentando su capacidad para rutas de alta demanda hacia Europa y América del Norte, así como para rutas regionales en Asia.

El 777-9 puede acomodar a 426 pasajeros en una configuración de dos clases con un alcance de 13,500 km, mientras que el 787-10 puede transportar hasta 336 pasajeros con un alcance de 11,730 km. Ambos modelos de aeronaves ofrecen mejoras significativas en eficiencia de combustible y reducción de emisiones de carbono, alineándose con el compromiso de Korean Air con la aviación sostenible.

보잉 [NYSE: BA]과 대한항공이 최대 50대의 대형 항공기 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 계약에는 20대의 777-920대의 787-10이 포함되며, 추가로 10대의 787-10에 대한 옵션이 있습니다. 이번 전략적 움직임은 대한항공의 성장 계획과 항공기 현대화를 지원하고 유럽 및 북미의 수요가 높은 노선과 아시아 지역 노선에 대한 운항 능력을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

777-9는 426명의 승객을 수용할 수 있는 이층 구성으로 13,500km의 항속 거리를 가지고 있으며, 787-10은 최대 336명의 승객을 수송할 수 있는 11,730km의 항속 거리를 갖추고 있습니다. 두 항공기 모델 모두 연료 효율성과 탄소 배출 감소에서 중요한 개선을 제공하여 대한항공의 지속 가능한 항공 운송에 대한 헌신과 일치합니다.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] et Korean Air ont annoncé un accord important pour un maximum de 50 avions gros porteurs. L'accord comprend 20 777-9 et 20 787-10, avec des options pour 10 avions supplémentaires 787-10. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à soutenir les plans de croissance de Korean Air et le renouvellement de sa flotte, en renforçant sa capacité pour des routes à forte demande vers l'Europe et l'Amérique du Nord, ainsi que pour des routes régionales asiatiques.

Le 777-9 peut accueillir 426 passagers dans une configuration à deux classes avec une portée de 13 500 km, tandis que le 787-10 peut transporter jusqu'à 336 passagers avec une portée de 11 730 km. Les deux modèles d'avions offrent des améliorations significatives en termes d'efficacité énergétique et de réduction des émissions de carbone, en accord avec l'engagement de Korean Air envers une aviation durable.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] und Korean Air haben einen bedeutenden Vertrag über bis zu 50 Großraumflugzeuge bekannt gegeben. Die Vereinbarung umfasst 20 777-9 und 20 787-10, mit Optionen für 10 zusätzliche 787-10. Dieser strategische Schritt soll die Wachstumspläne von Korean Air und die Erneuerung der Flotte unterstützen und die Kapazität für stark nachgefragte Strecken nach Europa und Nordamerika sowie für regionale asiatische Strecken erhöhen.

Die 777-9 kann 426 Passagiere in einer Zwei-Klassen-Konfiguration mit einer Reichweite von 13.500 km befördern, während die 787-10 bis zu 336 Passagiere mit einer Reichweite von 11.730 km transportieren kann. Beide Flugzeugmodelle bieten bedeutende Verbesserungen in der Treibstoffeffizienz und eine Reduzierung der Kohlenstoffemissionen, was mit dem Engagement von Korean Air für nachhaltige Luftfahrt übereinstimmt.

  • Korean Air's commitment to purchase up to 50 Boeing widebody airplanes, including 20 777-9s and 20 787-10s
  • The deal supports Korean Air's planned growth and fleet renewal strategy
  • Improved fuel efficiency and reduced carbon emissions of the new aircraft models
  • Enhanced passenger capacity and range for high-demand routes
  • Strengthening of Boeing's relationship with a major airline customer
  • None.


The decision by Korean Air to acquire up to 50 Boeing widebody aircraft, including the 777-9 and 787-10 models, is a strategic move designed to enhance the airline's long-haul capabilities. This purchase signals Korean Air's commitment to expanding its presence in high-demand markets across Europe, North America and Asia. For investors, this could mean a potential increase in Korean Air's market share and revenue from these key regions.

The selection of the 777-9 and 787-10, known for their fuel efficiency and advanced technology, aligns with the industry's move towards more sustainable and cost-effective operations. The 777-9's ability to carry 426 passengers over 13,500 km and the 787-10's capacity to fly 336 passengers over 11,730 km provide Korean Air with the flexibility to optimize routes and reduce operational costs.

The anticipated merger with Asiana Airlines further underscores the strategic timing of this purchase, allowing for a more robust and versatile fleet post-merger. Overall, this move is likely to enhance Korean Air's competitive positioning, operational efficiency and profitability in the long term.

From a financial standpoint, Korean Air's intent to purchase up to 50 Boeing widebody aircraft is a significant investment aimed at capitalizing on growth opportunities in the aviation sector. The inclusion of options for 10 additional 787-10 aircraft provides flexibility, allowing the airline to scale its capacity based on demand.

This investment aligns with Korean Air's strategic objectives of fleet expansion and renewal, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. The financial implications include substantial capital expenditure in the short term, which may impact cash flow and debt levels. However, the expected improvements in fuel efficiency and operational costs could lead to long-term savings and improved profitability.

Investors should also consider the potential revenue growth from increased capacity and expanded route networks. The advanced technologies in the 777-9 and 787-10 models are likely to enhance passenger experience and attract more customers, contributing to revenue growth.

The acquisition of Boeing's highly fuel-efficient 777-9 and 787-10 aircraft represents a significant step towards Korean Air's sustainability goals. These models boast advanced technologies such as new carbon-fiber composite wings and engines, which contribute to a 10% improvement in fuel efficiency, CO2 emissions and operating costs compared to competitors.

This move aligns with the broader industry trend of reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainable aviation. The 787-10, in particular, has already enabled operators to avoid more than 169 billion pounds of CO2 emissions since entering service, demonstrating its impact on environmental sustainability.

For Korean Air, this investment not only enhances its environmental credentials but also positions the airline as a leader in sustainable aviation practices. This could attract environmentally conscious customers and investors, further strengthening the airline's market position.

FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Korean Air announced today the airline's intent to purchase up to 50 of Boeing's highly fuel-efficient widebody airplanes, including 20 777-9s and 20 787-10s with options for 10 more of the largest 787 Dreamliner variant.

Korean Air's selection of the 777-9 and 787-10 supports planned growth and renewal of its fleet in size, range and capacity to reach high-demand markets in Europe and North America, as well as popular regional routes within Asia. The carrier will leverage the market-leading efficiency and versatility of these widebody jets to enhance its fleet while adding flexibility to its global network ahead of its anticipated merger with Asiana Airlines.

"The addition of the Boeing 777-9 and 787-10 aircraft marks a significant milestone in our strategic objective to expand and upgrade our fleet," said Walter Cho, Chairman and CEO of Korean Air. "This investment underscores our commitment to providing a best-in-class flying experience. These new airplanes will elevate passenger comfort and enhance operational efficiency, while significantly reducing carbon emissions, supporting our long-term commitment to sustainable aviation."

When finalized and posted to Boeing's Orders & Deliveries website, Korean Air will be the latest customer to purchase the world's largest and most fuel-efficient twin engine jet.

The 777-9 can seat 426 passengers in a two-class configuration with a range of 13,500 km (7,285 nautical miles) and the 787-10 can carry up to 336 passengers with a range of 11,730 km (6,330 nautical miles).

"We are honored Korean Air has selected our largest, most efficient widebody airplanes to add capacity to its global network," said Stephanie Pope, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Boeing airplanes have played an integral role with Korean Air over the past 50 years, and the 777X and 787 Dreamliner will continue to support the airline's long-term goals for sustainability and continued growth."

The 777-9 features advanced technologies from the 787 Dreamliner family, including new carbon-fiber composite wings and engines that will enable the airplane to achieve 10% better fuel efficiency, CO2 emissions and operating costs than the competition. Meanwhile, the fuel efficiency of the 787 has helped operators avoid more than 169 billion pounds in CO2 emissions since entering service.

Recently rated the #2 airline in the world by, Korean Air continues to optimize its global route network and looks to maintain its status as a leading global carrier. The airline will feature new business class suites and Wi-Fi capability onboard its new 787-10s, further enhancing its award-winning onboard service.

Korean Air's Aerospace Division currently supplies components for the 787 program, including the model's unique raked wing-tip. The supplier also produces parts for a number of Boeing airplanes including the 737 MAX, 767 and 777.

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How many Boeing widebody airplanes has Korean Air committed to purchase?

Korean Air has committed to purchase up to 50 Boeing widebody airplanes, including 20 777-9s and 20 787-10s, with options for 10 additional 787-10s.

What is the passenger capacity and range of the Boeing 777-9 ordered by Korean Air?

The Boeing 777-9 ordered by Korean Air can seat 426 passengers in a two-class configuration and has a range of 13,500 km (7,285 nautical miles).

How does this order support Korean Air's strategic objectives?

This order supports Korean Air's strategic objectives by expanding and upgrading its fleet, enhancing operational efficiency, and supporting its long-term commitment to sustainable aviation.

What improvements in fuel efficiency do the new Boeing aircraft offer to Korean Air?

The Boeing 777-9 is expected to achieve 10% better fuel efficiency, CO2 emissions, and operating costs compared to the competition, while the 787 Dreamliner family has already helped operators avoid more than 169 billion pounds in CO2 emissions since entering service.

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