Emirates SkyCargo to Expand Fleet, Capacity with Five More Boeing 777 Freighters

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Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Emirates SkyCargo have announced an order for five more 777 Freighters, bringing Emirates' total order book to 249 Boeing widebody airplanes, including 14 777 Freighters. This expansion will nearly double Emirates SkyCargo's current fleet of 11 freighters to 21 in the coming years.

The 777 Freighter can fly 9,200 kilometers and carry 102 tonnes of freight, making it the most capable twin-engine cargo jet. This order reflects Dubai's growing prominence as a global logistics hub and the increasing demand for Emirates' air cargo services.

Boeing's Commercial Market Outlook forecasts an additional 2,845 freighters will enter service over the next 20 years to support growing global trade and e-commerce demand. The 777 Freighter is Boeing's best-selling freighter, with 275 delivered to date.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] ed Emirates SkyCargo hanno annunciato un ordine per cinque 777 Freighters in più, portando il totale degli ordini di Emirates a 249 aerei widebody Boeing, inclusi 14 777 Freighters. Questa espansione quasi doppierà la flotta attuale di Emirates SkyCargo, composta da 11 aerei cargo, a 21 nei prossimi anni.

Il 777 Freighter può volare per 9.200 chilometri e trasportare 102 tonnellate di merci, rendendolo il cargo jet bimotore più capace disponibile. Questo ordine riflette il crescente rilievo di Dubai come hub logistico globale e la crescente domanda per i servizi di air cargo di Emirates.

Le previsioni di Boeing sul Mercato Commerciale stimano che nei prossimi 20 anni entreranno in servizio ulteriori 2.845 freighter per supportare la crescente domanda di commercio globale e di e-commerce. Il 777 Freighter è il freighter più venduto di Boeing, con 275 unità consegnate fino ad oggi.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] y Emirates SkyCargo han anunciado un pedido de cinco 777 Freighters más, lo que eleva el total de pedidos de Emirates a 249 aviones de fuselaje ancho de Boeing, incluyendo 14 777 Freighters. Esta expansión casi duplicará la flota actual de 11 cargueros de Emirates SkyCargo, llevándola a 21 en los próximos años.

El 777 Freighter puede volar 9,200 kilómetros y transportar 102 toneladas de carga, lo que lo convierte en el jet de carga bimotor más capaz. Este pedido refleja la creciente relevancia de Dubái como un centro logístico global y la creciente demanda de los servicios de carga aérea de Emirates.

Las previsiones del Mercado Comercial de Boeing anticipan que 2,845 cargueros adicionales entrarán en servicio en los próximos 20 años para apoyar el crecimiento del comercio global y la demanda de comercio electrónico. El 777 Freighter es el carguero más vendido de Boeing, con 275 entregados hasta la fecha.

보잉 [NYSE: BA]과 에미레이트 스카이카고가 추가 5대의 777 화물기를 주문했다고 발표했습니다. 이로써 에미레이트의 총 주문 수는 249대의 보잉 대형 기체로 증가하며, 이중 14대의 777 화물기가 포함됩니다. 이번 확장은 에미레이트 스카이카고의 현재 11대 화물기 보유 대수를 21대로 거의 두 배로 늘릴 것입니다.

777 화물기는 9,200킬로미터를 비행할 수 있으며 102톤의 화물을 운반할 수 있어, 가장 뛰어난 능력을 가진 쌍발 엔진 화물 항공기입니다. 이번 주문은 두바이가 글로벌 물류 허브로서의 중요성을 더욱 높이고, 에미레이트의 항공 화물 서비스에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있음을 반영합니다.

보잉의 상업 시장 전망에 따르면 앞으로 20년간 2,845대의 추가 화물기가 서비스에 투입되어 글로벌 무역 및 전자상거래 수요의 증가를 지원할 것이라고 합니다. 777 화물기는 보잉의 베스트셀러 화물기로, 현재까지 275대가 납품되었습니다.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] et Emirates SkyCargo ont annoncé une commande de cinq 777 Freighters supplémentaires, portant le carnet de commandes d'Emirates à 249 avions gros porteurs Boeing, y compris 14 777 Freighters. Cette expansion doublera presque la flotte actuelle d'Emirates SkyCargo, qui compte 11 freighters, pour atteindre 21 dans les années à venir.

Le 777 Freighter peut voler jusqu'à 9 200 kilomètres et transporter 102 tonnes de fret, ce qui en fait le cargo jet bimoteur le plus performant. Cette commande reflète l'importance croissante de Dubaï en tant que hub logistique mondial et la demande croissante pour les services de transport aérien d'Emirates.

Les prévisions du marché commercial de Boeing estiment qu'2 845 freighters supplémentaires entreront en service au cours des 20 prochaines années pour soutenir la croissance du commerce mondial et de la demande de commerce électronique. Le 777 Freighter est le freighter le plus vendu de Boeing, avec 275 livrés à ce jour.

Boeing [NYSE: BA] und Emirates SkyCargo haben eine Bestellung über fünf weitere 777 Frachtflugzeuge angekündigt, wodurch die Gesamtbestellung von Emirates auf 249 Boeing Großraumflugzeuge ansteigt, einschließlich 14 777 Frachtflugzeuge. Diese Erweiterung wird die derzeitige Flotte von Emirates SkyCargo, die aus 11 Frachtflugzeugen besteht, in den kommenden Jahren auf 21 verdoppeln.

Das 777 Frachtflugzeug kann 9.200 Kilometer fliegen und 102 Tonnen Fracht transportieren, was es zum leistungsfähigsten zweimotorigen Frachtjet macht. Diese Bestellung spiegelt die wachsende Bedeutung Dubais als globales Logistikzentrum und die steigende Nachfrage nach den Luftfrachtservices von Emirates wider.

Die Marktprognosen von Boeing gehen davon aus, dass in den nächsten 20 Jahren zusätzlich 2.845 Frachtflugzeuge in Dienst gestellt werden, um die wachsende globale Handels- und E-Commerce-Nachfrage zu unterstützen. Das 777 Frachtflugzeug ist das meistverkaufte Frachtflugzeug von Boeing, mit 275 bis heute ausgelieferten Einheiten.

  • Emirates SkyCargo ordered 5 more Boeing 777 Freighters, increasing their total order to 14
  • Emirates' total order book with Boeing now stands at 249 widebody airplanes
  • Emirates SkyCargo plans to nearly double its freighter fleet from 11 to 21 aircraft
  • The 777 Freighter offers superior range (9,200 km) and payload capacity (102 tonnes)
  • Boeing's Commercial Market Outlook forecasts demand for 2,845 additional freighters over the next 20 years
  • None.


This order for five additional Boeing 777 Freighters by Emirates SkyCargo is a significant development for Boeing's commercial aircraft business. The deal, valued at approximately $2 billion at list prices, strengthens Boeing's position in the important air cargo market.

The expansion of Emirates SkyCargo's fleet highlights the robust growth in global air freight demand, particularly in e-commerce and time-sensitive logistics. This trend is likely to benefit Boeing in the long term, as the company forecasts a need for 2,845 new freighters over the next two decades.

For investors, this order underscores Boeing's strong market position in the widebody freighter segment, where it holds a dominant 90% market share. The 777 Freighter's superior range and payload capabilities make it an attractive option for long-haul cargo operations, potentially driving further sales in this high-margin product line.

This deal represents a positive cash flow event for Boeing, with an estimated value of $2 billion based on list prices. While actual transaction prices are typically lower due to bulk discounts, the order will still contribute significantly to Boeing's backlog and future revenues.

The additional orders bring Emirates' total 777 Freighter commitments to 14, demonstrating customer confidence in Boeing's products despite recent challenges. This repeat business from a major customer is important for maintaining investor confidence and supporting Boeing's financial recovery efforts.

Looking ahead, the growing air cargo market presents substantial opportunities for Boeing's freighter business. With a projected demand for nearly 3,000 new freighters over two decades, Boeing is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, potentially leading to sustained revenue growth and improved profit margins in its commercial aircraft segment.

DUBAI, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Emirates SkyCargo today announced an order for five more of the world's largest and longest-range twin-engine freighter, building on its earlier purchase of five 777 Freighters. The latest order, which was finalized in September and listed as unidentified on Boeing's Orders and Deliveries website, brings Emirates' order book to 249 Boeing widebody airplanes, including 14 777 Freighters.

As the cargo division of the world's largest international airline, Emirates SkyCargo plans to operate 21 777 Freighters in the coming years ─ nearly doubling its current fleet of 11 freighters as the carrier continues to expand capacity.

"We're investing in new freighter aircraft to meet surging demand and provide our customers around the world with even more flexibility, connectivity and options to leverage market opportunity," said HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman and Chief Executive, Emirates Airline and Group. "Demand for Emirates' air cargo services has been booming. This reflects Dubai's growing prominence as a preferred and trusted global logistics hub, and also the success of Emirates SkyCargo's bespoke solutions that address the needs of shippers in different industry sectors."

The 777 Freighter can fly farther (9,200 kilometers / 4,970 nautical miles) and carry more freight (102 tonnes) than any other twin-engine cargo jet today. This capability enables operators to fly more freight on more nonstop routes with better operating economics, connecting high-value cargo markets such as the Middle East with the U.S. and Europe.

"Emirates continues to set the direction for our industry and we deeply appreciate the trust they have placed in the Boeing widebody family to serve as the backbone of their global fleet," said Stephanie Pope, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "We are proud to support Emirates SkyCargo's growth as it relies on the performance and versatility of our 777 Freighter to further connect the world."

Boeing's Commercial Market Outlook forecasts an additional 2,845 freighters will enter service over the next 20 years to support growing global trade and e-commerce demand. The 777 Freighter is Boeing's best-selling freighter of all time, with 275 delivered to date. As the market leader in freighter airplanes, Boeing provides more than 90% of the worldwide dedicated freighter capacity, including new production and converted airplanes.

As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing's diverse team is committed to innovating for the future, leading with sustainability, and cultivating a culture based on the company's core values of safety, quality and integrity. Boeing's relationship with the Middle East extends back to 1945. Since then, Boeing has established a number of offices across the region including in Riyadh, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha and Kuwait. Join our team and find your purpose at


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How many Boeing 777 Freighters did Emirates SkyCargo order in this announcement?

Emirates SkyCargo ordered 5 more Boeing 777 Freighters in this announcement.

What is the total number of Boeing widebody airplanes in Emirates' order book after this order?

After this order, Emirates' total order book with Boeing stands at 249 widebody airplanes, including 14 777 Freighters.

What is the range and payload capacity of the Boeing 777 Freighter?

The Boeing 777 Freighter can fly 9,200 kilometers (4,970 nautical miles) and carry 102 tonnes of freight.

How many freighters does Boeing's Commercial Market Outlook forecast to enter service in the next 20 years?

Boeing's Commercial Market Outlook forecasts an additional 2,845 freighters will enter service over the next 20 years.

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