Long-term treatment data for lecanemab to be presented at AAIC 2024

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BioArctic AB announced that its partner Eisai will present new data on lecanemab (Leqembi®) at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2024. Key presentations include:

1. Three-year efficacy and safety data from Phase 2 and 3 studies
2. Mechanism of action targeting toxic soluble aggregated amyloid-beta protofibrils
3. Importance of maintenance treatment based on neurodegenerative biomarkers
4. Long-term imaging and fluid biomarkers
5. Evidence supporting continued lecanemab dosing

BioArctic will also present a poster on Nordic healthcare system's readiness for new Alzheimer's treatments. Lecanemab, developed through BioArctic and Eisai's collaboration, entitles BioArctic to milestone payments, 9% royalties on global sales, and Nordic region commercialization rights.

BioArctic AB ha annunciato che il suo partner Eisai presenterà nuovi dati su lecanemab (Leqembi®) alla Conferenza Internazionale dell'Associazione Alzheimer (AAIC) 2024. Le presentazioni chiave includono:

1. Dati di efficacia e sicurezza a tre anni provenienti dagli studi di Fase 2 e 3
2. Meccanismo d'azione mirato a protofibrille aggregative solubili di amiloide-beta tossico
3. Importanza del trattamento di mantenimento basato su biomarcatori neurodegenerativi
4. Biomarcatori di imaging e fluidi a lungo termine
5. Evidenze a sostegno della continua somministrazione di lecanemab

BioArctic presenterà anche un poster sulla prontezza del sistema sanitario nordico per i nuovi trattamenti per l'Alzheimer. Lecanemab, sviluppato attraverso la collaborazione tra BioArctic ed Eisai, consente a BioArctic di ricevere pagamenti per traguardi, royalties del 9% sulle vendite globali e diritti di commercializzazione nella regione nordica.

BioArctic AB anunció que su socio Eisai presentará nuevos datos sobre lecanemab (Leqembi®) en la Conferencia Internacional de la Asociación de Alzheimer (AAIC) 2024. Las presentaciones clave incluyen:

1. Datos de eficacia y seguridad a tres años de los estudios de Fase 2 y 3
2. Mecanismo de acción dirigido a protofibrilas amiloides-beta tóxicas solubles
3. Importancia del tratamiento de mantenimiento basado en biomarcadores neurodegenerativos
4. Biomarcadores de imagen y fluidos a largo plazo
5. Evidencia a favor de la continuación de la dosificación de lecanemab

BioArctic también presentará un póster sobre la preparación del sistema de salud nórdico para nuevos tratamientos de Alzheimer. Lecanemab, desarrollado a través de la colaboración entre BioArctic y Eisai, otorga a BioArctic pagos por hitos, regalías del 9% sobre las ventas globales y derechos de comercialización en la región nórdica.

BioArctic AB는 파트너인 Eisai가 2024 알츠하이머 협회 국제 회의(AAIC)에서 lecanemab(Leqembi®)에 대한 새로운 데이터를 발표할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 주요 발표 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 2상 및 3상 연구의 3년 효능 및 안전성 데이터
2. 유해한 수용성 아밀로이드-beta 프리토피브릴에 대한 작용 메커니즘
3. 신경퇴행성 바이오마커를 기반으로 한 유지 치료의 중요성
4. 장기 이미징 및 체액 바이오마커
5. 지속적인 lecanemab 투여를 지원하는 증거

BioArctic은 새로운 알츠하이머 치료에 대한 노르딕 보건 시스템의 준비 상태에 대한 포스터도 발표할 예정입니다. BioArctic과 Eisai의 협력을 통해 개발된 lecanemab은 BioArctic에게 중간 목표 지급금을, 전 세계 판매에 대한 9%의 로열티, 그리고 노르딕 지역 상업화 권리를 부여합니다.

BioArctic AB a annoncé que son partenaire Eisai présentera de nouvelles données sur le lecanemab (Leqembi®) lors de la Conférence Internationale de l'Association Alzheimer (AAIC) 2024. Les présentations clés incluent :

1. Données d'efficacité et de sécurité sur trois ans des études de Phase 2 et 3
2. Mécanisme d'action ciblant des protofibrilles amyloïdes-bêta toxiques solubles
3. Importance du traitement de maintenance basé sur des biomarqueurs neurodégénératifs
4. Biomarqueurs d'imagerie et fluides à long terme
5. Preuves soutenant la poursuite de l'administration de lecanemab

BioArctic présentera également une affiche sur la préparation du système de santé nordique pour de nouveaux traitements contre la maladie d'Alzheimer. Le lecanemab, développé grâce à la collaboration entre BioArctic et Eisai, donne à BioArctic droit à des paiements d'étape, des redevances de 9 % sur les ventes mondiales et des droits de commercialisation dans la région nordique.

BioArctic AB hat angekündigt, dass ihr Partner Eisai neue Daten zu lecanemab (Leqembi®) auf der Internationalen Alzheimer-Vereinigungskonferenz (AAIC) 2024 präsentieren wird. Zu den wichtigen Präsentationen gehören:

1. Daten zur Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit nach drei Jahren aus den Studien der Phase 2 und 3
2. Wirkmechanismus, der auf toxische lösliche aggregierte Amyloid-beta-Protoberühe abzielt
3. Bedeutung der Erhaltungstherapie basierend auf neurodegenerativen Biomarkern
4. Langzeitbildgebung und Flüssigbiomarker
5. Beweise, die die fortgesetzte Dosierung von lecanemab unterstützen

BioArctic wird auch ein Poster über die Bereitschaft des nordischen Gesundheitssystems für neue Alzheimer-Behandlungen präsentieren. Lecanemab, das in Zusammenarbeit von BioArctic und Eisai entwickelt wurde, berechtigt BioArctic zu Meilensteinzahlungen, 9% Lizenzgebühren auf den weltweiten Verkauf und Vermarktungsrechte in der nordischen Region.

  • Presentation of three-year efficacy and safety data for lecanemab at AAIC 2024
  • Evidence supporting continued lecanemab dosing for Alzheimer's disease treatment
  • BioArctic entitled to milestone payments and 9% royalties on global lecanemab sales
  • BioArctic has commercialization rights for lecanemab in Nordic region
  • None.

STOCKHOLM , July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BioArctic AB (publ) (NASDAQ Stockholm: BIOA B) today announced that its partner Eisai will present the latest findings on lecanemab (generic name, brand name Leqembi®) at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2024. The conference will be held in Philadelphia and virtually from July 28 to August 1, 2024. Data presented will include three-year efficacy and safety data, as well as data supporting the importance of continued treatment of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, BioArctic will present a poster on the Nordic Healthcare system's readiness to introduce new Alzheimer's disease treatments.

Eisai presentations of the latest data on lecanemab, will focus on the importance of continued treatment for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Key presentations include three-year efficacy and safety data from Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies, the mechanism of action of lecanemab in targeting toxic soluble aggregated amyloid-beta species (protofibrils), and the importance of maintenance treatment based on neurodegenerative biomarkers in plasma. Featured sessions will delve into the long-term imaging and fluid biomarkers, and the evidence supporting the rationale for continued lecanemab dosing. Presenters such as Dennis Selkoe, M.D., and Charlotte Teunissen, Ph.D., will provide insights into the ongoing benefits of lecanemab treatment, highlighting its potential to slow the progression of AD by clearing amyloid-beta protofibrils.

In addition, BioArctic will present a poster of a study highlighting deficiencies in the healthcare system's ability to diagnose and treat Alzheimer's disease in the Nordic countries. The poster will be displayed by Mats Ekelund, Head of Market Access at BioArctic.


Time (EDT)

Presentation Title/Poster Title

Presenter(s)/Abstract ID

July 30

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Featured Research Session:

Beyond Amyloid Removal with Lecanemab Treatment: Update on Long-Term Imaging and Fluid Biomarkers

-    Amyloid Plaque Reduction as a Biomarker of Efficacy

-    Lecanemab Slows Tau PET Accumulation

-    "Paradoxical" Cerebral Volume Changes in Anti-Amyloid Immunotherapy Trials

-    Long-Term Effects of Lecanemab on Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in Plasma

-    Panel discussion and Q&A

Brian Willis, Ph.D., Arnaud Charil, Ph.D., Nick Fox, M.D., FRCP, FMedSci,

Charlotte Teunissen, Ph.D.

July 30

4:15 PM - 5:45 PM

Perspectives Session:

Does the Current Evidence Base Support Lecanemab Continued Dosing for Early Alzheimer's Disease?

-    Does the Current Evidence for Lecanemab Mechanism Support a Rationale for Continued Lecanemab Dosing?

-    How Does the Latest Clinical Pharmacology Data & Modeling Support Continued Lecanemab Dosing?

-    Neuro-Dynamic Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Model Supports Continued Lecanemab Treatment with Maintenance Dosing For Alzheimer's Disease

-    Is there Evidence for a Continued Benefit for Long-Term Lecanemab Treatment? A Benefit/Risk Update from Long-Term Efficacy, Safety and Biomarker Data

-    Panel discussion and Q&A

Dennis Selkoe, M.D., Youfang Cao, Ph.D., Larisa Reyderman, Ph.D., Christopher van Dyck, M.D.

July 30

2:42 PM – 2:49 PM 

Oral presentation:

Examining Lecanemab-Associated Amyloid-Beta Protofibril as a Proximal Biomarker of Neurodegeneration Unlike Other Plaque-Associated Biomarkers

Kenjiro Ono, M.D.
Abstract ID #94585

July 30

2:49 PM – 2:56 PM

Oral Presentation:

Lecanemab, Amyloid-Induced Tau Pathology as Supported CSF MTBR-tau243 in Clarity AD

Abstract ID #95507

July 28

Poster presentation:

Model-Based Assessment of Lecanemab Maintenance Dosing Regimen and Potential for Continued Suppression of Amyloid Plaque, Disease Progression

Brian Willis, Ph.D, Eisai
Abstract ID #89308

July 30

Poster presentation: Expected challenges for memory clinics introducing disease modifying treatments in the Nordics

Mats Ekelund, Ph.D., BioArctic

Lecanemab is the result of a long-standing collaboration between BioArctic and Eisai, and the antibody was originally developed by BioArctic based on the work of Professor Lars Lannfelt and his discovery of the Arctic mutation in Alzheimer's disease. Eisai is responsible for the clinical development, applications for market approval and commercialization of lecanemab for Alzheimer's disease. BioArctic has no development costs for lecanemab in Alzheimer's disease and is entitled to payments in connection with certain regulatory approvals, and sales milestones as well as royalty of 9 percent on global sales. In addition, BioArctic has the right to commercialize lecanemab in the Nordic region, pending European approval, and currently Eisai and BioArctic are preparing for a joint commercialization in the region.

The information was released for public disclosure, through the agency of the contact persons below, on July 23, 2024, at 08:00 a.m. CET. 

For further information, please contact: 
Oskar Bosson, VP Communications and IR
Phone: +46 70 410 71 80 

Jiang Millington, Director Corporate Communication and Social Media
Phone: +46 79 33 99 166

About lecanemab (generic name, brand name: Leqembi®)

Lecanemab (Leqembi) is the result of a strategic research alliance between BioArctic and Eisai. It is a humanized immunoglobulin gamma 1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody directed against aggregated soluble (protofibril) and insoluble forms of amyloid-beta (Aβ). Lecanemab is approved in the U.S., Japan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Israel. (See full US prescribing information including boxed waring.)

Lecanemab approvals were based on the large global Phase 3 Clarity AD study. In the Clarity AD study, lecanemab met its primary endpoint and all key secondary endpoints with statistically significant results. In November 2022, the results of the Clarity AD study were presented at the 2022 Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference, and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a peer-reviewed medical journal.

Eisai has also submitted applications for approval of lecanemab in 12 other countries and regions, including the European Union (EU). A supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) for intravenous maintenance dosing was submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March 2024. The rolling submission of a Biologics License Application (BLA) for maintenance dosing of a subcutaneous injection formulation, which is being developed to enhance convenience for patients, was initiated in the U.S. under Fast Track status in May 2024.

Since July 2020 Eisai's Phase 3 clinical study (AHEAD 3-45) for individuals with preclinical AD, meaning they are clinically normal and have intermediate or elevated levels of amyloid in their brains, is ongoing. AHEAD 3-45 is conducted as a public-private partnership between the Alzheimer's Clinical Trial Consortium that provides the infrastructure for academic clinical trials in AD and related dementias in the U.S, funded by the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health and Eisai. Since January 2022, the Tau NexGen clinical study for Dominantly Inherited AD (DIAD), that is conducted by Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU), led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is ongoing and includes lecanemab as the backbone anti-amyloid therapy.

About the collaboration between BioArctic and Eisai

Since 2005, BioArctic has a long-term collaboration with Eisai regarding the development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The most important agreements are the Development and Commercialization Agreement for the lecanemab antibody, which was signed 2007, and the Development and Commercialization agreement for the antibody Leqembi back-up for Alzheimer's disease, which was signed 2015. In 2014, Eisai and Biogen entered into a joint development and commercialization agreement for lecanemab. Eisai is responsible for the clinical development, application for market approval and commercialization of the products for Alzheimer's disease. BioArctic has the right to commercialize lecanemab in the Nordic region under certain conditions and is currently preparing for commercialization in the Nordics together with Eisai. BioArctic has no development costs for lecanemab in Alzheimer's disease and is entitled to payments in connection with regulatory approvals, and sales milestones as well as royalties on global sales.

About BioArctic AB

BioArctic AB (publ) is a Swedish research-based biopharma company focusing on innovative treatments that can delay or stop the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. The company invented Leqembi® (lecanemab) – the world's first drug proven to slow the progression of the disease and reduce cognitive impairment in early Alzheimer's disease. Leqembi has been developed together with BioArctic's partner Eisai, who are responsible for regulatory interactions and commercialization globally. In addition to Leqembi, BioArctic has a broad research portfolio with antibodies against Parkinson's disease and ALS as well as additional projects against Alzheimer's disease. Several of the projects utilize the company's proprietary BrainTransporter™ technology, which has the potential to actively transport antibodies across the blood-brain barrier to enhance the efficacy of the treatment. BioArctic's B share (BIOA B) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap. For further information, please visit

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Long-term treatment data for lecanemab to be presented at AAIC 2024


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What new data on lecanemab (BIOA) will be presented at AAIC 2024?

Eisai will present three-year efficacy and safety data from Phase 2 and 3 studies, mechanism of action targeting amyloid-beta protofibrils, and evidence supporting continued lecanemab dosing for Alzheimer's disease treatment.

What are BioArctic's (BIOA) financial benefits from lecanemab?

BioArctic is entitled to milestone payments, 9% royalties on global lecanemab sales, and has commercialization rights for lecanemab in the Nordic region.

When and where will AAIC 2024 be held, featuring lecanemab (BIOA) data?

The Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2024 will be held in Philadelphia and virtually from July 28 to August 1, 2024.

What will BioArctic's (BIOA) poster at AAIC 2024 focus on?

BioArctic will present a poster on the Nordic healthcare system's readiness to introduce new Alzheimer's disease treatments, highlighting potential challenges for memory clinics.

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