Eisai will request reconsideration of initial decision for lecanemab in Australia

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BioArctic AB's partner Eisai announced that Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) initially decided not to register lecanemab, an antibody for treating mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. Eisai plans to request reconsideration within 90 days, with TGA's final decision expected 60 days after. Lecanemab, developed through BioArctic and Eisai's collaboration, is already approved in several countries including the US, Japan, and China.

The antibody originated from BioArctic's research based on Professor Lars Lannfelt's work. Eisai leads global development and regulatory submissions, with Eisai and Biogen co-commercializing the product. BioArctic retains commercialization rights in the Nordic region and is preparing for joint commercialization with Eisai in Europe, pending approval.

Il partner di BioArctic AB, Eisai, ha annunciato che l'Amministrazione dei prodotti terapeutici dell'Australia (TGA) ha inizialmente deciso di non registrare lecanemab, un anticorpo per il trattamento del lieve deterioramento cognitivo e della demenza lieve dovuta a malattia di Alzheimer. Eisai prevede di richiedere una riesaminazione entro 90 giorni, con la decisione finale del TGA attesa 60 giorni dopo. Lecanemab, sviluppato grazie alla collaborazione tra BioArctic e Eisai, è già approvato in diversi paesi, tra cui Stati Uniti, Giappone e Cina.

L'anticorpo proviene dalla ricerca di BioArctic basata sul lavoro del Professor Lars Lannfelt. Eisai guida lo sviluppo globale e le presentazioni normative, con Eisai e Biogen che co-commercializzano il prodotto. BioArctic mantiene i diritti di commercializzazione nella regione nordica e si sta preparando per una commercializzazione congiunta con Eisai in Europa, in attesa di approvazione.

El socio de BioArctic AB, Eisai, anunció que la Administración de Bienes Terapéuticos de Australia (TGA) decidió inicialmente no registrar lecanemab, un anticuerpo para tratar el deterioro cognitivo leve y la demencia leve debido a la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Eisai planea solicitar una reconsideración dentro de 90 días, con la decisión final de la TGA esperada 60 días después. Lecanemab, desarrollado a través de la colaboración entre BioArctic y Eisai, ya está aprobado en varios países, incluidos Estados Unidos, Japón y China.

El anticuerpo se originó a partir de la investigación de BioArctic basada en el trabajo del profesor Lars Lannfelt. Eisai lidera el desarrollo global y las presentaciones regulatorias, con Eisai y Biogen co-comercializando el producto. BioArctic retiene los derechos de comercialización en la región nórdica y se está preparando para la comercialización conjunta con Eisai en Europa, a la espera de aprobación.

BioArctic AB의 파트너인 Eisai는 호주 치료보건관리청(TGA)이 알츠하이머병으로 인한 경도 인지장애 및 경도 치매 치료를 위한 항체 레카네맙의 등록을 처음에 거부했다고 발표했습니다. Eisai는 90일 이내에 재심사를 요청할 계획이며, TGA의 최종 결정은 60일 후에 나올 것으로 예상됩니다. BioArctic과 Eisai의 협력으로 개발된 레카네맙은 미국, 일본, 중국을 포함한 여러 국가에서 이미 승인되었습니다.

이 항체는 Lars Lannfelt 교수의 연구를 기반으로 BioArctic의 연구에서 유래되었습니다. Eisai는 글로벌 개발 및 규제 신청을 주도하며, Eisai와 Biogen이 공동 상용화하고 있습니다. BioArctic은 북유럽 지역에서 상용화 권리를 보유하고 있으며, 승인 대기 중인 유럽에서 Eisai와 공동 상용화를 준비하고 있습니다.

Le partenaire de BioArctic AB, Eisai, a annoncé que l'Administration des biens thérapeutiques d'Australie (TGA) a d'abord décidé de ne pas enregistrer lecanemab, un anticorps destiné à traiter les troubles cognitifs légers et la démence légère dus à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Eisai prévoit de demander une réévaluation dans les 90 jours, la décision finale de la TGA étant attendue 60 jours après. Lecanemab, développé grâce à la collaboration entre BioArctic et Eisai, est déjà approuvé dans plusieurs pays, y compris les États-Unis, le Japon et la Chine.

L'anticorps provient de la recherche de BioArctic basée sur le travail du professeur Lars Lannfelt. Eisai mène le développement mondial et les soumissions réglementaires, Eisai et Biogen co-commercialisant le produit. BioArctic conserve les droits de commercialisation dans la région nordique et se prépare à une commercialisation conjointe avec Eisai en Europe, en attente d'approbation.

Der Partner von BioArctic AB, Eisai, gab bekannt, dass die Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australiens zunächst beschlossen hat, lecanemab nicht zu registrieren, einen Antikörper zur Behandlung von leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und leichter Demenz aufgrund der Alzheimer-Krankheit. Eisai plant, innerhalb von 90 Tagen eine Überprüfung zu beantragen, wobei die endgültige Entscheidung der TGA 60 Tage später erwartet wird. Lecanemab, das durch die Zusammenarbeit von BioArctic und Eisai entwickelt wurde, ist bereits in mehreren Ländern genehmigt, darunter die USA, Japan und China.

Der Antikörper stammt aus der Forschung von BioArctic, die auf der Arbeit von Professor Lars Lannfelt basiert. Eisai führt die globale Entwicklung und regulatorischen Einreichungen, und Eisai und Biogen vermarkten das Produkt gemeinsam. BioArctic behält die kommerziellen Rechte in der nordischen Region und bereitet sich auf eine gemeinsame Vermarktung mit Eisai in Europa vor, während sie auf die Genehmigung warten.

  • Lecanemab is already approved in multiple major markets including the US, Japan, and China
  • Eisai will request reconsideration of the initial decision in Australia, potentially leading to approval
  • BioArctic has commercialization rights for lecanemab in the Nordic region
  • Initial decision by Australian TGA not to register lecanemab for Alzheimer's treatment
  • Delay in potential market entry for lecanemab in Australia


The TGA's initial decision not to register lecanemab in Australia is a setback for Eisai and BioArctic, but not entirely unexpected given the scrutiny Alzheimer's treatments face. Eisai's plan to request reconsideration keeps the door open for potential approval. The drug's existing approvals in major markets like the U.S., Japan and China are significant positives. For BioArctic, this news has immediate financial impact, as their primary markets are the Nordics and potentially Europe. However, a positive outcome in Australia could bolster confidence in lecanemab's global potential. Investors should monitor the reconsideration process closely, as it may influence perceptions of the drug's regulatory prospects in other markets, particularly Europe. The 90-day window for reconsideration and subsequent 60-day review period provide a clear timeline for potential catalysts.

Lecanemab's mechanism of targeting soluble aggregated amyloid-beta represents a promising approach in Alzheimer's treatment. Its approvals in multiple countries suggest a growing acceptance of this therapeutic strategy. The TGA's initial rejection raises questions about their specific concerns, which weren't detailed in the release. This could relate to efficacy data, safety profile, or cost-effectiveness considerations. The reconsideration process offers an opportunity for Eisai to address these concerns directly. For the scientific community, this regulatory back-and-forth underscores the ongoing debate about the amyloid hypothesis in Alzheimer's disease. The outcome in Australia could influence research directions and investment in similar approaches globally. It's important to note that lecanemab's success in other markets doesn't guarantee approval elsewhere, highlighting the complexities of Alzheimer's drug development and regulation.

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BioArctic AB (publ) (NASDAQ Stockholm: BIOA B) partner Eisai announced today that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia issued a public statement about the initial decision not to register the humanized anti-soluble aggregated amyloid-beta (Aβ) monoclonal antibody lecanemab for the treatment of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild AD dementia.

Eisai will request a reconsideration of this initial decision under Section 60 of the Therapeutic Goods Act within 90 days to make lecanemab available for eligible people living with early AD in Australia. Following Eisai's request for review, the TGA will issue a final decision within 60 days of receiving Eisai's request.

Lecanemab is already approved in the United States, Japan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Israel UAE and Great Britain, and is being marketed in the United States, Japan and China.

Lecanemab is the result of a long-standing collaboration between BioArctic and Eisai, and the antibody was originally developed by BioArctic based on the work of Professor Lars Lannfelt and his discovery of the Arctic mutation in Alzheimer's disease. Eisai serves as the lead of Leqembi development and regulatory submissions globally with both Eisai and Biogen co-commercializing and co-promoting the product and Eisai having final decision-making authority. BioArctic has the right to commercialize lecanemab in the Nordic region and pending European approval Eisai and BioArctic are preparing for a joint commercialization in the region.

The information was released for public disclosure, through the agency of the contact persons below, on October 17, 2024, at 01.30 a.m. CET.

For further information, please contact:
Oskar Bosson, VP Communications and IR
Phone: +46 70 410 71 80 

About lecanemab (Leqembi®)

Lecanemab is the result of a strategic research alliance between BioArctic and Eisai. It is a humanized immunoglobulin gamma 1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody directed against aggregated soluble (protofibril) and insoluble forms of amyloid-beta (Aβ).

Lecanemab is approved in the U.S., Japan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Israel, UAE and Great Britain for the treatment of MCI due to AD and mild AD dementia. Lecanemab's approvals in these countries were primarily based on Phase 3 data from Eisai's global Clarity AD clinical trial, in which it met its primary endpoint and all key secondary endpoints with statistically significant results. The most common adverse events (>10%) in the lecanemab group were infusion reactions, ARIA-H (combined cerebral microhemorrhages, cerebral macrohemorrhages, and superficial siderosis), ARIA-E (edema/effusion), headache, and fall.

Lecanemab marketed in the U.S., Japan and China. Eisai has also submitted applications for approval of lecanemab in 10 countries and regions, including the European Union.

Since July 2020 Eisai's Phase 3 clinical study (AHEAD 3-45) for individuals with preclinical AD, meaning they are clinically normal and have intermediate or elevated levels of amyloid in their brains, is ongoing. AHEAD 3-45 is conducted as a public-private partnership between the Alzheimer's Clinical Trial Consortium that provides the infrastructure for academic clinical trials in AD and related dementias in the U.S, funded by the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health and Eisai. Since January 2022, the Tau NexGen clinical study for Dominantly Inherited AD (DIAD), that is conducted by Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU), led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is ongoing and includes lecanemab as the backbone anti-amyloid therapy.

About the collaboration between BioArctic and Eisai

Since 2005, BioArctic has a long-term collaboration with Eisai regarding the development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The most important agreements are the Development and Commercialization Agreement for the lecanemab antibody, which was signed 2007, and the Development and Commercialization agreement for the antibody Leqembi back-up for Alzheimer's disease, which was signed 2015. In 2014, Eisai and Biogen entered into a joint development and commercialization agreement for lecanemab. Eisai is responsible for the clinical development, application for market approval and commercialization of the products for Alzheimer's disease. BioArctic has the right to commercialize lecanemab in the Nordic region under certain conditions and is currently preparing for commercialization in the Nordics together with Eisai. BioArctic has no development costs for lecanemab in Alzheimer's disease and is entitled to payments in connection with regulatory approvals, and sales milestones as well as royalties on global sales.

About BioArctic AB

BioArctic AB (publ) is a Swedish research-based biopharma company focusing on innovative treatments that can delay or stop the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. The company invented Leqembi® (lecanemab) – the world's first drug proven to slow the progression of the disease and reduce cognitive impairment in early Alzheimer's disease. Leqembi has been developed together with BioArctic's partner Eisai, who are responsible for regulatory interactions and commercialization globally. In addition to Leqembi, BioArctic has a broad research portfolio with antibodies against Parkinson's disease and ALS as well as additional projects against Alzheimer's disease. Several of the projects utilize the company's proprietary BrainTransporter™ technology, which has the potential to actively transport antibodies across the blood-brain barrier to enhance the efficacy of the treatment. BioArctic's B share (BIOA B) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap. For further information, please visit


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Eisai will request reconsideration of initial decision for lecanemab in Australia

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What was the initial decision by Australia's TGA regarding lecanemab (BIOA)?

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia initially decided not to register lecanemab for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease and mild AD dementia.

How is Eisai responding to the TGA's initial decision on lecanemab (BIOA)?

Eisai will request a reconsideration of the initial decision under Section 60 of the Therapeutic Goods Act within 90 days to make lecanemab available for eligible people living with early Alzheimer's disease in Australia.

In which countries is lecanemab (BIOA) currently approved?

Lecanemab is approved in the United States, Japan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Israel, UAE, and Great Britain, and is being marketed in the United States, Japan, and China.

What are BioArctic's (BIOA) commercialization rights for lecanemab?

BioArctic has the right to commercialize lecanemab in the Nordic region and is preparing for joint commercialization with Eisai in Europe, pending European approval.

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