AutoZone 4th Quarter Total Company Same Store Sales Increase 1.3%; Domestic Same Store Sales Increase 0.2%; 4th Quarter EPS Increases to $51.58; Annual Sales of $18.5 Billion

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment

AutoZone reported its Q4 and fiscal year 2024 results. Q4 net sales increased 9.0% to $6.2 billion, with adjusted sales up 2.6% excluding the additional week. Total company same store sales rose 1.3% on a constant currency basis. Q4 EPS increased 11.0% to $51.58. For fiscal 2024, sales grew 5.9% to $18.5 billion, and diluted EPS increased 13.0% to $149.55.

The company opened 117 new stores in Q4 and 213 net new stores for the fiscal year, bringing the total store count to 7,353. AutoZone repurchased 244,000 shares in Q4 for $710.6 million and 1.1 million shares for the fiscal year at $3.2 billion. Inventory increased 6.8% year-over-year, driven by new store growth.

AutoZone ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'anno fiscale 2024. Le vendite nette del quarto trimestre sono aumentate del 9,0% a 6,2 miliardi di dollari, con vendite aggiustate in crescita del 2,6% escludendo la settimana aggiuntiva. Le vendite negli stessi negozi dell'azienda sono aumentate dell'1,3% su base di valuta costante. L'EPS del quarto trimestre è aumentato dell'11,0% a 51,58 dollari. Per l'anno fiscale 2024, le vendite sono cresciute del 5,9% a 18,5 miliardi di dollari, e l'EPS diluito è aumentato del 13,0% a 149,55 dollari.

L'azienda ha aperto 117 nuovi negozi nel quarto trimestre e 213 negozi netti per l'anno fiscale, portando il numero totale di negozi a 7.353. AutoZone ha riacquistato 244.000 azioni nel quarto trimestre per 710,6 milioni di dollari e 1,1 milioni di azioni per l'anno fiscale a 3,2 miliardi di dollari. L'inventario è aumentato del 6,8% rispetto all'anno precedente, trainato dalla crescita dei nuovi negozi.

AutoZone reportó sus resultados del cuarto trimestre y del año fiscal 2024. Las ventas netas del cuarto trimestre aumentaron un 9,0% a 6,2 mil millones de dólares, con ventas ajustadas subiendo un 2,6% excluyendo la semana adicional. Las ventas en las mismas tiendas de la empresa crecieron un 1,3% en base a un tipo de cambio constante. El EPS del cuarto trimestre incrementó un 11,0% a 51,58 dólares. Para el año fiscal 2024, las ventas crecieron un 5,9% a 18,5 mil millones de dólares, y el EPS diluido aumentó un 13,0% a 149,55 dólares.

La compañía abrió 117 nuevas tiendas en el cuarto trimestre y 213 tiendas netas durante el año fiscal, llevando el total de tiendas a 7,353. AutoZone recompró 244,000 acciones en el cuarto trimestre por 710.6 millones de dólares y 1.1 millones de acciones para el año fiscal a 3.2 mil millones de dólares. El inventario aumentó un 6,8% interanual, impulsado por el crecimiento de las nuevas tiendas.

오토존은 2024 회계연도 4분기 및 연간 실적을 발표했습니다. 4분기 순매출은 62억 달러로 9.0% 증가했습니다, 추가 주를 제외한 조정 매출은 2.6% 증가했습니다. 같은 매장 매출은 상수 통화 기준으로 1.3% 증가했습니다. 4분기 주당 순이익(EPS)은 11.0% 증가하여 51.58달러에 달했습니다. 2024 회계연도의 경우, 매출은 185억 달러로 5.9% 증가했습니다, 희석 EPS는 13.0% 증가하여 149.55달러에 이릅니다.

회사는 4분기에 117개의 신규 매장을 열었고 회계연도 동안 순으로 213개의 신규 매장을 열어 총 매장 수는 7353개로 늘었습니다. 오토존은 4분기에 244,000주를 7억 1060만 달러에 재매입했으며, 회계연도 동안 110만 주를 32억 달러에 재매입했습니다. 재고는 신규 매장 성장을 통해 전년 대비 6.8% 증가했습니다.

AutoZone a publié ses résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'exercice 2024. Les ventes nettes du quatrième trimestre ont augmenté de 9,0 % pour atteindre 6,2 milliards de dollars, avec des ventes ajustées en hausse de 2,6 % en excluant la semaine supplémentaire. Les ventes dans les mêmes magasins de la société ont augmenté de 1,3 % sur une base de monnaie constante. Le bénéfice par action (EPS) pour le quatrième trimestre a augmenté de 11,0 % pour atteindre 51,58 dollars. Pour l'exercice 2024, les ventes ont augmenté de 5,9 % pour atteindre 18,5 milliards de dollars, et l'EPS dilué a augmenté de 13,0 % pour atteindre 149,55 dollars.

La société a ouvert 117 nouveaux magasins au quatrième trimestre et 213 magasins nets pour l'exercice, portant le nombre total de magasins à 7 353. AutoZone a racheté 244 000 actions au quatrième trimestre pour 710,6 millions de dollars et 1,1 million d'actions pour l'exercice à 3,2 milliards de dollars. Les stocks ont augmenté de 6,8 % d'une année sur l'autre, soutenus par la croissance des nouveaux magasins.

AutoZone hat seine Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Geschäftsjahr 2024 bekannt gegeben. Die Nettoumsätze im vierten Quartal stiegen um 9,0% auf 6,2 Milliarden US-Dollar, wobei die angepassten Umsätze ohne die zusätzliche Woche um 2,6% zulegten. Die vergleichbaren Umsätze der Filialen erhöhten sich um 1,3% bei konstanten Wechselkursen. Das EPS im vierten Quartal stieg um 11,0% auf 51,58 US-Dollar. Im Geschäftsjahr 2024 wuchsen die Umsätze um 5,9% auf 18,5 Milliarden US-Dollar, und das verwässerte EPS stieg um 13,0% auf 149,55 US-Dollar.

Das Unternehmen eröffnete im vierten Quartal 117 neue Filialen und netto 213 neue Filialen im Geschäftsjahr, was die Gesamtzahl der Filialen auf 7.353 erhöhte. AutoZone hat im vierten Quartal 244.000 Aktien für 710,6 Millionen US-Dollar und im Geschäftsjahr 1,1 Millionen Aktien für 3,2 Milliarden US-Dollar zurückgekauft. Der Lagerbestand stieg im Jahresvergleich um 6,8%, unterstützt durch das Wachstum neuer Filialen.

  • Q4 net sales increased 9.0% to $6.2 billion
  • Q4 EPS increased 11.0% to $51.58
  • Fiscal 2024 sales grew 5.9% to $18.5 billion
  • Fiscal 2024 diluted EPS increased 13.0% to $149.55
  • Opened 213 net new stores for the fiscal year
  • Repurchased 1.1 million shares for $3.2 billion in fiscal 2024
  • Domestic same store sales increased only 0.2% in Q4
  • Q4 gross profit percentage decreased 21 basis points to 52.5%
  • Operating expenses as a percentage of sales increased to 31.6% in Q4 from 31.2% last year
  • Domestic business challenged by deferrals across discretionary merchandise categories


AutoZone's Q4 results show mixed performance with some positive indicators and challenges. Total sales increased by 9.0% to $6.2 billion, but when adjusted for the additional week, growth was a more modest 2.6%. Same-store sales growth was minimal at 0.2% domestically and 1.3% overall, indicating a challenging retail environment.

The company's gross profit margin decreased by 21 basis points to 52.5%, primarily due to LIFO accounting impacts. However, operating profit increased by 6.1% to $1.3 billion and diluted EPS grew by 11.0% to $51.58, showcasing effective cost management and share repurchases.

For the full fiscal year, AutoZone reported strong results with sales up 5.9% to $18.5 billion and diluted EPS increasing by 13.0% to $149.55. The company's aggressive share repurchase program, with $3.2 billion spent in FY2024, continues to boost EPS growth.

While domestic sales face challenges, particularly in discretionary categories, the international segment shows promise with constant currency growth of 10.2% for the year. The company's expansion continues with 213 net new stores opened in FY2024, reaching a total of 7,353 stores.

AutoZone's performance reflects broader trends in the automotive aftermarket industry. The 0.2% domestic same-store sales growth suggests market saturation and potential shifts in consumer behavior. However, the 9.9% international same-store sales growth (constant currency) indicates significant opportunities abroad.

The company's focus on commercial sales is strategic, as this segment typically offers higher margins and customer loyalty. The acceleration in commercial sales performance mentioned is a positive sign for future growth.

AutoZone's inventory management remains strong, with negative net inventory per store of $163,000, slightly up from last year but still indicating efficient working capital management. This is important in the current economic environment where cash flow is king.

The company's continued expansion, opening 213 net new stores, demonstrates confidence in long-term market demand. However, the challenges in discretionary merchandise categories highlight the need for AutoZone to adapt to changing consumer preferences and economic conditions.

Overall, AutoZone's results suggest resilience in a challenging market, with potential for growth through international expansion and commercial sales focus, while navigating domestic retail headwinds.

MEMPHIS, Tenn., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AutoZone, Inc. (NYSE: AZO) today reported net sales of $6.2 billion for its fourth quarter (17 weeks) ended August 31, 2024, an increase of 9.0% from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023 (16 weeks). Excluding sales from the additional week included in this year’s quarter, adjusted sales were up 2.6%. Same store sales, or sales for our domestic and international stores open at least one year, are computed on a 16-week and 52-week basis and are as follows:

 16 Weeks 16 Weeks* 52 Weeks 52 Weeks* 
Domestic0.2% 0.2% 0.4% 0.4% 
International4.9% 9.9% 16.1% 10.2% 
Total Company0.7% 1.3% 2.1% 1.4% 
* Excludes impacts from fluctuations of foreign exchange rates.


For the quarter, gross profit, as a percentage of sales, was 52.5%, a decrease of 21 basis points versus the prior year. The decrease in gross margin was primarily driven by a 53 basis point non-cash LIFO impact (no LIFO benefit in the current year compared to last year benefiting $30 million), partially offset by higher merchandise margins. Operating expenses, as a percentage of sales, were 31.6% versus last year at 31.2%. Deleverage was driven primarily by higher store payroll as a percentage of sales versus the previous year.

Operating profit increased 6.1% to $1.3 billion. Net income for the quarter was $902.2 million compared to $864.8 million in the same period last year, while diluted earnings per share increased 11.0% to $51.58.

For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2024, sales were $18.5 billion, an increase of 5.9% from the prior year. Gross profit, as a percentage of sales, was 53.1% versus last year at 52.0%. The increase in gross margin was impacted by a 47 basis point ($84 million net) non-cash net LIFO favorability. Operating expenses, as a percentage of sales, were 32.6% versus last year at 32.1%. Operating profit increased 9.1% to $3.8 billion, net income increased 5.3% to $2.7 billion and diluted earnings per share increased 13.0% to $149.55 from $132.36.

Under its share repurchase program, AutoZone repurchased 244 thousand shares of its common stock during the fourth quarter, at an average price per share of $2,915, for a total investment of $710.6 million. For the fiscal year, the Company repurchased 1.1 million shares of its common stock, at an average price of $2,759, for a total investment of $3.2 billion. Since the inception of the share repurchase program, the Company has repurchased a total of 155 million shares of its common stock, at an average price of $238, for a total investment of $37.0 billion. At year end, the Company had $2.2 billion remaining under its current share repurchase authorization.

The Company’s inventory increased 6.8% over the same period last year driven by new store growth. Net inventory, defined as merchandise inventories less accounts payable, on a per store basis, was negative $163 thousand versus negative $201 thousand last year and negative $168 thousand last quarter.

“I want to thank our AutoZoners for their contributions during fiscal 2024 that resulted in our solid performance. We delivered total sales growth of 5.9% for the fiscal year while earnings per share increased 13.0%. Our AutoZoners’ commitment to providing Wow! Customer Service continues to allow us to deliver these impressive results. Domestically, our business continues to be challenged by deferrals across our discretionary merchandise categories, but we were pleased to see accelerating Commercial sales performance. We are also happy to report our international businesses continued to perform well, up roughly 10% on a constant currency basis. While currency rate moves slowed sales and earnings growth, our performance remains strong. We are excited about the initiatives we have in place to improve inventory availability, continue to accelerate our domestic commercial business, grow our international businesses and remain focused on delivering great customer service. As we continue to invest in our business, we will remain committed to our disciplined approach of increasing earnings and cash flow, all while delivering strong shareholder value,” said Phil Daniele, President and Chief Executive Officer.

During the quarter ended August 31, 2024, AutoZone opened 68 new stores in the U.S., 31 in Mexico and 18 in Brazil for a total of 117 new stores. For the fiscal year, the Company opened 213 net new stores. As of August 31, 2024, the Company had 6,432 stores in the U.S., 794 in Mexico and 127 in Brazil for a total store count of 7,353.

AutoZone is the leading retailer and distributor of automotive replacement parts and accessories in the Americas. Each store carries an extensive product line for cars, sport utility vehicles, vans and light duty trucks, including new and remanufactured automotive hard parts, maintenance items, accessories, and non-automotive products. The majority of stores have a commercial sales program that provides prompt delivery of parts and other products and commercial credit to local, regional and national repair garages, dealers, service stations, fleet owners and other accounts. AutoZone also sells automotive hard parts, maintenance items, accessories and non-automotive products through, and our commercial customers can make purchases through Additionally, we sell the ALLDATA brand of automotive diagnostic, repair, collision and shop management software through We also provide product information on our Duralast branded products through AutoZone does not derive revenue from automotive repair or installation services.

AutoZone will host a conference call this morning, Tuesday, September 24, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m. (ET) to discuss its fourth quarter results. This call is being web cast and can be accessed, along with supporting slides, at AutoZone’s website at by clicking on Investor Relations. Investors may also listen to the call by dialing (888) 506-0062, passcode AUTOZONE. In addition, a telephone replay will be available by dialing (877) 481-4010, replay passcode 51047 through October 8, 2024.

This release includes certain financial information not derived in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). These non-GAAP measures include adjustments to exclude the additional week in the current year’s fourth quarter and fiscal year, return on invested capital, adjusted debt and adjusted debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, rent and share-based expense (“EBITDAR”). The Company believes that the presentation of these non-GAAP measures provides information that is useful to investors as it indicates more clearly the Company’s comparative year-to-year operating results, but this information should not be considered a substitute for any measures derived in accordance with GAAP. Management targets the Company’s capital structure in order to maintain its investment grade credit ratings. The Company believes this is important information for the management of its debt levels and share repurchases. We have included a reconciliation of this additional information to the most comparable GAAP measures in the accompanying reconciliation tables.

Certain statements herein constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and typically use words such as “believe,” “anticipate,” “should,” “intend,” “plan,” “will,” “expect,” “estimate,” “project,” “positioned,” “strategy,” “seek,” “may,” “could” and similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain such identifying words. These statements are based on assumptions and assessments made by our management in light of experience, historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors that we believe appropriate. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including without limitation: product demand, due to changes in fuel prices, miles driven or otherwise; energy prices; weather, including extreme temperatures and natural disasters; competition; credit market conditions; cash flows; access to financing on favorable terms; future stock repurchases; the impact of recessionary conditions; consumer debt levels; changes in laws or regulations; risks associated with self-insurance; war and the prospect of war, including terrorist activity; public health issues; inflation, including wage inflation; exchange rates; the ability to hire, train and retain qualified employees, including members of management; construction delays; failure or interruption of our information technology systems; issues relating to the confidentiality, integrity or availability of information, including due to cyber-attacks; historic growth rate sustainability; downgrade of our credit ratings; damage to our reputation; challenges associated with doing business in and expanding into international markets; origin and raw material costs of suppliers; inventory availability; disruption in our supply chain; tariffs; new accounting standards; our ability to execute our growth initiatives; and other business interruptions. These and other risks and uncertainties could materially and adversely affect our business and are discussed in more detail in the “Risk Factors” section in Item 1A under Part 1 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 26, 2023. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. However, it is not possible to identify or predict all such risks and other factors that could affect these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made. Except as required by applicable law, we undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Contact Information:
Financial: Brian Campbell at (901) 495-7005,
Media: Jennifer Hughes at (901) 495-6022,

AutoZone's 4th Quarter Highlights - Fiscal 2024 
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations   
4th Quarter, FY2024     
(in thousands, except per share data)     
    GAAP Results 
    17 Weeks Ended 16 Weeks Ended 
    August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023 
Net sales $6,205,380 $5,690,618 
Cost of sales  2,947,517  2,690,947 
Gross profit  3,257,863  2,999,671 
Operating, SG&A expenses  1,961,183  1,777,175 
Operating profit (EBIT)  1,296,680  1,222,496 
Interest expense, net  153,151  108,727 
Income before taxes  1,143,529  1,113,769 
Income tax expense  241,321  248,928 
Net income $902,208 $864,841 
Net income per share:     
 Basic $52.98 $47.83 
 Diluted $51.58 $46.46 
Weighted average shares outstanding:     
 Basic  17,030  18,080 
 Diluted  17,491  18,613 
    August 31, 2024 (1) August 26, 2023 
Net sales $365,879 $- 
Cost of sales  176,855  - 
Gross profit  189,024  - 
Operating, SG&A expenses  102,278  - 
Operating profit (EBIT)  86,746  - 
Interest expense, net  9,009  - 
Income before taxes  77,737  - 
Income tax expense  17,024  - 
Net income $60,713 $- 
Earnings per share:     
 Basic $3.57 $- 
 Diluted $3.47 $- 
Weighted average shares outstanding:     
 Basic  17,030  18,080 
 Diluted  17,491  18,613 
    Adjusted Results 
    16 Weeks Ended 16 Weeks Ended 
    August 31, 2024 (1) August 26, 2023  
Net sales $5,839,501 $5,690,618 
Cost of sales  2,770,662  2,690,947 
Gross profit  3,068,839  2,999,671 
Operating, SG&A expenses  1,858,905  1,777,175 
Operating profit (EBIT)  1,209,934  1,222,496 
Interest expense, net  144,142  108,727 
Income before taxes  1,065,792  1,113,769 
Income tax expense  224,297  248,928 
Net income $841,495 $864,841 
Earnings per share:     
 Basic $49.41 $47.83 
 Diluted $48.11 $46.46 
Weighted average shares outstanding:     
 Basic  17,030  18,080 
 Diluted  17,491  18,613 
(1)The Company adjusted Q4 Fiscal 2024 to exclude the impact of the 17th week of operations. 

AutoZone's 4th Quarter Highlights - Fiscal 2024 
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations   
Fiscal Year 2024     
(in thousands, except per share data) GAAP Results 
    53 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 
    August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023 
Net sales $18,490,268  $17,457,209  
Cost of sales  8,673,216   8,386,787  
Gross profit  9,817,052   9,070,422  
Operating, SG&A expenses  6,028,344   5,596,436  
Operating profit (EBIT)  3,788,708   3,473,986  
Interest expense, net  451,578   306,372  
Income before taxes  3,337,130   3,167,614  
Income tax expense  674,703   639,188  
Net income $2,662,427  $2,528,426  
Net income per share:     
 Basic $153.82  $136.60  
 Diluted $149.55  $132.36  
Weighted average shares outstanding:     
 Basic  17,309   18,510  
 Diluted  17,803   19,103  
    August 31, 2024 (1) August 26, 2023 
Net sales $365,879  $-  
Cost of sales  176,855   -  
Gross profit  189,024   -  
Operating, SG&A expenses  102,278   -  
Operating profit (EBIT)  86,746   -  
Interest expense, net  9,009   -  
Income before taxes  77,737   -  
Income tax expense  17,024   -  
Net income $60,713  $-  
Earnings per share:     
 Basic $3.51  $-  
 Diluted $3.41  $-  
Weighted average shares outstanding:     
 Basic  17,309   18,510  
 Diluted  17,803   19,103  
    Adjusted Results 
    52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 
    August 31, 2024 (1) August 26, 2023  
Net sales $18,124,389  $17,457,209  
Cost of sales  8,496,361   8,386,787  
Gross profit  9,628,028   9,070,422  
Operating, SG&A expenses  5,926,066   5,596,436  
Operating profit (EBIT)  3,701,962   3,473,986  
Interest expense, net  442,569   306,372  
Income before taxes  3,259,393   3,167,614  
Income tax expense  657,679   639,188  
Net income $2,601,714  $2,528,426  
Earnings per share:     
 Basic $150.31  $136.60  
 Diluted $146.14  $132.36  
Weighted average shares outstanding:     
 Basic  17,309   18,510  
 Diluted  17,803   19,103  
(1)The Company adjusted Fiscal 2024 to exclude the impact of the 53rd week of operations. 
Selected Balance Sheet Information     
(in thousands)     
    August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023 
Cash and cash equivalents $298,172  $277,054  
Merchandise inventories  6,155,218   5,764,143  
Total current assets  7,306,759   6,779,426  
Property and equipment, net  6,183,539   5,596,548  
Operating lease right-of-use assets  3,057,780   2,998,097  
Total assets  17,176,538   15,985,878  
Accounts payable  7,355,701   7,201,281  
Total current liabilities  8,714,243   8,511,856  
Operating lease liabilities, less current portion  2,960,174   2,917,046  
Total debt  9,024,381   7,668,549  
Stockholders' deficit  (4,749,614)  (4,349,894) 
Working capital  (1,407,484)  (1,732,430) 

AutoZone's 4th Quarter Highlights - Fiscal 2024     
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations         
Adjusted Debt / EBITDAR         
(in thousands, except adjusted debt to EBITDAR ratio)         
     53 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended     
     August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023     
Net income $2,662,427  $2,528,426      
Add: Interest expense  451,578   306,372      
  Income tax expense   674,703   639,188      
EBIT    3,788,708   3,473,986      
Add: Depreciation and amortization  549,755   497,577      
Rent expense (1)   447,693   406,398      
Share-based expense   106,246   93,087      
EBITDAR  $4,892,402  $4,471,048      
Debt   $9,024,381  $7,668,549      
Financing lease liabilities  399,441   287,618      
Add: Rent x 6 (1)  2,686,158   2,438,388      
Adjusted debt $12,109,980  $10,394,555      
Adjusted debt to EBITDAR  2.5   2.3      
Adjusted Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)         
(in thousands, except ROIC)         
     53 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended     
     August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023     
Net income $2,662,427  $2,528,426      
Interest expense   451,578   306,372      
Rent expense (1)   447,693   406,398      
Tax effect (2)   (181,653)  (143,980)     
Adjusted after-tax return $3,380,045  $3,097,216      
Average debt (3) $8,580,659  $6,900,354      
Average stockholders' deficit (3)  (4,797,747)  (4,042,495)     
Add: Rent x 6 (1)  2,686,158   2,438,388      
Average financing lease liabilities (3)  329,225   296,599      
Invested capital $6,798,295  $5,592,846      
Adjusted After-Tax ROIC  49.7%  55.4%     
(1) The table below outlines the calculation of rent expense and reconciles rent expense to total lease cost, per ASC 842, the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure, for the 53 weeks ended August 31, 2024 and the 52 weeks ended August 26, 2023.     
     53 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended     
(in thousands)  August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023     
Total lease cost, per ASC 842 $588,835  $524,283      
Less: Financing lease interest and amortization  (103,670)  (86,521)     
Less: Variable operating lease components, related to insurance and common area maintenance  (37,472)  (31,364)     
Rent expense $447,693  $406,398      
(2) Effective tax rate for fiscal 2024 and 2023 was 20.2%.      
(3) All averages are computed based on trailing five quarter balances.     
Other Selected Financial Information         
(in thousands)          
     August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023     
Cumulative share repurchases ($ since fiscal 1998) $36,986,031  $33,815,711      
Remaining share repurchase authorization ($)  2,163,969   1,834,289      
Cumulative share repurchases (shares since fiscal 1998)  155,181   154,032      
Shares outstanding, end of quarter  16,926   17,857      
     17 Weeks Ended 16 Weeks Ended 53 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 
     August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023 August 31, 2024 August 26, 2023 
Depreciation and amortization $175,339  $158,490  $549,755 $497,577 
Cash flow from operations  1,070,250   1,068,012   3,004,116  2,940,788 
Capital spending  346,786   366,216   1,072,696  796,657 

AutoZone's 4th Quarter Highlights - Fiscal 2024       
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations          
Selected Operating Highlights            
Store Count & Square Footage            
     17 Weeks Ended  16 Weeks Ended  53 Weeks Ended  52 Weeks Ended 
     August 31, 2024  August 26, 2023  August 31, 2024  August 26, 2023 
Beginning stores   6,364    6,248    6,300    6,168  
Stores opened   68    53    136    133  
Stores closed   -    (1)   (4)   (1) 
Ending domestic stores   6,432    6,300    6,432    6,300  
Relocated stores   3    7    6    12  
Stores with commercial programs   5,898    5,682    5,898    5,682  
Square footage (in thousands)   42,555    41,635    42,555    41,635  
Beginning stores   763    713    740    703  
Stores opened   31    27    54    37  
Ending Mexico stores   794    740    794    740  
Beginning stores   109    83    100    72  
Stores opened   18    17    27    28  
Ending Brazil stores   127    100    127    100  
Total     7,353    7,140    7,353    7,140  
Total Company stores opened, net  117    96    213    197  
Square footage (in thousands)   49,417    47,899    49,417    47,899  
Square footage per store   6,721    6,709    6,721    6,709  
Sales Statistics            
($ in thousands, except sales per average square foot)            
Total AutoZone Stores (Domestic, Mexico and Brazil)
17 Weeks Ended  16 Weeks Ended  53 Weeks Ended  52 Weeks Ended 
August 31, 2024 (1)  August 26, 2023  August 31, 2024 (1)  August 26, 2023 
Sales per average store  $835   $788   $2,505   $2,435  
Sales per average square foot  $124   $118   $373   $363  
Auto Parts (Domestic, Mexico and Brazil)             
Total auto parts sales  $6,092,832   $5,589,429   $18,151,276   $17,145,137  
% Increase vs. LY   9.0%    6.3%    5.9%    7.4%  
Domestic Commercial             
Total domestic commercial sales  $1,662,596   $1,499,040   $4,882,764   $4,598,456  
% Increase vs. LY   10.9%    3.9%    6.2%    8.7%  
Average sales per program per week  $16.7   $16.7   $15.9   $16.0  
% Increase vs. LY   0.0%    (1.8%)   (0.6%)   3.2%  
All Other, including ALLDATA            
All other sales  $112,548   $101,189   $338,992   $312,072  
% Increase vs. LY   11.2%    9.8%    8.6%    8.0%  
(1) Fiscal 2024 results include an additional week of sales of approximately $359.1 million for Total Auto Parts, $95.7 milion for Domestic Commercial and $6.7 million for All Other. Sales per average store and sales per square foot benefited from the additional week by $49K and $7K, respectively.    
     16 Weeks Ended  16 Weeks Ended  52 Weeks Ended  52 Weeks Ended 
Same store sales (2)  August 31, 2024  August 26, 2023  August 31, 2024  August 26, 2023 
Domestic    0.2%    1.7%    0.4%    3.4%  
International   4.9%    34.1%    16.1%    29.3%  
Total Company   0.7%    4.5%    2.1%    5.6%  
International - Constant Currency   9.9%    14.9%    10.2%    17.5%  
Total Company - Constant Currency   1.3%    2.8%    1.4%    4.6%  
(2) Same store sales are based on sales for all stores open at least one year. Constant Currency same store sales exclude the impact of flucutations of foreign currency exchange rates by converting both the current year and prior year international results at the prior year foreign currency exchange rate. August 31, 2024 same store sales have been reported on a comparable basis to exclude the impact of the additional week.    
Inventory Statistics (Total Stores)            
     as of  as of       
     August 31, 2024  August 26, 2023       
Accounts payable/inventory   119.5%    124.9%        
($ in thousands)              
Inventory   $6,155,218   $5,764,143        
Inventory per store   837    807        
Net inventory (net of payables)   (1,200,483)   (1,437,138)       
Net inventory/per store   (163)   (201)       
     Trailing 5 Quarters       
     August 31, 2024  August 26, 2023       
Inventory turns   1.5 x  1.5 x      


What was AutoZone's (AZO) total company same store sales increase for Q4 2024?

AutoZone's total company same store sales increased 1.3% on a constant currency basis for Q4 2024.

How much did AutoZone's (AZO) Q4 2024 EPS increase?

AutoZone's Q4 2024 EPS increased 11.0% to $51.58.

What were AutoZone's (AZO) total sales for fiscal year 2024?

AutoZone's total sales for fiscal year 2024 were $18.5 billion, an increase of 5.9% from the prior year.

How many new stores did AutoZone (AZO) open in fiscal year 2024?

AutoZone opened 213 net new stores in fiscal year 2024, bringing the total store count to 7,353.

What was AutoZone's (AZO) share repurchase activity in Q4 2024?

AutoZone repurchased 244,000 shares in Q4 2024 for a total investment of $710.6 million, at an average price of $2,915 per share.

AutoZone, Inc.


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Specialty Retail
Retail-auto & Home Supply Stores
United States of America