A2Z and Nayax Capital Sign Framework Agreements to Enable Global Financing for the Sale or Lease of Cust2Mate Smart Carts Integrated with Nayax’s Solutions

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A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ) has signed global framework agreements with Nayax Capital to enable financing for the sale or lease of Cust2Mate smart carts integrated with Nayax's solutions. This follows the recent formation of a joint venture between A2Z and Nayax to promote sales of the integrated smart cart and payment solution.

Under the agreements, Nayax Capital will provide financing options for retailers to pay or lease the Cust2Mate smart carts in monthly installments. The financing covers smart carts, charging solutions, and IT infrastructure upgrades for customers in Europe, North America, and Latin America. The financing is subject to individual terms and conditions and approval by Nayax Capital, and is non-recourse to A2Z.

A2Z CEO Gadi Graus stated that this partnership aims to facilitate global adoption of their smart cart solution, allowing retailers to quickly implement the technology and realize operational benefits while improving customer shopping experiences.

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ) ha firmato accordi quadro globali con Nayax Capital per consentire il finanziamento della vendita o del noleggio dei carrelli intelligenti Cust2Mate integrati con le soluzioni di Nayax. Ciò segue la recente formazione di una joint venture tra A2Z e Nayax per promuovere le vendite del carrello intelligente integrato e della soluzione di pagamento.

In base agli accordi, Nayax Capital fornirà opzioni di finanziamento per i rivenditori che desiderano pagare o noleggiare i carrelli intelligenti Cust2Mate in rate mensili. Il finanziamento copre i carrelli intelligenti, le soluzioni di ricarica e gli aggiornamenti dell'infrastruttura IT per i clienti in Europa, Nord America e America Latina. Il finanziamento è soggetto a termini e condizioni individuali e all'approvazione di Nayax Capital, ed è senza regresso verso A2Z.

Il CEO di A2Z, Gadi Graus, ha dichiarato che questa partnership mira a facilitare l'adozione globale della loro soluzione di carrello intelligente, consentendo ai rivenditori di implementare rapidamente la tecnologia e di realizzare benefici operativi, migliorando al contempo l'esperienza di acquisto dei clienti.

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ) ha firmado acuerdos marco globales con Nayax Capital para habilitar el financiamiento de la venta o arrendamiento de los carritos inteligentes Cust2Mate integrados con las soluciones de Nayax. Esto sigue a la reciente creación de una empresa conjunta entre A2Z y Nayax para promover las ventas de la solución de carrito inteligente y pago integrado.

Según los acuerdos, Nayax Capital proporcionará opciones de financiamiento para que los minoristas paguen o arrienden los carritos inteligentes Cust2Mate en cuotas mensuales. El financiamiento cubre carritos inteligentes, soluciones de carga y actualizaciones de infraestructura TI para clientes en Europa, América del Norte y América Latina. El financiamiento está sujeto a términos y condiciones individuales y a la aprobación de Nayax Capital, y no es recurso contra A2Z.

El CEO de A2Z, Gadi Graus, declaró que esta asociación tiene como objetivo facilitar la adopción global de su solución de carrito inteligente, permitiendo a los minoristas implementar rápidamente la tecnología y realizar beneficios operativos mientras mejoran la experiencia de compra del cliente.

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ)Nayax Capital과 글로벌 프레임워크 계약을 체결하여 Nayax의 솔루션과 통합된 Cust2Mate 스마트 카트의 판매 또는 임대를 위한 금융 지원을 가능하게 했습니다. 이는 A2Z와 Nayax 간의 최근 합작 투자 설립 이후에 이루어진 것으로, 통합 스마트 카트 및 결제 솔루션의 판매를 촉진하기 위함입니다.

계약에 따라, Nayax Capital은 소매업체가 Cust2Mate 스마트 카트를 월별 할부로 구매하거나 임대할 수 있는 금융 옵션을 제공합니다. 이 금융 지원은 스마트 카트, 충전 솔루션 및 유럽, 북미, 라틴 아메리카 고객을 위한 IT 인프라 업그레이드를 포함합니다. 금융 지원은 개별 조건에 따라 다르며 Nayax Capital의 승인을 받아야 하며, A2Z에 대한 리코스가 없습니다.

A2Z의 CEO인 Gadi Graus는 이 파트너십이 그들의 스마트 카트 솔루션의 글로벌 채택을 촉진하고 소매업체가 기술을 빠르게 구현하여 운영상의 이점을 실현하고 동시에 고객 쇼핑 경험을 개선할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 한다고 밝혔습니다.

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ) a signé des accords cadre mondiaux avec Nayax Capital pour permettre le financement de la vente ou de la location des chariots intelligents Cust2Mate intégrés aux solutions de Nayax. Cela fait suite à la récente formation d'une coentreprise entre A2Z et Nayax pour promouvoir les ventes de la solution de chariot intelligent et de paiement intégrée.

Dans le cadre des accords, Nayax Capital fournira des options de financement aux détaillants pour payer ou louer les chariots intelligents Cust2Mate en versements mensuels. Le financement couvre les chariots intelligents, les solutions de recharge et les mises à niveau de l'infrastructure informatique pour les clients en Europe, en Amérique du Nord et en Amérique latine. Le financement est soumis à des termes et conditions individuels et à l'approbation de Nayax Capital, et il n'est pas recroisé à A2Z.

Le PDG d'A2Z, Gadi Graus, a déclaré que ce partenariat vise à faciliter l'adoption mondiale de leur solution de chariot intelligent, permettant aux détaillants d'implémenter rapidement la technologie et de réaliser des avantages opérationnels tout en améliorant l'expérience d'achat des clients.

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ) hat globale Rahmenvereinbarungen mit Nayax Capital unterzeichnet, um die Finanzierung des Verkaufs oder der Vermietung von Cust2Mate-Smart-Carts, die mit den Lösungen von Nayax integriert sind, zu ermöglichen. Dies folgt der kürzlichen Gründung eines Joint Ventures zwischen A2Z und Nayax zur Förderung des Verkaufs der integrierten Smart-Cart- und Zahlungslösung.

Im Rahmen der Vereinbarungen wird Nayax Capital Finanzierungsoptionen für Einzelhändler bereitstellen, um die Cust2Mate-Smart-Carts in monatlichen Raten zu bezahlen oder zu mieten. Die Finanzierung umfasst Smart-Carts, Ladelösungen und IT-Infrastruktur-Upgrades für Kunden in Europa, Nordamerika und Lateinamerika. Die Finanzierung unterliegt individuellen Bedingungen und der Genehmigung durch Nayax Capital und ist nicht rückforderbar gegenüber A2Z.

Der CEO von A2Z, Gadi Graus, erklärte, dass diese Partnerschaft darauf abzielt, die globale Akzeptanz ihrer Smart-Cart-Lösung zu erleichtern, indem sie Einzelhändlern ermöglicht wird, die Technologie schnell zu implementieren und betriebliche Vorteile zu realisieren, während gleichzeitig das Einkaufserlebnis der Kunden verbessert wird.

  • Global framework agreements signed with Nayax Capital for financing Cust2Mate smart carts
  • Financing options cover smart carts, charging solutions, and IT infrastructure upgrades
  • Potential for increased adoption of A2Z's smart cart solution due to flexible financing options
  • Expansion of market reach to Europe, North America, and Latin America
  • Financing is subject to individual terms and conditions and approval by Nayax Capital
  • Non-recourse financing to A2Z may limit potential revenue recognition


The framework agreements between A2Z and Nayax Capital represent a significant strategic move for A2Z's Cust2Mate smart cart business. This partnership addresses a important barrier to adoption for retailers: upfront costs. By offering financing options, A2Z can potentially accelerate market penetration and revenue growth.

The deal's global scope, covering Europe, North America and Latin America, opens up vast market opportunities. However, it's important to note that the financing is non-recourse to A2Z, which limits their financial risk but may also cap potential upside.

For investors, this could translate to faster revenue recognition and improved cash flow as retailers adopt the smart cart solution more readily. The partnership with Nayax also adds credibility to A2Z's offering, potentially boosting investor confidence. However, the impact on profitability will depend on the terms of each deal and the rate of adoption.

The integration of A2Z's Cust2Mate smart carts with Nayax's payment solutions creates a comprehensive retail technology package. This bundled offering addresses multiple pain points for retailers, including checkout efficiency, payment processing and customer loyalty programs.

The financing option is particularly compelling as it aligns with retailers' preference for OpEx over CapEx models. This could significantly lower the barrier to entry for both small and large retailers looking to modernize their operations.

From a technological standpoint, the inclusion of IT infrastructure upgrades in the financing package is crucial. It ensures that retailers can fully leverage the smart cart capabilities without worrying about backend compatibility issues. This holistic approach could give A2Z a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving retail tech landscape.

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL / ACCESSWIRE / September 25, 2024 / A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. ("A2Z") (NASDAQ:AZ)(FRA - WKN:A3CSQ), a global leader in innovative technology solutions, today announced it has signed global framework agreements with Nayax Capital, ("Nayax Capital) , whereby Nayax Capital will enable financing for the sale or lease of Cust2Mate smart carts enabled with Nayax's complete solution.

This announcement is further to the company's press release on September 10, 2024 announcing the formation of a joint venture with Nayax Ltd. to mutually promote the sales of A2Z Cust2Mate's smart cart solution integrated with Nayax's payment solution for on-cart payments. The joint venture announcement can be read here.

Under the terms of the framework agreements, Nayax Capital will enable retailers to pay or lease the Cust2Mate smart carts that are sold as part of a comprehensive solution, which includes Nayax's payment, management and loyalty solution, in monthly installments. The framework agreements cover the A2Z Cust2Mate's smart carts, charging solutions, and IT infrastructure upgrades, as needed, for customers around the world including Europe, North America and Latin America. Any financing extended is subject to individual terms and conditions and approval by Nayax Capital and is non-recourse to A2Z.

Gadi Graus, CEO of A2Z, stated, "We have teamed up with Nayax Capital to help merchants grow by making it easier for retailers around the globe to adopt our smart cart solution. With a readily available financing option, approved retailers can move quickly to implement our smart carts and begin realizing tangible benefits to their operations and improve the shopping experience for their customers."

About A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp.

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. brings innovation, ease, excitement and value to retailers and shoppers. The Company is transforming brick-and-mortar retail with innovative smart shopping cart solutions that digitize the in-store shopping experience. The proven-in-use, friendly, sensor rich, AI driven carts enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, minimize shrinkage, optimize retailers' operations and enable new business models. The smart carts streamline in-store shopping by enabling in-cart scanning and payment, allowing users to bypass checkout lines while alleviating labor shortages. Retailers can optimize merchandising, store layouts and promotions from data-driven insights, while shoppers get real-time information and personalized offers, turning a necessary chore into a fun and rewarding experience.

For more information on A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ)($AZ)(FRA - WKN:A3CSQ) and its subsidiary, Cust2mate Ltd., please visit, please visit

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-looking Statements

Matters discussed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "seek," "may," "might," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "target," "aim," "should," "will" "would," or the negative of these words or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict, including whether the referenced patent will be granted. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully in the Company's filings on EDGAR and with the SEC. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and the Company disclaims any intention or obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities described herein.

About Nayax

Nayax is a global commerce enablement, payments and loyalty platform designed to help merchants scale their business. Nayax offers a complete solution including localized cashless payment acceptance, management suite, and loyalty tools, enabling merchants to conduct commerce anywhere, at any time. As a global leader in serving unattended retail, Nayax has transformed into a comprehensive solution focused on our customers' growth across multiple channels. As of June 30, 2024, Nayax has 11 global offices, approximately 1,100 employees, connections to more than 80 merchant acquirers and payment method integrations and is globally recognized as a payment facilitator. Nayax's mission is to improve its customers' revenue potential and operational efficiency. For more information, please visit

Company Contact Information:

Gadi Graus, CEO

Investor Contacts:

John Gildea
VP Corporate Communication
+353 86 8238177

SOURCE: A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp.

View the original press release on


What is the purpose of A2Z's (AZ) framework agreements with Nayax Capital?

The framework agreements enable Nayax Capital to provide financing for the sale or lease of A2Z's Cust2Mate smart carts integrated with Nayax's solutions, allowing retailers to pay in monthly installments.

Which regions are covered by the financing agreements for A2Z's (AZ) smart carts?

The financing agreements cover customers in Europe, North America, and Latin America for A2Z's Cust2Mate smart carts and related infrastructure.

How does the financing arrangement with Nayax Capital affect A2Z (AZ)?

The financing is non-recourse to A2Z, meaning the company is not liable for any defaults. This arrangement aims to facilitate faster adoption of A2Z's smart cart solution by retailers globally.

What does the Cust2Mate smart cart solution by A2Z (AZ) include?

The Cust2Mate smart cart solution includes the smart carts themselves, charging solutions, and necessary IT infrastructure upgrades, integrated with Nayax's payment, management, and loyalty solutions.

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