AYR Cannabis Dispensary Celebrates Opening of Manchester, Connecticut Retail Location

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AYR Cannabis Dispensary has opened its first retail location in Connecticut, marking its 94th nationwide store. The Manchester dispensary, which began operations on August 16, 2024, is a partnership with local attorney Tiana Hercules through Connecticut Cultivation Solutions. This venture combines Hercules' local expertise with AYR's multi-state operational experience.

The 1,600-square-foot storefront offers both in-store and drive-thru services, catering to adult-use consumers and medical patients. Located near Interstate 384, it serves Manchester and nearby towns lacking licensed retail locations. The dispensary aims to be a force for good in the community, engaging in social initiatives such as expungement clinics and supporting educational programs.

This expansion represents AYR's commitment to growth and community impact in the cannabis industry, with a focus on serving areas disproportionately affected by cannabis prohibition.

AYR Cannabis Dispensary ha aperto la sua prima sede al dettaglio nel Connecticut, segnando il suo 94° negozio a livello nazionale. Il dispensario di Manchester, che ha iniziato le operazioni il 16 agosto 2024, è una collaborazione con l'avvocato locale Tiana Hercules attraverso Connecticut Cultivation Solutions. Questo progetto unisce l'expertise locale della Hercules con l'esperienza operativa multi-statale di AYR.

Il negozio di 1.600 piedi quadrati offre sia servizi in negozio che drive-thru, rivolgendosi ai consumatori adulti e ai pazienti medici. Situato vicino all'Interstate 384, serve Manchester e le città vicine che non dispongono di punti vendita autorizzati. Il dispensario mira a essere una forza positiva nella comunità, impegnandosi in iniziative sociali come cliniche di espungimento e sostenendo programmi educativi.

Questa espansione rappresenta l'impegno di AYR nella crescita e nell'impatto comunitario nell'industria della cannabis, con un focus su quelle aree colpite in modo sproporzionato dalla proibizione della cannabis.

AYR Cannabis Dispensary ha abierto su primera ubicación minorista en Connecticut, marcando su tienda número 94 a nivel nacional. El , que comenzó operaciones el 16 de agosto de 2024, es una asociación con la abogada local Tiana Hercules a través de Connecticut Cultivation Solutions. Este emprendimiento combina la experiencia local de Hercules con la experiencia operacional de múltiples estados de AYR.

La tienda de 1,600 pies cuadrados ofrece tanto servicios en la tienda como drive-thru, atendiendo a consumidores adultos y pacientes médicos. Ubicado cerca de la Interstate 384, sirve a Manchester y pueblos cercanos que carecen de ubicaciones minoristas autorizadas. El dispensario tiene como objetivo ser una fuerza para el bien en la comunidad, participando en iniciativas sociales como clínicas de borrado y apoyando programas educativos.

Esta expansión representa el compromiso de AYR con el crecimiento y el impacto comunitario en la industria del cannabis, enfocándose en servir áreas desproporcionadamente afectadas por la prohibición del cannabis.

AYR Cannabis Dispensary가 코네티컷에서 첫 번째 소매점을 열어 전국 94번째 매장을 오픈했습니다. 맨체스터 디스펜서리는 2024년 8월 16일에 운영을 시작했으며, 코네티컷 컬티베이션 솔루션과 함께 지역 변호사 티아나 허큘레스와 협력하여 설립되었습니다. 이 사업은 허큘레스의 지역 전문성과 AYR의 다주주 운영 경험을 결합합니다.

1,600 평방피트 규모의 매장은 매장 내 서비스와 드라이브 스루 서비스를 제공하여 성인 소비자와 의약 환자를 대상으로 합니다. 인터스테이트 384 근처에 위치하여, 맨체스터와 허가된 소매점이 없는 인근 도시들을 대상으로 합니다. 디스펜서리는 지역 사회에 선한 힘이 되고자 하며, 기록 정정 클리닉 및 교육 프로그램 지원과 같은 사회적 이니셔티브에 참여합니다.

이번 확장은 AYR의 성장 및 지역 사회에 대한 영향을 향한 헌신을 나타내며, 대마초 금지로 불균형적으로 영향을 받은 지역에 서비스를 제공하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

AYR Cannabis Dispensary a ouvert son premier point de vente au détail dans le Connecticut, marquant ainsi son 94ème magasin à l'échelle nationale. Le dispensaire de Manchester, qui a commencé ses activités le 16 août 2024, est un partenariat avec l'avocate locale Tiana Hercules, via Connecticut Cultivation Solutions. Cette entreprise combine l'expertise locale de Hercules avec l'expérience opérationnelle multisectorielle d'AYR.

Le magasin de 1 600 pieds carrés propose à la fois des services en magasin et un service au volant, s'adressant aux consommateurs adultes et aux patients médicaux. Situé près de l'Interstate 384, il dessert Manchester et les villes voisines manquant de points de vente autorisés. Le dispensaire vise à être une force positive dans la communauté, en s'engageant dans des initiatives sociales telles que des cliniques d'effacement et en soutenant des programmes éducatifs.

Cette expansion représente l'engagement d'AYR envers la croissance et l'impact communautaire dans l'industrie du cannabis, avec un accent sur le service des zones touchées de manière disproportionnée par la prohibition du cannabis.

AYR Cannabis Dispensary hat seine erste Einzelhandelsstandort in Connecticut eröffnet, was die 94. Filiale landesweit markiert. Die Dispensary in Manchester, die am 16. August 2024 eröffnet wurde, ist eine Partnerschaft mit der lokalen Anwältin Tiana Hercules über Connecticut Cultivation Solutions. Dieses Unternehmen kombiniert Hercules' lokale Expertise mit AYRs multi-staatlicher Betriebserfahrung.

Die 1.600 Quadratfuß große Verkaufsfläche bietet sowohl In-Store- als auch Drive-Thru-Services, die sich an erwachsene Verbraucher und medizinische Patienten richten. In der Nähe der Interstate 384 gelegen, bedient sie Manchester und nahegelegene Städte ohne lizenzierte Verkaufsstandorte. Das Dispensary verfolgt das Ziel, eine positive Kraft in der Gemeinschaft zu sein, indem es sich an sozialen Initiativen wie Löschkliniken engagiert und Bildungsprogramme unterstützt.

Diese Expansion repräsentiert AYRs Engagement für Wachstum und gesellschaftlichen Einfluss in der Cannabisindustrie, mit einem Fokus auf die Bedienung von Gebieten, die unverhältnismäßig von der Cannabisprohibition betroffen sind.

  • None.
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The Company’s first retail location in the state, opened in partnership with local attorney Tiana Hercules, features drive-thru and in-store shopping for cannabis customers

MIAMI, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AYR Cannabis Dispensary, a cannabis retail chain owned by AYR Wellness Inc. (CSE: AYR.A, OTCQX: AYRWF) (“AYR” or the “Company”), a leading vertically integrated U.S. multi-state cannabis operator (“MSO”), today announced the opening of AYR Cannabis Manchester, the Company’s first retail location in Connecticut and 94th nationwide. Located at 185 Spencer St, Manchester, CT 06040, AYR Cannabis Manchester began serving adult-use consumers and medical patients on August 16, 2024.

AYR Cannabis Manchester enters the Connecticut market via Connecticut Cultivation Solutions, an entity co-owned by Tiana Hercules Esq., a Hartford City Councilwoman and AYR. The entity was awarded a Disproportionately Impacted Area (“DIA”) license in Connecticut and combines Ms. Hercules’ local knowledge, expertise, and community ties, with AYR’s deep experience in operating dispensaries across its footprint of eight states, to serve Manchester and its surrounding communities, particularly those negatively impacted by cannabis prohibition.

AYR Cannabis Manchester is conveniently located near Interstate 384 for customers in Manchester and in nearby towns devoid of licensed retail locations, including Bolton, Coventry, and Glastonbury. The 1,600-square-foot storefront offers in-store and drive-thru service for customers looking to explore the Company's top-end selection of premium cannabis products. During each visit, customers can turn to the dispensary’s knowledgeable staff members for assistance as they identify the products and brands best suited for their cannabis journey.

“It is an honor to be opening a dispensary so close to my hometown, and I am thrilled by the opportunity our dispensary will afford me to give back to the community,” said Ms. Hercules. “Legal cannabis is a very good thing for Connecticut with the potential to drive social good in a variety of ways. I look forward to taking part in that with the opening of AYR Cannabis Manchester.”

“It is with great pleasure and excitement that we open our first location in Connecticut, alongside an outstanding partner in Tiana Hercules,” said Kyle Ronellenfitch, SVP, Market General Manager for AYR. “Our primary goal has been and will always be to improve through the power of cannabis, via cannabis products themselves and by leveraging our dispensary footprint for positive community impact. We’re excited to introduce AYR to our neighbors in Manchester and look forward to establishing AYR as a Force for Good within the community.”

AYR and Ms. Hercules have collaborated on social good activities throughout the state, including local expungement clinics throughout the state, as well as support for the Bridge to Morehouse Program, which creates a pathway for CT State Capital Community College students to transfer into the HBCU, Morehouse College.

To learn more about your nearest retail location or AYR Wellness’ partnership with Connecticut Cultivation Solutions, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain information contained in this news release may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "target", "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "foresee", "could", "would", "estimate", "goal", "outlook", "intend", "plan", "seek", "will", "may", "tracking", "pacing" and "should" and similar expressions or words suggesting future outcomes. This news release includes forward-looking information and statements pertaining to, among other things, AYR’s future growth plans. Numerous risks and uncertainties could cause the actual events and results to differ materially from the estimates, beliefs and assumptions expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: anticipated strategic, operational and competitive benefits may not be realized; events or series of events, including in connection with COVID-19, may cause business interruptions; required regulatory approvals may not be obtained in a timely manner or at all; inflationary pressures may increase input costs; supply chain issues may hamper production and distribution; scientific research regarding cannabis is still in its early stages and is subject to change as further research is completed; state laws may restrict or prevent inter-state commerce in cannabis products; acquisitions may not be able to be completed on satisfactory terms or at all; and AYR may not be able to raise needed additional debt or equity capital. Among other things, AYR has assumed that its businesses will operate as anticipated, that it will be able to complete acquisitions on reasonable terms, and that all required regulatory approvals will be obtained on satisfactory terms and within expected time frames. Forward-looking estimates and assumptions involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially. While AYR believes there is a reasonable basis for these assumptions, such estimates may not be met. These estimates represent forward-looking information. Actual results may vary and differ materially from the estimates.

About AYR Wellness Inc.
AYR is a vertically integrated, U.S. multi-state cannabis business. The Company operates simultaneously as a retailer with 90+ licensed dispensaries and a house of cannabis CPG brands.

AYR is committed to delivering high-quality cannabis products to its patients and customers while acting as a Force for Good for its team members and the communities that the Company serves. For more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Robert Vanisko
VP, Public Engagement
T: (786) 885-0397

Company Contact:
Jon DeCourcey
Head of Investor Relations
T: (786) 885-0397

Investor Relations Contact:
Sean Mansouri, CFA
Elevate IR
T: (786) 885-0397


When did AYR Cannabis Dispensary open its first Connecticut location?

AYR Cannabis Dispensary opened its first Connecticut location in Manchester on August 16, 2024.

What services does the AYR Cannabis Manchester store offer?

The AYR Cannabis Manchester store offers both in-store shopping and drive-thru services for cannabis customers.

Who is AYR's partner in the Connecticut Cultivation Solutions venture?

AYR has partnered with Tiana Hercules, a local attorney and Hartford City Councilwoman, in the Connecticut Cultivation Solutions venture.

How many nationwide stores does AYR Wellness (AYRWF) now have with the Manchester location?

With the opening of the Manchester location, AYR Wellness (AYRWF) now has 94 nationwide stores.

What community initiatives is AYR involved in through its Connecticut location?

AYR is involved in community initiatives such as local expungement clinics and support for the Bridge to Morehouse Program, which helps CT State Capital Community College students transfer to Morehouse College.



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United States of America