QSC Launches Q-SYS Hong Kong Experience Center
QSC Asia has announced the opening of its seventh Q-SYS Experience Center in Hong Kong, marking a significant expansion in the Asia-Pacific region. Located near the Hong Kong West Kowloon station, the center provides easy access for partners and customers in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area of China.
The facility showcases Q-SYS audio, video, and control technology in real-world applications for corporate and higher education settings. Visitors can experience advanced features including multicamera switching, room automation, and presenter tracking. The center also includes a dedicated Q-SYS training facility where technical experts will conduct hands-on training sessions using the award-winning curriculum.
QSC Asia ha annunciato l'apertura del suo settimo Q-SYS Experience Center a Hong Kong, segnando una significativa espansione nella regione Asia-Pacifico. Situato vicino alla stazione di Hong Kong West Kowloon, il centro offre un facile accesso per partner e clienti a Hong Kong e nella Greater Bay Area della Cina.
La struttura mostra tecnologia audio, video e di controllo Q-SYS applicata a situazioni reali per il settore corporate e dell'istruzione superiore. I visitatori possono sperimentare caratteristiche avanzate tra cui commutazione multicamera, automazione delle stanze e tracciamento dei presentatori. Il centro include anche una struttura di formazione Q-SYS dedicata, dove esperti tecnici condurranno sessioni di formazione pratiche utilizzando il curriculum premiato.
QSC Asia ha anunciado la apertura de su séptimo Q-SYS Experience Center en Hong Kong, marcando una expansión significativa en la región de Asia-Pacífico. Ubicado cerca de la estación Hong Kong West Kowloon, el centro proporciona un fácil acceso para socios y clientes en Hong Kong y el Área de la Gran Bahía de China.
La instalación exhibe tecnología de audio, video y control de Q-SYS en aplicaciones del mundo real, tanto en entornos corporativos como en educación superior. Los visitantes pueden experimentar características avanzadas que incluyen cambio de multicámara, automatización de salas y seguimiento de presentadores. El centro también cuenta con una instalación de formación Q-SYS donde expertos técnicos ofrecerán sesiones de capacitación prácticas utilizando el currículo galardonado.
QSC 아시아는 홍콩에서 일곱 번째 Q-SYS 체험 센터의 개장을 발표하며 아시아-태평양 지역에서의 중요한 확장을 기념했습니다. 홍콩 웨스트 코울룬 역 근처에 위치한 이 센터는 홍콩 및 중국의 대륙 지역의 파트너와 고객이 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 합니다.
이 시설은 Q-SYS 오디오, 비디오 및 제어 기술을 실제 응용 프로그램에서 선보이며 기업 및 고등 교육 환경에 적합합니다. 방문객들은 다중 카메라 전환, 룸 자동화 및 발표자 추적과 같은 고급 기능을 경험할 수 있습니다. 이 센터에는 기술 전문가들이 수상 경력이 있는 커리큘럼을 사용하여 실습 교육 세션을 진행하는 전용 Q-SYS 교육 시설도 포함되어 있습니다.
QSC Asia a annoncé l'ouverture de son septième Q-SYS Experience Center à Hong Kong, marquant une expansion significative dans la région Asie-Pacifique. Situé près de la station de Hong Kong West Kowloon, le centre offre un accès facile pour les partenaires et clients à Hong Kong et dans la Greater Bay Area de Chine.
Cette installation présente la technologie audio, vidéo et de contrôle Q-SYS dans des applications réelles pour les environnements d'entreprise et d'enseignement supérieur. Les visiteurs peuvent découvrir des fonctionnalités avancées, y compris la commutation multicaméra, l'automatisation des salles et le suivi des présentateurs. Le centre comprend également une salle de formation Q-SYS dédiée où des experts techniques dispenseront des sessions de formation pratiques en utilisant le programme primé.
QSC Asia hat die Eröffnung seines siebten Q-SYS Experience Centers in Hongkong bekannt gegeben, was eine bedeutende Expansion in der Asien-Pazifik-Region darstellt. In der Nähe des Hong Kong West Kowloon Bahnhofs gelegen, bietet das Zentrum einfachen Zugang für Partner und Kunden in Hongkong und dem Greater Bay Area in China.
Die Einrichtung präsentiert Q-SYS Audio-, Video- und Steuerungstechnologie in realen Anwendungen für Unternehmens- und Hochschulumgebungen. Besucher können fortschrittliche Funktionen wie Mehrkameraschaltung, Raumautomatisierung und Referentenverfolgung erleben. Das Zentrum umfasst außerdem eine spezielle Q-SYS Schulungseinrichtung, in der technische Experten praktische Schulungen mit dem preisgekrönten Lehrplan durchführen werden.
- Strategic expansion in key APAC market with new experience center
- Enhanced customer access and support in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area
- Investment in customer education through dedicated training facility
- None.
Equipped with the latest Q-SYS audio, video, and control technology, the center will act as a hub for our partners and customers to gain valuable insight into the future of collaboration spaces, allowing them to get hands on with products and view them in a multitude of real-world applications including corporate and higher education. Conveniently located minutes from the Hong Kong West Kowloon station, the Experience Center, allows easy access for partners and customers in
“We are incredibly excited to share our new Q-SYS Hong Kong Experience Center. The
The Experience Center also includes a Q-SYS training facility that will feature engaging, practical training sessions led by Q-SYS technical experts. In this dedicated space, trainees will have the opportunity to further deepen their understanding of the Q-SYS Platform with the award-winning training curriculum.
Contact us today to schedule a tour of our Hong Kong Experience Center: APAC.Sales@qsc.com
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About Q-SYS
Q-SYS is a cloud-manageable audio, video and control Platform built around a modern, standards-based IT architecture. Since 2009, we’ve been focused on delivering personalized, connected, and engaging AV experiences. Our solutions span corporate, education, hospitality, venues and events, cinema, government, healthcare, and transportation. By uniting hardware and software partners, developers, and creators, we’re redefining what’s possible for live and virtual experiences. Q-SYS is part of Acuity Intelligent Spaces, a business segment of Acuity Brands, Inc.
For more information, visit https://www.qsys.com/
About Acuity Brands
Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE: AYI) is a market-leading industrial technology company. We use technology to solve problems in spaces, light, and more things to come. Through our two business segments, Acuity Brands Lighting and Acuity Intelligent Spaces, we design, manufacture, and bring to market products and services that make a valuable difference in people’s lives.
We achieve growth through the development of innovative new products and services, including lighting, lighting controls, building management solutions, and an audio, video and control platform. We achieve customer-focused efficiencies that allow us to increase market share and deliver superior returns. We look to aggressively deploy capital to grow the business and to enter attractive new verticals.
Acuity Brands, Inc. is based in
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For More Information
QSC Press Contact:
Holly Halenbeck | PR & Social Media Specialist
512.922.1615 | Email: holly.halenbeck@qsc.com | qsc.com
Press Contact (EMEA &
Katie Martin | Content Marketing Specialist
+44 1932 639600 | Email: katie.martin@qsc.com | qsys.com
Source: Q-SYS