Axalta Wins a 2025 BIG Innovation Award
Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE: AXTA) has won the 2025 BIG Innovation Award for its Voltatex® 8537PF, a groundbreaking wire enamel technology. The product, specifically designed for electric vehicles, wind turbines, and high-performance electrical systems, represents a significant advancement in motor coating technology.
The innovative organic-inorganic hybrid polyamide-imide wire enamel offers superior corona resistance, heat resilience, and transmission fluid resistance, important features for high power-density motors. This technology specifically addresses previous limitations in electric vehicle motor development, improving their reliability and efficiency.
The award, presented by the Business Intelligence Group (BIG), recognizes organizations, products, and people bringing innovative ideas to life. The winners were selected by a panel of business leaders and executives who volunteered to evaluate submissions.
Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE: AXTA) ha vinto il BIG Innovation Award 2025 per il suo Voltatex® 8537PF, una tecnologia rivoluzionaria per smalti di filo. Il prodotto, progettato specificamente per veicoli elettrici, turbine eoliche e sistemi elettrici ad alte prestazioni, rappresenta un significativo progresso nella tecnologia di rivestimento dei motori.
Questo innovativo smalto di filo ibrido organico-inorganico in poliammide-imide offre una resistenza superiore alla corona, resilienza al calore e resistenza ai fluidi di trasmissione, caratteristiche importanti per i motori ad alta densità di potenza. Questa tecnologia affronta specificamente le limitazioni precedenti nello sviluppo dei motori per veicoli elettrici, migliorando la loro affidabilità ed efficienza.
Il premio, presentato dal Business Intelligence Group (BIG), riconosce organizzazioni, prodotti e persone che portano idee innovative alla vita. I vincitori sono stati selezionati da una giuria di leader aziendali e dirigenti che si sono offerti volontari per valutare le candidature.
Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE: AXTA) ha ganado el BIG Innovation Award 2025 por su Voltatex® 8537PF, una tecnología revolucionaria de esmalte de alambre. El producto, diseñado específicamente para vehículos eléctricos, turbinas eólicas y sistemas eléctricos de alto rendimiento, representa un avance significativo en la tecnología de recubrimiento de motores.
El innovador esmalte de alambre híbrido orgánico-inorgánico de poliamida-imida ofrece una resistencia superior a la corona, resistencia al calor y resistencia a fluidos de transmisión, características importantes para motores de alta densidad de potencia. Esta tecnología aborda específicamente las limitaciones previas en el desarrollo de motores para vehículos eléctricos, mejorando su fiabilidad y eficiencia.
El premio, presentado por el Business Intelligence Group (BIG), reconoce a organizaciones, productos y personas que traen ideas innovadoras a la vida. Los ganadores fueron seleccionados por un panel de líderes empresariales y ejecutivos que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para evaluar las propuestas.
악살타 코팅 시스템(Axalta Coating Systems, NYSE: AXTA)는 볼타텍스® 8537PF로 2025 BIG 혁신상을 수상했습니다. 이 제품은 전기차, 풍력 터빈 및 고성능 전기 시스템을 위해 특별히 설계된 획기적인 와이어 에나멜 기술입니다. 이는 모터 코팅 기술에서 중요한 발전을 의미합니다.
혁신적인 유기-무기 하이브리드 폴리아미드-이미드 와이어 에나멜은 코로나 저항성, 열 저항성 및 변속기 유체 저항성을 제공합니다. 이는 고전력 밀도의 모터에 필수적인 특징입니다. 이 기술은 전기차 모터 개발에서 이전의 한계를 해결하여 더욱 신뢰성과 효율성을 향상시킵니다.
이 상은 비즈니스 인텔리전스 그룹(BIG)에서 수여하며, 혁신적인 아이디어를 실현하는 조직, 제품 및 사람들을 인정합니다. 수상자는 기업 리더와 임원들로 구성된 패널에 의해 선정되었습니다.
Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE: AXTA) a remporté le BIG Innovation Award 2025 pour son Voltatex® 8537PF, une technologie de vernis à fil révolutionnaire. Ce produit, spécialement conçu pour les véhicules électriques, les éoliennes et les systèmes électriques haute performance, représente un progrès significatif dans la technologie de revêtement des moteurs.
Ce vernis à fil hybride organique-inorganique en polyamide-imide offre une résistance supérieure à la couronne, une résilience à la chaleur et une résistance aux fluides de transmission, des caractéristiques importantes pour les moteurs à haute densité de puissance. Cette technologie répond spécifiquement aux limitations antérieures dans le développement des moteurs de véhicules électriques, améliorant leur fiabilité et leur efficacité.
Le prix, remis par le Business Intelligence Group (BIG), récompense les organisations, produits et personnes qui donnent vie à des idées innovantes. Les lauréats ont été sélectionnés par un panel de dirigeants d'entreprise et d'exécutifs qui se sont portés volontaires pour évaluer les contributions.
Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE: AXTA) hat den BIG Innovation Award 2025 für sein Voltatex® 8537PF gewonnen, eine bahnbrechende Technologie für Drahtlacke. Das Produkt, das speziell für Elektrofahrzeuge, Windkraftanlagen und Hochleistungs-Elektrosysteme entwickelt wurde, stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in der Motorbeschichtungstechnologie dar.
Der innovative organisch-anorganische Hybrid-Polyamid-Imid-Drahtlack bietet eine überlegene Koronawiderstandsfähigkeit, Hitzebeständigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Übertragungsflüssigkeiten, wichtige Merkmale für Motoren mit hoher Leistungsdichte. Diese Technologie adressiert spezifisch frühere Limitationen bei der Entwicklung von Elektrofahrzeugmotoren und verbessert deren Zuverlässigkeit und Effizienz.
Der Preis, der von der Business Intelligence Group (BIG) verliehen wird, erkennt Organisationen, Produkte und Personen an, die innovative Ideen zum Leben erwecken. Die Gewinner wurden von einem Gremium aus Unternehmensführern und Führungskräften ausgewählt, die sich freiwillig zur Bewertung der Einsendungen bereit erklärten.
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Voltatex® 8537PF improves the reliability and efficiency of electric vehicles
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE: AXTA), a leading global coatings company, today announced that its Voltatex® 8537PF won the 2025 BIG Innovation Award presented by the Business Intelligence Group (BIG). The annual business awards program recognizes organizations, products and people that bring new ideas to life in innovative ways.
“Innovation is at the core of what we do and receiving this BIG Innovation Award yet again is a testament to this.” said Robert K. Roop, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Axalta. “Our Voltatex® 8537PF improves the reliability and efficiency of electric vehicles by addressing key requirements that had previously hindered technological advancements in electric vehicle motors.”
Axalta’s Voltatex® 8537PF is an organic-inorganic hybrid polyamide-imide wire enamel especially used for electric vehicles, wind turbines and other high performance electrical systems. This advanced insulation offers excellent corona resistance, heat resilience, and transmission fluid resistance, that is intended to ensure durability in high power-density motors. “Voltatex® 8537PF excels in meeting the demanding requirements of oil-cooled flat wire drive motors, thereby enhancing the reliability and efficiency of electric vehicles.” said Tim Bowes, President Industrial Coatings at Axalta.
Nominations for the BIG Innovation Awards were judged by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteered their time and expertise to score submissions.
The full list of winners and more information about the BIG Innovation awards can be found here.
About Axalta
Axalta is a global leader in the coatings industry, providing customers with innovative, colorful, beautiful, and sustainable coatings solutions. From light vehicles, commercial vehicles and refinish applications to electric motors, building facades and other industrial applications, our coatings are designed to prevent corrosion, increase productivity, and enhance durability. With more than 150 years of experience in the coatings industry, the global team at Axalta continues to find ways to serve our more than 100,000 customers in over 140 countries better every day with the finest coatings, application systems and technology. For more information, visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and @axalta on X.
Global Media Contact
Jessica McDuell
(d) 302-897-4486

What is Axalta's Voltatex® 8537PF and why did it win the 2025 BIG Innovation Award?
How does AXTA's Voltatex® 8537PF technology benefit electric vehicles?
What are the main applications of AXTA's award-winning Voltatex® 8537PF?