Axogen, Inc. Reports 2024 Fourth Quarter and Full-Year Financial Results

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Axogen reported its Q4 and full-year 2024 financial results. Q4 revenue was $49.4 million, a 15.1% increase from Q4 2023. The gross margin for Q4 was 76.1%, up from 74.6% in Q4 2023. Net income for Q4 was $0.4 million ($0.01 per share), compared to a net loss of $3.9 million ($0.09 per share) in Q4 2023. Adjusted net income for Q4 was $3.5 million ($0.07 per share), versus an adjusted net loss of $2.6 million ($0.06 per share) in Q4 2023. Adjusted EBITDA for Q4 was $6.7 million, up from $0.6 million in Q4 2023. Cash and equivalents stood at $39.5 million as of December 31, 2024.

For the full year, revenue was $187.3 million, a 17.8% increase from 2023. The full-year gross margin was 75.8%, slightly down from 76.6% in 2023. The net loss for the year was $10.0 million ($0.23 per share), compared to a net loss of $21.7 million ($0.51 per share) in 2023. Adjusted net income for the year was $5.9 million ($0.13 per share), versus an adjusted net loss of $7.3 million ($0.17 per share) in 2023. Adjusted EBITDA for the year was $19.8 million, compared to a loss of $1.1 million in 2023.

The FDA accepted Axogen's BLA for Avance® Nerve Graft, with a PDUFA date set for September 5, 2025. Axogen will hold an Investor Day on March 4, 2025, to discuss its 2025-2028 strategic plan. The company expects 2025 revenue growth of 15%-17% and gross margins of 73%-75%.

Axogen ha riportato i risultati finanziari del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024. I ricavi del quarto trimestre sono stati di $49,4 milioni, con un aumento del 15,1% rispetto al quarto trimestre del 2023. Il margine lordo per il quarto trimestre è stato del 76,1%, in aumento rispetto al 74,6% del quarto trimestre del 2023. L'utile netto per il quarto trimestre è stato di $0,4 milioni ($0,01 per azione), rispetto a una perdita netta di $3,9 milioni ($0,09 per azione) nel quarto trimestre del 2023. L'utile netto rettificato per il quarto trimestre è stato di $3,5 milioni ($0,07 per azione), rispetto a una perdita netta rettificata di $2,6 milioni ($0,06 per azione) nel quarto trimestre del 2023. L'EBITDA rettificato per il quarto trimestre è stato di $6,7 milioni, in aumento rispetto a $0,6 milioni nel quarto trimestre del 2023. La liquidità e gli equivalenti ammontavano a $39,5 milioni al 31 dicembre 2024.

Per l'intero anno, i ricavi sono stati di $187,3 milioni, con un aumento del 17,8% rispetto al 2023. Il margine lordo per l'intero anno è stato del 75,8%, leggermente in calo rispetto al 76,6% del 2023. La perdita netta per l'anno è stata di $10,0 milioni ($0,23 per azione), rispetto a una perdita netta di $21,7 milioni ($0,51 per azione) nel 2023. L'utile netto rettificato per l'anno è stato di $5,9 milioni ($0,13 per azione), rispetto a una perdita netta rettificata di $7,3 milioni ($0,17 per azione) nel 2023. L'EBITDA rettificato per l'anno è stato di $19,8 milioni, rispetto a una perdita di $1,1 milioni nel 2023.

La FDA ha accettato la BLA di Axogen per il trapianto di nervo Avance®, con una data PDUFA fissata per il 5 settembre 2025. Axogen terrà un Investor Day il 4 marzo 2025 per discutere il suo piano strategico 2025-2028. L'azienda prevede una crescita dei ricavi del 15%-17% nel 2025 e margini lordi del 73%-75%.

Axogen informó sus resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024. Los ingresos del cuarto trimestre fueron de $49,4 millones, un aumento del 15,1% con respecto al cuarto trimestre de 2023. El margen bruto para el cuarto trimestre fue del 76,1%, en comparación con el 74,6% en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. La ganancia neta para el cuarto trimestre fue de $0,4 millones ($0,01 por acción), en comparación con una pérdida neta de $3,9 millones ($0,09 por acción) en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. La ganancia neta ajustada para el cuarto trimestre fue de $3,5 millones ($0,07 por acción), frente a una pérdida neta ajustada de $2,6 millones ($0,06 por acción) en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. El EBITDA ajustado para el cuarto trimestre fue de $6,7 millones, en comparación con $0,6 millones en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. El efectivo y equivalentes se situaron en $39,5 millones a 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Para el año completo, los ingresos fueron de $187,3 millones, un aumento del 17,8% con respecto a 2023. El margen bruto del año completo fue del 75,8%, ligeramente inferior al 76,6% en 2023. La pérdida neta para el año fue de $10,0 millones ($0,23 por acción), en comparación con una pérdida neta de $21,7 millones ($0,51 por acción) en 2023. La ganancia neta ajustada para el año fue de $5,9 millones ($0,13 por acción), frente a una pérdida neta ajustada de $7,3 millones ($0,17 por acción) en 2023. El EBITDA ajustado para el año fue de $19,8 millones, en comparación con una pérdida de $1,1 millones en 2023.

La FDA aceptó la BLA de Axogen para el injerto de nervio Avance®, con una fecha PDUFA establecida para el 5 de septiembre de 2025. Axogen llevará a cabo un Día del Inversor el 4 de marzo de 2025 para discutir su plan estratégico 2025-2028. La compañía espera un crecimiento de ingresos del 15%-17% en 2025 y márgenes brutos del 73%-75%.

Axogen은 2024년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 4분기 매출은 $49.4 백만으로, 2023년 4분기 대비 15.1% 증가했습니다. 4분기 총 마진은 76.1%로, 2023년 4분기 74.6%에서 상승했습니다. 4분기 순이익은 $0.4 백만 ($0.01 per share)으로, 2023년 4분기 $3.9 백만 ($0.09 per share)의 순손실과 비교됩니다. 4분기 조정 순이익은 $3.5 백만 ($0.07 per share)으로, 2023년 4분기 조정 순손실 $2.6 백만 ($0.06 per share)과 비교됩니다. 4분기 조정 EBITDA는 $6.7 백만으로, 2023년 4분기 $0.6 백만에서 증가했습니다. 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 현금 및 현금성 자산은 $39.5 백만이었습니다.

연간 매출은 $187.3 백만으로, 2023년 대비 17.8% 증가했습니다. 연간 총 마진은 75.8%로, 2023년 76.6%에서 약간 감소했습니다. 연간 순손실은 $10.0 백만 ($0.23 per share)으로, 2023년 $21.7 백만 ($0.51 per share)의 순손실과 비교됩니다. 연간 조정 순이익은 $5.9 백만 ($0.13 per share)으로, 2023년 조정 순손실 $7.3 백만 ($0.17 per share)과 비교됩니다. 연간 조정 EBITDA는 $19.8 백만으로, 2023년 $1.1 백만의 손실과 비교됩니다.

FDA는 Axogen의 Avance® 신경 이식에 대한 BLA를 수락했으며, PDUFA 날짜는 2025년 9월 5일로 설정되었습니다. Axogen은 2025년 3월 4일 투자자 데이를 개최하여 2025-2028 전략 계획을 논의할 예정입니다. 회사는 2025년 매출 성장률을 15%-17%, 총 마진을 73%-75%로 예상하고 있습니다.

Axogen a annoncé ses résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre et de l'année complète 2024. Le chiffre d'affaires du quatrième trimestre s'est élevé à $49,4 millions, soit une augmentation de 15,1% par rapport au quatrième trimestre 2023. La marge brute pour le quatrième trimestre était de 76,1%, en hausse par rapport à 74,6% au quatrième trimestre 2023. Le bénéfice net pour le quatrième trimestre était de $0,4 millions ($0,01 par action), comparé à une perte nette de $3,9 millions ($0,09 par action) au quatrième trimestre 2023. Le bénéfice net ajusté pour le quatrième trimestre était de $3,5 millions ($0,07 par action), contre une perte nette ajustée de $2,6 millions ($0,06 par action) au quatrième trimestre 2023. L'EBITDA ajusté pour le quatrième trimestre était de $6,7 millions, en hausse par rapport à $0,6 millions au quatrième trimestre 2023. La trésorerie et équivalents s'élevaient à $39,5 millions au 31 décembre 2024.

Pour l'année complète, le chiffre d'affaires était de $187,3 millions, soit une augmentation de 17,8% par rapport à 2023. La marge brute pour l'année complète était de 75,8%, légèrement en baisse par rapport à 76,6% en 2023. La perte nette pour l'année était de $10,0 millions ($0,23 par action), comparée à une perte nette de $21,7 millions ($0,51 par action) en 2023. Le bénéfice net ajusté pour l'année était de $5,9 millions ($0,13 par action), contre une perte nette ajustée de $7,3 millions ($0,17 par action) en 2023. L'EBITDA ajusté pour l'année était de $19,8 millions, comparé à une perte de $1,1 millions en 2023.

La FDA a accepté la BLA d'Axogen pour le greffon nerveux Avance®, avec une date PDUFA fixée au 5 septembre 2025. Axogen tiendra une journée des investisseurs le 4 mars 2025 pour discuter de son plan stratégique 2025-2028. L'entreprise prévoit une croissance du chiffre d'affaires de 15%-17% en 2025 et des marges brutes de 73%-75%.

Axogen hat seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Umsatz im vierten Quartal betrug $49,4 Millionen, was einem Anstieg von 15,1% im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2023 entspricht. Die Bruttomarge für das vierte Quartal lag bei 76,1%, gegenüber 74,6% im vierten Quartal 2023. Der Nettogewinn für das vierte Quartal betrug $0,4 Millionen ($0,01 pro Aktie), verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust von $3,9 Millionen ($0,09 pro Aktie) im vierten Quartal 2023. Der bereinigte Nettogewinn für das vierte Quartal betrug $3,5 Millionen ($0,07 pro Aktie), im Vergleich zu einem bereinigten Nettoverlust von $2,6 Millionen ($0,06 pro Aktie) im vierten Quartal 2023. Das bereinigte EBITDA für das vierte Quartal betrug $6,7 Millionen, gegenüber $0,6 Millionen im vierten Quartal 2023. Die liquiden Mittel und Äquivalente beliefen sich zum 31. Dezember 2024 auf $39,5 Millionen.

Für das gesamte Jahr betrug der Umsatz $187,3 Millionen, ein Anstieg von 17,8% im Vergleich zu 2023. Die Bruttomarge für das gesamte Jahr lag bei 75,8%, leicht gesunken von 76,6% in 2023. Der Nettoverlust für das Jahr betrug $10,0 Millionen ($0,23 pro Aktie), verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust von $21,7 Millionen ($0,51 pro Aktie) im Jahr 2023. Der bereinigte Nettogewinn für das Jahr betrug $5,9 Millionen ($0,13 pro Aktie), im Vergleich zu einem bereinigten Nettoverlust von $7,3 Millionen ($0,17 pro Aktie) im Jahr 2023. Das bereinigte EBITDA für das Jahr betrug $19,8 Millionen, verglichen mit einem Verlust von $1,1 Millionen im Jahr 2023.

Die FDA hat die BLA von Axogen für das Avance® Nerven-Graft akzeptiert, mit einem PDUFA-Datum, das auf den 5. September 2025 festgelegt wurde. Axogen wird am 4. März 2025 einen Investorentag abhalten, um seinen strategischen Plan für 2025-2028 zu besprechen. Das Unternehmen erwartet für 2025 ein Umsatzwachstum von 15%-17% und Bruttomargen von 73%-75%.

  • Q4 revenue up 15.1% YoY to $49.4M
  • Q4 gross margin improved to 76.1%
  • Q4 net income of $0.4M vs. $3.9M net loss in Q4 2023
  • Full-year revenue up 17.8% to $187.3M
  • Full-year adjusted net income of $5.9M vs. $7.3M adjusted net loss in 2023
  • FDA accepted BLA filing for Avance Nerve Graft
  • Full-year net loss of $10.0M
  • Full-year gross margin down to 75.8% from 76.6% in 2023


Axogen's Q4 and full-year 2024 results mark a pivotal inflection point in the company's financial trajectory, with the peripheral nerve repair specialist achieving quarterly profitability for the first time. The 15.1% Q4 revenue growth to $49.4 million and 17.8% annual growth to $187.3 million demonstrate accelerating commercial momentum in a specialized medical device market typically growing at mid-to-high single digits.

The transition to profitability is particularly noteworthy - Q4 net income of $0.4 million and adjusted EBITDA of $6.7 million represent substantial improvements from losses in the comparable 2023 period. This financial transformation is occurring while maintaining premium gross margins of 76.1%, which exceed typical medical device industry averages of 65-70%.

The 150 basis point gross margin expansion in Q4 suggests improved manufacturing efficiencies and increasing economies of scale. However, the projected 73-75% gross margin for 2025 indicates some temporary pressure from BLA-related expenses, which should be viewed as an investment rather than a structural margin decline.

The company's strengthening cash position - increasing $9 million sequentially to $39.5 million - coupled with guidance for positive cash flow in 2025, substantially reduces financial risk and potentially eliminates the need for dilutive financing as Axogen approaches a critical regulatory milestone with the Avance Nerve Graft BLA decision expected in September 2025.

FDA approval would transform Avance from an HCT/P product to a biologic with formal labeling claims, potentially expanding reimbursement coverage and accelerating adoption in trauma centers and microsurgical practices. This regulatory transition could significantly expand Axogen's addressable market beyond its current penetration of approximately 10% of nerve repair procedures.

Management's reference to "broad based" growth across the portfolio suggests the company is successfully executing its market development strategy beyond its flagship Avance product, with complementary offerings like Axoguard and Axoguard Nerve Cap gaining traction.

The upcoming Investor Day will be critical for understanding Axogen's long-term margin expansion potential, R&D pipeline, and market development strategies needed to elevate peripheral nerve repair to standard-of-care status - the key to sustaining double-digit growth beyond 2025.

ALACHUA, Fla. and TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Axogen, Inc. (NASDAQ: AXGN), a global leader in developing and marketing innovative surgical solutions for peripheral nerve injuries, today reported financial results and business highlights for the fourth quarter and full-year ended December 31, 2024.

Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Business Highlights

  • Fourth quarter revenue was $49.4 million, a 15.1% increase compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Gross margin was 76.1% for the fourth quarter compared to 74.6% for the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Net income for the quarter was $0.4 million, or $0.01 per share, compared to net loss of $3.9 million, or $0.09 per share for the fourth quarter of 2023, on a fully diluted basis.
  • Adjusted net income for the quarter was $3.5 million, or $0.07 per share, compared to adjusted net loss of $2.6 million, or $0.06 per share for the fourth quarter of 2023, on a fully diluted basis.
  • Adjusted EBITDA was $6.7 million for the quarter, compared to adjusted EBITDA of $0.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • The balance of all cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, and investments on December 31, 2024, was $39.5 million, as compared to a balance of $30.5 million on September 30, 2024.

“We are pleased with our fourth quarter and full year 2024 results. Our performance in 2024 was broad based across our entire portfolio and reflected continuous improvements in execution across all parts of our business,” commented Michael Dale, CEO and Director of Axogen, Inc. “Building on 2024, we are excited about expanding our important work to restore health and improve quality of life by making restoration of peripheral nerve function an expected standard of care in the future. We believe the priorities and workstreams we have established for the business over the next several years will advance fulfillment of Axogen’s business purpose and look forward to sharing our plan in detail during our March 4th Investor Day event," added Michael Dale, CEO and Director of Axogen, Inc.

Full-Year Financial Results and Business Highlights

  • Full-year 2024 revenue was $187.3 million, a 17.8% increase compared to 2023 revenue of $159.0 million.
  • Gross margin was 75.8% for the full year, compared to 76.6% in 2023.
  • Net loss for the year was $10.0 million, or $0.23 per share, compared to net loss of $21.7 million, or $0.51 per share in 2023.
  • Adjusted net income was $5.9 million for the full-year, or $0.13 per share, compared to an adjusted net loss of $7.3 million for the full-year, or $0.17 per share in 2023.
  • Adjusted EBITDA was $19.8 million for the full year, compared to an adjusted EBITDA loss of $1.1 million for 2023.

Summary of Operational and Business Highlights

  • 2024 revenue growth was broad based across our portfolio and markets driven by improved commercial execution of our growth strategy focused on driving adoption in high potential accounts and new products.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) accepted the filing of the Company’s Biologics License Application (“BLA”) for Avance® Nerve Graft on November 1, 2024, and assigned a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (“PDUFA”) goal date of September 5, 2025. The Company continues to work through the process with the FDA and anticipates approval in September 2025.
  • The Company will be holding an Investor Day on March 4, 2025, to present and discuss its 2025 - 2028 strategic plan objectives and supporting strategies. At this event, management will share in detail their market insights and assumptions, market development plans and future research and development objectives it believes will be required for standard of care status and sustainable leadership.

2025 Financial Guidance
We expect revenue growth to be in the range of 15% to 17%. In addition, we anticipate gross margin to be in the range of 73% - 75%. This includes one-time costs, mainly related to the anticipated BLA approval, impacting gross margin by approximately 1%. Additionally, we expect to be net cash flow positive for the full year.

Conference Call
The Company will host a conference call and webcast for the investment community today at 8:00 a.m. ET. Investors interested in participating in the conference call by phone may do so by dialing toll free at (877) 407-0993 or use the direct dial-in number at (201) 689-8795. Those interested in listening to the conference call live via the Internet may do so by visiting the Investors page of the Company's website at and clicking on the webcast link.

Following the conference call, a replay will be available in the Investors section of the Company's website at under Investors.

About Axogen
Axogen (AXGN) is the leading Company focused specifically on the science, development, and commercialization of technologies for peripheral nerve regeneration and repair. Axogen employees are passionate about helping to restore peripheral nerve function and quality of life to patients with physical damage or transection to peripheral nerves by providing innovative, clinically proven, and economically effective repair solutions for surgeons and health care providers. Peripheral nerves provide the pathways for both motor and sensory signals throughout the body. Every day, people suffer traumatic injuries or undergo surgical procedures that impact the function of their peripheral nerves. Physical damage to a peripheral nerve, or the inability to properly reconnect peripheral nerves, can result in the loss of muscle or organ function, the loss of sensory feeling, or the initiation of pain.

Axogen's platform for peripheral nerve repair features a comprehensive portfolio of products that are used across two primary application categories: scheduled, non-trauma procedures and emergent trauma procedures. Scheduled procedures are generally characterized as those where a patient is seeking relief from conditions caused by a nerve defect or surgical procedure. These procedures include providing sensation for women seeking breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, nerve reconstruction following the surgical removal of painful neuromas, oral and maxillofacial procedures, and nerve decompression. Emergent procedures are generally characterized as procedures resulting from injuries that initially present in an ER. These procedures are typically referred to and completed by a specialist either immediately or within a few days following the initial injury.

Axogen’s product portfolio includes Avance® Nerve Graft, a biologically active off-the-shelf processed human nerve allograft for bridging severed peripheral nerves without the comorbidities associated with a second surgical site; Axoguard Nerve Connector®, a porcine submucosa ECM coaptation aid for tensionless repair of severed peripheral nerves; Axoguard Nerve Protector®, a porcine submucosa ECM product used to wrap and protect damaged peripheral nerves and reinforce the nerve reconstruction while preventing soft tissue attachments; Axoguard HA+ Nerve Protector™, a porcine submucosa ECM base layer coated with a proprietary hyaluronate-alginate gel, a next-generation technology designed to provide short- and long-term protection for peripheral nerve injuries; Avive+ Soft Tissue Matrix™, a multi-layer amniotic membrane allograft used to protect and separate tissues in the surgical bed during the critical phase of tissue repair; and Axoguard Nerve Cap®, a porcine submucosa ECM product used to protect a peripheral nerve end and separate the nerve from the surrounding environment to reduce the development of symptomatic or painful neuroma. The Axogen portfolio of products is available in the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, South Korea, and several other countries.

Cautionary Statements Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking” statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations or predictions of future conditions, events, or results based on various assumptions and management's estimates of trends and economic factors in the markets in which we are active, as well as our business plans. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plan(s),” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “continue,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “goals,” and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our strategic plan, market development objectives, research and development objectives, and our expectation of BLA approval in September 2025, as well as statements under the subheading " Financial Guidance." Actual results or events could differ materially from those described in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, without limitation, potential disruptions caused by leadership transitions, global supply chain issues, record inflation, hospital staffing issues, product development, product potential, expected clinical enrollment timing and outcomes, regulatory process and approvals, APC transition timing and expense, financial performance, sales growth, surgeon and product adoption, market awareness of our products, data validation, our visibility at and sponsorship of conferences and educational events, global business disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and related sanctions, geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East, as well as those risk factors described under Part I, Item 1A., “Risk Factors,” of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year and Part II, Item 1A., “Risk Factors,” for our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the most recently ended fiscal quarter. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance, and actual results may differ materially from those projected. The forward-looking statements are representative only as of the date they are made and, except as required by applicable law, we assume no responsibility to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements.

About Non-GAAP Financial Measures
To supplement our condensed consolidated financial statements, we use the non-GAAP financial measures of EBITDA, which measures earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, and Adjusted EBITDA which further excludes non-cash stock compensation expense. We also use the non-GAAP financial measures of Adjusted Net Income or Loss and Adjusted Net Income or Loss Per Common Share - basic and diluted which excludes non-cash stock compensation expense from Net Income or Loss and Net Income or Loss Per Common Share - basic and diluted, respectively. These non-GAAP measures are not based on any comprehensive set of accounting rules or principles and should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP and may be different from non-GAAP measures used by other companies. In addition, these non-GAAP measures should be read in conjunction with our financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. The reconciliations of the non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP should be carefully evaluated.

We use these non-GAAP financial measures for financial and operational decision-making and as a means to evaluate period-to-period comparisons. We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our performance and that both management and investors benefit from referring to these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our performance and when planning, forecasting, and analyzing future periods. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors because (1) they allow for greater transparency with respect to key metrics used by management in its financial and operational decision-making and (2) they are used by our institutional investors and the analyst community to help them analyze the performance of our business, the Company’s cash available for operations, and the Company’s ability to meet future capital expenditure and working capital requirements.

Axogen, Inc.

December 31, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
 2024   2023 
Current assets: 
Cash and cash equivalents$27,554  $31,024 
Restricted cash 6,000   6,002 
Investments 5,928    
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $788 and $337, respectively 24,105   25,147 
Inventory 33,183   23,020 
Prepaid expenses and other 2,447   2,811 
Total current assets 99,217   88,004 
Property and equipment, net 84,667   88,730 
Operating lease right-of-use assets 14,265   15,562 
Intangible assets, net 5,579   4,531 
Total assets$203,728  $196,827 
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity   
Current liabilities:   
Accounts payable and accrued expenses$28,641  $28,883 
Current maturities of long-term lease obligations 1,969   1,547 
Total current liabilities 30,610   30,430 
Long-term debt, net of debt discount and financing fees 47,496   46,603 
Long-term lease obligations 19,221   21,142 
Debt derivative liabilities 2,400   2,987 
Other long-term liabilities 94    
Total liabilities 99,821   101,162 
Commitments and contingencies - see Note 15   
Shareholders’ equity:   
Common stock, $0.01 par value per share; 100,000,000 shares authorized; 44,148,836 and 43,124,496 shares issued and outstanding 441   431 
Additional paid-in capital 394,726   376,530 
Accumulated deficit (291,260)  (281,296)
Total shareholders’ equity 103,907   95,665 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity$203,728  $196,827 

Three Months and Years Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
  Three Months Ended Year Ended
  December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Revenues $49,405  $42,922  $187,338  $159,012 
Cost of goods sold  11,830   10,901   45,361   37,143 
Gross profit  37,575   32,021   141,977   121,869 
Costs and expenses:        
Sales and marketing  20,051   20,109   78,461   77,580 
Research and development  6,731   7,175   27,767   27,339 
General and administrative  8,866   7,931   39,036   38,412 
Total costs and expenses  35,648   35,215   145,264   143,331 
Income (loss) from operations  1,927   (3,194)  (3,287)  (21,462)
Other (expense) income:        
Investment income  325   336   1,141   1,487 
Interest expense  (1,801)  (1,843)  (8,206)  (2,835)
Change in fair value of derivatives  45   882   587   1,531 
Other expense  (46)  (74)  (199)  (437)
Total other expense, net  (1,477)  (699)  (6,677)  (254)
Net income (loss) $450  $(3,893) $(9,964) $(21,716)
Weighted average common shares outstanding — basic  44,876,659   43,101,663   44,257,754   42,878,543 
Weighted average common shares outstanding — diluted  48,064,916   43,101,663   44,257,754   42,878,543 
Income (loss) per common share — basic and diluted $0.01  $(0.09) $(0.23) $(0.51)

Three Months and Years Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands, except per share amounts)​
  Three Months Ended  Year Ended
  December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Net income (loss) $450  $(3,893) $(9,964) $(21,716)
Depreciation and amortization expense  1,700   1,617   6,734   4,491 
Investment income  (325)  (336)  (1,141)  (1,487)
Income tax expense  21   9   97   339 
Interest expense  1,801   1,843   8,206   2,835 
EBITDA — non GAAP $3,647  $(760) $3,932  $(15,538)
Non cash stock-based compensation expense  3,076   1,327   15,906   14,418 
Adjusted EBITDA — non GAAP $6,723  $567  $19,838  $(1,120)
Net income (loss) $450  $(3,893) $(9,964) $(21,716)
Non cash stock-based compensation expense  3,076   1,327   15,906   14,418 
Adjusted net income (loss) — non GAAP $3,526  $(2,566) $5,942  $(7,298)
Weighted average common shares outstanding — basic  44,876,659   43,101,663   44,257,754   42,878,543 
Weighted average common shares outstanding — diluted  48,064,916   43,101,663   44,257,754   42,878,543 
Income (loss) per common share — basic $0.01  $(0.09) $(0.23) $(0.51)
Non cash stock-based compensation expense  0.07   0.03   0.36   0.34 
Adjusted income (loss) per common share — basic - non GAAP $0.08  $(0.06) $0.13  $(0.17)
Income (loss) per common share — diluted $0.01  $(0.09) $(0.23) $(0.51)
Non cash stock-based compensation expense  0.06   0.03   0.36   0.34 
Adjusted income (loss) per common share — diluted - non GAAP $0.07  $(0.06) $0.13  $(0.17)

Three Months and Years Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands)
Common Stock Additional
Shares Amount   
Three Months Ended December 31, 2024         
Balance, September 30, 202444,002 $440 $390,677  $(291,710) $99,407 
Stock-based compensation    3,076      3,076 
Issuance of restricted and performance stock units17           
Exercise of stock options and employee stock purchase plan130  1  973      974 
Net income       450   450 
Balance, December 31, 202444,149 $441 $394,726  $(291,260) $103,907 
Year Ended December 31, 2024         
Balance, December 31, 202343,124 $431 $376,530  $(281,296) $95,665 
Stock-based compensation    15,906      15,906 
Issuance of restricted and performance stock units713  7  (7)      
Exercise of stock options and employee stock purchase plan312  3  2,297      2,300 
Net loss       (9,964)  (9,964)
Balance, December 31, 202444,149 $441 $394,726  $(291,260) $103,907 
Three Months Ended December 31, 2023         
Balance, September 30, 202343,039 $430 $374,783  $(277,403) $97,810 
Stock-based compensation    1,327      1,327 
Issuance of restricted and performance stock units13           
Exercise of stock options and employee stock purchase plan72  1  420      421 
Net loss       (3,893)  (3,893)
Balance, December 31, 202343,124 $431 $376,530  $(281,296) $95,665 
Year Ended December 31, 2023         
Balance, December 31, 202242,445 $424 $360,155  $(259,580) $100,999 
Stock-based compensation    14,418      14,418 
Issuance of restricted and performance stock units369  4  (4)      
Exercise of stock options and employee stock purchase plan310  3  1,961      1,964 
Net loss       (21,716)  (21,716)
Balance, December 31, 202343,124 $431 $376,530  $(281,296) $95,665 

Years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023
(Unaudited) (In thousands)
 2024   2023 
Cash flows from operating activities:   
Net loss$(9,964) $(21,716)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:   
Depreciation 6,467   4,218 
Amortization of right-of-use assets 1,103   1,062 
Amortization of intangible assets 267   273 
Amortization of debt discount and deferred financing fees 893   891 
Loss on disposal of equipment    56 
Provision for (recovery of) bad debts 650   (271)
Investment gains (155)  (666)
Change in fair value of derivatives (587)  (1,531)
Stock-based compensation 15,906   14,418 
Change in operating assets and liabilities:   
Accounts receivable 392   (2,691)
Inventory (10,163)  (4,115)
Prepaid expenses and other 784   (867)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 125   6,509 
Operating lease obligations (1,603)  (1,269)
Cash paid for interest portion of finance leases (4)  (3)
Contract and other liabilities 424   (14)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 4,535   (5,716)
Cash flows from investing activities:   
Purchase of property and equipment (3,101)  (13,872)
Purchase of investments (5,773)  (10,203)
Proceeds from sale of investments    44,374 
Cash payments for intangible assets (1,423)  (1,046)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (10,297)  19,253 
Cash flows from financing activities:   
Cash paid for debt portion of finance leases (10)  (10)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options and ESPP stock purchases 2,300   1,964 
Net cash provided by financing activities 2,290   1,954 
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash (3,472)  15,491 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, beginning of period 37,026   21,535 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of period$33,554  $37,026 


What were Axogen's Q4 2024 financial results?

Axogen reported Q4 2024 revenue of $49.4 million, a 15.1% increase YoY. The gross margin was 76.1%, and net income was $0.4 million ($0.01 per share).

How did Axogen perform financially in the full year 2024?

Axogen's full-year 2024 revenue was $187.3 million, a 17.8% increase from 2023. The net loss was $10.0 million ($0.23 per share).

What is Axogen's 2025 financial guidance?

Axogen expects 2025 revenue growth of 15%-17% and gross margins of 73%-75%.

What is the status of Axogen's BLA for Avance Nerve Graft?

The FDA accepted Axogen's BLA for Avance Nerve Graft, with a PDUFA date of September 5, 2025.

What was Axogen's adjusted EBITDA for Q4 2024?

Axogen's adjusted EBITDA for Q4 2024 was $6.7 million, compared to $0.6 million in Q4 2023.

When is Axogen's Investor Day in 2025?

Axogen will hold its Investor Day on March 4, 2025, to discuss its 2025-2028 strategic plan.

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Medical Devices
Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
United States