Accelerate Diagnostics Announces a Successful Completion of its WAVE™ Pre-Clinical Trial

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Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX) has successfully completed its WAVE pre-clinical trial for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). The WAVE system delivers AST results from positive blood cultures and bacterial isolates in an average of 4.5 hours. The trial included 1,570 WAVE results compared to Broth Microdilution, showing overall Essential Agreement (EA) and Categorical Agreement (CA) of approximately 95%.

The system aims to improve patient outcomes, reduce hospital costs, and combat antimicrobial resistance in sepsis treatment. Sepsis affects an estimated 49 million people globally each year, causing about 11 million deaths, with 1.32 million attributed to bacterial antimicrobial resistance. It's also the leading cost to the US healthcare system at an estimated $62 billion annually.

Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX) ha completato con successo il suo trial preclinico WAVE per il test rapido di suscettibilità antimicrobica (AST). Il sistema WAVE fornisce risultati AST da emocolture positive e isolati batterici in una media di 4,5 ore. Il trial ha incluso 1.570 risultati WAVE confrontati con Broth Microdilution, mostrando un Accordo Essenziale (EA) e Accordo Categoriale (CA) complessivo di circa il 95%.

Il sistema mira a migliorare gli esiti dei pazienti, ridurre i costi ospedalieri e combattere la resistenza antimicrobica nel trattamento della sepsi. La sepsi colpisce circa 49 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo ogni anno, causando circa 11 milioni di morti, di cui 1,32 milioni attribuiti alla resistenza antimicrobica batterica. È anche il principale costo per il sistema sanitario statunitense, con stime di 62 miliardi di dollari all'anno.

Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX) ha completado con éxito su ensayo preclínico WAVE para la prueba rápida de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana (AST). El sistema WAVE proporciona resultados de AST a partir de cultivos sanguíneos positivos y aislados bacterianos en un promedio de 4.5 horas. El ensayo incluyó 1,570 resultados de WAVE en comparación con Broth Microdilution, mostrando un Acuerdo Esencial (EA) y Acuerdo Categórico (CA) total de aproximadamente el 95%.

El sistema tiene como objetivo mejorar los resultados para los pacientes, reducir los costos hospitalarios y combatir la resistencia antimicrobiana en el tratamiento de la sepsis. La sepsis afecta a aproximadamente 49 millones de personas en todo el mundo cada año, causando alrededor de 11 millones de muertes, de las cuales 1.32 millones se atribuyen a la resistencia antimicrobiana bacteriana. También es el principal costo para el sistema de salud de EE. UU., con un estimado de 62 mil millones de dólares anualmente.

Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX)는 빠른 항생제 감수성 검사(AST)를 위한 WAVE 전임상 시험을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. WAVE 시스템은 양성 혈액 배양 및 세균 분리에 대해 평균 4.5시간 만에 AST 결과를 제공합니다. 이 시험은 1,570개의 WAVE 결과를 Broth Microdilution과 비교했으며, 전반적인 필수 일치도(EA)와 범주 일치도(CA)가 약 95%임을 보여주었습니다.

이 시스템은 환자의 결과를 개선하고, 병원 비용을 줄이며, 패혈증 치료에서 항생제 저항성을 퇴치하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 패혈증은 매년 전 세계적으로 약 4900만 명에게 영향을 미치며, 약 1100만 건의 사망 원인이 되고, 그 중 132만 건은 세균 항생제 저항성에 기인합니다. 또한, 미국 의료 시스템에 연간 약 620억 달러라는 큰 비용을 초래하는 주요 원인입니다.

Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX) a réussi à compléter son essai préclinique WAVE pour le test rapide de susceptibilité antimicrobienne (AST). Le système WAVE fournit des résultats d'AST à partir de cultures sanguines positives et d'isolats bactériens en moyenne de 4,5 heures. L'essai a inclus 1 570 résultats WAVE comparés à Broth Microdilution, montrant un accord essentiel (EA) et un accord catégorique (CA) global d'environ 95%.

Le système vise à améliorer les résultats des patients, réduire les coûts hospitaliers et lutter contre la résistance antimicrobienne au traitement de la sepsie. La sepsie touche environ 49 millions de personnes dans le monde chaque année, entraînant environ 11 millions de décès, dont 1,32 million attribués à une résistance antimicrobienne bactérienne. C'est également le principal coût pour le système de santé américain, avec des coûts estimés à 62 milliards de dollars par an.

Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX) hat erfolgreich seine WAVE-Pre-Clinical-Test für schnelle antimikrobielle Empfindlichkeitstests (AST) abgeschlossen. Das WAVE-System liefert AST-Ergebnisse aus positiven Blutkulturen und bakteriellen Isolaten in durchschnittlich 4,5 Stunden. Die Studie umfasste 1.570 WAVE-Ergebnisse im Vergleich zur Broth-Mikrodilution und zeigte ein gesamtmäßiges essentielles Übereinstimmungsmaß (EA) und kategorisches Übereinstimmungsmaß (CA) von etwa 95%.

Das System zielt darauf ab, die Patientenergebnisse zu verbessern, die Krankenhauskosten zu senken und antimikrobielle Resistenzen bei der Behandlung von Sepsis zu bekämpfen. Sepsis betrifft weltweit schätzungsweise 49 Millionen Menschen pro Jahr und verursacht etwa 11 Millionen Todesfälle, wobei 1,32 Millionen auf bakterielle antimikrobielle Resistenzen zurückzuführen sind. Außerdem ist es die Hauptursache für die Kosten im US-Gesundheitswesen mit geschätzten 62 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr.

  • Successful completion of WAVE pre-clinical trial with strong performance
  • Rapid AST results delivered in 4.5 hours on average
  • Overall Essential Agreement (EA) and Categorical Agreement (CA) of approximately 95%
  • Strong instrument reliability and assay reportability achieved
  • Confidence in WAVE product design and system capabilities for clinical trial and commercialization
  • None.

The successful completion of Accelerate Diagnostics' WAVE pre-clinical trial is a significant milestone for the company and the field of rapid diagnostics. The WAVE system's ability to deliver AST results in an average of 4.5 hours is truly groundbreaking, potentially revolutionizing sepsis treatment.

The trial's results, with Essential Agreement (EA) and Categorical Agreement (CA) of approximately 95% across various antibiotic classes, demonstrate the system's high accuracy. This level of performance is important for clinical adoption and could significantly impact patient outcomes in sepsis cases.

However, it's important to note that this is a pre-clinical trial and the system still needs to undergo clinical trials before potential FDA approval and commercialization. The road ahead may present challenges, but these results provide a strong foundation for future development.

The successful pre-clinical trial of the WAVE system is a positive development for Accelerate Diagnostics (NASDAQ: AXDX). The global sepsis diagnostics market is projected to reach $1.1 billion by 2026, presenting a significant opportunity for AXDX if they can successfully commercialize the WAVE system.

However, investors should consider that the company still faces hurdles, including clinical trials, regulatory approvals and market adoption. The $62 billion annual cost of sepsis to the US healthcare system highlights the potential for cost savings, which could drive demand if the WAVE system proves effective in real-world settings.

While this news is encouraging, it's important to monitor the company's cash position and burn rate as they progress towards commercialization. The stock may see increased interest, but prudent investors should await further clinical and regulatory milestones before making significant decisions.

The WAVE system's performance in the pre-clinical trial is impressive, particularly its rapid turnaround time of 4.5 hours for AST results. This speed could be a game-changer in sepsis treatment, potentially reducing mortality rates and combating antimicrobial resistance.

The system's high concordance with the gold standard Broth Microdilution method across various antibiotic classes is encouraging. However, the lower performance in aminoglycosides (EA 92.8%) and some β-lactam combinations (CA 92.7%) warrants attention in future trials.

If successful in clinical trials, the WAVE system could significantly impact hospital workflows, potentially reducing ICU stays and improving antibiotic stewardship. However, challenges remain, including integration with existing hospital systems, training requirements and cost-effectiveness demonstrations to ensure widespread adoption.

TUCSON, Ariz., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. (NASDAQ: AXDX) an innovator of rapid in vitro diagnostics in microbiology, announced the successful completion of its WAVE pre-clinical trial. The Accelerate WAVE system is designed to deliver rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing ("AST") directly from positive blood culture ("PBC") bottles and bacterial isolated colonies ("Isolates") to report accurate results within 4.5 hours, on average.

It is estimated by the World Health Organization, Sepsis affects an estimated 49 million1 people globally each year, causing an estimated 11 million1 deaths of which an estimated 1.32 million are attributed to bacterial antimicrobial resistance. Additionally, Sepsis is the number one cost to the US healthcare system with an annual estimated expense of $62 billion3. By delivering rapid AST results, patients with serious infections can be put on targeted antimicrobial therapy to improve patient outcomes, cut hospital costs, and reduce antimicrobial resistance.

"We are extremely pleased to announce the goals for our WAVE pre-clinical trial were achieved with strong performance and unprecedented time-to-result of 4.5-hours, on average, along with strong instrument reliability and assay reportability," commented Jack Phillips, President and CEO of Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. "With the success of the pre-clinical trial we have confidence in both our WAVE product design and the system capabilities to move to a clinical trial and in turn commercialize." Mr. Phillips continued. 

The pre-clinical trial included 1,570 WAVE results compared to Broth Microdilution ("BMD"), the reference method. The trial included an equal number of prospective patient samples and site selected challenge samples which resulted in excellent concordance between sample types. Summary performance concluded overall Essential Agreement ("EA") and Categorical Agreement ("CA") of approximately 95%. See below for a summary of performance by antibiotic class

Summary of Pre-clinical Data Performance by Antibiotic Class: 

 Antibiotic Class 


All Gram Negative
Organisms (1)




Ertapenem, Meropenem 



B-lactam combos 

Amoxicillin/clavulanate, Ampicillin/sulbactam, Ceftolozane/tazobactam, Ceftazidime/avibactam, Piperacillin/tazobactam 




Amikacin, Gentamycin, Tobramycin 




Ceftazidime, Cefazolin, Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefepime 




Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin 















(1) GN Organisms include: Acinetobacter baumannii, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter koseri, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella aerogenes, Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella pneumoniae. Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens. 


Rudd KE, Johnson SC, Agesa KM, Shackelford KA, Tsoi D, Kievlan DR, Colombara DV, Ikuta KS, Kissoon N, Finfer S, Fleischmann-Struzek C, Machado FR, Reinhart KK, Rowan K, Seymour CW, Watson RS, West TE, Marinho F, Hay SI, Lozano R, Lopez AD, Angus DC, Murray CJL, Naghavi M. Global, regional, and national sepsis incidence and mortality, 1990-2017: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet. 2020 Jan 18;395(10219):200-211. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32989-7.

2 Murray CJ. Global Burden of Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance in 2019: A Systematic Analysis. The Lancet. 2022;399(10325):629-655. doi:

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About the Accelerate WAVE System:

The Accelerate WAVE system is intended to deliver same-shift antibiotic susceptibility test results enabling antimicrobial stewardship teams and clinicians alike to tailor therapy for patients with serious infections in a timely manner. Getting the patient on optimal therapy, as shown with numerous peer-reviewed publications, not only reduces morbidity associated with bacteremia but also reduces healthcare costs.  

The WAVE system will offer a comprehensive test menu and incorporates essential features to optimize workflow across laboratories. With full random access for continuous sample loading, the scalability of the Wave system addresses the needs of various health care settings from small community hospitals to large academic centers and reference labs. The WAVE System employs novel holographic imaging technology to determine bacterial growth and morphology changes in real time, enabling same-shift, quantitative susceptibility test results. 

About Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. (Nasdaq: AXDX) 

Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. is an in vitro diagnostics company dedicated to providing solutions for the global challenges of antibiotic resistance and sepsis. The Accelerate Pheno® system and Accelerate PhenoTest® BC kit combine several technologies aimed at reducing the time clinicians must wait to determine the most optimal antibiotic therapy for deadly infections. The FDA cleared system and kit fully automate the sample preparation steps to report phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility results in approximately 7 hours direct from positive blood cultures. Recent external studies indicate the solution offers results 1–2 days faster than existing methods, enabling clinicians to optimize antibiotic selection and dosage specific to the individual patient days earlier. 

The "ACCELERATE DIAGNOSTICS" and "ACCELERATE PHENO" and "ACCELERATE PHENOTEST" and "ACCELERATE ARC" and "ACCELERATE WAVE" diamond shaped logos and marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. 

For more information about the company, its products and technology, or recent publications, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made in this press release are forward-looking or may have forward-looking implications within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the company intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbors created thereby. These forward-looking statements, which can be identified by the use of words such as "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," or "continue," or variations thereon or comparable terminology, include but are not limited to, statements about: expectations regarding the potential or benefits of the WAVE system, including the belief that the WAVE system and Gram-Negative Positive Blood Culture (PBC) assay can be seamlessly run within an external customer clinical microbiology lab with trained operators, the belief that the WAVE system has the potential to deliver improved patient outcomes for hospitals given its scalability and high-throughput design, and the expectation of the performance of the WAVE system based on pre-clinical trials; expectations regarding new or planned products and technologies, including the anticipated timing of any releases, such as with respect to the WAVE system; and intentions and plans relating to regulatory approvals or submission, including with respect to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected or implied in these forward-looking statements due to significant risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to: volatility throughout the global economy and the related impacts to the businesses of the company's suppliers and customers, whether due to customer demand fluctuations, supply chain constraints and inflationary pressures or otherwise; difficulties in resolving the company's continuing financial condition and ability to obtain additional capital to meet its financial obligations; the company's ability to obtain any regulatory approvals; and less than expected operating and financial benefits resulting from cost cutting measures. Other important factors that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those in its forward-looking statements include those discussed in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), including in the "Risk Factors" sections of the company's most recently filed periodic reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and subsequent filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements are also based on certain additional assumptions, including, but not limited to, that the company will retain key management personnel; the company will be successful in the commercialization of its products; the company will obtain sufficient capital to commercialize its products and continue development of complementary products; the company will be successful in obtaining marketing authorization for its products from the FDA and other regulatory agencies and governing bodies; the company will be able to protect its intellectual property; the company's ability to respond effectively to technological change; the company's ability to accurately anticipate market demand for its products; and that there will be no material adverse change in the company's operations or business and general market and industry conditions. Except as required by federal securities laws, the company undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect new events, uncertainties or other contingencies. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and should not be relied upon as representing the company's plans and expectations as of any subsequent date.

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What were the results of Accelerate Diagnostics' WAVE pre-clinical trial for AXDX stock?

The WAVE pre-clinical trial by Accelerate Diagnostics (AXDX) showed strong performance with an average time-to-result of 4.5 hours and overall Essential Agreement (EA) and Categorical Agreement (CA) of approximately 95% compared to the reference method.

How many samples were tested in the AXDX WAVE pre-clinical trial?

The pre-clinical trial for Accelerate Diagnostics' (AXDX) WAVE system included 1,570 WAVE results compared to Broth Microdilution, the reference method.

What is the potential impact of AXDX's WAVE system on sepsis treatment?

Accelerate Diagnostics' (AXDX) WAVE system aims to improve patient outcomes, reduce hospital costs, and combat antimicrobial resistance in sepsis treatment by delivering rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing results in an average of 4.5 hours.

What are the next steps for Accelerate Diagnostics (AXDX) following the WAVE pre-clinical trial?

Following the successful WAVE pre-clinical trial, Accelerate Diagnostics (AXDX) plans to move forward with a clinical trial and subsequent commercialization of the WAVE system.

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